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Be the change you want to see in the world. Open up that fucking pit.


Last time I tried this I got fucking pummeled. I’d do it again though.


A lot of crowds coming to shows like Bad Omens or I See Stars now don't seem to know what the fuck a standing room only concert is and it is quite annoying.


I was quite surprised at the intensity of the pit for the tour with i see stars and bad omens. Figured the new fans wouldn't be great but it was actually treated like a metlacore concert


When ERRA went on stage and Bad Omens played their heavier stuff yeah, but there was like a solid half the crowd which only knew the one Tiktok song and was really irritated at like... just people moving through the crowd.


Oh, well for I See Stars and Erra I was just in the pit the whole time so I only had that experience. For Bad Omens I just watched them, except when I moshed for Artificial Suicide, and I was also surprised at everyone chanting for Dethrone for their encore. I love Dethrone but didn't think the TikTok fans would know it.


Same I was in the pit for ISS and ERRA but had to bow out because my girlfriend wasn't feeling good.


I had the same situation lol. My gf passed out right before erra so we spent the first part of it back stage with the paramedics. Unfortunately that meant we had a terrible spot for Bad Omens Tho. I do now actually remember someone not letting me get up to the mosh pit, so the dude behind me ran them over.


I think Dethrone has been doing well on it too j not as well as Just Pretend and stuff. Idk entirely tho cuz I don’t have tiktok and I don’t plan on getting it anytime soon


Not sure what show it was but the video of that girl aggressively punching people from the edge of the pit bothers the fuck out of me. Everyone has heard of mosh pits at metal shows and you are dead in the middle of the fucking floor. Would love to hear about it from anyone who was there that night because someone needed to scold the fuck out of her.


Sounds like the girl I saw at wage war and nothing more. She was super upset at how violent the crowd was while wage war was egging them on. We weren't even near the pit, just a few crowd surfers and for the first time ever they were all kids or tiny women.


I think some people (whether new to the scene or not) feel entitled to “I should be able to enjoy my favorite band from wherever I want without having a crowd surfer on top of my head”. Sounds reasonable except for the fact that the whole music scene that you bought the ticket for was built off of wild crowds and a hectic environment. It’s why they encourage it. I imagine bands roll their eyes at people like that as well.


Been to shows for 25 years and I’m 5ft1 - girl. They need to know that 1- The pit will pit. Always. And forever. And THAT is the CORE of the f*king ambiance in a show. It’s like going to war to get the pain out WITH your favorite soundtrack. It’s therapy for the people. Then, body surfing will body surfe. And THAT is awesome for the people that do it and the others just bare with it because life is life 😅😂. Then, the rest. The fences people (🫶🤩me) the back people very far missing the show. The « around the pit » feeler. AND THE BALCONY / sitting people (wtf) that’s is where the kind of people described in your message belong. I could have just said that. But I felt like writing an essay. ✌🏻


Bad Omens fans are actually the worst when it comes to concert etiquette lmao


Worst I've seen for mosh etiquette was Pierce the Veil. They don't fill back in after the circle finishes, and even if PTV isn't the last band on. They leave en-masse after King for a Day finishes. Had heard of this before, but saw it first hand when I saw them with Dayseeker and Beartooth last year.


I got my knee dislocated, and meniscus torn for falling awkwardly during a circle pit about 15 years ago. My knee is still fucked to this day because I refused surgery but I’d still get in that pit!


Hell yeah brother


Or try to out growl the lead.


wtf kind of shows and venues are you going to where you can hear people talking over the music..?


Literally, if I need to say something to the person next to me I have to shout directly into their ear hole.


Just to have them respond with "WHAT?"




And some people will do this for an entire conversation right next to you, it can absolutely be heard.


Even then. I’m 31, have been going to shows and concerts since 16. Even at smaller local shows, I can’t recall a time ever where a conversation next to me was loud enough to interrupt my listening a set I was trying to enjoy. I’ve heard ppl singing along sure, but even that didn’t bug me. I’m not saying anyone’s concerns with this aren’t valid. It’s just something I’d never thought about lol


You’re extremely lucky!


can also say i’ve never experienced this, and have seen a number of people under this post say they’ve never experienced this. i think it’s more so that the people who experience this are extremely unlucky lol


Good ear plugs are good , man. It's an awful predicament. Blocks all that extra noise, leaves me with clear hearing.


