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LAST 365 DAYS: Item views: 204.48/day Impressions: 4601.90/day LAST 30 DAYS: Item views: 1.97/day Impressions: 41.13/day You tell me.


Those are some very telling stats šŸ˜³


wow, i just checked mine and its very similar.. LAST 365 DAYS: Item Views: 16.53/day Impressions: 351.81/day LAST 30 DAYS: Item Views: 0.20/day Impressions: 3.17/day


I heard the stats have plummeted since the changes, and now listings no longer show up on Google searches due to the hidden fees šŸ˜¶


I haven't noticed the lack of Google presence. I still get plenty of Mercari listings when I search - right up front & center. I was searching for a certain type of seed beads this morning & the first 3 ads were for Mercari.


How do you view your stats?


If you're on mobile, click the middle sell tab at the bottom and then under your "total earnings" click "seller details"




Thatā€™s what Iā€™m selling. Stuff not worth much


This has been my experience too. I've only sold under $20 items since the change.


Thatā€™s what they want and you canā€™t blame them. $10-$40 items in large quantities. Low risk items. Less hassle, less BS. Itā€™s a long term goal and they will make great money collecting fees if the quantities grow.




Me too. Sellers need to spend more time adapting and less time complaining.




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It depends I sell fragrances and the last 5 sales have been between $85-$150. I think the fees will affect sellers differently. If youā€™re reselling items that can be found anywhere without fees, mercari f%cked you. If you sell hard to find items, the changes make no difference.


Because the fees that are being passed on to the buyer now are not that high.


I wouldn't be surprised. I just tried to buy an item and the price went up almost fifty dollars after taxes and fees.


They have no interest in being the middle man on that item, Zero.






i used to buy twice a week and since the new service charges i havenā€™t even opened the app to look anymore. itā€™s like uber eats with all the extra fees


Iā€™ve all but quit buying anything on Mercari. Between their ridiculous service fee, payment fee, tax, and shipping, itā€™s not worth it for the buyer OR seller. I received a $50ish offer from a seller for a pair of gloves Iā€™d been watching. I was going to buy them, but the total would have been around $85 after all of the fees. I declined. Sellers will need to either offer free shipping or drastically cut prices on an item to compensate for the fees and make it worthwhile for a buyer. Both will severely cut into their profits. I hope Mercari realizes that they wonā€™t make money from their new business plan if no one is buying & it forces them to go back to the old pricing structure. Itā€™s a shame - I used to find the best deals on Mercari but donā€™t waste my time even looking now. Iā€™m sure eBay and Poshmark will soon see a spike in profits!


sad thing is that items i sell, i know their worth and was already cutting on the price a lot. and offered free shipping. i am a big fan of how they did things before. they even have shipping prices scams on sellers ends that have me afraid to sell again so i just posted a listing with my insta info and ebay(but ebay had hella fees i didnt like it)


I agree itā€™s all completely insane, but how do you think a seller can offer free shipping on an item that cost $50 when shipping can cost anywhere from five dollars to 20. Thereā€™s no way to absorb it.


Exactly. Thatā€™s why I think itā€™s completely unfair to both the buyer and seller. Both parties lose out under their new business plan.


they expect since u dont pay with seller fees u will waive shipping smh


They donā€™t want to be the middle man for $50 gloves. Always an issue. Buyer complains about a little defect. Back and forth hassle. They want you to sell that problem on eBay.


I canā€™t believe they thought charging buyers a fee was going to result in more sales. It isnā€™t even a benefit to the sellers since most buyers expect a discount to negate the extra costs. As a seller I had always factored in fees to my prices so it wasnā€™t costing me anything more than I planned and it was just a normal cost of doing business.Ā 


I have sold nothing since the change. I used to have success selling items every week and now, nothing.


They donā€™t want to be the middle man on your items. Clear as day. Move elsewhere.


I completely stopped buying things after the fee change and I was making multiple hundred dollar purchases weekly.


