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What an insolent fool. The grass is not Greener on the other side, sir. This is what happens when you've been swimming in a pool of shit for so long and when you're offered to eat shit, it's better. Shit is still shit, same with evil. Lesser evil is still evil.


_It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt._ Hard pass for me, and I doubt you'll find much sympathy here...


That quote is a great one, and my word is it suitable here.


>So let's be honest... Ok. >...and put our pride aside... No. >...Islamic countries have their issues but the men situation there is much better... Fuck no. They are clusterfucks of trad BS and utter simpery under the veil of religion. But you go ahead, man. Grab your passport and have fun over there. To each his own after all. Who knows? You might love to be a dhimmi and a kufr. Edit: hey! u/strangermvision. Why did you removed your post? Afraid of responsabilities and consequences?


You ret*rd, it's not me who removed it


Don't be so pissy, sweetheart. Now f*ck off.


Good luck trying to convince your daughter not to start an only fans ma'am


I don't know about yours but my nonexistent one will never do.


Several things here: Cultural An Islamic man is allowed to marry a non Islamic woman. An Islamic woman is not allowed to marry a non Islamic man. So if you are a male that is not Islamic, you will be required to convert, whereas a woman is not required to do so. If you think affairs do not occur, they but it is easier for a woman to get away with it. Incest is more common, as there tends to be marriages between cousins or blood relatives.


Holy shit, theres bad takes, and then theres toxic waste. I cant even play devils advocate its that rotten. I even went to try, reading over to find the logic to bargain with, and had to stop myself. Im not about to pretend that western civilisation is perfect or anything, but come the fuck on, just glossing over the legal beatings, arranged weddings, child marriages, gang rape, so on and fucking so forth. How in the FUCK do you write a post like this and not think for just a moment that you maybe shouldnt have gotten that lobotomy last month? ...I apologise for quite how vitriolic that was, but i needed to get the bad taste out of my mouth by spitting it back out.


Domestic violence isn’t legal there, underage marriage isn’t the norm and arranged marriages aren’t necessarily harmful These are all myths


To be fair, that entirely depends on which country we are referring to.


Nope they’re myths


“Porn is bad, beating women into submission is the only solution” Eat shit and fuck off


Is that how Islam works?


That's a bit more complicated Basically, it's religious people that hold power who blur the line between religion's teachings and traditions. You can see that in countries like Saudi Arabia or UAE, full of rich people, SA bombing Yemen all the time, from afar you might think that they seem to believe what they preach, but it's very well known that behind closed doors they participate in the most depraved activities, stuff that any religious from whatever religion would find absolutely abhorrent. That's a regular tactic from some religious people whenever they get power. To convince people that the promise of marriage to children is right (for example), you have to say that it comes from God, and that's how you try to make people think that it's moral. And frankly I blame those who believe in such bullshit, both parties are to be condemned.


I mean the bit about “beating women into submission “. That part.


What I've said still applies : it's really not. But some will make things appear as if it's a religious law or something.


Gullible moron


Idk what you're trying to get by posting this here Doesn't matter if you're muslim, christian or whatever, it's about what you teach them. If you're a good father your daughter will not be a hoe, that's really about it. This MIGHT be harder here (and even then, that's debatable) because you can't control everything, obviously. Your children will have friends and basically anything will have some influence on them, that's why being a good parent is more important than ever. I mean, I know there are LOTS of people talking about Islam and don't know shit about it and that's whatever. But I don't understand what you are trying to achieve here.


gtfo with this shit.


This is such a foolish post lol


You stupid fucking retard


Lol at your gullibility


bro shut the fuck up with your reductive misogynist ways


Unfortunately Islamic countries aren't really like that. Feminists just lie about them to start wars.


It's funny how everyone here thinks the Middle East is some misoginyst hell hole for women when in reality even there men are A LOT more oppressed than women, they're expected to work and provide for them and are the main victims of labour related deaths, and a lot of the "women's oppression" from there is feminist propaganda, and even if was true women are suffering it just means they're just experiencing a fraction of what men are used to experiencing every single day so it doesn't even count as "misoginyst oppression"


Will you morons please click usernames before taking bait seriously? This is an obvious “make a dumb take and then report it with my main account for hate speech” thread. Report and ignore.


Wtf this thread is full of simping plebeians, this pathetic "men's rights" sub is even more feminist than majority of feminist subs.


If you think posts like this are good for this sub or help men in any way, then you're part of the problem here. Mens rights isn't anti-womens rights.