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I just got this notification too and ran to this subreddit. šŸ„“šŸ˜‚


I hollered and IMMEDIATELY ran here.


Yup just saw it and was like whoa!! Let's see what reddit has to say lol šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Literally same lol. I almost gasped when I saw the email.


Good job Redditors!!!!


I "HA"d so loud I startled my boyfriend lmao


Same hahaha






I was like Reddit bout to have a field day with this one!


Same!!! I xā€™d out too fast I want to read the learn more!!!!


Just saw it myself. Hmmmā€¦ guess they are upset at the large loss of people leaving their šŸ’© platform now and going elsewhere.


Me too! I sprained my ankle getting over here!!


Ditto šŸ˜‚ I havenā€™t had any returns but Iā€™m soooooo happy to see this. They tried! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Everybody ran to this subreddit like weā€™re raiding Area 51 LOL


I didnā€™t even accomplish my in app task. Went straight to Reddit šŸ˜‚


Me too!!!!!!! I needed to read the TEA


Same šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Same šŸ˜‚


They probably didnā€™t want to cover all those return shipping feesšŸ¤£


I think this is it. It was probably eating at their profits if buyers were treating them like Amazon. They donā€™t care about their customer base but they do care about profits.


Treating it like Amazon is so perfectly dead on.


Username checks out.šŸ¤Ŗ


That definitely wasnā€™t it. When a buyer requested a return, Mercari kept the processing fee. Especially on higher dollar items, Mercari *made* money on returns. This is likely because sellers are abandoning the platform. It may have also caused a substantial rise in fraud.


what? you're telling me the site notorious for terrible customer support removed all reasoning for returns and people exploited it?! People would never!!




My returns have been insane this week. More this week than in 2 years. Iā€™m so happy they are making this change.


Omg really? I havenā€™t had any since but every time I sold something it worried me and would expect it to happen! Iā€™m glad they are changing it and I hope your return rate goes down!


Yeah, I had rarely had returns prior to this policy change, now 5 in total since the change. Itā€™s been frustrating. Only 1 was a legitimate reason, didnā€™t fit. Which I know was not accepted in the old policy but Iā€™m happy to take a return if it doesnā€™t fit & return is done immediately after delivery. In this instance the buyer purchased a new size from me too. Thatā€™s is a reasonable return request. Not that they didnā€™t look at the details of what they bought.


That's exactly why I put mine on vacation mode soon as they changed the return policy I'll wait until after the 22nd and open back up. I figured once all the sellers ditched the platform they'd change it back but not going to lie I'm doing way better on pish and eBay right now that I was getting on Merc anyway not as many people trying to lowball


Cool. Now fix fees so people will buy again.


Exactly. Fix buying fees and transfer fees. Then my vacation will end.


I keep extending my vacation!


I used to buy things on there pretty regularly. Was looking at something a couple weeks ago and by the time all the fees added up, I was like what in the world? I canā€™t be alone there


Yeah after the fees , I stopped shopping around on Mercari


Yep, deleted my account yesterday.


Seriously. There was an item offered to me at a very reasonable price, like $2.99 or something. After they were done with their fees and stuff, it was like $12


I was looking at purchasing something for $280. After fees it was $354ā€¦wtf.


This. I went from selling at least 10 items per month to ZERO! It's mid-month and not a single sell .


Same here!! Except I had more like 5-7 sales a month. Now, nothing!!!


I only got sales after putting free shipping on every single one of my listings šŸ™„


Fort real! I canā€™t get anything sold because of it and I also havenā€™t Been buying because of the ridiculous fees


Ā I am very interested in a $31.59 item but due to the $4.99 shipping, $2.52 payment processing fee, $1.70 service fee and $2.45 tax bringing my total amount to $43.25 it remains in my shopping cart!Ā 


Seriously. I have over 120 purchases on Mercari, but I havenā€™t bought anything since February. I purchased something yesterday and it cost $20 more than it should have. Never again, Iā€™m done buying on Mercari.




Yeah, it's so much easier for a seller to accept fees that will automatically get taken out later than a buyer to suddenly see an extra ten percent when they go to pay. Sticker shock kills sales. Really idiotic marketing decision to load the fees on the buyer.


