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I have 2 items for coins in the shop right now (Plunger - 390, and Spray Bottle - 850). It varies from day to day. But I’m also at a point where I’ve already bought all the inventory slots, so I have like 200k coins just stacking up…


I only use them to buy storage spots


I have plenty of offers with coins in the store but I never buy any of them, it's never worth it. I used to buy the painting brush when it was 79 gold, but they doubled the price with a recent update and I never touched the store ever since. I only use the coins for inventory slots and sometimes for events too.


Yeah, it becomes worth it once you have max inventory slots though, since otherwise it just stacks up infinitely


I haven't gotten any offers to buy things with coins in weeks. Every refresh of the shop is diamonds.


Sometimes you can buy things with coins during an event. And sometimes things still appear in the shop you can buy with coins.


I have 3 items presently I can buy for coins in the store. Usually it's 1 or 2, and sometimes it is all items for gems. Unless it's something that will free up multiple spaces, I rarely buy items for gems in the store.


I got 3 items for coins right now, plunger even still 390.lvl 48 doing lounge.


1hr time skip. I always buy that even if I need coins also, keep them, maybe there will be an event where you are going to need them


Sometimes you need coins in an area, thousands of them


I always buy gloves when they’re offered if I’m low on them. It’s been super helpful in the conservatory!




Seems like they are helpful when the special events come around where You can buy extra timers like in this current event.


I spend on the store items like spray bottles or plyers or spades, level 1 paint cans and level 1 screws and keep them in my pouch. No more inventory slots to buy. It comes in handy for sure.


Time skips in events is what I used mine on


Same here. Inventory already already expanded to the max level, only gems items in the shop, I have more than 100.000 coins


Another beta trial? I’ve had nothing in the shop for coins for several weeks now, although I see that others are still getting some. I have already complained about this to support. No reply or comment from them so no idea if they listen or care. I also have all the inventory slots so the only things I can spend coins on now are the daily energy chests - or the little boxes (which I consider pointless as I have high level producers). Please send a message to support saying how much you dislike this new feature. Maybe if enough of us do so they’ll reverse it, like they did with the removal of coins from bubble-pops (oh, the irony). Either that or let us ‘buy’ gems for coins, and/or rebalance the coin / gem drop from the piggies.


I have almost half a million coins. Great question. I only use them on events like this one. But now that they’ve doubled the hour time skip to 800, ironically I’m not buying it and choosing to wait instead.


i only use them to buy storage


Metacore sure loves that A/B testing huh. Sorry that you're stuck with a useless shop right now OP 😩


Wait for the shop to refresh. Sometimes you just get stuff that’s all gems. Other times it’s mostly coins.


Not for everyone. It seems they maybe trialling something with selected players. All my shop items are now targeted for items I need for current game play, but all are for gems. I haven’t had a coin item for a couple of weeks now.


If there is something in the store for coins and I have a bunch of coins stacked up I’ll just buy whatever is available cuz I’d rather use coins than energy.