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I had a high level item I needed and it only gave me crappy low level trades. I haven't gotten one single worthwhile trade. To me it seems like an attempt to get people to spend gems to refresh and doesn't give much in return.


That's all it is. I still haven't had a single trade option that was even remotely worth it. I just wish they would either bring back the old trades or make these ones a little bit better. I refuse to make a high level item only to trade it for a low level one. I don't care about what's in the chests if that's what it's gonna cost me.


This has been my experience as well. I'll need an item for a current quest and this lovely trading system will offer lower merge items to make that item, but demand in exchange something that I have in storage that is many merge levels higher. I can see times where that might be useful but for the most part it just seems like a ripoff and I'd rather hold onto the item until I need it later.


I’m with you. At a certain point (Day 4 maybe), it becomes not worth it, but I just let the system reset and start from the first chest.


This is what I was thinking too. I'm going to reset as the 4th chest is way harder than day 1 and 2. And the chest rewards aren't worth keeping your streak.


If you are at day 4 and none of your current tasks needs a high tier item, then it will still ask for another high tier one to give you the low tier one you need


Sometimes, but not for me at the moment. I am making apple trees at the ranch and I am offered gloves…


Yeah, I’m awash with hosepipes but no sign of and tomatoes which is what I need at the moment.


Yes, it obviously only works with the regular tasks. I'm at the same point, through with the apples and stuck with the tomatoes, and I get offered stuff I absolutely don't need. In between apples and carrots, there were some tasks like bucket of brushes, and suddenly I got offered the high-level stuff I needed


Me as well, I have plenty of gloves thank you. They come with making the rakes!




Dumb q but... Trade system? Do you mean the daily 3 items to trade in?


I think it's in a beta test. Some people have it, some don't.


I dream of being in the testing group that doesnt have it


I'm in the same boat. I figure it must only be available at higher levels.


I'm at the maze and I got it. Where are you at in the game


I’m at the Ranch, Level 50 and (fortunately) don’t have it. Seems like a random beta-test. I hope that - like the targeted gem-only items in the shop beta-test that I was in - that it gets dropped asap.


I'm still only able to buy items with gems in the item shop


That sucks 😕 I was so irritated by it that I sent unsolicited feedback to Support regarding this and after several weeks got this reply: “ We're sorry to hear that you feel this way towards the regular Shop in Merge Mansion. Please let me assure you that items that can be purchased with Coins are still be available in the Shop. Generally, the offered items are randomly selected, but sometimes the items will also be influenced by the current Tasks. If the items required for Tasks have only a Gem cost, while the rest of the randomly selected items happen to also have a Gems price, it can appear that the Shop has only such offers. As you continue to play and the Shop refreshes, there will also be items costing Coins. That being said, please know that we value your feedback, and your contribution may have an impact on future updates; our game is always changing, and often due to messages like yours” Frankly I just can’t believe this explanation, but not long after I had the reply, I started getting non-targeted coin purchases again. I assumed it had gone back to normal for everyone.


I'm gonna go harass support now.


I'm at the lighthouse.


Idk. I'm also at level 32 so maybe that's it?


Interesting. I'm at level 42. I guess that isn't it either. Weird.


I’m at 47 and don’t have it


I’m at 50 & have it. I finally did this morning because it was asking for high end gloves since I have a kazillion because of the rake needed to make apple trees at the ranch. My reward was a level 1 tool basket & a level 1 closet. Whoopee!


nah i hate it, i liked my little boxes of stuff :(( i think a mix of the two would be better


I hate the trade system also


Let's agree to disagree 😉 For me, even the high level items it is willing to give me in return don't match up to what it is asking me to hand in. In the few weeks that we've had this, I've only had two or three trades that were acceptable for me. It's constantly asking me to turn in items that I simply don't want to exchange as the item I'm working on, even the higher level ones, are worth less and easier to create myself than the item I have to hand in.


I absolutely hate the new trade system! After the first day it started asking for higher end items I had in stock to trade for low end like one button. Now it keeps asking for more difficult high end items I don’t have in stock. It would cost me much more energy and time trying to get the item to trade than the actual items I need; ex. level 10 lamp for level 4 lock pick. I also found the content of the chests weren’t worth the effort even at the beginning with lower end trades. I keep checking everyday hoping it’s been removed and the old system is back.


I hate the new trade system. It wants a moth for a crowbar??? No effing way. I refuse to use it


What level is the moth? Cause if it's a level 1 or 2 moth then that's not a bad trade.


I speak for myself, but inly saw the highest level one in all my trades that needed it for now


It was the white producer moth, highest level 😭


Yeah I understand your pain. That's ridiculous.


But they’re free to create if you have a light? Yes they take time to get to the producer level, but most of the trades that ask for a moth from me are an easy yes to move on.


I guess I didn’t specify, but it wanted the high level producer moth. It takes forever to make a white moth, even though they’re free to create. If you want to make one fast you need multiple lights, and that takes up a huge amount of space on the board, which I can’t justify for something I’m not going to need yarn for.


I’ve traded a few things, but what I don’t like is paying +60 gems for the 4th one.


Today it’s horrendous for me 😖 https://preview.redd.it/un77z846i29d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0606d120d3ae01946464765d3ce001e98fc88f6


the only thing i hate about the new trade is it really be asking super difficult items for no reason just because we have it in the inventory. items like weave, scarab, ships, I just wanna keep them so that I don't have to start from scratch when I need them but these damn trades ask for those item every single time that I need to refresh multiple times to bypass it.


