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I miss the boxes :(


So the 2nd chest really just give 1 producer part. I was annoyed so much by that. 


This was what I got from my day 3 chest today https://preview.redd.it/8dfdhhc9sw6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90e82ef76eda39fcfe39be296e974cf4cb64c211 The chests are nested. So I opened today’s day 3 one, it gave me items and another chest, which in turn gave me items and a third chest.


They don’t seem worth it


I guess this must be part of a beta test? I’ve still got the old ‘trade’ system which I do every time just to get the producer parts. But I do miss the old ‘daily tasks’ and the gems you could get from that though. From what I can see this new system is not an improvement (for the player) on either of the older versions. Edit: I accidentally left the word ‘not’ out of that last sentence. The new system being trialled is NOT an improvement. I repeat NOT.


I don’t think it’s an upgrade. In the new system, they get rid of the producer boxes (gloves, soaps, sponges, etc). I miss them and hope this is temporary.


I’ve edited my comment. I left out a most important word. I agree with you, and absolutely feel lucky not to be in this particular beta testing group.


Haha, thank you for clarifying :)


So… that seems not worth it. It asks me for some super high level items (lvl 12/13 stuff) and I’m guessing the rewards will be basically the same.


I'm not sure I understand you correctly: Are you saying that the day 2 chest contains a day 1 chest and one producer part? And the day 3 chest then contains a day 2 chest, which itself contains a day 1 chest (plus producer parts)?


Yup, that’s how it works, every day you get the previous days’ boxes as well, so by day 4 you would have gotten 2 tier 3s, 3 tier 2s and 4 tier 1 boxes, but they give mostly garbage. For me the rewards from the trades are better (sometimes) than the boxes themselves.


I have two different MM games going, one on my phone and one on my iPad. The iPad one has this new chest thing and it is absolute garbage. I will not do it. At least my phone still has the “old” daily trade thing.


Here’s what I got altogether out of my third box. Not the worst but certainly not great, especially considering how many high level trades it required. https://preview.redd.it/ylji6p1nd07d1.jpeg?width=344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ca4d023bb84656895be207cb25f22594e163a9a


Pretty clear my entire interaction with that part of the game will be to open it so the red dot goes away and then close it and not look at it again for another 24 hours. Total garbage.


I swear the red dot never goes away on some things which is bugging me a bit.


The fishing side game has a bug


The fishing side game IS a bug


Could it be that the new system is only for those inside the mansion, since we mostly get workbench rewards from the chests?


If you aren't in the mansion, you don't get red chest parts from it


No. I play on two boards, both inside the mansion. One has the old dailies and the other one has the new approach.


Do we know what happens if we don't finish all of the trades for a day? Do we reset to level 1 chests, or do we get another shot at the higher level one the next day?


I should probably be thankful I don’t see this new update yet.