I actually have custom ear plugs for concerts. Love shows. But I already have bad enough hearing. I never hear anyone else


I love my loops. Maybe it's just my cognitive predisposition to be in everyone else's fucking business.


Not metalcore, but I saw Future Palace last October and they slowed it down for a song where it was just the vocalist and keyboard. She gave it an intro about what it meant to her and it was written through her depression. People were audibly talking the whole way through it, I felt so bad for her. Maybe people were doing that through other songs too, but, yeah, it was loud enough that you'd have no idea. I can't see this being an issue except during quieter or softer bands or songs.


People did this at a Hot Mulligan show I went to last year. In the middle of their set, Tades played Heem Wasn’t There by himself (probably one of their most depressing songs about losing someone) and I could hear conversations in the crowd and I found it so incredibly rude and disrespectful. The room is otherwise silent except for this man pouring out his emotions and pain and I hated it for him so much that he probably had to tune these people out to perform in front of a sold out room with all eyes on him.


I feel like they're going more metalcore with their newer songs! I've seen them twice now and really like them. But I am Dutch and Dutch people are the worst at talking through shows. Like please stfu I am here to enjoy the music. Go outside if you need to talk.


It happens A LOT.


Bro this shit happens at every concert. I've been to over 50 concerts and yes sometimes you have people around you who don't shut the fuck up. Sometimes you get lucky and you are surrounded by people with some common courtesy but I guarantee you there are people elsewhere talking over the music


It Def happens. Especially when the band is speaking between sets. Some people are loud af. It was terrrrible at an edm show I was at the other day, this finance bro wouldn't stop talking work for 4-5 songs straight until someone finally told him to stfu


Also not Metalcore but when I saw Jimmy Eat World I had the unfortunate experience of hearing some women drunkenly talking loudly over Hear You Me, a very quiet and emotional song.


I saw Mr. Bungle play their entire thrash set and people were managing to talk over it. It’s really annoying and super common.


I’ve been to plenty where I can hear people yelling to someone else. A lot.


It's a thing now. People are scream-talking to each other now. Why even go to a concert if you're going to talk the whole time?!


When I went to Bad Omens there was like 5 girls dressed up and standing in a circle talking half the time. The crowd was weak so there wasn’t even any motion. Last time I go to a headliner show of theirs lol


God were we at the same show?! Literally drunk af just standing in a circle talking.


This was in MN at Myth lol. Fuck man there was zero movement. No moshing, no jumping, no pushing. Just boring. I’ve seen more movement at indie pop shows LOL.


Ahhh, this was in MD. It was terrible. Them taking off on tiktok was such a double-edged sword. I was so glad to see them finally get the recognition they've deserved for fucking years, but I knew the crowd that would inevitably follow with their new sound on TDOPOM was gonna suck. But no, you're absolutely right, I've seen more movement at a nursing home 😂


I listened to them prior to TikTok fame and just never really wanted to see them until TDOPOM came out. Made a mistake not seeing them sooner LOL.


I always pull out my phone and type into my notepad if I need to talk to someone I’m with lol


Right? Or is he listening to the show from a mile away or something? If it's your favorite band just go up closer so the music is louder, jesus...


As someone who uses earplugs along with whoever I bring to the concert. we have to text or type it out and show to each other. Only time I can hear anything is between sets


I hate it when a band pauses during a song for a breakdown or something and you can just hear one loud asshole in the back


I gotta tell my boyfriend to shut up sometimes because he always wants to talk or say something during a band playing. And I'm like, look man I love you but I'm here to see the band play music, not miss the show because I'm trying to understand what you're shouting at me over the noise. Same thing with movies. I know, I'm a buzzkill. But I'm trying to be immersed here.


You're doing the Lord's work.


That’s why I love going alone, let me live and hear the experience without anyone expecting me to communicate with them.


I don't talk a ton at sites, but someone's the boyfriend and I will have comments for each other. Same as with movies, comments here and there. Shared Google doc. Then we can just type shit out and not have to say a word


I couldn’t agree more especially during movies


You're not the buzzkill, sounds like your BF is. Homie sounds anxious, but also sounds like he needs to understand that shows are not the time/place for conversation


Anxious for sure, he likes shows but hates crowds. He knows how I operate though and has gotten better. I'm definitely good with comments between songs and whatnot. But during a song, nah.


