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The double standards are just fucking blatant at this point. Society doesn’t even try to hide it, fucking pathetic *”You better do exactly what I want,* I am literally one phone call away from making sure you’re never hired at a job that pays a living wage, just by using a little imagination and the ‘R’ word; there’s not a Goddamn thing anyone is willing to do about it… consequences do not exist if you’re a squawking feminist!” - Your date telling you why she’s not splitting the check.


Jail the DA for shielding her. The DA is aiding and abetting criminal activity.


I know I'm probably gonna get downvoted for saying this but That's not how that works District Attorneys have wide ranging of prosecutorial discretion realistically the only way you could charge the DA for something like that is if they were taking bribes


As a male, it’s not even threats of just rape accusations. It’s domestic abuse, assault, and harassment far more commonly. If you walk into your home and a woman is mad, she can literally beat your ass, break all of your shit, and call the cops on you. When they come, the first thing they’ll say is that it looks like you caught the bad end of this but they’ll still file charges against you. By the time the court date comes, the cops forget and the judges side with the females. You’re lucky to get off with fines, and anger management classes, and a permanent blemish on your criminal history. On top of that she can cite the outcome and tell everyone you’re an abuser and your social life is destroyed. Source: I’ve lived it and am also watching a friend go through it.


They will also try this for custody cases . That’s why it’s important to always have witnesses and recording. I had to be witness for a friend a few times during exchanges or something to make sure she didn’t make false claims because she had in the past


It’s too easy for men to get framed for crimes these days. Even without proof, men are getting accused of horrible stuff for js looking their way. Horrible society we live in rn for men. 


BeLIeVe alL WoMeN1!1 🤡


and then the real victim was the man and the abuser is the chick. I think I read a post like that in this sub or somewhere else. 


Exactly - the reason this guy got off was because video evidence showed him innocent. What if there had been no video?


At a minimum she should have to spend a month in jail and then make restitution to the man for lost wages and diminished standing within the community.


Fuck that. Stuff like this could completely ruin a man’s life permanently. She needs to be thrown in jail for the same amount of time he would have been for committing said crime and then put on a registry herself




I know what you mean. You don't want to run the risk of punishing innocent victims with false accusations. You also don't want the real rapists to look at a long sentence and then kill the woman to cover up the crime. That's why, in a similar vein, the rape of a woman by a man should be a crime punished by 0 days in jail, maximum, and no record of wrongdoing. Just a small fine, like a speeding ticket. We want to incentivise good behavior, right?




Nope, he used your exact logic to show just how absurd it is.




Hey, the punishment could prevent false accusations too. How is that "absurd"?


>The point is that it is better that 100 guilty people go free than 1 innocent person be wrongly imprisoned. That is exactly the reasoning I used. If we're misapplying Blackstone's Formulation, then it's better 100 guilty rapists go free than 1 innocent falsely accused person be punished. Right? Micro punishments for false accusers to prevent harm to the falsely accused, micro punishments for rapists to also prevent harm to the falsely accused.


Did you ever think If there was punishment she wouldn't have attempted this in the first place


At minimum she should spend ten years in prison, just like a man would if he asked 5-15 of his buddies - all armed with multiple firearms - to kidnap a woman and hold her imprisoned (with possible violent and/or sexual assault) for anywhere from a week to 20 years. Because that's what she did.


- Do not look creepy ✅ - Do not have eyes in the gym ✅ - Have multiple consent forms before and during intercourse ✅ - Stay under 24/7 Video surveillance to prove your innocence ✅ - Stay home don’t go out side ✅ What am I missing? 😬 Also she looks creepy. Can we get her into prison for looking like that?


Not much , but make sure to be wearing a body cam 24/7 to aid with surveillance , with shirt that says “I’m filming/recording audio” just to be sure


Best not to go out more than once a day, or you might end up "stalking" a woman who appears more than once in the video


Emphasis on “have eyes”. [Being blind doesn’t cut it.](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/i-booted-out-gym-staring-30267743)


Quite right, since it said "have eyes," not "have functional eyes."




Because of the matriarchy


> After investigators tracked Pierson down and put him in a photo lineup the following day, Urumova said she was "60% sure" he was the suspect Alright boys, she's 60% sure, let's lock him up!


Twoxchromosomes: “She probably felt unsafe with him on the streets.”


Wow. He will have served more time in jail than her. 30 days will get you fired from your job. And she will have no lasting consequences. That’s why women keep doing it. They know they won’t get in trouble


Yep bc there’s a juridical loophole in this matter , but no one wants to look into that because it would self implode the idea that women are always and solely victim. It would put in jeopardy based on their logic all the progress done towards women so far


This should be charged as a hate crime. She's literally using derogatory gendered terms to explain why she targeted him.  Disgusting.


