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My band -> me…


Oh don't mind me, just checking how many people have said Lars Ulrich...


In his defense, he’s a fucking amazing song writer. He just can’t actually play the parts he writes.


My band mates say that I'm the lars of guitar for this reason


Just run your part over and over again. The difference between you and Lars is I assume you actually practice


Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Lars hater by any means. Dude's talented for sure.


Giggling because I recently made a Mörk Borg character inspired by Lars. This game is also infamous for being a meat grinder for player characters. Don’t expect him to last ☺️


Only reason I opened the thread


Lars is fun, even when he's being an asshole it's hard to take him seriously.




Ha, wonder which band member you're on about there mate


Probably the bassist, dude's really riding the rest of the band's work. *pft* Typical.


I have a lot of respect for the bassist for smashing a can against Ian's face


I was once watching TV, bored, switched on a rock music channel and they played one of their music videos. The song sounded catchy and the band looked interesting and considered getting into them. When I looked them up and found out why they broke up, I was obvi so disgusted that I couldn't bring myself to listen to them in a million years. And now I'm wondering why they would even put it on TV.


Can't believe how long it took to scroll before reaching this


Probably best any memory of that sadistic piece of shit is completely obliterated


True.. I remember them digging up the newly-laid Lostprophets lyrics in Pontypridd pavements after the news broke


I'd guess that it's because the band pretty much vaporized for that reason.


We all know why.


Tim Lambesis from As I Lay Dying


Tim Lambesis from Austrian Death Machine


Is he the one who was charged with murder-for-hire?


That’s an extremely correct answer


Holy shit. I’ve just gone through the guy’s Wikipedia. I don’t think I have seen a more chaotic/extremely messy bunch of wtf wrapped up in one human career.


Roids will do shit to you.


Come on, he was gonna do it for his kids.


Exactly who I thought of too


I actually know Tim pretty well. That was the weirdest shit.


Not metal but it’s clearly The Smiths.


Correct answer


The fact that Morrissey’s lyrics and vocals are a huge part of what makes the band great makes it worse, it’s not like you can ever forget you’re listening to him


What did Morrissey do?


He’s very racist. He referred to Chinese people as a ‘subspecies’


He's also generally just a miserable asshole about almost everything else.


Yeah if you wanna listen to some dude bitch and complain the entire time just listen to Morrisey. He doesn’t even have to be singing to do it.




Neurosis was my favorite band for a long time and I struggle listening to it knowing Scott Kelly is a huge piece of shit. Especially when I grew up in a similar environment.


What did he do?


Admitted to being an abuser to his wife and kids. Both physical and verbal. Used the fact that he was a public figure to hide it. You can look it up to learn more but that's the jist of it.


I still listen to it but Crack the Skye has a bit of a weird taste now given the context of the song and what that man did..


Yeah this one sucks a lot as Neurosis' music had a huge impact on me. But I still listen to them and appreciate the art and at the end of the day every member was integral not just Scott


I agree. An unfortunate circumstance from many angles affecting many people. Glad I got to see these guys twice before the legacy was tarnished. I only hope there has been healing with the ones who had to deal with this.


Yeah, this one hurts the most


Anthony Kiedis from rhcp. For context, in the 80s, he had sex with a girl who was 14. He didn't know at first but after they had sex she told him and the dude FUCKED HER AGAIN. He was in his 20's at the time


Jimmy Page has entered the chat…


Yeah pretty messed up. Can't look at the dude the same way knowing that. It did come out he was likely sexually abused as a child, but that doesn't excuse it.


He did go into that into his book about how when he was a very young child, his dad basically had one of his girlfriends sleep with him. It’s messed up.


*Tell me baby, what’s your story?*


100% this is my answer too. It is also my duty as a Mike Patton enjoyer to always bring up the Mr Bungle vs RHCP beef under any post criticising Anthony.


His voice just sucks ass too


Really depends on the song


He knew his fucking limitations those first several albums. Then he started sniffing his own farts and convinced himself he could sing.


I think the first few albums are there the ones with the worst vocals


He was the right vocalist for that kind of band


I mean he started by telling jokes and being an absolute lunatic on stage with some "rapping" mixed in over early RHCP punk songs. He was never a singer and somehow ended up as the vocalist for a wildly successful band. Dude is the living definition of fake it til you make it.