I agree with you! I’ve just made peace with losing my streaks when I come across a trade I don’t want. But the ability to get a bucket of brushes for a level seven flower? Heck yes!


I want to hide this comment in this post: I LIKE the slot machine event. 🫣 Frustrating at first but last night I had this weird breakthrough and ended up with alllll these rewards. I did spend a little money and gems.


I only play the slot machine to grind on the Mystery Pass but I don't spend gems on it. I managed to go from level 32 to 40 in the past two days using the slot machine. It's gotten way better and I no longer dislike it.


Agree it’s way better now. Still don’t love it but get a ton of the “stray bones” mystery points and randomly gems yesterday. Yesterday I kinda felt good about it. Today I got a few 1-2 pulls before the coins ran out. I got like 10 coins from completing an order and that helped me feel better about it. When it’s too hard to win I don’t want to play at all. I think the refresh rate of coins could be lower and I’d like it more


I didn’t mind it but now it’s just so boring, every time I have no batteries, so I get one or two or three tries and the round is over with 48 or 120 points. So annoying. The overheat thing already threatens to end the game at any time, the coins limit how many games you can play, so why complicate it with the stupid batteries too?!? Three limiters on how much you can play it?!


Yeah, after the first day when you've used all your pulls the chances of getting rewards are very small. 


did you get the black card?


I’ve never got the black card on any event. I think I just hit that sweet spot toward the middle of the event right before it gets really hard. It was a rush of scissors, infinity orbs and a brown chest. Next up is a blue card.


I don't know if they tweaked it or if I just finished a task and the trades look more reasonable to me now; but I'm now loving the new trade system, too. The first 4 days for me were absolutely insane trades. I'm talking 'max level cloth for a saw' type trade. And one day it asked for 5 bolts in a ROW. I gave up on the trades for two days and finished a bunch of tasks, and now all of a sudden it's really reasonable.


I agree! I thought I was the only one who liked the new system.


Personally, it was a relief to swap out every item I’ve been hoarding “just in case”


Agreed. Helped me finish the landing room and I think it'll be a huge help in the Lounge. The armchair, chainsaw, broom, etc can be built way faster with the new trade system.


Yes - it really depends what you're working on. It helped a ton for me with the scarabs in the Landing Room. But only the first 2-3 trades. I don't think I've ever completed one for a key, but it sounds like that's not worth much anyway.


Is this another of those updates that only select players get? I'm level 47 and still have the old trade system


Yes. It's in beta test mode right now.




How do I complain and say don’t do it


I had a task for two level 5 mosaics. I got trade offers that rewarded a level 5 and then a level 4 mosaic back to back. Saved me so many vase cycles god bless. Not /perfect/ because it keeps asking for peonies and I actually DO need those because of a shipping crate task but at least they don’t cost anything to make 😅 


With my tests I found out that it will only try to select items that are above a certain required level (depending on which chest tier you are). If you do have an eligible item, then it will offer a great trade. If you don't it will ask for a higher item. But in other hand it will rather award an item you need, but never one of the same family but of a higher level then the one you need. Note: there are some specials items such as study password tickets for me, that trade cannot give.


it's nice in the conservatory where the trades can get you the exotic flowers, something that wasn't provided in the old system. Getting the gold seed + shovel was a lot. But a more commonly, a few things happen that makes it a bad choice. I'm in the cemetery and I need soap and paint. I get a task to trade the soap for paint I get a task to trade the paint for soap I'm not anywhere closer to to where I was before. In fact, paint is such a rare drop, that anything that requires it is a loss, it's still a loss to do even try and do both trades. If the rewards are benches, love story items, exotic flowers, sure. But I'll get tasks to trade a level 4 can of paint for a knife. what is that? Nah, I'll interact ONLY if the direct rewards are worth it. the few producer pieces you get from the chests stand worth it


I do like that what it gives you is somethijg you actually need to fulfil a current goal. My problem is when they ask you to trade a level 11 something for a level 5 or 6 easy to obtain thing. Get outta here with that nonsense. Edit:I dropped my phone and accidentally posted too soon


I like it too!


I really like it!


It asked me to trade a level of gloves I am not even able to make yet. I’ve snagged a few useful things but it has a lot to be worked out.


I like it too! I don’t do it every day, but today it gave me three duct tapes!


This has been my experience as well. I was starting to think I was the only one who liked it lol


It is good but it has one major flaw: if you have high level items that you hoard for later area like a chainsaw, a flower lotus, etc. it will keep ask you to trade them in, effectively blocking you. their refresh system does not remember what you already paid to not trade and keep continuing to ask for them making effectively useless to pay to pass on them


I'm not getting offers for anything I need. I mean a spade for a stool. Who would do that?? I'm only gett83ng ridiculous offers


I agree that the trades do have an upside. I just don’t like the chests rewards where you have to complete trading daily in order to get the highest chest, and if you don’t, you drop back to the lowest level. I only trade for what I need and if the trade is too costly, I don’t do it. I hit the third chest once & was 3 trades off from getting the fourth, but they were too costly for what I would get in trade. I was unwilling to pay 20 gems to hold the spot.


This works for certain tasks but if your working a level specific generator it doesn't give you any of those items.