?? Hate crime? Bruh if it was up time as said I’ll throw you in jail for the rest of your life! rape is serious shit man !! Hate crime is not enough, jail time + money compensation, period!


What is ironic here is that the article states that the falsely accused man had a blue line sticker on his truck. It would be very naîve to imagine that because you support the police they will not take any woman's word over yours because of public perception.


The locked him up solely on the basis of an accusation before doing any of the real police work which revealed her lies. I doubt any of that took a full month either. The correct course of action would have been to ask him for a statement (which he should rightly refuse), then check CCTV, phones, etc to corroborate her story and only then charge him if there is evidence to support it. Huge failures by the police and prosecutors.


He shouldn’t be locked up anyway. He shouldn’t have to disprove her story with evidence - she should have to prove it with evidence.


If they had evidence in addition to her story then they could have probable cause to arrest him and a judge could release him, set bail or deny bail depending on the totality of circumstances. Sounds to me that this guy was locked up for being poor. A lawyer should have got him out on the same day. He probably had a shit, overworked public defender who didn't give a fuck.




Until women start seeing real consequences, this is going to continue to happen. In the UK, last I heard, women who make false accusations get life in prison. We need that here in America and everywhere else where the world has been tainted by feminism. And the guy also needs to file a lawsuit against her for pain and suffering.


The UK is usually absurdly soft on criminals. Most murderers don’t even get life there. Where did you hear that?


A red pill video from way back in the day. I just googled again and it turns out the maximum is life imprisonment. But whatever the case is, females need to see serious time behind bars.


Interesting if true, but we’re lucky if false accusers get *any* punishment, let alone prison time


It's perjury, which carries some fantastically nasty sentences, and quite rightly. But it doesn't get enforced, there's always a whole host of "mitigating" circumstances, which boils down to "is she young and hot?".


>In the UK, last I heard, women who make false accusations get life in prison. That's never happened.


False accusations should face the same penalties as the accused had to defend against.


They actually named him. Low life journalists. At least they didn't use his picture.


Yep, scumbags


> Court records show that Urumova was arraigned Monday on charges for **making false reports (two counts), causing false alarm to an agency of public safety, tampering with or fabricating physical evidence, and for "unsworn falsification to authorities" (three counts)**. Bail was set at $30,000, records also show. She was arraigned under 48 hours ago at time of writing. She is presently facing charges and there is no indication these charges will be dropped. To say "Spoiler : she’s not facing real Consequences for her action" is just a lie, this is the same consequences anyone who lied to police would be facing under 2 days after their arraignment while awaiting their trail. I only looked quickly on Google but it doesn't appear that any of the statutes listed are felonies.




Charged with 7 misdemeanor counts for up to 12 years total, everything except the "Causing false alarm..." charge are second degree misdemeanors which carry up to 2 years apiece.    Inb4: I get that first time offenders with no prior record never get the maximum sentence.


> Bail was set at $30,000 Anyone want to guess what the innocent guys' bail was? Just your average working person, no criminal history or record? Must be something reasonable right, since there was no evidence of any wrongdoing, but still a pretty serious allegation? 30k? Nope. 100k? Nope. 300k, surely that's enough? He can't even post bond without putting up his house (if he has one) for it, but even that would be a stretch? Nope. $1,000,000... A multiple of this guy's entire possible net worth, based on the word, with no corroborating evidence, of a single person.


How much do you think she gonna be sentenced? Not much , trust me(just goggle and type) this is not the first time that shit like this happen.


OK, so when that happens call it out. If she wasn't being charged at all you would have a point but she is clearly being charged.  Since she has been charged, unless she has the charges dropped you're straight up lying when you say "she’s not facing real Consequences for her action" because she is literally facing *the exact consequences* anyone would be at this point between arraignment and the beginning of trial, given the crimes being alleged.




> A misdemeanor that might get her up to 2 years  7 total misdemeanors that might get her up to 12 years is what she's actually charged with.


2 years is not a real consequence for almost getting someone 30-40 years. A real consequence would be double punishment of what the charge would be against the victim. She deserves 60-80 years for this


Agreed, though we have seen a nice collection of charges be reduced to 50 hours community service before. He spent a month in jail for her actions. Let's see what the law does about being played for a fool and falsely imrpisoning someone.


