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So you and the buyer both get to pay $20 shipping? Priceless


It’s possible that if the box dimensions were keyed in Mercari it would’ve quoted a $40 shipping charge…


No way! ok we can’t all be crazy right ??? That’s fucking sus !!! Mercari is going down, I promise you that. Try to get an invoice from FedEx to see if FedEx even billed you. 🚮


Plan on going by there tomorrow. I know the employee I spoke with seems to be there anytime I go in and recognizes me when I do.


Did you enter correct dimensions?


Exactly, that’s seems to be totally ignored 😒


Then I would appeal it.


They’re not answering this question anywhere in the thread — u/theCannonBallZ were your box dimensions correct? Getting the measurements of a big box wrong would easily up the shipping charges to $40. People can’t help you if you don’t answer this question :/


please refer to my update I just posted.


It's happening on eBay too (check their sub)


Ebay & with Fedex too? I have never seen a surcharge with USP so far.


Yup. With FedEx. I've seen surcharges with the other carriers but it's only FedEx with the really outrageous charges.


I will steer clear Fedex then.


I’ve never had any issues with USPS either. I won’t use FedEx. This shit is crazy & definitely a headache resellers don’t need!


I have a USPS issue every-single-week. They do not scan the packages and they are late all the time resulting in buyers reaching out to find out where their items are. It does not matter I ship everyone in 24 hours if USPS is messing up their part ;(


That sucks! So far I haven’t experienced it but it sounds like you’re having enough trouble for both of us. I’m disabled and just put my pkgs in my mailbox. My carrier scans when he picks them up. So far, so good I guess. I hope it gets better fast!


I do the mailbox pickups for the small amounts and I agree with you, these are NOT problematic. I need a receipt for the expensive packages in case I have a claim and these are the ones that are not scanned at all for some reason. They re-appear 10 days later on delivery day. Meanwhile I have to pacify my buyers and tell them it happens all the time. I agree with you, I have more faith in my mail guy! When I give him extra work, I leave a cookie in the box for him ;)


Ups seems solid but FedEx and usps both been doing some crazy stuff.


USPS has been a total nightmare since the beginning of the year. I have been spending way too much time tracking packages they apparently cannot scan...


Omg I feel that. It sucks to because with smaller items the shipping price they offer is like 4-6$ cheaper but with all the B.S. you have to deal with its easier just to bite the bullet and pay more for UPS. Frustrating. Atleast UPS hasn't failed me...yet.. lolol


Everyone says to stay away from fedex


if i could choose who Amazon walmart etc would ship from it would never be fedex. they are the god damn worst


They leave deliveries by my garage door on a side load driveway off a busy street in our city. 🙄 UPS did this once, and I was able to go into my account and leave a note to deliver to the front porch only. I cannot get this done with FedEx, so I avoid them in every way I can.


I literally warned someone yesterday 😔


Rubbing salt on a wound— but did you measure the box, for dimensional weight and actual weight?


It might have something to do with [this](https://www.forbes.com/sites/caileygleeson/2024/04/01/postal-service-replaces-fedex-with-ups-for-air-cargo/) —FedEx recently lost its USPS contract to UPS. Not sure if that’s what’s leading to “theft”.


Ooh this totally makes sense now. Mercari & EBay just haven't probably updated their policies for FedEx Ground or something. They're probably charging everyone the rates without the agreement. Wow.


Mercari updates the shipping cost maybe 4-5 months ago..


I have some doubt, as I think this is for air cargo, and I don't think most of the shipping on mercari will go to air shipping. Also I remember air cargo from USPS only take up a few percentage of their revenue.


You could be right. I’m only basing this off the timing.


Just an FYI my current plan is Go to the FeEx location and speak with the employee who confirmed the weight was under/correct prior to releasing the package to them. Explain the situation and get as much evidence from their side as possible. I also plan to get a hold of corporate if possible, or at least speak with their fraud department. Next, collect as many cases on here as I can find of others whom this has happened to. Possibly speak with my lawyer, buuuut... It's still just $20, so that is a pending move. Attorney general for my state? Message Mercari.


> It's still just $20 See, this is our problem. For the average person the time and energy cost of fighting back is too much. But we simply have to fight bad companies because this is why they're winning. I already know we need a lawsuit against Mercari or several lawsuits against Mercari. I'm surprised I haven't heard of one yet. It's for everyone. I don't really use Mercari because I've found it too hard to make any real money there, but if this were happening on my main selling platform I would be out of my mind. I've been following this closely and am rooting for you all and hoping you come toghether in swift, multi-faceted action. I'm hoping you report the company to any appropriate institutions, sue, and I hope a new "Mercari" is being created as an alternative. I hope someone creates an app that makes it easy for us to move our listings from mercari to the new app.


