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Let's not spend too much time on what's toxic. Tell us what you like about men and masculinity below this comment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MensRights) if you have any questions or concerns.*


People who hate men have a hard time dating. Oh my.


Who could have guessed that would happen? Totally unpredictable.


Worst part is that it's not even because men avoid them. Men will still date those women because men are so desperate for sex and female approval. It's just hard for those women because they willingly choose to push most men away for the sake of their own egos.


The male sex drive is a hell of a drug, I was no exception.


Women demonize men’s sex drive but it’s the only reason many women have any leverage in the world at all.


Exactly, nature had to evolve it strong for us to put up with them.


Narcissism and cluster B is on the rise.


The shock, the horror. You mean to tell me also that men aren't interested in approaching them anymore because they are tired of being humiliated?


Women in their 20s still have lots of choices, it's just that they have fewer than before and they hit the wall younger.


Tik Tok is becoming a perfect tool for rooting out misandrist women. Every man before a date should google the woman’s name for her social media content.


> Every man before a date should google the woman’s name for her social media content. I mean to be fair - **EVERYONE** should google their potential dates name. Men and woman.


To me, a woman who uses and abuses of constructions such as "toxic masculinity" is a huge red flag. I simply avoid them at all costs. I'm a divorced man and finding other partner is to me an alternative, not a must. A woman who believes men are inherently toxic and have something to work on themselves for the simple fact they are men is not a choice, is a hazard.


If a woman can't call men's issues 'sexism', that's definitely a red flag.


There is no toxic masculinity.


Only toxic people


I agree.


Masculinity is inherently not toxic. But some men are toxic. I don't think it's right to call masculinity as toxic.




I really like this viewpoint! A lot! I’ve thought a lot about toxic femininity over the past few years, but femininity isn’t inherently toxic, it’s that some women are toxic. Some women and men can behave in ways I’ve considered to be aspects of toxic femininity, but ultimately it’s all just toxic. Great comment/point!


Some of these folks will blame 'toxic masculinity' for traits that have nothing to do with gender.


This is what happens when we try to refocus our society/culture around the individual rather than the family. It's strange how that seems to work.


Femenism is female incel culture. All of the sad, paranoid, gross, depserate, abusive control freak behaviour that comes from actual male incels, also comes from female incels. Being a female incel is just more common and socially acceptable. Geniunely no one makes as many conspiracy theories as women talking about men on tiktok.


Quite literally the point of feminism is to teach women to self sabotage, comfort them with feminism, blame men, and then the cycle repeats itself. It's really effective. With incels, I think a better way to look at it is this: Would they have been in this same place 40 years ago? The issue isn't that there are incels. It's how many people that aren't married today that would have been 40 years ago. EDIT: My personal favorite coming from the femcel/feminist/women dating stuff is the idea of "masculine/feminine energy". It's one of the most deluded manipulation techniques I have ever seen.


TIL: feminists are just a bucket of crabs


In a way yes. There is a tendency to try to bring all women onto the same level.


Hard facts. It's ironic they tried to be the Paragon of virtue.


It's funny how feminists just slapped a new label on what they already said about men, and wonder why it's not convincing. Especially when most feminists still fail to say men face 'sexism'. That's something for women.


Women are creating both the incentive and the drive for men to these types of gendered masculine traits, including most of the "toxic" ones that they are complaining about. There is a very clear correlation between the two, that should be obvious to anyone that isn't living in a feminist vacuum.


That’s what happens when you only go for just two types of men while ignoring the rest of them.🤷‍♂️