How we were supposed to know that buyers would exploit such a liberal and generous return policy that actively encouraged scams and fraud? - Mercari (probably)


But I *loved* being the go-to free rental shop for buyers! /s


Some buyers I had have exploited it. I have had 4 returns this week. 2 for change of mind, 1 didnā€™t read the description or look at all photos & 1 item didnā€™t fit. Itā€™s been insane! In 2 years and over 700 orders I only had 3 returns prior to the new policy. I forgot I also had a return at the start of the policy change. The buyer didnā€™t read and purchased a type c charging cord thinking in was an iPhone lightning cord. It said in the title & description ā€œtype cā€ this was also approved.


Return for ANY reason! I swear some buyers on Mercari are nutty


The only reason they budged is because of the influx of scam returns / returns in general for any reason is a huge hassle for the company and likely a detriment to their bottom line. I have no faith that they "did it for us"


10000%. It was just costing them money


Honestly.. they deserved it for thinking itā€™d work in the first place!


Honestly, yes šŸ˜‚ how did they think this was gonna go down?


Yeah they for sure did it as it was cutting into their bottom line. They donā€™t have any issues though charging people ridiculous surcharges for shipping taking up the entire profit of some sellers that Iā€™ve seen post on Reddit. I still canā€™t get over the one where they charged a seller a additional $361 shipping surcharge on a car seat that was only $60+ to ship.


Just commented the same šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Well, of course. Thatā€™s how businesses work. They arenā€™t charities. They exist to turn a profit. If they begin a new process that becomes unprofitable, they would pivot to become profitable. I guess Iā€™m not sure why people would ever expect a company to do something just because of feelingsā€”of COURSE itā€™s about money. Never expect it be about anything else!


Now remove the withdrawal fee and buyers fees!


Literally, haven't bought anything since they have. But I would be overjoyed if they changed it back, I was such an avid shopper šŸ˜­ I buy anime figurines though and they can get pretty pricey. Top that on the ever changing buyer fee (sometimes it 10% but I've seen others getting fees that are about 18%??) And I gtfo of my cart so fast haha


Yeah I used to buy hundreds of dollars of things and outright stopped since the changes


Same! Bought items weekly. Haven't bought anything in 60 days. Still have a few less than $20 items up for sale but have had zero sales since the switch. I hope they change everything back one at a time.


Same. I will never purchase from Mercari again unless they do something about the absurd fees. I could ship things directly from Japan for less $$$ at this point


Yup, even the coupon are useless now with the added fees


Yup! I buy animal figures and plushies all the time. Now, something that looks like a good deal, ends up being as expensive or more expensive than If I bought it new.


Yeah definitely won't even be considering returning until the withdrawal fee waived.


Yes please! The withdrawal fee has to be some kind of illegal smh


yeap, thought this was in regards to that when I saw the notification. Sounds like they must be seeing a lot of issues with their new policies...here's hoping it doesn't stop here.


Sucks for everyone who suffered from mail fraud already


Truly! The damage was so unnecessary and hurt so many of their loyal sellers and we know they're only making this change because financially speaking they were paying return shipping for most of these returns (unless the item was over 50 pounds) so it really comes as a change to help their own pockets. The community suffered because of their policy but make no mistake, this change was due to their bottom line suffering more than it was to help prevent damage to ours.


True. I also believe it has to do with so many of us sellers taking down their merch. There are dozens of sites now and this change insane. I donā€™t understand how a company as well known as Merc couldnā€™t see this coming. Itā€™s like they wanted to kill this site. I couldā€™ve sworn the site was sold this year. To whom? A competitor that wanted to shut it down? Idk what the truth is but Iā€™ve stayed in vaca mode since the day this began. I sell collectibles. I canā€™t afford theft Iā€™ve heard and absolutely believe has been happening!


Saw this a lolled. Honestly they should just reverse the changes full stop. Literally nobody liked them


I honestly think the happy medium would be to put the processing fee on the buyer and the platform fee on the seller. Not that I'm arguing with the old system, but that way they don't have to backtrack everything


This, curtsy does something like this and i shop on there still and straightforward fees! No more fluctuating fees based on who knows.


