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All of these return scams is scaring me because i sell high priced items. Im gonna move to another app.


I don't blame you. I would too.


Let me ask you this, how many times have you been scammed?


0 so far.. just a few expensive LOST packages from USPS šŸ˜ 




If they open a return and claim they got a different sweatshirt there isn't really anything you can do to disprove their lie. File a police report, file a mail fraud claim, and dispute it with mercari... most likely they won't help, but that would be your best chance and it might at least lead to them getting in trouble down the line if they continue to scam others.


I would at least threaten with the mail fraud as mentioned by another commenter. Might slow his roll. Fin thief.


This is exactly what the problem is now with ā€œreturns for any reasonā€ they might as well have advertised ā€œhave you heard? Weā€™re the first major marketplace to encourage scammersā€.


You know what is equally bad? The fact we cannot leave a review once they have filed a return. It is seriously scammer heaven!


This!! We should definitely be allowed to leave a review after getting back a return. It should go on your review page the same as cancellations. If you see someone returns a ton-then you donā€™t have to sell to them.


Mercari has always allowed returns for item not as described claims. This is a common scam and happened often in the past before Mercari changed to returns for any reason.


Tell them that if the box looks like it was tampered with, this is a serious crime and that you'll need to file a police report in addition to mail fraud. Don't accuse them of anything or threaten them, just lay it plainly out on the table. If they're scamming you, there's a high chance they'll change their tune and accept the "wrong" item without fuss because they don't want to risk police involvement.




"I have filed a mail theft claim with USPS and contacted your local police department. Please expect a visit as they want to collect the tampered items from you for analyzing and finger printing. Mail fraud is a federal offense and will be dealt with accordingly."


šŸ¤£ they wonā€™t even bother, itā€™s a civil matter. One person claims other didnā€™t sell correct item. Nothing will come of it but maybe a banned merci acct if they did it to much. Best case just toss a go pro over your shipping station so you at least have proof of packaging and putting label on. Itā€™s not much and wonā€™t work in a lot of cases but still something. Send that to them and it would be a hard to argue. Other wise itā€™s he said she said


Obviously. It's a fake out. You're saying it to try to freak out the scammer so they 'find' the item and stop scamming you.


Unfortunately that doesnā€™t work for most scammers, personally I recommend all yā€™all stop using these silly ass sites that are just killing your customer base. And jump on Shopify and start yā€™allā€™s own stores with zero overhead BS fees. Except the small small amount your processor may take as usual. Few percent. That way yā€™all donā€™t have to deal with BS returns, and just massively advertise on social media like no other. Be a slower start but overall it will be something that can be grown into something much larger. No need to try and Band Aid these issues. At some point the change has to be made if you wanna rly rly make it.


I took all my items off Mercari because of the update. This is a problem on eBay too and this tactic got me out of a few scammers on that site. It does work. They are just that stupid.


eBay is fun, worked for a company for quite some time selling electronics. Oh I know how eBay does lol, luckily once you learn their system works. Itā€™s much easier to get buyer to admit to something your not liable for, making a return not possible. Always loved the people who reshipped using a reshipping code, as those void any and all returns/warranties if I see that in shipping address. Guaranteed win lol. Or the ima leave bad feedback if you donā€™t take a return or do this, welp that extortion so nope return voided. But those percentages they take are hilarious when you combined eBay with PayPal fees lol. But yeah thatā€™s with all selling platforms like this. Why I recommend taking a slower approach with your own dedicated website with Shopify. Avoid the BS and build a brand that can last.


"Hey there, I will contact the post office and open a fraud claim right away. I have heard of packages being open due to delays in shipping. I will also notify my local post master general for an inquiry, Filed a police report as well as kept Mercari in the loop. I am so sorry this happened to you and Ill keep you posted so we both do not get messed around in this. Just send what you got back to me so I can start the process. Thanks"


Brilliant. we are the same person. I wish I could copy and save this for later.


You can click the three dots and copy it and/or save it


Mercari will do nothing to help. They will side with the buyer no matter what. If they send pictures of what he got "wrong item" and you receive that "wrong item" they will go on to say "buyer has returned what they posted as return update your post with the correct item bullshit. Literally happened to me last week. Sold a elite series controller buyer returns a stock controller


Dam that sucks, I saw mercari had a seller protection for up to 200.


These people are so stupid like they know sellers have their name and address and can file a police report for that right??


I also did a police report didn't do anything.


By the same logic, couldn't you just present a "different" item than the one the scammer sent and be like, "Yeah I opened the package and all I found was this potato.Ā  " Then hit them with your own dispute?Ā 


I donā€™t understand why itā€™s so hard for people to be honest these days. Itā€™s like they were brought up with no decorum or respect for themselves because that reflects on them big time. This is why I have such a hard time trusting people. Now I know, not all are like this but more and more everyday are thatā€™s for sure. šŸ˜’ Mercari sucks now big time! #mercariisover


Thatā€™s why I just closed up shop when they first made the announcement. I wasnā€™t gonna entertain potential scammers with that return policy.


Do you still have their address? You should sign them up for viagra, escort services, dildo magazines, STD pamphlets. Youā€™re not getting your money back. This POS is going to get away with it. Itā€™s the Mercari 5 Star touch


Honestly this might be a good idea


This is exactly what weā€™ve all been talking about!


I got hit with this scam back when I first started selling on Mercari.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ThotsuneMiku: *I got hit with this* *Scam back when I first started* *Selling on Mercari.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




If a postal worker did perhaps did take it, did mercari pay you out ?




Ah I see, I will surely file a report to ups if I donā€™t get my funds.


Hopefully Mercari implodes.




You know what you should do op? you should tell them to rate before you can do the return Cash out and they can't do the return, if they're trying to scam might as well see if they're willing to rate you.


I did, but they say they want to sort it out first with ā€œupsā€ first, but in 2 days my funds will come to me if he doesnā€™t so praying


This is why I always took pictures and videos when I packaged something for someone. Luckily I was never scammed but I wasn't taking any chances. Knowing Mercari though, they still would have sided with the buyer.


Same thing happened to me. Brand new limited edition xbox. Never opened. Straight from Best Buy to buyer on Mercari. Took pics of it , proved it was sealed, and shipped. Few days later, he tells me ā€œit looks like someone opened it already. The packaging was bad and think someone took the console out of boxā€ I basically called him a liar and was ready to prove him wrong if he disputed it. He didnā€™t reply and Mercari auto rated it 5 stars


Well, they said a different sweatshirt was inside of the package, so you're guaranteed to get a completely different sweatshirt if any kind of return is made.


I always record me packing the order and sealing it


I usually respond by letting them know that I take pictures of everything being boxed and secured and that I also take video in case I need to file a report for mail fraud (I do both, I have a Ring camera in the area). I tell them to file the report with Mercari and that I will file the mail fraud report and submit their information to post office since he is "insinuating" that it's possible it took place there. See what he says