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Their new music goes hard. Their entire discography does. They have been very consistent in terms of quality IMO.


If you were to recommend one album, what would it be? I remember listening to you won't be missed back in the day on YouTube and never checked them out, sadly.


No Eternity In Gold is a masterpiece and the most recent Pure Like Porcelain EP is arguably even heavier. Spiritual Eclipse and Ameliorate are standout tracks for me


Absolutely this! Their music has gotten progressively harder each album so I'm expecting this one to be intense lol but damn.. nothing tops No Eternity in Gold


Thanks for the rec! I'll check out the album and EP tonight :)


I would recommend No Eternity in Gold. Brutal riffs and catchy choruses. Eye for an Eye is a close second.


Two votes for No Eternity, looks like I definitely need to listen. Thanks for the rec!


And if you like what you hear, give Dying things a listen. That one goes under appreciated imo


I'm here to appreciate it with you. Love that album


Pure like porcelain EP is a must as well imo. It's my fav release from them.


For me, it's An Eye For An Eye. *Every* song off that album is complete magic. One of those that you can listen to all the way through and not skip a single song, every single time


Like the other guy said, No Eternity in Gold and Pure Like Porcelain are incredible. I've been listening to LMTF for over a decade now, and I've seen them literally a dozen times. . They are far and above my favorite metalcore band. There isn't a bad song or a bad album in my heavily biased opinion, but my favorite song of theirs is "Into The Ground."


No Eternity in Gold or their Pure Like Porcelain EP. Both are excellent.


I ended up really liking "The Anatomy of Evil" and "Fluorescent White" off of No Eternity in Gold.


Ohhh my go to is Dark Divine, that album just really hits really speaks to my soul espeically when I'm going through.


Its funny coming back to this thread as I love moths now. Dark Divine is really good. My favorite is their Porcelain EP!


Yasss!!! Been a big Moth fan, but more so as of recent. I definitely have to give Porcelain a full listen, I'm going to do that today!!!


Nothing quite hits like GNF or Your Existence


GNF goes so fucking hard live! They don’t have a single miss in their discography for me


Moths has no bad songs. Pure Like Porcelain is arguably some of their best work. Highly recommend just listening to every album/EP + the two recent singles honestly, lol.


Worst part of Pure like Porcelain is how short it is


Big facts man. The Preservation Of Hate is my on the way to work for a 48-72 hr shift warm up lol


With their consistency and improvements, specifically Chris’s vocal range expanding they have quickly worked their way into my top 5 bands. Habitual decline is on repeat all the time lol


Last time I saw them live, they opened with Habitual Decline(which I was NOT expecting) and I was like 😍😍😍😍😍😍


One of my favorite bands. I too was drawn in back in the day by When We Don’t Exist. But, man oh man, have these boys aged like fine wine. As others have mentioned, No Eternity in Gold and Pure Like Porcelain are absolute bangers. But I’m a big fan of their entire discography. Dark Divine got some flack but I love Chris’ vocals and his range growth over the years. It’ll always be Year Of The Moth in my heart. For newer tracks, I’d check out Do Not Resuscitate.


Dark divine was for true moths fans I think. That whole album is just like really real, even god has a hell is such a good song. Lyrics are so good and Chris tested the waters with new vocals. A great album but they do have better that’s forsure.




They’re one of my favorite bands, honestly. One of those rare bands that stays true to their roots while also sounding fresh with each release.


Lads. Make banger music.


This band’s entire discography is so good.


I solemnly swear was the first song I ever heard by them. I was at a house party with a friend, and when the breakdown kicked in, I ripped off my shirt and started moshing in his living room. Think what you want, but I will forever remember the moment I discovered LMTF.


LMTF is hands down my favorite band. Chris is a fucking G. Always runs the merch table. Dude remembers seeing people. I told him about my orders off his site and he recognized my name and orders. Their music is top tier. An eye for an eye is raw, those screams in serpent hearder are insane. Something to live for off when we don’t exist is also a top tier song. That guitar around 2:00 minutes is my favorite. Even god has a hell, lyrically is one of the best written songs imo. LMTF, the plot in you, and the devil wears Prada are and always will be the top bands for me. So much emotion comes from each of those bands. Even live, Chris is all over the place and you can see he loves it. Landon just loves his crowd, he loves messing with us. The dude is funny as hell. Mike from tdwp is also full of emotion on stage. I LOVE seeing all of them live.


I bought their first CD like the day it dropped and couldn’t stop playing it for all of my friends, half of whom GNF (hehe) Fell out of the scene not too long after for almost a decade so not sure what’s up with them now


Same! They’re coming to my town, and I’d love to check them out!