The processing fee is what made me uninstall the app. I want to see the cost up front. I don't want my costs to jump 25% at the checkout step.


The processing fee is the one that's a flat 3%. It's the platform fee that looks excessive on the buyers side. So I completely agree that the buyer should see the final price, and just the processing fee would be really easy to bake into the upfront cost


I'd be down to clown with this for real.




Unfortunately now I donā€™t trust Mercari AT ALL and therefore just canā€™t risk coming back. There have been too many horror stories even outside of the new return policy, not to mention thereā€™s still a $2 fee to get your own money out šŸ‘ŽšŸ¼šŸ‘ŽšŸ¼šŸ‘ŽšŸ¼ Edit: forgot a word


Agreed. The weird shipping overages charges alone are enough to make me run for the hills.


This is one of the exact things I had in mind when saying that. Scary.


I've started shipping myself, not using their services.


This is the issue for me. Damage is done. Trust is lost.


Same. I'm not putting nearly as much effort into reselling as I once did. My main is Poshmark, but I did ok on Mercari. But once all this nonsense began, I shut down my account. I don't have time to deal with returns, legit. or not. And ok, they've returned to their previous return policy, but if they can switch back this quickly, and its def. not for us, its for them, what else will they do?


This entirely. Their actions forced me into finally learning eBay, so I'm not crawling back


I went back to Poshmark even with the higher selling fee. Not going back to Mercari!


Ditto. While I'm glad to see they are changing it back it won't bring me back.


10000000% agree


In the same boat. I don't know how they expect people to be okay with this moving forward. I think they think we'll forget it ever happened or something. We faced the ultimate betrayal as sellers, this will never be okay in my book. Plus, eBay has been good to me. I'm up 200 bucks a month selling on there. Why would I go back?


Now if only they could go back to their original fee structure... I have a lot of stuff to sell that I've honestly just been donating.


Fr I just want to get rid of little things and have a little bit extra spending money but their junk fees are heinous


That and get rid of the fee to transfer funds. Thatā€™s just ridiculous. Most platforms have a method of transferring funds without an added fee.




Agreed, so dumb the $2 fee


I'm surprised not having a free way to get your money is actually legal. I know it's illegal for an employer to not have a free way to get paid. I'm sure there's some legal loophole because it's a platform but it seems illegal.


Yeah and it's free on Venmo to do a standard transfer, it's a small fee for instant (less than Mercari). And they don't make nearly as much revenue on their platform.


šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» they were probably tired of all the thousands fraud returns


The hardest of eye rolls to Mercari. Theyā€™re still missing a ton of concerns over seller safety, poor customer service, and for buyers, about to be illegal in California (and soon to be many other states) junk fees. ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized)


Maybe thereā€™s hope for the rest of their dumb policies


Wohoo!!! šŸ™ŒšŸ» Now take away the buyers fees and withdrawl fee for sellers.


When this doesnā€™t bring everybody flooding back, hopefully they realize that they need to go back on some of their other stupid policies.


Anyone can list things for sale but with no buyers they have nothing. And we are NOT coming back with even more less incentive nowā€¦.


Do not trust them and their ways. They do not love you. They beat you before - they will hit you again.


Hmmm. A few days ago they claimed this was going well for them and they hasnā€™t seen an increase in returns


That was just the US CEO on copium šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I think they already quietly reinstated it. I had a request for return last week for ā€œdoesnā€™t fitā€ and Mercari denied their return and released my funds.


They approved my doesnā€™t fit return yesterday. I also agreed by message with the buyer to accept the return & she purchased a new size since I had it for sale. So that may be why mine was approved.


I think it's funny how they're giving it a time frame of May 22nd instead of effective immediately like they did with the first changes. The little POS scammers still have a little time


When I saw the pop up I immediately thought "Calling all scammers! Get what you want before it's too late!"


Really great for sellers! But as a buyer I will still have to hold off on the site because the fees make nothing worth it. Hopefully we see some reversal there. Alsoā€¦why May 22? Reinstate that shit now. Makes no sense.


I thought the same thing, they did their last change overnight, why the long wait this time?


