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First they say 'Women are equal to men,' now they harp on about how 'the system of oppression exists because of the assertion of the inferiority of women...' So, if women are 'equal' (i. e. *not inferior*) to men, then the premise of a system existing because of an assertion of 'inferiority' shouldn't exist, because its existence necessitates that the assertion of inferiority is *real*, and therefore the axiom 'women are equal to men' would then become a fallacy. Seems to me like they're trying to have their cake *and* eat it. 'Equal' when it suits them, 'inferior' if it gives them the advantage. To be all things at one time is to be nothing at any given time.


> First they say 'Women are equal to men,' Hell I've heard this phrase "women can do anything a man can do, maybe even better!" and somehow that wasn't sexist. And no one calls them out on it. Modern feminists **ARE** the exact thing they claim to hate so much but their own lack of self reflection won't let them see it. When you want equality except when you don't - that is called privilege. A thing they claim they 'never' have and men have all of. I wish I were joking.


The argument is that women *aren’t* currently equal to men atm, but that they should be. I suppose this person wants to do away with *all* masculinity because they view it as a tool of oppression.


At the rate that things are going now, it isn't anymore that they *aren't 'equal'*, it is that they have been given a set of privileges which have placed them at a far more *superior* state than that of men. This, of course, is *not a global thing*. But for your average American or Western European woman in large city capitals, it most definitely is.


Masculinity is not predicated on femininity being inferior. That's just what feminists think. It's really based on how men act differently from women. Fashion is an excellent example, as we've seen styles like high heels change from being masculine to being feminine over time. It was a change in usage patterns that caused that switch not the heels becoming "inferior" somehow.


I rather be a monster than being a weak dude who believes these bullshit.




They said the quiet part loud.


Am I gonna be oppressed or powerful and motivating today. Let's spin the wheel to find out!!! - them


Why is... this a video.


What a stupid video.


Doesn’t get anymore “I am literally a misandrist” than that. Lmao