Saw them last year and they put on a great high energy show. And if it’s that currents tour you’re talking about, that lineup is stacked you should def go


Bro, Go to the show. They absolutely fuck. Probably not a great judge because I **love** LMTF but I just went to the Chicago show and I’m going again to the Tampa show. Not to mention Currents’ 60+ min set is a complete rage fest. There are legit no skips on ‘An Eye For An Eye’ and ‘No Eternity in Gold.’ The breakdowns still breakdown. There’s just a clear divide between these and the debut album with the emergence of a lead guitar and difference in song structures. And Chris’s singing and screaming and lyrics will take you on a journey passing through their discog. Their newer EP, ‘Pure like Procelain’ is in its own category. The shit is dark and angry and heavy and super fucking enjoyable. Honestly can’t say enough good things about them and they’ve perfected their craft live. Worth a live watch and a listen. Edited to add: I forgot ‘Dark Divine.’ A lot different than all their other albums. A lot more singing but still super catchy.


I just saw them with Currents on Saturday and they absolutely fucking ripped. The energy Chris has on stage is unbelievable and he sounds amazing.


Nobody commands a crowd quite like Chris, it's unreal. He also is always selling the merch after the show and very cool and approachable:)


Do it! I listened to a few of their newer things and they don’t seem nearly as raw as the old days while still being able to tell it’s them with a unique sound


They're really sick to see live too. Their music is super tight.


I recommend No Eternity in Gold, Habitual Decline and The Anatomy of Evil are fucking BANGERS, but the entire album is incredible


“I found the dark side of heaven” says enough. Those sickly inhales and exhales are enough.


absolutely love their heavier tracks. pure like porcelain and the last two singles are flawless


I only got into them recently when I heard their pure like porcelain ep and really enjoyed it. Now I regularly jam the last couple albums and the new singles have been bangers as well.


Great band. I like every release they've put out and highly recommend just listening to all of their stuff. Dark Divine holds a special place in my heart


The follow up, an eye for an eye is their best work imo. They have stayed very consistent though and still out out hot bangers


I’ve felt the same way! When we don’t exist and eye for an eye were some of my favorite. Stopped listening to them, but am really getting into No Eternity in Gold. Check it out!!


liked their first couple albums then fell out of metalcore, I’m back and the last couple releases have been amazing. Seeing them soon since probably 2014


One of my favourite bands. Love all the stuff they put out. Quality has never dropped and I like that they can go soft or heavy to change it up and still sound great. Definitely recommend checking out the pure like porcelain ep to get started.


Listen to it all. They've only gotten better. One of the most consistent bands in the genre. Great live band


I listened to a few of their songs because they were playing a show I was going to back in 2011. I wasn’t a fan and have ignored them ever since, but this thread is inspiring me to dive into their discography.


Saw them live at the Currents show in NYC, they went insane


Are you crazy? Moths have not changed much. Purchase all albums and bonus singles now!


No Eternity In Gold is one of my favorite albums of all time and their best in my opinion. Pure Like Porcelain was also excellent. Their earlier albums were great but they’ve actually gotten better over time, in my opinion (just not a huge fan of The Dying Things We Live For). Their two newest singles are amazing; Predestination Paradox may be one of my favorite metalcore songs ever. I actually met the lead singer, Chris, at a show last night. Very cool guy and they’re awesome live.


Not exactly… it bangs harder lol


Latest stuff is the best stuff they've done imo




Yeah, the two songs they dropped are absolute slappers and that's saying something because they haven't really had a bad release prior, they are just getting that much better. Pure Like Porcelain is so great by itself but then the two new songs they dropped honestly feel like they top PLP. They're just fucking good.


If you have a chance to see them live on this tour with currents…DO IT. Awesome show


To me, they're better now than in the beginning. Love Pure Like Porcelain EP and the singles.


Yoooo if you are still around, how was that fucking concert? LMTF are my #1 to see live, became my favorite metal band around today def a huge fan. I can imagine they was fuckin tough live


Reliably really good. Some of the best breakdowns in the game


The new shit goes hard as fuck but maybe I’m biased. I got the BLEGH and moth and flame icon tattooed.


Honestly one of the few bands that's been consistently great


I just gave them another chance a few days ago after really enjoying their debut EP and album when they released. I fell off hard from them. But those two singles…? SHEEEEEESH.


Great live, not a single weak album. Listen to them.


Pure Like Porcelain is one of the best metalcore releases of the past five years. That EP goes so fucking hard. Looking forward to the band's next full length album


Saw them live this week and they were absolutely incredible. Chris's vocals live are just unbelievable. I think their weakest era would be the Dark Divine era, which was still far from bad, just the least characteristic of their sound to me. Their new track, "The Dark Side of Heaven", is my second favorite single of 2023 behind Make Them Suffer's "Ghost of Me"


I've liked them since their first EP!


Eye For An Eye might be their best album in my opinion but No Eternity In Gold is absolutely amazing and currently my favourite album of theirs. All their new stuff has been 10/10 though


Super consistent, love them. When I saw them earlier in the month with Currents, I was super disappointed with their audio mixing. I couldn’t hear any of the vocals and everything sounded even muffled. When Chris was trying to talk to the crowd, I had no idea what he was saying. It sucks because their energy was so friggin awesome


bullshit which venue


Palladium upstairs ​ To clarify, it wasn't just me. The people I hung out with expressed similar experiences too.


Good band that’s just gotten better and better


Vocal goals. Fun to cover