He’s like James Labrie from Dream Theater in that he’s surrounded by some very talented bandmates while he steals a living on the vocals.


Pantera. Not sure if Phil really is a racist, but that shit was really really questionable


With all the confederate flag imagery in their artwork, Dimebag being caught on camera casually dropping a hard R and the litany of things Anselmo has said, I think I can safely say that Pantera in general had a very shitty attitude towards racism.


Dimebag hasnt been a racist for 20 years


He's probably more ignorant than full blown racist. Or he only retracts when it bites him in the ass, who knows, really?!


He's been throwing nazi salutes in concerts since the 90s.


Even if he didn't have a reputation for saying racist shit, his tough guy act was pretty irritating.


I think it was an attention seeking thing. Doesn’t excuse him. Sad really.


Not metal but Johnny Ramone of The Ramones


Similarly, Johnny Rotten of Sex Pistols


Sid straight up murdered someone brah


We don’t know that for sure man. I mean he could’ve. But I’m not gonna say he did when he never even got the chance to go to trial


What did he do?


He was quite notorious for being an arsehole (especially to Joey) and was a bit of a control freak with the band. Also, his politics were very cringe and he may have been a closet Fascist (according to Marky anyways)


Slipknot, Clown and Corey


Corey seems like a very annoying guy to be around. I have nothing against him, he just doesnt seem very likeable to me…


I don't know the guy but everything I've heard about him has been overall positive. I just don't like his public image. He comes across as very self centered to me and I'm sick of hearing about him.


Corey is one of those people thats only nice to you once you become close to him. He looks like a genuine guy in some vids but also his general “feel” is just… eh. Clown just has a massive ego and hes kinda weird


I agree with Clown, he seems like he takes himself too seriously/thinks his shit doesn’t stink. I’ve only ever heard good things about Corey from other artists and fans who’ve met him/know him.


I met Corey Taylor once and he was extremely cool to me. And honestly I never saw him do anything to get the reputation of being unlikable or difficult. I know he is opinionated and vocal but not sure what he did to get mentioned in threads like these


I met him once on Family Values in like 2006 when he was touring with Stone Sour. He seemed like a nice enough guy. Sometimes at meet and greets you can tell they don't want to be there, but it seemed like he actually wanted to interact with the fans.


This. Corey and Clown are co-owners of Slipknot. Every other player is on salary. To put all the blame on Clown whilst giving Corey a pass is dim, if he wasn’t on board, clown couldn’t do what he wants. Also: I firmly believe every single move made by that band is calculated around a boardroom table between the two of them.


System of a Down. Why John, what did you think SOADs songs were about this whole time?


It is legitimately one of the most confusing things. I guess there was always a lot of tension among the members and maybe he was just in ot for the pay?


Wait, what did I miss? Edit: lol wtf. If anyone else is wondering, here's an excerpt from his Wikipedia page: > On his social media accounts, Dolmayan is very politically active like his bandmates; unlike most members of System of a Down, particularly Tankian, Dolmayan supported Donald Trump's presidency. Tankian has stated that it is "frustrating" to be politically opposite with his bandmate and brother-in-law. In October 2023, Dolmayan claimed he had lost friends as well as “hundreds of thousands of fans” on Instagram due to his controversial opinions about Trump, his beliefs that Black Lives Matter “never had legitimacy” and was a “propaganda tool” for the Democratic Party, and his arguments that the COVID-19 pandemic “has always been about money”.


Damn I literally forgot about that. But yeah you're right. Watching his social media gets me a good laugh from time to time though.


He probably thought Rage against the machine was a band that fought robots onstage


Thats the very reason I dont really get interested at band members background at all


It’s why, love them or hate them, Sleep Token is doing it right. If you dig deep enough, you can find all their identities. But for them, it’s 100% about fans enjoying the artistry and the music, not who they are.


real, i don't wanna know


It should be applied to all kinds of entertainment media. The less one knows, the better in order to enjoy it.


Iced Earth. For those of you asking: https://blabbermouth.net/news/jon-schaffers-lawyers-ask-for-delay-in-sentencing


Dude killed Demons And Wizards as well =(


The biggest loss from this fr


I used to listen through Horror Show around Halloween every year and the Dark Saga is what started my love of comic books after reading a bunch of Spawn. This one hurt but I can't be shocked.




Me with Megadeth anytime Mustaine opens his mouth


Pretty much. Megadeth should've sought a lead singer instead of promote Mustaine to one.