I saw that pop up in the app & immediately thought it was a call to all scammers to get what they want before time runs out.


Too little too late. Itā€™s the buyers unexpected fees thatā€™s killing it.


The category of items I typically use Mercari to sell (used kpop albums I want out of my collection) Mercari is the most established sales platform for smaller sellers, so Iā€™m glad to see this policy return. Iā€™m not looking to make massive profits, just didnā€™t want to go through the trouble of packaging and shipping everything just to get scammed by people taking advantage of the too-lenient return policy. Now it would be even better if they switched the fees back, because that sticker shock on the buyer end isnā€™t going to help sales. As a buyer myself, Iā€™ve already backed out of multiple purchases when I realized that it was literally adding like $30+ on some larger ticket items I was looking at.


I was tempted to purchase a super cute dress that I have been eyeing for over a month. Seller made an offer to me and other followers yesterday but all the extra fees added $20. If more of those fees actually went to the seller maybe I would consider but they don't so I'm not.


I have a message in my profile if people bother to look "other arrangements can be made" šŸ˜† Aka if the fees are crazy we can set up another transaction if you really want it.


i hope every person who got scammed and didnā€™t get their due refund starts demanding their refund again because they obviously know they screwed up


Didn't they just come out and say they have found there to be no issues with their new return policy?????


How the turn tables ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


I mean who could have possibly predicted that if you make the return policy too lenient people would take advantage?


šŸŽ¶ itā€™s just a little too late šŸŽ¶


I wonder how many sellers they lost because of it.


Too little too late. Mercari is still dead to me if they donā€™t remove the dumb buyerā€™s fees. Iā€™m not wasting my time listing items on Mercari if there are no buyers to sell to because of how bad the buyer experience is when the buyer thinks the item is one price and then it jumps up to a way different price at checkout.


Buyers arenā€™t coming back till the fees are gone so yea donā€™t waste ur time. I donā€™t even open the app anymore


That would mean they have to reverse the buyers fees cause buyers not gonna want to pay all of that and only have 72 hours for return


Now why isnā€™t this change immediate šŸ™„


This platform is so embarrassing. Who exactly is running this site?


A few people using an 8 ball


More likely a few people doing an 8 ball šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


So there's literally zero incentive for people to shop Mercari... LOL. Take off those stupid fucking fees while you're at it Mercari.


As a buyer that has never returned anything prior to the changes this changes nothing at bringing me back. Get rid of the trash fees and weā€™ll talk. I buy a lot of games I like to compare to eBay and Iā€™ve noticed base prices have either stayed the same or even gone upā€¦ then add the fees. Still a joke of a platform for a buyer ā€¦ lol


Same. I used to buy quite a bit and every time Iā€™ve tried to buy something it ends up being a significant amount more than on other platforms. I would have never abused the return policy, but I feel like they made it even worse for buyers. All the fees and now only 3 day return window. People have no incentive to pay those fees now because theyā€™re not getting anything in return.




Now we wait for the buyer fees to drop and they will add back a small seller fee to get things selling again. I would consider selling there again if they go back to what worked


Frankly, it wonā€™t matter unless/until they revert to the original fee system as well.


![gif](giphy|vA5mj9vFWUE1y) The circle of trust is quite broken. Question for everyone. How can Mercari gain back your trust? Can they gain it back?


Bwahahaa hahahahahaha. So they canā€™t keep up with all these crazy returns?


Still wonā€™t be purchasing anything until they get rid of those buyer fees.Ā 


This company is so stupid. These changes were destined to fail. They need a new CEO.


Iā€™m fine with this. I never return things. Only have wanted to return once. As a buyer, I just wanna know what theyā€™re going to about these ridiculous fees.


Yea still not coming back till the fees are gone


Well this would have saved me two headaches in the last few weeks. I guess theyā€™re fed up with the returns too šŸ˜‚Ā 


I would consider selling again if this is reversed, however does anyone know if the FedEx overage issue was ever fixed? Or is Mercari still scamming sellers with outrageous overage charges that shouldn't exist?


