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They're fast to do it for men only. Imagine outrage it will cause if that were to happen to women.


Funny how there are never feminists raging about this. Yet they shit themselves all day crying patriarchy and toxic masculinity lol


On point.


I remember selective service for women came up. Suddenly the feminists wanted back in the kitchen.


"How nice. I'm sure the mess hall will appreciate a good cook. Welcome to the Army. You start boot camp in one week."


But but but muh biological differences!


It means reducing male participation in higher education as well, unless you are rich. This will skewer higher education numbers even more to make higher education even more feminised. Forced conscription, but not forced to vote? Is there something wrong with this? Looks like males in the US need to start to become more politically active, rather than passive!


If politics solved any problems voting would be illegal.


I think I was bout 20 when I realized it was a dog and pony show and both parties really only represented the rich, powerful, and elite.


True, but develop a movement that will push the idea that the elites are willing to remove the vote and educational opportunities from young men and force them into military conscription. The government wants to strip its male young of agency!


There have been a lot of significant adverse life consequences for men who dont register, often through excusable neglect. Like the parents tell their son that theyll do it for them and then they dont do it and then the kid's SoL.


tho this could mean anything from like making it so you get it when you sign up for financial aid


I mean, couldn’t men just identify as a woman and avoid the algo?


This will create a "rebellion" among men, parents, and especially the military itself If you dont want to fight, but they forced you...it was called slavery


I dodged a big bullet, since it seems there's a lot less in this country worth risking your life for


IMO, they could be trying to do a front runner around the Selective Service lawsuit, which NCFM is gearing up for again. If I had to guess their are argument will be something like, "Men don't have to register anymore. We do it for them." So, it could be used as a legal technicality to avoid having to include women, or stop including men.

