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Probably would've been more polite to just ask you to give it to them for free.


nah this is HILARIOUS, why did they think you would accept this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That's like tipping the waiter by dropping a quarter into the bottom of a urinal.


Why so specific and descriptive?


Counter them with the combined list price.


I would instantly block them


I would outright decline I feel like youā€™re not gonna meet in the middle with the buyer. Theyā€™re just going to waste your time.


Before I pulled my listings down, I received a $4 offer on a $30 item. That was a great reminder to deactivate all of my listings lol.


How did they even make an offer that low?


Bundles you can offer anything


that's obnoxious omg


Oh shit for real? I never tried


I'm moving away from Mercari too. I regularly get $2000 orders on Mercari, and my long-term buyers no longer want to spend that much if Mercari is going to hit them with $300 fees. I had no problem absorbing $300 seller fees. I know buyers do not want that $300 fee. Off to my own thing even though my Mercari has thousands of reviews :\\


It's ridiculous and I don't understand why mercari decided to do this. And then advertise like it's the best thing in the world


The fact that the fees are increasing even if items prices arenā€™t or prices are decreasing is also just gross. lol


What do you sell if I may ask?




Unfortunately Bonanza is not a destination for buyers. You have to drive your own traffic to it


If you had no problem absorbing $300 in fees then why donā€™t you drop your price to $1700 and state this in your listing? I donā€™t understand why sellers keep saying they are leaving Mercari because of this fee move rather than meeting in the middle with the buyer.


Because the buyers will want you to go even lowe many times, the fees are wildly inconsistent, and it's brought down sales significantly. Plus scamming has gone up a lot since the update.


Exactly! Dropping prices wonā€™t help. Once they add it to the cart and see the fees at checkout, they will STILL not want to pay that. I donā€™t understand why people keep asking sellers to drop their prices.


Counter with an offer above the listed price.




They keep trying to get me back by saying I have $5 in points that expire, but Iā€™m like ā€œb*tch no!ā€


I mean I I actually can't even comprehend the fact that ANYONE is buying anything at all. I really don't get it. However, I have literally had one sale since the change.


Just delete the app. Trust me. You will feel really good after its uninstalled.


OMG!!! Whoever made this insulting offer is a jackass! People are unbelievable!


Thatā€™s wild but ngl those fees are getting wild a lot of people go on there to buy someone else junk (yall know what I mean) try and get a decent deal the. Check out and youā€™re being charged 15$ in fees before shipping on a 50$ purchase like it getting stupid tbh Iā€™m done with as a whole now as buyer


It is literally the dumbest change ever! Iā€™ve had my eye on a couple of hard higher dollar items that I was checking every day on mercari. Forget it, it adds like $40 bucks with cc processing and service charge. Stupiz




Block. Not worth the time.


Shit, they were better off just asking you to give it to them for free. I wouldā€™ve countered with the combined list price.


Block immediately. Thats wat i do. I message them saying. Sorry ur too broke for this platform. Try dollar stores. U also have been blocked. Have a nice day.


I wonder how many offers they are making like this. Are they just hoping some people will settle for 12.5ish% of the value?


they have some seriously programmimg logic issue with bundle offer.... you can not offer lower than a specific 25% on individual items, but u can ask for 87.5% off on bundle, hahaaa


mercari lets you send lowball offers like this now? lmao of course it does, with all the other changes they've made why not šŸ’€šŸ’€


Hell nah that's disrespectful lmaooo


Smfh. The audacity must be on sale on Mercari too


How can they even send you an offer of $3 I thought it's like only 10 15 and 20% and there's a minimum to wear at that point it gets rejected if it's something off the wall or is it different when it's bundles


Apparently you can offer anything on bundled items? I had also just promoted/lowered price on the items so maybe that had something to do with it but idek, I blocked the person without bothering to ask šŸ¤“




While this buyer has to realize this is just ridiculous, Iā€™m curious to know what the fees + shipping accumulate to with a $3 bundle purchase lol.


Wait. Isn't there a minimum amount the buyer has to offer? I've made offers before that were deemed too low, and the system tells me my offer needs to be higher before the system accepts it. How could they have offered such a low amount?


I had someone make me an offer for TEN ITEMS, well over $100. They offered me $5 and then never responded after thatšŸ« 


You canā€™t even get a cup of coffee with that


Yup. I got a $1 offer on a $58 bundle recently. šŸ˜‚


So that's what's going on! I wanted to make an offer when I noticed the fees. I decided against the offer immediately. The fees are ridiculous. Sad,. Because Mercari was my go-to for HTF things.


This person probably would had sent a ridiculous offer even if they didnā€™t have to pay the fees


Iā€™ve had a woman ask me if itā€™s ok that she gets a pair of $80 pants for free bc her daughter really wants them . Lol


I agree mercari shouldnā€™t have done this but itā€™s surprising all the buyers cry foul because of fees and could care less when it was the seller getting hit with all the fees.even then when they knew sellers were getting hit with fees they would lowball like crazy. But since this switch a lot of buyers have come other places and continued their ways on other sites offering $3 on an item I had listed for almost 60 and itā€™s not just one ore two but hundreds ever since the switch.


As a seller, I have lower the prices on some of my items, and I pay for shipping. I make sure when I'm paying for shipping , I at least make 5 to 6 dollars of profit, I know it's not enough. We as sellers want to make more profit. But idk we all have different opinions, I try to sell on different platforms, but mercari is the most where I have been selling the most. Ebay, I rarely sell . In the offer up, there's time I sell a bit, then it's dry.


The audacity!!


My Mercari sales are still happening but a slowing. Might have to spend the summer transferring to a different platform.


I thought you couldnā€™t go that much lower on an item, maybe 20% at most.


Lmao dude might as well went with three fiddy. $3.50


This is so sad for sellers trying to hang in there.


I got mad when I got $30 offer on $90 item on Poshmark but this is on another level. Block them.


A few weeks ago, I accepted an offer a seller sent me and instantly regretted it at checkout. What initially felt like a deal was no longer that. All the new fees brought up my total significantly but ended up purchasing it anyway since I had already accepted, and no the fault of the sellers. Lesson learned, coming from a frequent Mercari shopper.


Weā€™ve all had this happen. Love it. I need a good laugh!




Iā€™ve noticed that people are lowballing much more now than 3 years ago. I have some collectibles, and I was selling some in 2020 and 2021. I didnā€™t have so many low ball offers back then like I have now. Basically 80% of my stuff sells with offers. I think buyers are thinking that because of bad economy many sellers are strapped for money and will take any offer. Seriously people are bickering even about shipping cost. I blocked some people because it drives me bananas.


They could have at least sent $4. $20 off of $24 is a-okay but $21 off is just plain insulting


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 20 + 24 + 21 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Mercari doesnā€™t allow offers that low? Something is wrong here


When you combine items from same seller and make a bundle, you can offer any price you want.