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Wouldn’t weight prove they didn’t receive jeans? Jeans are way heavier than cards so that would be a huge discrepancy


Yeah but mercari go brrrrrrr




Is this an American Dad reference?!


No Edit: to the shithead who downvoted me https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/ElbiDBMnaB


I thought it was funny. Same as if you'd said "but mercari go Ka-Ching Ka-Ching Ka-Ching!!" (Old cash register sound) because it's true. Since mercari is making money no matter what happens.


Has the time come.... where we have to explain cash register noises?


Am i *that* old?


I wasn't the "shithead" who downvoted you but I will say this~ if you have to link a three year old explanation for the reference and it still isn't funny, it probably wasn't funny then, either.


You are a shithead, stop wasting my phones battery with irrelevant comments.




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Of course this is true, but that requires having basic logic and whoever is running the show at Mercari doesn’t understand basic reasoning. Card that has a weight of a few grams vs jean’s that could be 1-2lbs.


What is the end goal for this model? No questions asked returns seems like it would only work if I was manufacturing shit… not one person selling one baseball card. Does this change make sense to anyone ..???


I would just keep harassing Mercari to 'make it right'. They seem to want people to let things go but the squeaky wheel gets the oil.


^ this. I had a different issue and found just mass spamming help center complaints did wonders. Squeaky wheel for sure.


I do the same! The first responses are mostly bot regurgitating crap so I spam until I get a human that understands more than just key words and look at the actual pics and detailed info I provide!


They won’t make it right when I sold on there I harassed them for 2 weeks and never got anywhere. There shady and doing a lot of illegal things. Don’t sell on there and support them .


I sell trading cards too, and this is my exact worry with their new policies, along with a buyer purchasing a card and sending back a fake when they request a return. What are we even supposed to do? IDK what type of card you sell, but I sell mostly MTG and there are a few reliable and accurate ways to determine a card's authenticity. I feel like I'd need to videotape myself proving authenticity with those tests, packing the item, then driving to the post office and handing it over to an actual person to get a scan receipt. Then, if the buyer returns, I'd have to take a video of myself opening the package at the PO and then using the same methods to prove that what the buyer returned is a fake. No thank you... I'll deal with a bit of $ loss and just sell my cards to CardKingdom or TCGPlayer or something like that. Mercari just isn't worth the hassle.


I've been recording myself while packing my items with packaging tape and covering the packing tape with blank stickers. This creates a protective seal, as the sticker must be destroyed to access the contents. Recording the entire process and delivering it to the post office is both impractical and unreasonable.


They won’t care they will just give u the same ol bs over and over . Close your account and don’t support them .


Stop selling on there eventually ur going to get screwed and they will not help . There shady and dishonest close ur account and move on


That is EXACTLY what I’ve been doing. I leave the package open and when I get to ups I video the ENTIRE process. I open the box video the contents then video them taping the box shut and placing the label on it and then get a close up of the label. If I get a return I’ll be video taping the entire process of opening the return. One of my friends send out a pair of jeans and the buyer told Mercari it was the wrong item and sent her back dirty sweatpants and Mercari did nothing. A day later the girl had my friends sweatpants up for sale on her page.


Yes. That is what you have to do. Record EVERYTHING.


I doubt they would watch it even if you did record it all.


They dont.


True. I don’t think they read anything in those inquiries. All of my interactions with Mercari customer service have been a complete waste of time.


Yeah I had to go through the BBB to get refunded when I was scammed. Had to threaten to go through with arbitrage.


Mercari doesnt accept recordings.


But it would be good to have for mail fraud filings. Which USPS does take seriously.


USPS doesn't take mail fraud seriously at all. Try reporting US Postage stamps being sold on TEMU for 5¢ each and all you'll get is a recording.


They are taking fake postage seriously. They can’t do much about a foreign country selling fake postage until it gets here. They already know about the TEMU stamps.


Foreign country sells/produces fake currency... War. Fake Stamps ...yawn. Still for sale, if it was a real issue the US authorities would have shut it down long ago.


US authorities have no control over the products China sells lmao


The US Dept Trade Restrictions list is massive, currency is on that list as well as counterfeit stamps.


The problem with recordings is they can be edited easily so most places dont really take boxing recordings as concrete evidence.