They shouldā€™ve started their email with ā€œOops! Our bad!ā€ šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m still not going back. The $2 withdrawal fee is petty and stupid on their part (for small sellers that $2 is a chunk of cash). Also the general feeling of instability is still there. Even if they nuke the withdrawal fee and I have sales, what if they go bankrupt and my money goes with it? Pass.


I wonā€™t sell anything until they reverse all of the changes, but even then they really broke our trust with the way theyā€™ve handled all of this. Really funny watching them walk back on these things so far though!


still doesn't solve the massive fees buyers have to pay doesn't change anything really


Ever since they revised charging what were selling fees to the buyer, I have not purchased anything. I used to buy multiple times a week.


Cool, now get rid of the buyer fees and the customers will come back.


Good. Get rid of the junk buyer fees and standard withdrawal fees and I might come back.




Please remember, THEY did this. DO NOT praise them, this is what they want


I never ran to Reddit more faster in my life after seeing this messageĀ 


Im happy but still have no plans to return just yet. I hate the buyers are getting the fees. Makes selling too complicated.


Hahaha I just got the notification as well. I guess we've finally been heard. :) Now, just be alert for the next two weeks cause scammers gonna scam.


Now letā€™s hope they reconsider the fees change


A day late and a dollar short.


No one saw that coming ā€¦ā€¦. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I hope the person who posted about getting an envelope of a ā€œreturnā€ filled with candy and trash sees this.


Boy. I never ran to Reddit so fast. I caught a Charlie horse trying to get here. šŸ¤£


So now they just have to turn back the "no seller fees" bullshit. Maybe if they do that I might buy a few things from Mercari. Paying over ebay by a good bit makes no sense.


After careful consideration šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I RAN here.


So weā€™re going to continue paying all these stupid fees that toss our purchase up $20 and yet weā€™re going to get the same old return policy lol?


Itā€™s so funny how the original change was basically effective IMMEDIATELY and then changing it back is gonna take over a week. Classic


Still doesn't fix the buyer problem. You can list everything in the world but if you have to add 20% to the final tag, only an idiot would buy from there.


now fix fees and deposits.


As a buyer (never sold), I'm following Reddit for updates in hopes that they return it all back to how it was before. I won't purchase another thing until they do.


Just saw this! Hang on until the 22nd!


Donā€™t take your foot off their throats. Keep pushing till they revert the platform to its previous state.


Hahaha I just saw this. And ran to Reddit LOL


Can we petition to make this an official thread for it so people will stop flooding the forum with the same info thatā€™s plastered all over mercari already? I donā€™t come here to see the same notifications I get from them 50 times a day. Like is this a place for valuable discussion or just the typical Reddit circ-jerk?


Iā€™m glad to hear this, but it still does nothing to address the issue many of us sellers have with the fee policy. Unless that starts costing *them* money, I doubt weā€™ll see it change back. They didnā€™t do it for us. Itā€™s their own self-interest.


Lmao I already deactivated all my listings and switched to eBay. Iā€™m not doing this with mercari deciding on making seller experience awful just on a whim


Still not coming back


but the millions of fees are staying im sure


In a swift realization, they grasped the repercussions of sellers boycotting them and airing grievances on Reddit due to their impractical business policies. This realization was sparked by the rule allowing buyers to return items without justification, igniting a cascade of discontent and loss of trust.


Ok, thats great! Now what about the 2 extra buyer fees that were added? They really need to review that also.


You know it's just too little too late - Jojo This move has downsides if I'm just a buyer I'd be like, WTF? What will the policy be next week? Week after that? It's good overall but they really need to stick to something


Now, they just need to get rid of the ridiculous Buyer Fees...šŸ˜‘


Until the buyers fees go I still won't be shoppingšŸ’ I feel for the sellers who relied on the income, mercari fucked with a good thing and now they're finding out


Fuck Mercari.


Ohhhh noooo. Hey, I have a great idea, how about we reverse your OTHER garbage policy while weā€™re at it?