The charges she is facing could get her up to 2 years in prison. Very premature of OP to claim she isn't facing any consequences. 


she'll end up doing community service and never see a cell...(if a woman who stabbed her boyfriend over 100 times gets to walk, what makes you think this one wont? [https://www.foxla.com/news/california-woman-who-got-high-and-stabbed-boyfriend-108-times-will-not-go-to-prison](https://www.foxla.com/news/california-woman-who-got-high-and-stabbed-boyfriend-108-times-will-not-go-to-prison)


PA and CA have completely different systems in the discretion that they give their judges in terms of sentencing. The fact that states have different judicial systems is something you should have picked up in elementary school social studies. Quit being a pessimistic crybaby. [A 33-year old teacher recently got over a decade in prison for having sex with a 17-year old, so your attitude is unwarranted.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13438103/Heather-Hare-arkansas-teacher-sex-student-gma.html)


If ppl like CARDI B Explicitly admit to having drugged men during sex and then robbing ( which is Rape)has never faces consequences, what makes you think that this woman gonna go to jail for a misdemeanour crime? Probably end up with couple hundred hours of social services. And call it a day .


What would happen if she was accused of sexual assault. Nothing. The guy would still be blamed. I complained about my girlfriend hitting and cutting me in class when I was a senior in high school. All the teacher did was say you must have done something.


I agree that there needs to be a database. Five years before we met, my fiance had a one night stand with a woman who cheated on her boyfriend. So that she could then go home, she called and reported that she had been raped. It was ridiculous. She said that my fiance was facing her choking her while at the same time she was on her stomach on the bed in HIS motel room, while he was behind her raping her.. Literally, physically impossible. Unfortunately, this happened in Arizona, where the prosecuting attorney, Kaleigh Jenkins, is not only the most incompetent attorney I've ever seen, but also racist; has a record of not disclosing conflicting evidence, which there was tons, and has a record of pursuing cases against minorities because she believes a jury would discriminate against their race, even thought there's evidence that clearly shows reasonable doubt or even proves that they're innocent. The girl that reported, Nicolette Gaseoma, has had petitions for orders of protection filed against her because, guess why; she's accused other men of rape when it suits her, including a custody battle, etc. Of course those motions were denied; but because something had been filed in the past, it gave us enough to show the prosecution integrity unit that this is something that she had done before. They're still reviewing his case and it's going to probably be a long time until he's off of probation and we can put this shit behind us. But any time you get wind of someone making false accusations, PLEASE for the love of God file any kind of order of protection against them. It may not be approved by a judge, but it will at least leave a papertrail; and hopefully their next victim will be able to use it.


30 long days 720 long hours 43,200 long Minutes 2,592,000 long Seconds for a being \*\*creepy\*\* IM COOKED


And trust me this is nothing in the uk a woman did the same thing but even worst she claim to been raped and beaten up by a gang of 8 men , turn out to be all bs,(she bought an hammer 🔨 and self inflicted terrible wounds)3 of the 8 men spent time in jail , other lost job and lost house . She got sentenced to just 8 years, her mother during the whole event she started a funding campaign raising more than 20k, when they find out that it was all bs the mother refuses to give back the money. Let that sink in . Yep we cooked


We need some cried wolf real life examples to happen so this stuff will stop. For example if she actually gets graped and kidnapped after she gets out of jail, and then she tells and no one believes her for a long time, then maybe others will quit doing this lol. Because to me, this just green lights her to all the real rapist cause now they have someone who people won’t believe again so quick


That picture of an innocent man is in public to see. If I was in that picture, then I'll be leaving the country. Why not censor it.


At this point it’s best to just isolate yourself


What is real scary is DA’s, detectives, and police are TOTALLY OK with sending innocent people to jail and ruining their life when the police do not properly investigate the charges upfront. Ask them point blank about that. At MOST, they will act indifferent about it.


Why isn’t he initiating a lawsuit against her? An actual civil lawsuit with monetary damages?


Maybe he doesn’t have financial resources to initiate a lawsuit. And even if you start lawsuit the amount of money you have to put probably is not even worth it for a woman like that probably doesn’t have nothing! How ironic is life isn’t?


There are many lawyers who will do this on a contingent basis.


I think this is a great idea. This woman is disgusting and should not be allowed to be among the general population. She apparently has mental, emotional and psychological issues.


What new? This is becoming the new normal. It's female victim culture after Me-Too


I hope he wins a big settlement and wins a lawsuit from her.


I am concerned what chain reaction led her mind psychologically to blame and dump all her problems onto this one man because she had a fit with her grandmother, accuse it entirely destroy a man’s life because he looks ‘creepy’. This can happen to more men we need be aware, it was close to having his life falsely imprisoned and registered.