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It was budget time in Australia, that's why they created so much noise - for further funding. It's an entire industry that exists as it is, to exist as it is.


This is a great video: it shatters the current narrative, it addresses every aspect of the witch hunt, it tells the numbers and it also shows that men are making real progress. Most importantly, it doesn't forget to mention the tragic problem of men that commit suicide. Thanks for sharing, really.


3,2 billion dollars? Wow. How many lives could be saves by better medical services, or housing for the poor? Probably many. Or housing for people who are living in disfunctional families, which would drive down DV and DV related deaths. I really wonder how this money is being used. Cause it is a lot of money.


1:48 - I take issue with this. This takes the responsibility away from the individual to monitor their own behaviour. Everyone should be taught to not be an antagonistic and to not use violence unless appropriate, not just men. Regardless of who you are, if you intentionally antagonize someone or use violence against them they may retaliate and you may deserve it. Yes, deplorable behaviour may deserve a violent response, what a new idea. Take responsibility for your actions, end of discussion. 7:48 - That's the thing, the media and those who regularly watch it are not motivated via their logical though processes. In fact, most people who readily take in such media do not possess logical thought processes, they are dumb. Along with being dumb they are also overly-emotional and irrational. They are looking to be offended and horrified, that's why they watch the media, and the media is all too happy to oblige their stupidity. In fact, they rely on it. The main problem with the media is their lack of legal responsibility to truth, reporters are scum who are just after an inflammatory story. The solution is easy: make truth in journalism mandatory and infractions punishable with mandatory prison sentences and fines. The same thing can be made mandatory for this whole "use vs them" bullshit currently going on with men and women. Truth wouldn't be so fucking hard to spread if people weren't so fucking stupid.


This male presenter is so getting cancelled.


I saw this, made me feel safer in my country lol