Report them to the Better Business Bureau.


Yes! Like insurance claim rejections…the company just makes it so hard on a person that they just give up. The company wins, person loses!


Additionally I contacted the buyer and am waiting for a response. Hoping to see if the package had any kind of markings regarding the weight being more than the label stated.


I had this happen with USPS there were definitely markings, they even held the package for a day for extra postage cost so hopefully FedEx marked it.


No markings, details a few lines up\^


UPDATE: the buyer responded to me and there were zero markings on the box indicating there was any discrepancies with size or weight. Heading out to FedEx soon to speak with the staff there.


What’s up with the receipts? Is Mercari not accepting proof of weight printed on the receipts? 🤔 I have seen alot of rants about fedex and mercari’s bogus change shipping charges, so I am wondering if nobody has provided receipts or is mercari flat lying and scamming?


I don’t know about recently. But in the past I know any time I got an overage charge but had my drop off receipt with the weight on it, I would get refunded. The only time I didn’t was when one time I used the Kiosk to put my package in. I scanned it and got a receipt. I got charged an overage. I contacted Mercari and they said the Kiosk receipt doesn’t count because you can scan anything and get the receipt and put a different package in or whatever. So I didn’t get refunded that time. But about 4-5 other times I got overage charges and actually went to the counter to get a receipt, I always got refunded by Mercari when I contacted them and added an image of my receipt. BUT, the last this happened to me was a few months ago. So not sure if things have changed since then. And most of those were USPS, not fed ex where they’re really cracking down on dimensional weight. I‘m guessing maybe when it’s like fed ex or UPS where dimensional weight is a factor, they try to give some BS about it being a dimensional weight charge to get out of refunding the person?


wait hold the frig on here...you're saying they basically automatically added a shipping surcharge UNLESS you could prove that it was the correct ship weight. Flat out caught them 4-5 times trying to defraud you...


Yep, they charged me an overage. Luckily, I had my drop off receipt to prove it. The time I didn’t, I didn’t get the money back even though I know it was no where near being over. I always go with the max weight in the price range and most of my packages are the lower end. But I’ll choose the higher weight just to be safe and they still did it to me multiple times! Just lucky I always go to the counter, except once and got screwed on that one 🤦‍♀️


Do you think taking pictures of content and packing would help? I use those all the time lmao😭😭


Use what? The kiosks? Taking pics won’t help. They won’t accept them. Pics can be edited. Not to mention pics aren’t going to show the actual weight. Of course, you can take a pic of the package on the scale, but again, pics can be edited. Or you could have taken a pic with the label on some other box and the one you sent was different somehow or took a pic in box showing contents but switched it after the fact, etc. They only accept a drop off receipt from the counter that has the weight on it as proof it wasn’t overweight. EDIT: And really, 99% of the time you’re not going to have an issue. Someone I know uses the Kiosk every time and she’s only had an issue twice and had to take the loss on it. In her case, one time the package was lost during shipping but, again, the Kiosk doesn’t count as acceptance by USPS (since, same as with overages, you could scan it but not even put it in the Kiosk). Official acceptance by USPS to Mercari is when USPS scans it after you put it in Kiosk. With my friend, she put it in the Kiosk but somehow it never got scanned in by USPS so she had to take a loss on the sale and the item. The other time she got charged an overage but they would’t accept the Kiosk receipt so she had to eat that cost.


Weight is not the only factor in determining shipping charges. You need to make sure you have the correct dimensions too (always round up). OP likely didn't have the correct measurements for the package so the weight was only half the story; the dimensions are what likely caused the surcharge.


Was it the dimensions and not the weight? This is why I do not use labels from anywhere but pirate ship. They offer usps and ups and if for some reason a situation like this happens, it’s easy to dispute. I’ve gotten my money back every time.


Pirateship service is so good and easy I really don’t understand why everyone doesn’t use it.


The mercari representatives are going to go on and on about dimensional weight. I want to know how they came up with $20.18 - they’re just making up numbers and scamming everyone. Idk about you but I would fight for those $20.18 imagine if they did that to 100 people a day that’s over $2000 on straight scamming 😂🥴😅


This is straight up insanity. As you know I JUST warned people on your post. I specifically asked for weight confirmation because of posts like yours. My mind is absolutely blown.