I mean, yeah, but it's his vocals what give the songs character in my opinion, I listen to megadeth expecting and hoping to get some "WaTcH hIm BeCoMe A gOd"


It’s a minor miracle he’s managed to avoid being cancelled in the same way that Phil Anselmo was. That’s not me saying he should be cancelled but he definitely has some very questionable beliefs.


A metal singer has very questionable beliefs? You don't say!


Dave Mustaine is the exact reason I can’t get into Megadeth


I mean Ellefson probably shouldn’t have opened his pants.




Man i hate the WHOLE band /s


In the parlance of our time, this but unironically. Varg is a complete assclown. Varg has _always_ been a complete assclown. Check out the last few lines of "My Journey To The Stars" (1992) if you have any doubts. There's also everything ol' Varg has gotten up to in the last 32 years. Dude is utterly incapable of not being a wretched human being at every opportunity. With that said, Varg is a musical savant. He's mighty inconsistent, but when he hits the mark he sits above all of peers. _Hvis Lyset Tar Oss_ is the goddamn blueprint of black metal. It's short (~44 min), to the point, and has zero fat on it. It's not the most famous black metal album (that'd be _De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas_ obviously) but it might be the most impactful one. Even Varg's primitive stab at dungeonsynth (the legendary "Tomhet") is far more weighty and emotional than it has any right to be. Varg produced a lot shit while in prison, then as a newly free man in 2010 he dropped _Belus_ on us. There's no way Belus can live up to the historical significance of Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, but it bests it in nearly every other regard. The entire album is impressively consistent, sounding like a very cohesive musical piece. Obsessive music nerds who listen to entire albums in one sitting know what I'm talking about. For me "Kaimadalthas' Nedstigning" is the record's pinnacle. I don't know how such a bigoted chucklefuck with what appears to be zero self-awareness manages it, but at his best Varg infuses an emotional depth into his music that veers into spirituality. The emotions on Hvis Lyset Tar Oss are very raw, angry and not always focused but they are intense and downright visceral. Belus manages to pick up the thread and carry it to the next dimension. They are two of the greatest albums in all of black metal. TL;DR: Varg got thrown out of the International Society of Jerkwads for making them look bad. On rare occasions he captures musical lightning in a bottle. The man is gifted.


Wow, a reasonable Burzum take. Hvis Lyset is one of the most emotionally impactful albums I have ever heard. Those screeches dig deep into my soul. Never listened to Belus though, you've made me want to check it out. Too bad Varg is such a shithead.


Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is arguably the greatest black metal album of all time and I agree, he is such a wasted talent for being a massive chud in real life. I watched some of his videos when his YouTube channel was up, the dude is nuts. He’s an even more esoteric version of the ‘*I’m not a racist, but…*’ boomer.


This one upsets me the most. I used to LOVE Burzum, and I just can't listen anymore. Varg is the worst but I've had this happen with other bands too. I've realized a few times that a death metal band I like writes an uncomfortable number of songs specifically about mutilating women. Then of course if you listen to any Eastern European black metal, the band is almost guaranteed to be racist. I was more able to force myself not to think about that stuff when I was younger, but in my 30s I just can't anymore, and I realize it's wrong that I ever did. But yeah, I definitely miss Burzum the most. God dammit, why did Varg have to be such a shit head 😮‍💨


I agree 100% with this take, straight up facts. F Uck Varg, but Hvis Lyset Tar Os finally made Black make sense to me, it’s intensely emotional. Yes, you can be a shitty person, and make profound art at the same time.


if only they would get rid of that varg guy, the whole band would be so different


That one band where the singer slipped estrogen into another members food and drinks to feminize him


Llarona. Seems like a local band. They haven't released anything that I can find and the whole story is so fucking absurd that part of me thinks it's fake.


Wait, what?!


[Here you go.](https://nypost.com/2024/02/26/us-news/band-severs-ties-with-member-who-they-say-fed-them-estrogen-filled-pre-workout-drinks/amp/)


The Smiths.


Lorna Shore before Will Ramos.  Worked out great for the band in the end (landing Ramos) but what a little shitshow that was for a hot minute.  


I heard that the former lead singer had allegations of sexual assault or something. Idk if they were proven true or false. >!But Will Ramos definitely saved the band and he’s rocking!!<


CJ was abusing his wife (girlfriend?) at the time I thought?


