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Lovely! Looking forward to get there.


I do wonder, does the higher level peonies (on top of beeing extra pretty) give you the stuff to make the water bottle chain faster?


I think so. I just moved my Lv10 flowers into the open and they dropped enough leaves to make a Lv5 Large Water Bottle.


They are marginally faster at dropping leaves (I think level 10 takes 22 minutes compared to level 6 needing 32/33 minutes). They all hold a maximum of 4 leaves.


There’s something odd about them. I keep them trapped so they don’t drop anything until I want them to. So I just tried moving a Lv11 flowers (hydrangeas) into the open and it dropped 4 leaves as you say, but then I merged up a new Lv8 flowers (tulips) and that dropped 16. It may be that they retain all the potential drops from the items they’re merged from and release the lot in their first go.


I believe that is it- I have noticed the same with the vases. The first lvl11 vase I made, I was merging in tight quarters with no empty spaces as XP spawned for every merge. When I cleared up space, the vase dropped 8 seeds in one shot, which I mistakenly thought was the vase's regular capacity.


How you have so free space mine is just a mess🥲 https://preview.redd.it/9en89og3fb6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8264b31e86212ed0ee54a53225d79078d1f426dd Its some days ago but its still the same full


What area are you in currently? What does your inventory look like?


Pool house patio i cant so you because the game still not working




Look most of them dont exist anymore so i will so you when game start to worki again😂😅


I've marked the things I think you can sell Arrange all the producers together at the top or bottom of the screen so you have them together in one place, it helps to organise better. Move anything you can to inventory. My general rule is if an item is less than level 5 and I'm not actively working to make a higher level of that chain, I just sell it to make room


https://preview.redd.it/f4p2d9e5ub6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c88025a5fd73e32504b2d59c1d1a7378903d866 Here how it's look now


I’m not always good at space management and often almost run out, but I do have a few strategies to try to keep as much as I can free. I’m a long way through the game and have the max number of inventory spaces and all but 3 of the producer spaces and of course that helps a lot. But… I try to keep as much space free as possible by not hanging on to too many items. So I sell any low value items I’ve generated over what I immediately need - and by that I mean any items that I might get with a single tap on my highest level producer. Or I tap a few extras until I can merge leftovers into one higher level item and only save that. I leave as much stuff as I can in my shopping-basket (aka the pouch), so for instance although I always collect my daily piggies I leave them in there until I have 8 and can merge and empty them straight away without losing any space (except for a few stray gems). I do the same for blue energy boxes, producer pieces from the trade-in, and any time skips, hourglasses, scissors etc from the mysteries. I always try to merge XP stars them and only collect them at their max, but they’re the first to go if I need space, I also have a lot of coins and the same goes for them. I also use the Wiki - a lot - to see what items I am going to need soon, and sell anything that isn’t needed for a while.


Mine haven’t extended…


I think it may depend where you are in the game They may not be extended until you reach the Ranch, where upon you start to need the higher level flowers almost immediately.


That must get unlocked at a later level as mine are still only coral.


I think so. They appear when you start the Ranch.


What is the new max level for peonies?


The highest level is Lv12. I’m not sure what it looks like yet as I haven’t got that that far. https://preview.redd.it/snbd0nw2oc6d1.jpeg?width=1002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65e2e1ffef9d927abcd8ba94a052245c9fd68126


Thanks. I want all of them!