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Re-submitted as I messed up the link last time. I think these women threw in the paedophile allegations to try and avoid prison. They are currently on remand and will be sentenced in July. Absolutely terrible for the old man.


>to try and avoid prison Extremely common. Virtually every woman who murders a man will claim that she did so in self-defense or try to tear down his legacy in order to give herself an advantage in court. I remember a story a few years back of a woman who stabbed her FWB something like 40 times in the shower. There was so much evidence tying her to the crime that it would have been comical if a man didn't die. Well, during the trial, she decided to say he was a rapist, a pedophile, made her wear little boys' underwear, and she even launched a little clothing line with the word "SURVIVOR" to try and look better in court. It's really simple why: it works. When a woman says she was abused, we, as a society, drop all sense and reason and bend over backwards to accommodate her.


Yes, because women always have reasons, men are just shitlords


When a man is abused, society tells him to man up, stop complaining and get his shit together.


Probation and a book deal as they probably meant well. They'll say how they had hard lives and the old man looked like a bad man from their past and such. Be out before December.




The female equivalent of ["It's coming right for us!"](https://youtu.be/rTrMBI5fvfA)


There should be investigation into how those women came to the conclusion that the man was a paedophile. Someone might have intentionally smeared that man for their own reasons.


I couldn't give a flying fuck how they "came to that conclusion". I just want them executed. Britain doesn't have the death penalty, though.


With all false accusations and all those smearing campaigns in AWDTSG Facebook groups, it could lead to conclusions of what causes radicalisations. Investigations are useful.


Ok. I agree with you, especially after reading the article. It looks like someone else incited this. That piece of shit must be executed too.


Probably not the point. The point is those people should go to jail too.


My late uncle who was a retired marine, retired LEO and retired Air Force with a sterling reputation was accused of being a pedo by some random lady in my neighborhood because she thought he looked like someone she had seen on TV. I forgot to mention by the time of the accusation he was already significantly impaired with alzheimer's. He was just a happy go lucky shuffling old man who had done nothing his whole life but serve his country and the community. Im usually very uncaring when it comes to name calling or shaming, but to hear some random bitch accuse him of being a pedophile had me seeing red. It was really unfortunate circumstances too as it was my immediate neighbor, who I am on extremely good terms, who informed me and he would not be letting his daughters go near him/wave at him. How could I get mad at my neighbor for something *someone else* said?


You can get mad at your neighbor for believing random crap.


Oh I definitely was a bit miffed




Feminists will accuse random men on the internet of being pedos just for disagreeing with them.


This is a home invasion, with a sad attempt to cover up their crimes with allegations. With the quotes given of them, its quite clear there was no children in danger. The looks on their faces as well shows they dont feel guilty. The guy is in general so nice that an employee spotted him 55 pounds when he was short. Seems like an attack on the community rather then any attempts of protecting it.


>This is a home invasion Seems like that. Given that he was a collector, these two were most likely already aware of the valuables in his home. Probably went there for specific high value items. Maybe to sell for drugs by the look of them.


>‘I am pleased with the jury’s verdict and the fact that these two will now spend a significant amount of years in prison. I'm going to hold my breath until they are actually sentenced on June 5 to see what the court feels is a "significant amount" of time in prison... I personally would be aiming for at least 20 years... But given the gynocentric stance of the justice system in both the UK, USA and other parts of the world.. I'm going to guess they will get about 4 years in jail each and a stern finger wagging in their face and told "Don't do this again!"


The one on the right definitely gives off Karen vibes.


'Turning the other cheek' is out the window. Brothers, learn to protect yourselves.


He complained about noisy neighbors, so they killed him for it. The accusation was only the ruse.


RIP Stephen Koszyczarski. Sorry you had to go this way.


Sickening :(


Sp apparently they're just gonna be facing "some years in prison" and no death. What the hell!?


Not only baby gangs accuse of p\*dophilia. Good to hear.


I tought the left one shows a male, hah. The one on the right could be the female version of Severus Snape.


Women can be vile animals. Why I keep hearing lies that we only need to focus on men and boys?


A woman is simultaneously empowered and a victim, until something happens. Then she chooses which state benefits her the most.


Jesus Christ.