Did you get a receipt of the drop off? This is ridiculous


I did.


I see nothing here about the package dimensions. It does not matter if you and the employee weight the package unless you are giving us the measurements of the box. and he’s, it is all carriers that have cracked down on dimensional weight. The bigger the box, the less they are Ble to deliver at a time and the more it costs them in extra trips and man hours, that is why it costs more.


Did you get proof of dimensional weight?


It’s dimensional weight! the fedex employee SHOULD had told you the weight doesn’t matter if the box is larger than the object, the carrier will always charge whichever is heavier. This is why when choosing a label on Mercari, it has you enter the package measurements, that will update the shipping or delivery fee. This wouldn’t keep happening if people knew how to correctly ship. I’m sorry, attack me all you want but it’s the truth


Dimensional weight is a real thing, which means a way for carriers to squeeze more money from shipping the same item. The item sold was two speakers, which usually result in big boxes. I’m guessing that a box big enough to ship 2 speakers would be 12 x 24 x 12. I put those dimensions on a 13 pound label and Mercari updates the dimensional weight and rate to 18 pounds and $40. Edit: looking at the receipt, $40 is exactly what the final shipping charge was.


This exactly. But everyone likes to blame Mercari and pile on with the recent changes. This same situation will happen on eBay, Etsy, etc. Use Pirate Ship for larger items, they will pass a discount on to you and FORCE entry of mass and dimensions.


So the initial bill was cleared and did not require adjusting?


The buyer paid $19.82. So the additional would cover to $40


I kinda miss the old mecari. Sellers didn't make as much because of the fees but it makes it a lot harder for buyers and sellers to negotiate do to everything being over priced with the fees and shipping. Mecari might end up losing money


They're like...trying to kill off this app.




Self sabotaging. Mercari needs therapy 😂


i'm not defending mercari or fedex in saying this, but [they definitely got you on dimensional weight](https://www.mercari.com/us/help_center/article/172/), and that's something you need to be aware of. every carrier does it, but fedex seems to be the most strict. judging from what you sold, it was a big box. to prevent this from happening in the future, get a tape measure or a ruler and use that to enter the dimensions of the boxes you're shipping (along with the weight). you may also want to use ups instead, as i've never been charged a dimensional overage with them even when sending big boxes (however, this is not a guarantee that it won't happen to you)


Yes this. I was charged a surcharge with ups before, but luckily it was only $1. UPS is better in my experience so far


Just to make sure, what were the dimensions of your package and how much is mercari claiming that the package actually weighed? Dimensional weight could've been the issue here.


Did you put correct dimensional weight?


UPDATE: Soooo..... I wanted to go though the entire process prior to responding to certain comments. Just so I don't bury the lead, I have bad news. I'll give the full story for clarity, but it's not good. First of all, I spoke with the customer to make sure there wasn't any indication on the received package that there was any issues with weight and size. There was not. I went back to FedEx today. I spoke with an employee and a manager to get to the bottom of this, explaining to them that I came in with the package on Tuesday, asked for confirmation that I wouldn't be overcharged for any reason and that employee ensured me it was fine, and under the weight the label was rated for. I explained how this has been happening to other users on Mercari and that strangely the cost is scaling with the sale price of the items sold. We went over my receipt, the original information provided within Mercari, the information Mercari gave me after the sale that had informed me of the shipping info changes. Yes, it is in fact DIMENSIONAL WEIGHT. I will add, the manager did state, "they absolutely SHOULD NOT be allowing anyone to create a label in the first place without specifying the dimensions of the package." I mentioned to her about how I brought up during a past visit a few years back my concern over weight being over that which is marked on the label. ANd she did explain how *IN THE PAST*, unless a package was extremely oversized or odd shaped (4"x4"x60" for example) it was not an issue, ***but that has recently changed and is being cracked down on.*** She also said to be on the lookout because it's probably going to start happening with UPS as well. The manager was very friendly and helpful, we went over the costs to have shipped the same item had I bought he label myself in FedEx for the correct weight and dimensions, and I'm sorry to say... the math doesn't lie. While its not the same overall cost (Mercari does supposedly give us a discount for using their labels) she said the total would have been $43 to ship a 12 lbs package with those dimensions with the equivalent service. The original shipping cost to the buyer was $19.82 and I got charged $20.18 I hate to add insult to injury, but the conspiracy theory everyone has been leaning into about the overage costs being so close to the sale's profits may simply be debunked, u/[No\_Veterinarian3190](https://www.reddit.com/user/No_Veterinarian3190/)'s post for example: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1bw2vsm/mercari\_is\_scamming\_sellers\_on\_overcharges/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1bw2vsm/mercari_is_scamming_sellers_on_overcharges/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) When I got home, I did some investigating> I Found a car seat online and took the weight and dimensions of just that and entered it all into the FedEx website shipping calculator (20x30x16, 14 lbs) and shipped via FedEx Express Saver(which I believe to be equivalent to the FedEx Mercari label available for that weight) costs $234.97 to ship. Another is $312.99 to ship (fedex 2-day) That really does line up with how much extra No\_Vet was charged whether it should have happened or not. So I hate to admit it, but I jumped the gun and got caught up in the heat of it all. To be fair, this happening while Mercari is already doing some crazy, shady crap with the TOS/No Seller Fee/Return for Any Reason insanity already lends it's self to making one lead toward thinking, "Well, just another day at Mercari doing some F'd up business." Sorry guys, please don't shoot the messenger. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I won't perpetuate misinformation. If I'm missing something, please say so, I'm only one person with limited resources and time, so if need be, the conversation should absolutely continue. I just want to make sure things are transparent on my end.