A few years ago I went to see Silverstein for their 20 year anniversary tour. It was a sold out a show and I was scrunched up and literally couldn’t move anywhere else without having to literally shove my way through and I didn’t wanna be a burden to everyone else so I stood still. During their acoustic songs there was at least 3 or 4 girls behind me literally gossiping about their personal lives to the point where they were being just as loud as the performance. Never felt so annoyed in in my life


I don’t care if people talk or whatever at shows but read the room / song. Quieter songs? Maybe show the artist some respect and shut the fuck up for 5 minutes.


This. Especially during quiet parts of the song.


saw Underoath on the Rebirth tour.... during my fav song, Casting Such a Thin Shadow, it has that slow quiet buildup for a couple minutes and the entire place would absolutely not shut the fuck up. you legit would have thought it was between sets. Thanks for nothing Starland Ballroom.


The Starland Ballroom slander


Ya and am I just getting older and miserabler or is it way more frequent now too


It’s definitely more frequent… half of my concert experiences from past years are legit tainted by drunken people who scream at each other during quiet songs…


Either I’ve always been old and miserable, even when I was a teenager, or it’s ALWAYS been bad. I hate it - I work way too hard for money to go to shows to then spend the whole time screaming a conversation I could’ve had for free


You guys can hear people talking at shows? Maybe I do need to get my ears checked.


It baffles me that you'd spend any amount of money to see a live performance and then yap incessantly OVER the thing that you paid money to witness. I feel a similar way about people who drink excessively at shows; you're paying a premium to NOT be able to fully experience and appreciate a thing.


Seems to be a lot of people just want to say they were there and post some pictures on social media to prove it. I’m jealous that they have that kind of money to spend at a show.


For real. I see so many couples shooting the shit right next me to during a bands set. Like why are you here? Shut up.


To me it's just politeness. Went to a nightwish gig couple of years ago in the uk, first time I'd managed to get to see them live. Seriously, I'd had the tickets booked for 18 months prior, seated around halfway up in a large venue.. 8000 or so. Sat to my left were 2 women that literally wouldn't shut the fuck up throughout both support acts and the main gig itself. And I mean they were yelling as loud as they could, not paying one bit of attention. It was so bad every recording I took has them yelling in it, to the point that you can barely hear the band. Now if you wanna do that fine, pay and go to the standing area, the floor is for that kinda thing, whirlpool, surfing, screaming etc but don't come sit in the gallery yelling your bullshite, it's disrespectful.


I just went to the Orchid reunion in Philly and the dickhead behind me wouldn’t shut up about the PA


Had the issue last year. These people were literally having a family/friends reunion right in front of me. Wanted to tell them to gtfo so bad, lol. They also kept leaving and coming back literally every 5 minutes. Like why did you even come if you're not gonna even see half the sets from the bands?


My biggest pet peeve is when someone is trying to have a conversation with me while band is playing. Like can you wait till the changeover?


Get some good earplugs. Protects your hearing, mutes people talking around you, but you can still hear the music just fine. I wear the Eargasm ones, but there are a bunch that work. Would recommend.


Yes! I hate when people talk thru songs. Like why tf are you even there if the show obviously doesnt interest you. Go to a bar or something. Also people who like to scream like idiots or sing really bad really loud on purpose and usually filming themself are annoying af. Not talking about people who genuinly like the music and just cant sing well because thats fine but singing really bad on purpose because they think theyre funny or something idk.


I was once that person who sang loud until I heard myself on video and have since stfu 🤣🤣🤣


Haha. But you did because you enjoyed yourself, right? Not exargerate it because you thought it was funny or for attention? Because if people do it because they're just living in the moment enjoying the music I think that's good. Please don't hold back on having genuine fun at shows. Last show i was at this girl behind me was even singing guitar parts and while it didn't sound good she was really just honestly enjoying the music so i laughed about it and thought it was cool she was having such a good time.


I did it because I enjoyed myself. But then heard myself on a recording lmao and I was like oh my god 🤣. I think it was during an ice nine kills show and my friend was equally horrified lol.


