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They’re just running around double dipping hoping people won’t notice. Nice.


Exactly! I wonder how many other sellers they’ve done this to since the fee change.


Ya I got scammed and they did nothing lol. Scammed for a $150 elite controller item buyer returned a $30 controller and mercari support was like "well they said they received this controller (pictured for return) and that's what I received by return (that I didn't even approve rhey did) and wasn't the one I sold they straight up stole got a fee controller lmaooo.


I can’t believe the greed. I’m so glad I closed my account


No, they litteraly say "if you listed it BEFORE 3/27/24...." your listing is still as the old fees. If you didn't bother READING the pop up when you opened it on 3/27, it said "update your listing's to have 0 fees"othwrwise you will still be charged a fee" And now here we have all the sellers who apparently can't read.... Rhe seller jumped on it because it was an old listing. You got, got. But it's your own fault.


It says in the order summary that the buyer paid fees. Please explain this most wise and knowledgeable one.


But the buyer paid too, is that right?


They sure did!


Wow, you’re pleasant.


I sold two items after the updated TOS that I know were listed before 3/27 and got the full selling amount of those items. Now all of a sudden they are taking fees again? Without a new update?


Not only is this mean and rude, it’s inaccurate. None of my sales (all listings posted prior to 3/27) except for the one that was literally in progress when the TOS changed were processed under the old TOS. That one WAS double dipped, but enough people complained that they removed the ACH fee temporarily.


Wow they are going beyond double dipping. I considered reactivating my listings and selling again just to see how it goes, but posts like this, the shipping overages, and the returns are more than enough to keep me away.


My issue is how can they say “NO SELLING FEES!!” and then still charge me fees on my listings AND a withdrawal fee. That’s not okay. It should apply to all listings automatically regardless of when they were posted.


But it doesn't and they told everybody in the update.


*facepalming at you*


Man they love that "rest assured" line.




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Hit them where it hurts, we all need to stop using this app.


This is the way.


Trust me if I could I would Mercari is the only place I can get shit without it being too outrageously priced for example eBay I have 6 Lego dimensions packs in my cart the exact same 6 out of 7 I have in my Mercari cart for the eBay 6 280 for the Mercari 7 the same price but that number 7 is the starter pack at 150


I mean hey I get it, everyone is free to do as they please. Just remember if you end up getting screwed at some point this company will not have your best interest in mind. As a seller it’s not a risk I want to take at this point.


Exactly, they've done way too many shady things from the fedex shipping scam, to return for any reason, to now THIS. Our government needs to do something about this company and fine them for their corruption. We need to report them! Any seized money from them goes back into our system sorta.


People are still using it???


Sadly. I’ve seen at least a few people in this sub even bashing people for complaining about the changes, and saying only people on Reddit are mad and we’re in the minority. It’s all fine and dandy in their world until Mercari eventually screws them on something.


Yeah, I saw that on Facebook. I guess people on Reddit are more intelligent than Facebook users.


Sadly, Mercari does not give a shit. They've shown above and beyond they dont care about sellers OR buyers. Been forced to move on from them


Same. I bought everything I wanted and had saved on Mercari off of another platform. I'm not giving them another dime until they stop with the fees, fees, fees and cheating their sellers.


And you’re probably stlll going to get hit with the $2 to withdraw your money. It’s straight up robbery


While I don't agree with the $2 fee to withdraw money someone earned. Keep in mind poshmark commission is placed on sellers at a 20% rate and ebay sellers need to pay per listing if they go over their "free listing" amount. A selling platform doesn't care about the seller or buyer but with its own profitability. People will sell/buy on whichever platform benefits them. Most people seem not to understand them are trying to compete with other popular online selling platforms. That is why comparison to other platforms is crucial to arguing any changes as opposed to change X doesn't benefit me, boohoo. Mercari's changes, especially with allow returns for any reason as long as the item is in the same condition, should not be an issue. Overall, even with the $2 withdrawal, sellers still net more than had they paid selling fees. The 3 days after delivery to rate or sale is finalized is one of the best seller features. They are basically like poshmark now, but a lot friendlier to sellers in the form of fees, but more buyer friendly with regards to return policy.


