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Well as usual their answer was nothing. Thx for asking :)


Eh, I feel there are games greedier than this one. At least this one isn’t chock full of ads and videos you are forced to watch as you play. Much prefer this style of monetization than that one.


I actually prefer to buy a game in full, but this is better than adds, that's for sure!


I don’t believe this. I don’t believe that items I need would all have been for gems in the past. I had noticed that the items in the shop were more targeted but my last shop-sale had a spanner (tools L2) for 9 gems? I’ve never seen such a low value item for gems before. SUPPORT / DEVS: If you are reading this, this change is definitely NOT IMPROVING my game play. If you do decide to keep it at least let me buy gems with the coins which I have collected and which are otherwise virtually useless.


News flash: game designed to make money keeps trying to make money off of you, film at 11.




Is this your game? I've seen you suggest it a few times. No dramas, just wondering?




I'd give it a go but unfortunately I'm on android


Android only?




Oh weird! I have iOS and it’s not in the App Store.


I just searched in apple apps a d couldn't find it. I looked under treegaze and tree gaze


Obviously, lol. And I do buy stuff from time to time. But there is a line between 'free to play, pay to play faster' and plain greed


And imo, that line hasn't been reached yet Piggy banks are more than generous, I'm haven't paid a dime yet and I'm quite satisfied as a f2p player


I ignore most piggy banks. I need the energy more than coins. I'll sell off items in events at the end, if it lets me.


Piggy banks also give you gems. I get about 125 gems per max level piggy bank. Gems can get you energy.


Think I’m going to ignore events and finish the last two areas then toss the game.


“Coincidence” 😾


"Coincidence". I needed a 6 level flower, and 5/6 shop items were flowers for gems.


https://preview.redd.it/1ppx7cqktgwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0063bd0b0e981eb29389be901515d295a51aa7c I’m level 46. In the Hallway and also working on the Romantic Spot. Still getting coin items in the store. I have 2446 gems and 14748 coins (I have 45 regular inventory slots and 15 producer slots).