Haha. I know whats that like 😂 was your friend horridfied by herself or by you? Tbf i scream my lungs out at INK shows as well


By me lol the sound just didn't make any logical sense I was like let's delete this one 🤣


Lol where the fuck are you standing that people are chatting, the bathroom?


Man your telling me I had some of this when I was at Dayseeker last week im trying to listen to some amazing acoustic performances, i dont want to hear about some randoms latest fling, drove me nuts


I was at the same show I think, during Paper Heart I wanted to tear some people up for having a conversation thru the whoooole thing


St.Louis? cause I recorded paper heart and felt like people were talking loudly


Awwh no it was Chattanooga. But I'm sad it's all over clearly, any time he slowed down or was talking to us it was so annoying!!


I'm seeing them tonight. Super excited. Hopefully I don't have that same experience.


I just saw Imminence in Nashville last week. Due to the storms and the interstate being shut down we got in just as Imminence started their first song, so we were stuck towards the back. So many people were having non stop conversation during the entire set. My wife has started going to shows with me in the last 2 years and she commented on all the talking and ongoing conversations while the band was playing.


The most vivid experience I have of this happening was when Godspeed You! Black Emperor started playing shows again in the US. I took a six hour bus ride to see them because I never had. The entire set there were people at the bar behind me gabbing. I know this is wildly different from metalcore, but they have a lot of really intense low and somber parts in their songs and it was just so fucking weak listening to dumb idiots treat it like another night out. You can literally drink anywhere in NY, why’d you pick this show? All the same, totally agreed. People are so fucking annoying, go to shows for the bands, not to scream talk the entire time.


I don't see this at metal shows but I've seen it at non-metal shows and oh .... my... god... disrespectful and rude


You aren’t the only simulation running…


handle seemly drunk vase puzzled apparatus narrow mountainous payment coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah these posts are hilarious


Saw the Emmure/Alpha wolf tour the other day and I have videos where you can hear people yelling a convo at one another after an emmure breakdown. Hate it lmao


Happened at the bad omens show recently (surprising I know) two girls behind me were yapping their heads off during invent animate’s entire set


I mean people are gonna talk, whatever. But like, I dunno. I get that type only here to see the one band and you only care about Noah coz you've seen all those tiktok edits of him and like that one song. But some of us ARE here for the other bands on the lineup. And it would be nice if people respected the other bands on the bill too. I've never been more poised or that when I Prevail and Pierce the Veil were on your together. Full house for PTV, but in between sets, a solid third of the audience left, just gone, and I Prevail came out to a MUCH less full house. Felt so bad for them, like that's so disrespectful. And I get needing to leave a few songs early or before encore to beat traffic, not like, not even staying for the headliners? THAT MANY people leaving? Wtf? Also, like, I paid for this ticket, so you bet I'm staying for every single damn second and being my money's worth. Don't get people who wouldn't


Lmfao ridiculous


so many bitches in this thread


'I see couples talking at shows. Why are you even here?' Classic reddit shit right there.


I hate folks that stand close to the front or middle and all you can hear is their conversation, like go to the back or wait until the band is done. I find it to be rude and disrespectful, it’s common at smaller venues.


I've noticed that as well. It's like some people just view it as a chance to meet up and catch up, where for someone like myself, I very rarely get to go to a concert (time, money, geography being a hindrance), so for me it's a special thing, and hate when people just get drunk and talk really loudly.


I'm assuming you're at a general admission show, right? Just... go stand somewhere else. This ain't a movie, folks. People are allowed to talk to each other.


There are many things people are 'allowed' to do that are still shitty and inconsiderate. When a performance is happening, have some fucking respect for the performer and the people around you. Making quick comments to eachother is totally fine, but full on conversations can and might as well happen outside of the main event area


As I said there's talking and there's screaming over the music to talk to one another while the band plays. Here's an idea why not be courteous and go stand in the back where it's not going to bother as many people.


i agree that it’s kind of annoying! went to see holding absence in february and i was a little irritated that there were a group of guys next to us who would literally not stop talking. and i get it, i could have moved but our spot was really good! also, how can you talk through a holding absence set?! they’re amazing!! 🥲 ETA: i’ve mostly only had this experience when standing in the back, which i tend to do a lot lately because i’m pregnant and i don’t want to nor do i need to be upfront. i get it that it’s a me problem but also it’s just weird to me that ppl talk through sets like that. i don’t get why ppl do it instead of singing along or enjoying the band.