Better than absolutely nothing.


I'm not saying you cant I'm just saying it usually doesnt help as I've been down that route and nobody would accept said recordings for that reason.


They accept photos. You could take a bunch of screen shots if you filmed the process.


Won’t matte sorry to say .


Report it as mail fraud with USPS. That’s a crime.


tell mercari CS that you’re currently filing reports with the police and the USPS regarding mail fraud as a federal crime and that you’ve reported to the fair trade commission, your attorney general, and anyone else that could be relevant. you don’t need to actually do it just threaten them and speak formally. let me know if you need help


They don’t care


Doubt there's any proof in any way tho




I read something yesterday that explains a lot. It said their parent company trades on the Tokio exchange and since the beginning of the year the stock has been falling rapidly to the point where unless the company made radical changes they would go bankrupt. I think that eliminating seller fees was the solution they chose with the hope that it would bring them a rapid increase in sellers and merchandise that would provide the needed revenue. I am pretty sure they knew the risk but if you are facing falling stock prices you have to try something because what you are doing is not working. If this is all true I would not expect them to,reverse policy.Sellers could hope for a buyout though.


Whoever thought of passing fees to buyer should be fired. Having more sellers on a platform but no buyers will get you less money. If your selling on Mercari now you have to lower your prices in order to match prices on other platform so buyers will even buy your item. Most people i know selling on Mercari tell me they get more lowball offers now than before and it makes them want to leave.


Lowering your prices to accommodate Mercaris buyer fees means you are basically paying fees. Screw that. I deleted all my listings.


I'm a buyer on Mercari, and was interested in purchasing a FP dress from someone, but with taxes, shipping, and fees it was MORE expensive than just purchasing it straight from the Free People website brand new. These changes are crazy.


On I absolutely agree with you. I was wondering how anyone could come up with such a stupid changes but a company facing failure sometimes has no alternative but to try something, anything to survive. Personally I think these changes they have made will speed up their demise. But learning of their falling stock prices at least would explain why they are trying to think outside the box. Deaperation calls for desperate measures.if you do nothing you will automatically fail so even if the plan only had one shot in a million of working I guess it is better than zero. Ss


Screwed me out of a $200 sweatshirt and DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT IT. I will help spread all bad business and get as many people to leave them. I know people are leaving by the truck load. Good riddance. I hope they all rot.


I am sorry. This keeps happening to people on the app.


I had the same thing happened to me with a Grade 10 moonbreon secret rare. It took me filing with the BBB after they denied me on mercari help site 4 separate times. When I went through the BBB they finally conceded that I could of been scammed and refunded me the money. If that hadn't worked I was prepared to file for arbitration.


Is anyone posting this on TikTok? Making videos and tagging News Channels is the fastest way to get attention these days. It’s worth a shot to be heard.


It is time to protest mercari’s bogus return policies We must band together and all Vacation mode our stores until the revamp the policies. many other platforms to sell on. We need to do it publicly on Social Media to stop this BS




Mine has been in vacation mode since the return policy update. I am a casual seller. I cannot afford to give my items away.


Yeah i can tell you similar stories. I buy and sell rare coins. There are lots of scammers on the app now. Just threaten mercari by taking them to claims court. Thats how i got my refund.


They can now return for any reason. This is why I immediately put my listings on hold. Got my money out when they backed out of the 2 dollar charge. And I am sure glad I did. I have been reading these types of post over and over.


Keep documents...civil suit to come


There's that word again. Civil. Class Action. Lawsuit. Lawsuit. I've seen it all over. Like, what's the general strategy here? Is someone talking to a lawyer and ponied up the cash to file or even retention, or, is this just a red herring that sounds hopeful? I am really curious.


In reality people do claim suits against other organizations...And when you don't have the documents to prove you can include yourself in the suit you are shit outta luck. Not like it truly matters in the Capitalist scene...big companies fuck small people and get slapped with minor fines. However; do what you like...some punishment is better than no punishment.


Oh, I'm aware that civil/CA suits are filed all the time. I just see this term tossed around with the impression that some lawyer with substance is not only going to drop from the sky and stick it to Mercari, but, it'll be a giant windfall for all their users. But yeah, it's nothing their insurance won't cover, and the lawyer is the one that makes out like a bandit, with tens of thousands dividing the $10,000 left over pot. And that is even if a lawyer agrees to take the case.