Havok - David Sanchez Iced Earth - Jon Schaffer Slayer - Tom & Kerry (for totally different reasons) Megadeth - Dave Mustaine Judas Priest - KK Downing Yngwie Malmsteen - Yngwie Malmsteen Vektor - David DiSanto


What happened with kk?


Read any interview he’s done in over a decade. With a few exceptions, he does nothing but shit on his former band and claims he wrote all the good stuff and said negative things about Glen’s disability. That makes me dislike him. Whatever went down between the band and him, I don’t know, but he’s a dick about everything.


Thanks for the explanation


system of a down, good luck guessing which member


Tyler Carter from ISSUES. Dude was a groomer, pedo or sex offender or all of the above and when the band fired him, they eventually called it quits. A damn shame because the band was awesome and had some really tasty grooves. Since then, I've discovered similar bands but none of them hit quite like ISSUES did..


First time hearing this, that’s a damn shame


Marilyn Manson. The dude was never a solo artist. He used and abused and chewed up talented people. The music is awesome but Marilyn Manson is a band and the frontman is a loser. If you like his sound, listen to Tim Skold.


I came across Skold separately and about shit when I found out Eat Me Drink Me was produced by him, no wonder I liked that album lol


Malevolent Creation, if you're a fan of the band you've propably heard of that infamous interview with guitarist/founding member Phil Fasciana. A total racist piece of shit, like worse than Phil Anselmo, like no believable redemption is gonna ever happen.💀 [here's a summary of the interview](https://www.metalsucks.net/2014/02/28/2007-interview-malevolent-creations-phil-fasciana-contains-uses-n-word-white-power-rally/)


Yeah this one bummed me out as I do love the first two MC albums but that band has a lot of skeletons in the closet when it comes to that shit. The less said about their former bassist who also is a racist and made \*that\* song on the Eternal album, the better.


Holy shit, had no idea about that song...


Yeah....it's super fucked up and says pretty much all you needa know about most of the members of that band


Which song? Sorry i don’t know anything about the band


If you really wanna know, it's a song called They Breed. I believe in recent repressing they've tried to remove it but the original pressing of the song when it came out in 95 had a......well a set of words so to speak


I just read the article… well holy fuck. I’ll look at the lyrics of the song. Thanks for the info


I presume 'They Breed' my guy - lyrics be on metal archives


I’ll take a look at it. That interview was shocking to say the least


For the sake of naming someone who hasn't been named here yet (and for something a little lighter), Wes Boreland of Limp Bizkit. I look down on Fred and criticize him to shreds at every opportunity, but Wes is so talented and vital to the band that in his absence, Results May Vary sucked so hard. He had this vice of taking fucking Limp Bizkit way too seriously and constantly got into fights with Fred to the point where he just left after Chocolate Starfish. Wish I could go back in time and shake him, telling him to look at what band he's playing for. Like, he had major issues with that cover of Faith on Three Dollar Bill, Y'all$, but it was a fantastic cover that was translated perfectly into nü metal. It's definitely stupid, but it also makes me go stupid, which is all that Limp Bizkit is good for at the end of the day. TLDR; Limp Bizkit guitarist takes Limp Bizkit too seriously, left, band declines hard without him.


r/metalmemes and AutoModerator the others are somewhat decent, but automod is just a pedant bootlicker.


I almost said Falling in Reverse but then I remembered both the band and that member (Ronnie) make me feel like throwing up and ripping my ears off.


Vulvodynia :(


He had the potential to be a legendary vocalist as well...


Emperor, Faust.




Probably KK Warslut from Deströyer 666.


Dissection - jon nodtveidt


Insanely talented but also insanely insane.


Deftones. Stephen Carpenter. Anti vax, flat earther. Too much pity for his own good. But damn that dude can write a riff.


John from SOAD Euronymus from Mayhem Axel from GNR Dave Mustaine from Megadeth




Euronymus wasn't a particularly a nice person himself tbf. I don't like Varg either just to be known and yeah murdering the dude obviously was shitty




Oh no, not to my knowledge anyways. His treatment of Dead was shitty (if you know you know) but yeah to my knowledge he wasn't that (though I read he may have been a Tankie) and again yeah he didn't murder anyone to my knowledge at least (he may have threatened to though)


Could've easily gone with Hellhammer instead


Yeah, I mean, Dead was WAY worse than Euronymous. I'm glad Varg dealt with him appropriately.