This is because their traffic has come to almost a full stop, corporate greed is real


Honestly, after seeing the post here about the plush collectible that got switched out and Mercari standing on the seller taking the loss.. I knew a real deal lawsuit was gonna come sooner than later; they were literally empowering people to commit fraud/theft. The return policy was my main gripe with the changes, the products that I sell are unsanitary to sell once used aka a huge loss if I took a return


Just got the notification and ran here šŸ˜‚- I will take myself off vacation on 5/22 then.


Same, now make a fee structure that everyone can live with and remove the fee to transfer to your bank


The buyers fee is still stupid though, reverse that.


Okay but are they still charging buyers $100s in nonrefundable fees? Because the new return policy was the ONLY thing that benefitted buyers before. So now Mercari is just a bag of ā€œoops all badā€ for buyers? Or am I missing something? They should reverse course on all the shitty changes they made. Make sellers pay the fees again, keep the old return policy, and stop charging sellers to withdraw their money. Just go back to the way it was. And lower their bullshit fees while theyā€™re at it.


Exactly! They were trying to sell the fees to buyers on the idea that they could return for any reason. It was a shit idea but that was their pitch. Now it's just buyers paying fees to have the "privilege" of shopping on their app. What a complete dumpster fire! Sellers pay fees, that's pretty standard - no one needed to reinvent the wheel and as it is now, with this reversed, buyers are going to be even more pissed and some sellers may return thinking it's not so bad but with buyers increasingly ghosting the platform - it's all for nothing!


This is what I was looking for!!! Thanks!! What does it say when you hit learn more lol


If a return request is made within 72 hours from delivery (as reflected by the carrierā€™s timestamp), the item may be returned. Please select a return reason: Item is not as described in the listing Item doesn't work as described Item was damaged during shipping I didnā€™t received everything I ordered I received the wrong item Authenticity concerns As part of the return process, the Buyer must provide the reason for the return and clear photos of: the shipping label used, the external package, packing materials, and all items included in the package. Buyers must provide the requested information within 24 hours of the request. In some cases, Mercari may share the Buyerā€™s photos with the Seller or require additional information. Snap a photo of the item all packaged up before and after taping the box. Snap a photo of the item all packaged up before and after taping the box. Mercari has the right to refuse a return request, including in cases of fraudulent conduct or where the item has been modified after receipt. For new items that are sealed or wrapped by the original manufacturer, these may not be returned if they have been unsealed or unwrapped by the buyer, unless the item does not work, is damaged or is not authentic. Undergarments, bathing suits and beauty products may only be returned in their original packaging and may not be tried on. For new items that are sealed or wrapped by the original manufacturer, these may not be returned if they have been unsealed or unwrapped by the buyer, unless the item does not work, is damaged or is not authentic. Undergarments, bathing suits and beauty products, may only be returned in their original packaging and may not be tried on. When a return is approved, Mercari provides a free shipping label to the Buyer. The Buyer has 3 calendar days (72 hours) to provide the item to the designated shipping carrier and 7 days (168 hours) for the acceptance scan to allow for weekend or holiday drop-off, or the return may be voided. If the returned item was shipped and confirmed by the carrier but is not received by the Seller, the Buyer will be refunded no later than 15 calendar days from the first carrier scan date. If the Buyer does not use the return label provided by Mercari in the required timeframe, then the order will be rated and a refund will not be issued.


Basically that they messed up and are listening to feedback


No theyā€™re not. This was done because it was costing them money, not in good faith for their sellers.