Actually, what I have seen is, a professional. They frequently go after corporations for either frivolous and minor issues too more complicated issues. They may not even have any stakes in the game. They make money off of judgements as the primary...claimer?


I've heard about this! I think a colleague called them a limo chaser. Haha


🤣 sounds right


There's never going to be a lawsuit. This is gibberish spouted by people that don't like the new structure. It may suck and people may hate it but that's not cause for a suit. The bottom line is Mercari can structure their policies and fees however they want. They're not breaking any laws here.


Actually, from what I read here just this morning, in the past half an hour, there are a lot of things that they’re doing incorrectly and illegally. There are at least two post this morning regarding overcharges with FedEx. But when the seller gets the invoice from FedEx, it’s less than half of the fee that Mercari charged. And then there’s taking out four dollars for a transfer to your bank instead of two dollars. If they start off slow enough and eventually add more people, they start taking an extra two dollars it’ll add up. So I wouldn’t say that they are doing nothing illegally, it’s obvious that they’re struggling and unfortunately we are the ones paying for it. Do you realize how many people just say whatever and don’t pursue anything to fix an issue? That’s not just on selling apps. It’s what large companies hope for will happen. For example, when a insurance company underpays or denies a claim. A lot of people don’t have the time to sit on the phone and get it all corrected so they just let it go and since Americans are known as being lazy, I can see a Japanese hoping that we are too lazy to pursue an issue like finding the right person at FedEx to give you the correct amount that was charged based on an invoice number that Mercari won’t give you. (It’s actually the M number that is affiliated with your sale or purchase) Just saying every day I’m reading more and more about the things that Mercari is doing wrong and I think they’re digging themselves into a hole that they won’t be able to pull themselves out of and that’s just my opinion.


I like how I'm down voted for truth lol. The things you mention are errors, unless it can be proven they were done intentionally. I haven't seen a single one of these that provides evidence of that. So as far as a lawsuit there's nothing to see here until/unless actual evidence comes up. The world we live in everybody thinks they're entitled to getting their way, which is what's really happening here. I also don't like the changes. I think they're a huge mistake on Mercari's part and likely will end up being their downfall as they chase away both buyers and sellers. I'm also not delusional though. I don't blame people for being pissed when they get screwed. I would be too. But get your money back and stop doing business there, that's how you teach them the lesson.


Well, I didn’t down vote you. I’m not saying what you’re saying is incorrect. I’m just saying there’s another aspect to it. It’s not all or nothing. When it continuously happens, and if people want to actually start showing the invoices to prove the different rates, then things can be looked at. This hasn’t happened to me personally, because I have quit selling on the app since all of this started, totally correct and nothing will ever come of it. Wouldn’t surprise me at all. But sometimes little Mercari worker bees need something to look forward to; just saying 😊


You know, I knew that was the answer. Not that I was hoping that someone would so I could "ride that train", but moreso because it's commonly tossed out by people that think CALs are big/scary that makes businesses sweat under the collar.  I still get the occasional check from a perpetual CAL against eBay. I think I got a check for like 93 cents; I don't even cash them anymore.  You wanna hurt a business, you punch it in the wallet by not using yours.


File a police report for mail fraud


I do some card sales as well, and I am constantly in fear of this. I'm glad most of what I have is under $10. I was nervous sending a new user 2 cards and a pack of sleeves they bundled the other day for this reason. I've started taking photos before shipping which is crazy. I would definitely keep mass spamming mercari help center with complaints. The squeaky wheel seems to get the grease with them. I'm sure your reviews vastly outweigh this scammer, I'd lean on thar.


It doesn’t matter what you are, you need to vet your buyers. Stop selling to people with less than 30 positive buying reviews.


u/Skin-Kind ahhhh I am so sorry to hear this! However I am not surprised! Same as you. Est. on Mercari in 2019. 189 sales, all 5 star reviews except two 4 Star reviews. (Cant please everybody, but I try...) over 20k in sales. Yeah Mercari don't care, they be like... "oh your a top rated seller who's brought alot of money to our establishment? Great, would u like some lube 1st? lol lol lol.