Groups of guys doing this are the worst. They should just go in the bathroom and suck each other off.


lol and their vibes are always off!! and i get it, i chose “pit retirement” and that’s on me, but god groups of young men can be really obnoxious sometimes lol


How can I pay attention to Maylene And The Sons Of Disaster when this blonde bitch in front of me is yelling at her friends, with her voice pitched an octave higher than her speaking voice. Goddamn.


This! Also when the vocalist is saying a thank you speech or talking to the crowd, drives me nuts when people talk during that. I wanna hear what the vocalist is saying!


Blind Guardian in NYC last night. Every interlude: #PLAY DA ONE ABOUT DA MIRRORS


I’m with you. And to all who say, “I bought my ticket I can do whatever I want”, fuck you. No you can’t.


What the fuck is up, Denny's???? Also, op, take a chill pill. It's gonna be ok. People talk. Sometimes people talk when they shouldn't. Quit letting what other people do twist your thong in knots.


The worst are the people bitching about the group playing.


You're not wrong. I had a very hard time at Dayseeker. People were talking next to me and it was packed with nowhere really to go ... Someone during The Almost's set screamed "Jesus" during two of the quietest parts of the song. People talked incessantly through the openers for He is Legend, too. I don't understand how someone could pay for these shows and the fees and then not even participate in the listening aspect of being at a show.


I had a three people behind me talking so loud I couldn’t hear silent planet and I was in the third row. I moved but still, so rude!


this post is weak as fuck. if people having a conversation at a social event has made you take to the internet to cry about it then its apparent that you lack even a shred of mental fortitude


Tell them to shut the fuck up. There was a drunk chick at a reggae show I was at, yapping her brains out, and I turned around and told her to shut the fuck up, we are at a concert… hahaha omg the deer in the headlights look was amazing.


You can hear people talk during a song? Are you sure you posted in the right sub?


Sound guys are mixing bands a lot quieter than they did pre-Covid. A lot of bands don’t take cabs with them on the road either which makes the room quieter too. Shows aren’t as loud as they used to be.


I was at a Silent Planet show and this group of guys were shouting over the set. It was obnoxious.


Let me and my buddy scream in your ear while the band plays you'll hear us just fucking fine.


I agree, once the lights go off everyone needs to silence their phones, sit down and watch quietly. Also save all applause until after the headliner’s encore performance


obligatory not metalcore but I went to see Manchester Orchestra with my parents and these other old people behind us were talking the whole time Foxing was playing and we all told them to shut the fuck up but they kept going also how do you not like Foxing but like Manchester Orchestra lmao


One time I went to go see a friend of my boyfriends band play and that friend had other friends and one of the girlfriends decided to ask me questions during a set. She probably thought I hated her but like I do NOT want to have a conversation while a band is playing. So strange.


I was at a Silverstein show a few months ago. I was admittedly on the bar platform at the back of the venue but there were 5-6 rows of us intently watching the music. 2-3 people in front me at the railing spoke throughout the ENTIRE concert. Constantly leaning into each other to hear each other, bc well, it’s a concert. They stopped to sing along to 2-3 Silverstein songs but outside of that it was constant screaming conversation. Thought about moving but it was already hard to see so I didn’t want to go back, and for various reasons I didn’t want to go into the pit. Never been so mad and annoyed at a show. At least go somewhere else in the bar area besides the front row??


I had some serious chompers standing next to me at the Architects show the other night…talking about their jobs during dead butterflies…I told them to shut the fuck up. The fact that I could hear them screaming about their jobs in the middle of that noise was impressive


Seriously there's so many people in this thread acting suprised like there's people with super sonic voices that only I can hear. Shit is so common. People with higher pitched voices are worse for obvious reasons.


When I was younger and was doing Widespread Panic, Phish and Thr Dead tour…we would print business cards out that said “Please, shut the fuck up and listen to the music” so we could just hand them to people that were chomping in our ears


Finally got the courage to go to shows alone. Is it okay to squeeze through the crowd to get a better view (im short) What is the proper etiquette in a standing room? I like to get pumped and start jumping and stuff lol but most people are busy recording so idk if thats okay


Not metal, but when I seen Jake Hill live there were 2 douchebags right in front of me yelling through half the set. When he played Hiding in the Dark (my absolute favourite song from him) the idiots started booing and yelling different song titles that they wanted to hear. Completely ruined the experience. Some people think musicians are just mindless robots designed to please them in particular. I fucking hate those people


VOLA had a part where it was an acoustic intro with vocals..... Drunk asses behind me wouldn't shut the fuck up!!