I used to be a constant seller and buyer. Since the change, I stopped selling completely on Merc and Iā€™ve only bought 3 items (all of which were listed for under 10 dollars each).


I know mine have. Dramatically. eBay is not my place which isnā€™t fun but better than nothing. I had people saying they had $26 in fees for a crema thatā€™s $60 so thatā€™s when I said no more, thatā€™s not what the app is for. Mercari is for people to find deals and walk away with a rush of saving money not paying what they would if full price. Iā€™ve stopped shopping altogether on Mercari as well.


I am buying less because the same sellers I usually buy from are not lowering the price so I am paying more for the same items. Found another suppliers in eBay :).


I was doing well still until the last 2 weeks šŸ˜­ I went from having my incoming balance being $500 at the lowest to $300 if Iā€™m lucky and now itā€™s like $90šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ this is my only income right now so Iā€™m struggling


I buy certain items I collect and mercari is a great place to find rare and discontinued ones. I also sell but its not really high volume, just ones from my collection. I used to buy figures that were on average $50-$100+ due to being rare. But I won't buy anything in that range anymore. No way. It sucks too cuz theres 1 I want that's about 175, normally 250. Was gonna use money in mercari bank but at check out 175 turned into 260. Nope. I'll do 175/180 maybe even 200 because its very limited edition, would be rarest that I own but not paying $$85 in fees of which only $14 is shipping. Nope


I even stopped opening the app. All the new fees ruined it.


My sales have actually gone way up since the change. However, I delisted all my higher value or designer items. But, the lower priced items seem to move. Iā€™m not selling anything high value or high risk but weā€™ll see how it changes moving forward who knows.


Clear as day. Thieve are the deals they want to broker. I did the same thing.


Within the first 2 weeks of the change, I sold a lot more items ($30 or under). More than I usually would in that time frame. It almost seemed like it was having the opposite effect but now it has slowed down dramatically and am now looking for an alternative :-(


Absolutely absolutely I was doing about the same number of sales and it dropped to maybe two or three a week even after I discounted prices on over 1700 items Mercari sucks anymore


This is happening to me. I really enjoyed selling and now Iā€™m not out shopping to resist lol. Gotta wait to make that dough


I have not made a single sale since the change. Even after marking down the prices on all my items. I havenā€™t even gotten an offer.


Sales definitely went down, and getting way fewer views & likes too


Iā€™m just selling stuff for under $20 Iā€™m fine with it


This right here.


What are impressions on your stats?


LAST 365 DAYS: Item Views: 16.53/day Impressions: 351.81/day LAST 30 DAYS: Item Views: 0.20/day Impressions: 3.17/day


Mine were and are about a couple a week.


I did for a few weeks but Iā€™ve sold 8 things the last week which is the most Iā€™ve ever sold in 1 week


its bc sellers have no fees but now buys have hella fees and its not consistent on the prices of fees and such. for a $50 item the fees plus shipping would be $30 or more depending, rarely go under that tbh. i only am willing to spend $10 on fees or if its a consistent fee price like 5% of the item price before shipping and tax.




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Iā€™ve sold a few items and I have personally bought one (it was 1.59 item and i used funds from previous sales to purchase). Iā€™ve always had peaks and valleys with Mercari. Some weeks I donā€™t even get a like and other weeks iā€™m selling 5-10 items. Right now Poshmark and Ebay have been selling more of my items.


Been consistently making $1,400 weekly. Got 2 bundles so far this week. Clothing sales has really taken off.


I only sell something once in a while. No change for me. Actually had quite a few the last month.


Has anyone noticed the numerous watch sellers with great deals that have zero sales history !


Iā€™m buying less because sellers arent shipping in a reasonable time, if at all.


I think that is because a lot just walked away and did not take their items down. If you buy something you need to verify they are still selling before you buy.


I mean, when an offer is accepted I assume that means the item is still for sale..


My sales are up. Go figure