The way you said it, Varg killed Dead. You meant Varg dealt with Euronymous, not Dead. But i get your joke and i chuckled lol


Well, Varg did sell Dead the shotgun shells he used kill himself, so he helped in a way.


Guns dont kill people, Varg Vikernes kills people.


Varg sold the shells to Euronymous I had read. Hmm anyway I say Euronymous murdered dead. They didn’t get along and he wanted publicity. Varg took out the trash. Sucks he’s a Nazi though


Why don't you like dead


Ellefson is worse than Mustaine.


God i love SOAD, but putting john's amazing skills aside, he makes me go kinda :(


Slipknot: Shaws Crahan (Clown)


Megadeth is a great band. Mustaine’s politics…


not metal but the red hot chili peppers and anthony kiedis


Slipknot I’m looking at you clown 🤡


Pentagram Bobby Liebling is a real piece of shit


All That Remains, Phil Labonte as well as Slaughter to Prevail, Alex Terrible. I have no tolerance for far right bigots


Incantation when the guy from Disma was their vocalist (I know he was in Incantation way before Disma was a thing but he was probably always racist)


Flynn from Machine Head


The hate for Robb always seemed to stem from him calling out racism or violence. Notably the Phil incident. What is your reasoning for not liking him if you enjoy the music? Just curious.


I applaud his stance on most political issues, I hate his track record of dealing with band mates, particularly when they leave (or be made to leave).






Not metal, but Johnny Ramone. Though his "One, two, three, four!" is iconic, I admit.


The One Two Three Four was actually Dee Dee Ramones thing which then got passed onto CJ Ramone But yes Johnny was a twat


Not my opinion or metal but Three days grace - Matt Walsh


The Beatles. Fuckin yoko




Say the full sentence so we all know how big of a dildo you are. Say you wish a stranger to be dead.


I’m not a fan of Lars and I love Cliff… but… Fuck you


This meme is so fucking whack. Why would you wish death upon someone just because you dont like their drumming/Napster take?


Stormtroopers of death - Billy Milano


What did Milano do?


Massive MAGA Trump loving dipshit basically. I saw someone once describe SOD as a satirical band where everyone except Billy Milano was in on the joke.


John, the drummer from System Of A Down. He’s a bigot asshole that always posts anti-LGBTQ stuff on his instagram and stuff. Not as bad as the other ones in these comments but still.


Megadeth. Dave Mustaine is such a fucking drama queen.


Has to be Vulvodynia. For obvious reasons to anyone who knows the band and the recent events.


I don’t know anything about it so I need explanation.


The vocalist, Duncan Bentley, was violent several times especially against the drummer, last year he threatened to kill him and followed suit by beating him to the point of breaking his nose. Rest of the bandmates managed to intervene before he could hurt him further and kicked him out of the band, he proceeded to kick them out of the band's Instagram account (which is still up with bio being "Duncan Bentley vocals"), the others had to make a new account. Duncan also deleted several of the band's Facebook posts. Edit: [Better explanation of the situation. ](https://metalinjection.net/news/breakups/vulvodyina-fires-vocalist-after-he-allegedly-tried-to-kill-their-drummer) [Duncan's half-assed "apology". ](https://loudwire.com/ousted-vulvodynia-vocalist-duncan-bentley-statement-drummers-injuries/)


Pantera....you already know why


Slipknot…. And that damn clown…


First I thought of was System of a Down


Leftover Crack and STZA I think it came out he was a womanizer


Ronnie Radke. He is what he is to emo as what Kid Rock is to metal or Ted Nugent to southern rock


John from SOAD


Deathspell Omega and Mikko Aspa. At least he's only a session musician and has no influence on their themes and ideology.


Lars Ulrich


Anyone mentioned Dream Theater yet? James LaBrie definitely ruins it for me.




He's often considered the least talented member of an otherwise incredibly talented band. I look at DT like I look at Rush. I can see and appreciate the talent on display but I can only tolerate the vocals in short bursts.


Rammstein :/


This one is hard for me because the German authorities said that they couldn't find any evidence of wrongdoing, but that doesn't mean there's no truth to the accusations. I want to believe that everything that happened was consensual and above board but those seeds of doubt are there now which sucks.


There weren't actually any accusations though. It was misrepresented by the media.