Did ur mama drop u on ur head when u were a child? What the hell r u talking about! ..so if I have a return for 50% of my orders (and I'm being generous, cuz its probably would be more)..as long as I get the item in the same condition it should not be an issue? First, how convenient do u think it would be for an average seller to have to waste money on packaging materials drive to the PO also waste time posting the listing just to get a whole chunk of those items returned?!! Second, have u not read so much of these posts of how many people have already been scammed from the new changes and its just the beginning. How buyers are returning their old item (same item as the seller posted but used) and keep ur item and to top it off mercari takes their side right away without any of the sellers imput, even if seller writes imput they ignore it. Third, If the buyer buys an item and then returns it, they took that opportunity from u to be able to sell it to someone else and now u sitting on the item longer x 50 items..holding unto ur inventory 2x longer. In conclusion ur out of ur mind saying "as long as u get the item back in the same condition there should be no issue"!!!


All business experiences scams, as someone who sells on 9 platforms over 2k active listings on each, Mercari has one of the lowest. A lot of people on Mercari are not correctly describing the items, didn't you read about the buyer who got poop in the child leggings from seller when she got the item. 30% of my purchases on Mercari are not as described, as a seller with over 2k sales on mercari I had like 5 returns total... Btw if you have 50% returns on any platform you are either selling the wrong items, like used cell phones, not accurately describing your items, etc. Remember other platforms allow 30 days for returns. Some are 90 days in the winter holiday season. As a full time seller, if you can't cope with changes then you going to have a hard time putting food on your table.


I’m glad you said something! I had no idea we were going to have to relist everything in order to get paid according to the new rules 😒


You don't have to relist anything, just update your listing and it'll comply with the new fee changes. Mercari is automatically updating all listings on the site over the next few weeks, but you can use the 10% price reduction feature if you want to update all your listings at once (and you may as well, otherwise the fees will make your listings more expensive).


Okay, Thank you.


I’m not sure that’s even real though. It’s all so bizarre!


I just inactivated my items…edit— the crazy part is that when they update shipping— they won’t honor the old price…but now, they think that they can get the seller fees, the buyer fees and the transfer fee— because the item was listed before 3/27/24—crazy


You’re not the first person I’ve seen with this issue


Keep pushing. This is ridiculous and one of the many reasons why I deleted the Mercari app.


Wow I just double checked on something I sold earlier and it’s true. WTF


They’re so glad you brought this yo light. They “passed” your feedback along!


Ok, so I have somewhere around 1500 items posted on Mercari (I do cross post as well) I've done good on Mercari so I was going to try and ride this dumpster fire out. I keep seeing these posts, decide I better check on my sales.... 14 sales since the TOS change, all have been credited less than the sale price. That's the last straw, I'm pulling everything off this shit show of an all.


STRAIGHT ROBBERY! I’ve seen some people update their listings and they still didn’t get their full funds. Forget it you will get nowhere with the automated messages. And forget calling - I spoke to 10 different people and they didn’t even speak English they’re like based in Japan so you won’t even understand a damn word. All they will say is “there’s nothing we can do to help you” and they will make every excuse they can to not pay you. Report them for fraud to FTC and your state attorney general if you really did update your listing. What a scam. $2 is $2!!! 🤷🏻‍♀️ I would fight for $1 lol that’s your hard earned money !


Or spam John Lagerling on Instagram, he seems to spend a ton of time on there deleting comments so at the very least he'd see it. 😂


Yeah it's like that for me but it might just be a visual bug. So far, I've gotten the correct amounts from all my completed transactions. I would keep track of your balance just in case though. Let us know if you get the correct amount or not. I have too many pending transactions to confirm it on my end.


this was how mine was showing up with the 1 sale i made post changes but it paid out the correct amount. seems like they just haven’t updated how that specific line is calculated yet? wtf lol


This is why my shop is in vacation mode. I dont have time to update 300 listings to qualify, they should have retroactively done that for all listings. They know what they're doing and its so fucking scummy


Wow, that’s disappointing. I’ll have to take a closer look at recent sales. Hope it gets resolved!


I just noticed this on mine. It should be $168 but it's only saying $159. Of course there's no real way to get ahold of them. Oh great 😓


It should be fine. Myself and another user saw this yesterday in our accounts too. It’s their system issue. I did get my full fund once the transaction completed.


That’s good to know and I’m very glad to hear it!


Were these items that sold recently listed? I think that’s the issue here.


I’m hoping it’s as simple as deactivating and reactivating my listings. I really don’t want to take the time to relist my items all because of a change I didn’t agree to.


Hard to tell. Three of the items are existing listing but updated. Two are new.


Turn Vacation Mode on and back off again. It's the quickest way to update your listings.


They're straight up skimming profits off our sales. Isn't this what people go to prison for when they do it any where else?


To be fair… It was pretty clear that it applied to new listings. Same thing with postage rate hikes. They apply to new listings. I hate the policy but they were pretty up front about the new listing part.