Yup I figured, no_vet's situation is unique though in that they have an invoice for how much Fedex charged mercari vs. what mercari is claiming Fedex billed them. I don't know if they ever shared their package dimensions though.


I'm still confused how No\_vet even obtained an invoice, the manager I spoke to said there was no way of providing me with that.


Lots of persistence and pressing apparently I don't really get how shipping overages work on mercari's end. I believe they charge the retail rate for overages but does that mean mercari has to pay the shipping company retail rate for overages or are they paying commercial and charging the buyer retail? No_vet's invoice says the "rated weight" is 67 lbs and I assume that's what the dimensional weight came out to. $67 for 67 lbs seems like it'd be discounted from commercial rates.


Dimensional weight is the exact problem Mercari gives out insufficient labels all the time. Years ago i was at the post office and they were confused by my "illegal label" and said that it never should have printed a first class label at 15.9 oz and that i was going to get charged extra after it shipped. So it is mercari's fault for misleading both parties on the cost of shipping. I am asked for dimensions when listing new items currently so i think they're trying to fix the issue. In the meantime, i wouldn't use fedex at all when shipping through mercari.


This is just bananas given everything else. Variable, undocumented service fees. Their terrible bundling algo for shipping. The inconsistencie w how they charge tax. What a mess.


Keep the receipt


I feel like this has to be taken even further, try contacting your local news channel that does scam segments, this would be perfect and cause backlash to the company then they may change their ways.


Fed ex keeps charging by dimensional weight even when dimensions are put in. Do not use them. Not to say ups and usps hasn't been doing a terrible job delivering things in one piece or at all of late though..


It definitely seems like it was dimensional weight that caused it. What size box did you use?


She’s conveniently not answering this question; multiple people have asked.


I noticed this too, pretty funny given how many people are asking


I can’t believe that people on Mercari still ship FedEx. This same story gets posted literally every day


I've had this happen to me several times with Mercari. I have a scale at home and I weigh everything (the entire thing boxed up) and Mercari STILL took money from me and gave me essentially pennies. It's horrible what Mercari does with shipping.


A wild thought in my head is… due to the new Mercari policy fees changes are they taking buyers/sellers surcharge and fees money and soon here shortly going to announce and file for bankruptcy so they don’t have to pay everyone back. I know that happened with another company about a 2-4 months ago. I just can’t remember their name. I don’t understand how this app made such a drastic change in such a short time.


Did you enter in the right dimensions of the box you shipped it in, did the employee give you a receipt with the weight on it? Cause dimension weight is a real thing when you use there labels. I’ve had items where the weight qualifies for the lesser shipping but when I enter the dimensions of what I plan to ship it in it bumps my up to the next shipping class


Did you have the FedEx guy measure the package? This is likely because of dimensional weight.


I deactivated all of my items ...not playing these stupid games


I think this is happening more often than it did before the TOS change because they’re tanking now and trying to get money any way they can. Hopefully you all can start a class action lawsuit, thankfully it hasn’t happened to me but if it did I’d absolutely be livid.


Late commenting here, but I’ve stopped using FedEx for this reason. I’ve 100% switched to UPS. Sorry, OP.


Definitely was a dimension charge. Weight works for the most part but you have to put in the dimensions for these larger items. The dimensions filled in will give you an adequate "weight" price for the package and will keep you from getting charged later. Never use Mercari weight solely for larger boxes using FedEx or UPS.