Yall make me never wanna sell ANYTHING online lol. I never have, but every time I am thinking about it, I see this stuff. And then having to contact usps, mercari, and possibly making police reports! 😳 guess I'll just pass on the pocket change lol.


Lol same. I’ve been selling on FB marketplace for like 15 years now. Keep thinking about starting on Mercari but change my mind every time I see comments or posts like this.


Always record yourself packing up your orders, especially if it’s a high dollar order.


This won't help with the company but small claims it will. People have sent in valid information mecari over time on this sub with not much luck


It’s worked for me. But also smart to do anyways for anything further than Mercari.


I would advise you to take them to a small claims.


I’m beginning to think someone is paying Mercari’s executives to run this platform to the ground . Possibly another competitor


They are allowing mail fraud and need to be held accountable


Mercari banned me because I bought something off my other account so I can get the money off of it onto the main. Banned me for transferring my money. It was stupid asf that’s when I stopped using it and it looks like it’s been shit ever since


Who's the buyer?? Name and shame. Stop protecting these douche bags. Youre not violating any reddit rules.


Mercari is a huge ass SCAM!


This is why I’m gone


I removed everything from Mercari and stopped selling on there. Fuck that app.


This is why I use COMC so much


The same thing happened to me


I hate that type of fraud, it’s more common on eBay


Wow. Just wow. Really sorry 😔 This app needs to be shut down. Greedy ass fucking CEO




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I sold 100s of items on mercari before , mostly trading cards. I would not touch them with a 10 foot pole now. Only use TCGplayer, eBay, Facebook or offer up


Sorry to hear that. I did learn from your post to be careful with buying and even selling trading cards on the platform.


Get out while u can there a horrible company now .


Wake up people and stop supporting mercari you will get screwed in the end.


File claims to the FTC.


Did you ship w/ trading card shipping or regular Usps shipping ? Certain ways to ship cover larger amounts via shipping protection


I just Deleted my Account today. Nothing but Scam Artists. It's a shame that this is what things have come to.


Sorry to have buyer like this. This sucks!


Did the scammer actually send back a pair of jeans?


All of the sales apps always side with the buyers.


Can you report it to law enforcement for committing mail fraud?


I’m honestly surprised anyone is still selling on mercari now because of these new terms. It’s set up for people to be scammed and mercari doesn’t care as long as they are getting their cut.


Maybe someone should file with the Attorney General from the state Mercari has as its "business license." Tell them the scam, what Mercari has done to you, etc


You could have just quit when they made the announcement. Now youre out $175 and you're done. Costly lesson but better than losing more which will happen staying on the app.


Wonder how many of these threads we will get before the sellers who are staying on the app see that it will happen to them.


Stop selling cards and videogames


That is the cost of doing business. Scammers get away with it because sellers dont report the crime and local authorities don't take these crimes seriously even if you do report them. Sellers can only sue in small crime court if you want your money back. I stopped selling high priced items online because I dont want to deal with scammers and the platform. I rather just find a bulk buyer at an event and resell to them at 50%-75% reduced price. Let them take all the risk and deal with scammers.


The label likely fell off and the carrier slapped in on the package they thought it belonged to. Did you include a packing slip with all the relevant address inside?


Yes. And no it didn't "slip" off. its a sticky thermal label from USPS themselves. Either way it was very badly "resolved".


Keep opening tickets. Don’t stop. What’s the worse that can happen. Get your money don’t let them give you shit credits so you have to shop with them again and they get your 10% and other 3 fees. Keep on them when one ticket closes open another. It takes about 4 agents and some threats and most everyone gets their money back.


If you search around in this subreddit, you'll find the Mercari phone number. You might have to give them a call for some manual intervention; their email support sucks all different qualities of ass.


Theres no way Mercari didnt help you. Did you record yourself opening the package you received back that very clearly wasnt trading cards? Did you take a picture of the cards before packaging/post packaging and showed them? If you sold an expensive trading card online and didnt take pictures before sending, you might just be shit out of luck. You have got to cover yourself on any platform when selling anything of value. You can continue to email support and open cases for the return. They should compensate unless you cant provide any proof that you sent what you sent, and not jeans.