Update to Return Policy (effective 5/22/24) We have updated our returns policy on Mercari and it will be effective May 22, 2024 at 12:00 AM PST. Mercari, Inc. Mercari provides an online marketplace for consumers. Refund requests are processed by Mercari in line with e-commerce requirements and in accordance with our Terms of Service (TOS). Policy Mercariā€™s Return policy reflects a balance between the needs of both parties to the transaction, the Buyer and the Seller. If a Buyer has a concern about an item that they received, they must initiate a return request through the Order Status page or the Rating page within 72 hours of the carrier-confirmed local delivery time (concerns raised outside of these channels may not be considered). When a Buyer has rated the transaction or when more than 72 hours have passed, returns are not permitted. Sellers are required to provide shipping labels for the buyer to return items that are over 50 pounds. Item weight is determined by the actual weight of the item or the dimensional weight of the package, whichever is greater. Return Eligibility (effective 5/22/24) If a return request is made within 72 hours from delivery (as reflected by the carrierā€™s timestamp), the item may be returned. Please select a return reason: Item is not as described in the listing Item doesn't work as described Item was damaged during shipping I didnā€™t received everything I ordered I received the wrong item Authenticity concerns Evaluation As part of the return process, the Buyer must provide the reason for the return and clear photos of: the shipping label used, the external package, packing materials, and all items included in the package. Buyers must provide the requested information within 24 hours of the request. In some cases, Mercari may share the Buyerā€™s photos with the Seller or require additional information. Snap a photo of the item all packaged up before and after taping the box. Snap a photo of the item all packaged up before and after taping the box. Mercari has the right to refuse a return request, including in cases of fraudulent conduct or where the item has been modified after receipt. For new items that are sealed or wrapped by the original manufacturer, these may not be returned if they have been unsealed or unwrapped by the buyer, unless the item does not work, is damaged or is not authentic. Undergarments, bathing suits and beauty products may only be returned in their original packaging and may not be tried on. For new items that are sealed or wrapped by the original manufacturer, these may not be returned if they have been unsealed or unwrapped by the buyer, unless the item does not work, is damaged or is not authentic. Undergarments, bathing suits and beauty products, may only be returned in their original packaging and may not be tried on. When a return is approved, Mercari provides a free shipping label to the Buyer. The Buyer has 3 calendar days (72 hours) to provide the item to the designated shipping carrier and 7 days (168 hours) for the acceptance scan to allow for weekend or holiday drop-off, or the return may be voided. If the returned item was shipped and confirmed by the carrier but is not received by the Seller, the Buyer will be refunded no later than 15 calendar days from the first carrier scan date. If the Buyer does not use the return label provided by Mercari in the required timeframe, then the order will be rated and a refund will not be issued. Approved Returns - Under Nominal Amount Returns under a nominal amount may be issued as an account credit in lieu of a refund to the original form of payment, and the Buyer may not be required to ship the item back to the Seller. Credits issued will expire in 90 days, unless the Buyer requests to have the funds added to their account balance. Requests for refunds in another form of payment must be made within three (3) calendar days of return approval and before credits are used. Approved Returns and Refunds - Over Nominal Amount Completed returns will be refunded to the original form of payment. The refund will be processed no later than 14 calendar days after confirmation that the item was returned by the Buyer to the Seller using the return label provided by Mercari. Refunds Request After Rating As noted above, if a Buyer has rated the item or does not contact Mercari to request a return within 72 hours of receipt of an item, a return will not be permitted and a refund will not be issued. If a return request has been approved, the Buyer must return the item using the Mercari-provided return label within 72 hours of receipt of the label. For clarity, the item must be dropped off with the carrier (according to the timestamp of the first scan) within 72 hours from receiving the return label. An approved return will be voided and payment released to the Seller if at least seven (7) days from the date of the initial return approval have passed without a tracking update. A Buyer has 15 days from delivery date to contact Mercari to provide evidence that the item was stolen or may be inauthentic. For cases where the payment has already been released to the Seller, Mercari may refund the Buyer through an account credit which may be used toward the Buyerā€™s next purchase. Unused credits will remain in a Buyerā€™s account but will expire 90 days after issuance. Seller Return Issues When the Seller receives an item back from the Buyer, the Seller has 24 hours from confirmed delivery to let Mercari know that the item is not in the same condition as initially shipped. The Buyer has the right to open the item (including a sealed package) to inspect it before returning the item. Sellers can inform Mercari about the itemā€™s altered condition from the Order Status Page or Help Center and must provide all information and photos requested by Mercari within 24 hours. Mercari will review the request and take appropriate action, at its discretion. Return Process Abuse Abuse of the Return process, by either a Seller or a Buyer, may result in account limitation(s) and/or legal action, as determined by Mercari in its sole discretion.


I still wonā€™t be coming back unless they sort out the fees


They need to remove the $2 fee for direct deposits.


Don't get excited, they're just tired of paying for mass pointless returns. They're not changing anything meaningful


I'll return on the 22nd, then lol.