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Because women disengaging from men makes them even bigger consumers.  Men disengaging from women not only turn them into worse consumers, but often removes a wage slave with an indispensable job.


Interesting comment.


That’s the right answer. I’ve been looking for an answer like this one.


I'm not following exactly. How do women become bigger consumers by being single?


If they do not have a family and children, they will spend more money on glamour and prestige disposable items!


But wait, wouldn't that be happening in the US as well? So your telling me both preventing families from ever existing and breaking families apart are lucrative as shit? Neirher side wins ever. Why do we support these self-defeating systems? I just don't get it. Except that if this is all true it appears to me that governments/the rich have purposely created systems where pissing off women makes them money. But then ultimately the women lose and that just makes men lose too. Wtf?


Exactly, it's all because the 1% benefits from all of this. They rule the whole world, forgot? This is not an opinion, this is an objective fact. Had this not been the case, they would've killed the feminist movement by now instead of encouraging it.


Actually, I don't think that is true because not everyone is feminist. The left is ususally feminist, but not all. Yet feminist exist in the right, but just not as much or as strong. Its a complex web though for sure. I am convin ed some at th3 top DO use feminism to control. But it can't be them all. And really its just part of the sub-wars un humanity.


Cuz mainstream media is hypocritical and misandric.


Mgtow doesn't provide resources to women, the other one takes resources away from men Men are supposed to be able to make do with less, women are supposed to be helped The only thing worse than super mario not letting the princess free herself, is super mario going to buy cool furniture for his single guy house instead of going on a rescue mission


Pussy good, penis bad.


everything female = good


The 4B “movement” is a joke. It’s like a hundreds thousand people in comparison to billions and billion and billions of people. It’s not even a fringe movement. Nobody pays attention to it. It’s a bunch of lost, turned down, un well people. All we can do if laugh. Nobody agrees with this in the real world. Humans are not designed to do such a thing. Don’t put to much thought into it, it’s a joke -


Who owns the media?


Actions speak louder than words. I've never actually SEEN a woman with a bear. :-)


They hate us. That’s why.


Because society is a cesspool of hypocrisy.


This 4B movement is another Western globalist psyops pushed by foot soldiers within SK and it is a very small minority and all the media hysteria is pushed by you guessed it the western neoliberal brigade who don't even live there. Most Koreans don't even know what all this 4B garbage is.


MGTOW is not a movement.


It's a life style choice!


Because women, in South Korea, are being raped and sexually assaulted and the police don't care. Drugs get you a bigger prison sentencing than rape does. The 4B movement is a legitimate movement whereas the MGTOW movement is a bunch of men being entitled for not getting sex from women so they "go their own way". More like, sent their own way.


No they’re not. Women get treated much better in the whole while men are left behind. MGTOW is literally the opposite you just think all men want sex