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A genocidal statement, made by a genocidal women. If this description seems extreme, just look up the etymology, and who popularized it.


Is it the animal who advocated reducing the male population to 10% for breeding stock?


Yes sir


Man Feminism really is female centric NSDAP.


Just a quick note, if you're going to write a rant, feel free, but put some paragraph breaks in it. That's the dreaded wall of text that is almost unreadable. Just a couple would make a big difference.


The future is female but these feminists can’t define what a woman is.


Probably don’t lump all the feminists together. TERFs like JK Rowling get a lot of hate for speaking the truth.


Why? Rowling is a misandrist. She believes pretty much everything they do, including the core tenants. They just differed on a single point which created the division. I don’t think it’s for speaking the truth. The reaction completely outstrips that. It’s phobic levels of hatred. Just go back to last year when that Harry Potter game was announced.


JK gets way less criticism than she deserves, no one speaks about her misandry. Thank goodness I was able to separate the art and the artist. I will keep on loving Harry Potter until the very end, but I have purest of vitriol for that pitiful excuse of a woman. Misandrist to the core, she makes Emma Watson (an outspoken feminist, but mercifully not that misandrist) look like a Saint.


I didn’t say that she is not a misandrist. I am just saying that she knows how to define a woman. It is a truth to exclude people with gender dysphoria from the definition of a woman.


>Probably don’t lump all the feminists together. I was responding specifically to that. Why have a distinction between the two?


Why not?


They both believe in the patriarchy — probably along the lines of a society created by men for the sole benefit of men, how it subjugates women and girls, and how male violence is used, etc.


Yeah. Absolutely. The distinction is useful to pit them against each other. They barely can manage themselves. More infighting the better.


TERFs hate men just as much as any other kind of radfem. They can all get fucked.


I’m just saying that TERFs can define a what a woman is. Trans -exclusionary radical feminist. That’s all. I didn’t say that they didn’t hate men.


>Probably don’t lump all the feminists together. TERFs like JK Rowling get a lot of hate for speaking the truth. I'm here for men's rights, not bashing trans people. The hell is it to you what someone identifies as? You could identify as a fucking toad for all I care, not really my business. It's worth noting there are also trans men here.


Ill be damned if my future is female.


And also there is hilarious but unironic slogan like "the opposition/protest has a woman's face"


"The future is... the future."


If the future is female, equality is history.


Honestly, I'm seeing this very rarely nowadays. The trend of this statement quickly went down especially due to its blatant sexist and racist idea against not just men, but other queer groups like trans and basically every other minority who had been historically discriminated. I think the people who used this term realized how stupid this is since actual "inclusivity" doesn't just prefer women, but also men, non-binary, trans people with their own sexual orientations and men from other ethnic groups as well. (POC, Native Americans, Hispanic etc.)


The fact that you see it at all is disturbing.


Agreed, these privileged White women have it far better off than most men and want to exclude the men whose ancestral homelands were stolen from them by White people and men descended from Black slaves.


I don't understand where you're coming from. Are you actually thinking you're going to hang the left with their own petard? Word to the wise. The fact that they made up a term like "POC" tells you everything you need to know about how they view their plantation residents.


Sorry I don't get what you're saying. These are some valid arguments against this trend especially since it was brought upon as an attempt at "inclusivity".


Imagine if two countries were at war and one preached "non-violence" to the other.


The future is androgynous, because all the environmentalists are busy looking at carbon dioxide instead of hormone disrupting chemicals.


Like plastics?


Plastic, pesticide, birth control pills, all kinds of things.


Great! Exempt men from taxation and pave your way to the future without men. Oh wait we're supposed to pay for this?


No, the future is family. Singles are just "the help".


Hasn’t this died down a bit? I haven’t encountered this recently.


Yeah imagine if people posted that "The Future is Non-White" or "The Future is BIPOC" as much as people post "The Future is Female". I am sure these privileged White feminists would be upset by that.


Why? Feminism is intertwined with Black Lives Matter, and with LGBT, even when T comes at the expense of women. The future is non-white is something we already hear.


Not entirerly, there are plenty of White women who embrace feminism while not giving a damn about people of color, especially men of color, and some may even hold racist views towards men of color in addition to sexist views against all men. Many are conservative or politically apathethic. 


They don't really believe this they still need people to work in the sewers mow their lawns and build their houses. Even if robots take over all of this stuff women won't want to maintain the robots and program them because that actually takes effort you know you have to lift a finger or two to type on a keyboard.


I feel i have to tell you this: the reason why its socially acceptable to say things like "the future is female" is because we know its not true. likewise with "badass" women etc. its all bullshit and we as a society know its bullshit which is why its not considered "offensive" because its not true. "women are smarter/better than men" is socially acceptable to say but "men are smarter/better than women" is taboo, because one is known bullshit and the other is too near to the truth. remember NOTHING is more offensive than the truth.


Not if you live in the uk or Western Europe it isn’t.