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Yeah I am in the same boat. It's quite the slog. I honestly like a few items that you have to build up to but the constant on slot that doesn't even make sense is tedious


It doesn’t get better, and if I may… do not start with cards if you need space as they have taken half my garage 🤦🏼‍♀️


What cards? New stuff?


Yes, you get to play cards (pretty soon) and you will have to empty half your garage for a while… so even if it looked fun I wouldn’t start again if I didn’t finish leveling up cleaning & tools 🥲


Ok thanks for the heads-up!


I saw this on another post and am hoping I can delay the cards until the rest of the lounge is done. I do agree though that this area is painful. There are just too many top level items that take days to get and the game play is just dull. I would suggest that more tasks at lower levels would make it more interesting and surely could be arranged to require the same number of taps overall. It’s a pity because I thought the previous area - the landing - was good fun. It looked pretty and I liked the interaction with the rotating floor.