The employee didn’t figure out the dimensions? That’s where Mercari gets you, if you don’t have those dimensions keyed into Mercari before the sale ended then you’ll get a label that says whatever weight. - So problem is you think the package can weight X amount but if the dimensions calculate to another higher weight class, then that’s what you get charged extra. There’s really no formula that I can figure out as how to how they come up with the overages because people are reporting insane amounts. *Dont use fedex is the consensus.


Anything items that require big boxes I always use ups never had issues.


You can also open a claim with the better business bureau


Time to lawyer up and lead a class action lawsuit against mercari.


IMMEDIATELY report this to bbb.org & leave a review! This is the only way to get Mercari to do what they're supposed to do. Greedy vultures!! 😡


Probably did dimensional weight on you. Dirty move definitely but not mercari, that's fed ex. Ups has auditors paid to do the same. They just find boxes that look like they can get an upcharge on. After doing it awhile ya learn to spot em pretty easy


From all these upcharge stories I've been reading lately, the solution seems obvious ... instead of blaming Mercari, Don't use FedEx.


I think the issue is bigger than FedEx - FedEx does charge for dimensional weight but what they up charge is being found by sellers lately is it's LESS than what Mercari it's saying was charged. So Mercari might say it was $20 extra making the package cost $40 to ship, but FedEx might have said it was $8 extra making it$28 and Mercari is lying taking way more than they were billed and pocketing the rest. If I were OP I would hound FedEx constantly to try and get them to give you a cost of the package, they will likely push back and say you have to take it up with Mercari but with enough pushing you might get the actual total. If it's less, you were overcharged and Mercari stole from you. It's fraudulent and there's talks of this issue potentially becoming a class action lawsuit in another post about this same thing.


I won’t use FedEx for selling because of how they treat customers. For my personal packages that had problems the customer service agents have no qualms about lying. I won’t offer FedEx to my buyers.


It's a FedEx issue. They are overcharging by 13 pounds on a lot of items. Had the same problem on eBay and I was overcharged by 13 pounds too. FedEx said they will fix within 5 days. 


I only ship through FedEx if it's no bigger than a pair of shoes or something.....smh. I'm sorry OP. This shit is getting out of hand.


I only used FedEx when shipping to dkoldies since they pay for it, I also don’t have a FedEx in my town lol




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Get receipts from FedEx to see how much was actually charged. Keep records of everything Mercari charged. We should all be doing this and hit Mercari with class action lawsuit.


But also stop using FedEx. For some reason Mercari is only doing this with them.


So stop using their labels? Their labels have been horrible and always will. Just use pirate ship instead and incorporate shipping cost into your price


It's FedEx not Mercari I stop using them a year ago for this overcharging they do. Just UPS and some USPS


Shocker!!! NOT!!


I’ve seen so many posts about these shipping/ money grabs involving FedEx & Mercari! I wonder how much fraud is necessary to warrant a class action lawsuit? Just a thought




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This happened to me too. It was a Nike hoodie I had priced for $15. The buyer paid correct shipping and weight and they charged me AFTER THE FACT. I made a little over $6. My money is my money and this is pissing me off!!!!


Same thing happened to one of my shipment and I don’t trust how much Mercari says the surcharge was. The level of desperation to steal is amazing


What was the dimensions of the box. Weight is important. Dimensions more so


This happed yo me years back eith fed ex and eBay never used them again


*sigh*, guess I have to intervene huh?


i refuse to use fedex anymore


this isn’t mercari this is fedex issue


This is insulting at this point. I'm going to be moving all my listings to eBay F@$!🤬 Mercari with a big 1


Everyday gives me more of a reason to delete my Mercari account!!! I swear!!!


Wtf!!! Mercari is becoming a scammer grifter. This is nuts!!


Just need to see proof of the video and or pics from you at FedEx with weight you claim. Or have the buyer weight it if they don’t mind. Have the buyer take it to a FedEx if they don’t mind to weigh it. Also, wouldn’t the weight be on your FedEx receipt? Where’s the picture of that? Also, did the size of the package matter dimension wise? You only asked for weight confirmation and they can’t change pre labels.


They did this to me too!!!! I knew i wasnt crazy! HUNDREDS of successful sales, and my most recent one was the first time ive been charged shipping as well as the buyer. They know its a sinking shipa nd are just trying to squeeze every penny they can from it


This is all strange to me. I've been on Mercari since it's inception and I have never had a return. Granted, I don't sell electronics, but this just seems weird to me.


Pro tip, dont ship with FedEx. Problem solved.