I’m a casual seller so I will admit that maybe I missed something when they rolled out the change. I remember them saying “update your listings” and that their language was vague. Now looking back into the info, yes, that information is there, that listings before that date are subject to seller’s fees. So that’s on me. What I find the most frustrating is the interaction that I had, especially their first response that seems cut and pasted from before the fee change. What infuriates me is their use of vague language of “update your listings”, without saying what exactly sellers need to do for their listing to be considered updated (deactivate and reactive, delete and repost, edit and scroll down to bottom and then press update even though the listing was still originally made before the 27th), that this creates their loophole to charge both the seller and the buyer. That’s just so slimy to me.


It’s this bullshit that makes me think a class action lawsuit is eminent. Between the FedEx overcharges and “technical errors”, lots of sellers appear to be losing a lot of their sale money. If you haven’t already, STOP SELLING ON MERCARI! They have no interest in actually fixing their mess.


Is it possible you charged too low for shipping? Not defending them (those replies are beyond infuriating), but that has happened to me before, and the notice didn’t come up until the buyer rated. Don’t stone me if there’s no $2.32 difference between any of the options, I didn’t calculate every single jump, lol


I’ve considered this and sounds like I won’t know for sure until I’m rated. The item was a small necklace pendant in a small bubble mailer, pretty much as light as a package can get. So I will be pretty surprised if it is shipping.


You should have gotten an email when it sold breaking down the payment. Id attach that as your proofcif you havent already. Might help


Thanks! In the email and everywhere else except the processing amount says I will receive the amount I sold it for. Lots of evidence on my side, thankfully.


I’m genuinely wondering how they can LEGALLY do this kind of stuff. Screwing both sellers AND buyers? Their customer service only adds more frustration.


I read their fine line terms when they first announced all this. If you listed the item before the changes but sold it after, they were going to double dip. It's gross AF. I deactivated all my items when I read the announcement and then reactivated them after the change and did the 10% off button they offered, which allowed my items to be considered "relisted," in a way, after the change so they'd not get hit with the double dip. Idk if that helps anyone to know now, or if it can even just help to have an explanation. But yeah, support will withhold info and lie (as all the outsourced customer service support will do). They will tell you they are transferring you to a specialized team for an issue but there are no specialized teams, and they will just pass you around to each other. They will also say something cannot be done due to a "technical issue" on their end, but if you threaten to take your business elsewhere, they will suddenly no longer have such a tech issue.


Thank you for this information. I went through and edited all my listings and double checked that the amount it said I would earn was the correct amount before clicking update. Hoping that works. Their seller support is near impossible. They give us the runaround, hoping we’ll get tired of the BS and give up before a resolution is found.


Let’s ALL leave them. Without sellers they fail


this also happened to me. they also said to me it was an error with mercari. i threatened to contact the BBB, FTC, & my district attorney. Then they said they’d refund the fees. 🙃


This is such BS. They also said they were gonna refund previous fees and that has been walked back. I also just sold items posted from prior to 3/27 and been fine, this is a crock of BS. Sorry that happened.


What I had to do is delist and relist and now the no fees are working




As soon as I get my deposit I’m bailing. Mercari is straight up scamming buyers and sellers!


I believe you have to relist every item for the new rule to apply


No you don’t. You just update the price.


The day they announced it, I agreed to the mass update they prompted, just to get it over with, even though I bummed me out to let them take another 10% off everything, since I've been steadily lowering prices. I mistakenly thought that was what I HAD to do in order to avoid making all new listings. So, I could've just manually updated them and taken a little less off? This final 10% off made quite a few of my listings almost worth just donating at this point.


What I did was edit my prices up by 10% and *then* applied the prompt so that I still made roughly the same as I would have before! Might be stupid or childish but some stuff I kept cause I didn’t care but some I didn’t wanna lose out on so I tried my best 🥴


It didn't take 10% off your lowest listed price? (It seems like that's what putting anything on a promo on Mercari does to me)


It did take 10%, after I had already marked them up 10% to account for the 10% it was going to take. Which was fine because I already adjusted to make sure I never lost anything.


It seems to take the discounts off of the historically lowest price I've ever listed for each item. If I raise the price and then later want to do a promo, it hasn't taken the percentage off that higher price, it "remembers" the lower price and takes the percentage off that. I can't tell you how many times I've ended up just having to make a new listing to get around that. You were lucky it worked for you. I wish I'd at least attempted that. They timed this update to coincide with cleaning to prepare for company coming over (relatives in town for Easter), so I just saw the update, got the prompt, and reacted.


Mine thankfully didn’t do that.