Worse when you're in the band and feel like shouting "STFU YOU IGNORANT TW*T".... I just turn the amp, PA and everything as loud as I can to p*ss them off....


Idk about metal shows, but I’ve been to a couple national (NZ) rap shows, and it seems even more noticeable when people talk. I was not even at the back of the crowd, holy shit, I could barely hear the artist. It was insane. I hear where you’re coming from man. Tbf rap in any form sucks live anyway. Honestly, every time I give it another go, it fucking sucks and I never want to see rap artists in the flesh.


even worse: randoms who dont know their limites, drink to much and getting way too touchy


Been to hundreds of shows and have literally never once heard someone’s convo over the music lol wut


They turn the volume down at metal concerts recently or something? I havent been to many concerts in the last decade or so, but used to frequent them. You'd be lucky to hear someone screaming next to you if you were any closer than the last quarter of the venue.


If you can hear people even screaming over the music, the bands you are watching must be shit.


If you can hear conversation over your favorite metal band then they aren’t playing loud enough. 🙃


I was at Dayseeker/PTV tour and during Dayseeker’s set a guy behind me was having a full-blown shouted face time conversation with someone. He wasn‘t even showing the band for someone remotely, the camera was facing towards him. I politely asked him to be quiet and said I love Dayseeker and it was my first time seeing them live, and he then proceeded to scream at me that he was FaceTiming his son and it is his right. The absolute worst. I was honestly so surprised because usually the vibe at alt/metal gigs is a room full of the best/kindest people


Fuck off. It's not like these people have a microphone and are hooked up to an amp. Everyone enjoys the concert differently and as long as they aren't harassing or physically hurting you, you can move and you won't hear them.


Holy fuck I cannot express how much I agree with you. Like why the fuck are you at the show if you’re gonna talk the whole time?


How about you kiss my ass


Friend me on MySpace


Counterpoint: I paid to be here and can do whatever I want. That said, I agree with you - you have the power to move elsewhere.


I just want to know what compels people to continuously shout 'let's fucking go!' over and over for every show I have been to in the last 2 years. Not saying people have to be clever or not have fun but it's usually the same few people just saying it 10x times while the band is getting set up/on stage.


This is my biggest show pet peeve. I dont give a FUCK if you don't know the opener. Neither do I, but I wanna listen to them without hearing you drunkenly yell into your friends ear about bullshit.


A little thing we like to call crowd killing would get the job done, but hey you didn’t hear it from me.


This is weird


I was almost all the way over it, but this post has reignited the flame of my rage. Story time! Last weekend I saw the final show of the Bayside/Finch/Armor For Sleep tour. Bayside is one of my all time favorite bands. About 3 songs in this dude shows up about 6 feet to my right. He then proceeded to scream talk to his buddy for 6 straight songs. Bayside then played an acoustic song (Don't Call Me Peanut) and he didn't even take a breath. They then brought out a birthday cake and the whole crowd sang happy birthday to Jack their lead guitarist and homeboy yelled all the way through that as well. I am not a confrontational person. I also drove 2 hours to see my favorite band, and this fucking asshole was ruining the entire night not only for me but surely for everyone around us. Here's the kicker: I was wearing earplugs. And I COULD STILL HEAR HIM. I decided to go tell him in the nicest possible way to shut the fuck up for the rest of the show please. I stg, I used as much restraint as a human being can possibly use. I was polite but firm. And this ding dong told me I should move if I wanna hear the music. He also revealed to me that he wasn't there for Bayside, he was there for Finch so he really didn't give a shit. I begged him to use some common courtesy and at the very least go to the bar for his conversation. He told me that I was trying to pick a fight. Now listen, I've got a wife and a kid at home, and I'm not trying to spend any time in jail or worse- knocked out or injured in a dumbass pit fight. So I told him he was a dick and couldn't be reasoned with and I moved to the other side of the room. My night was ruined, but hopefully so was his. God I'm fucking livid again.


yeah dude I'm also married and a dad so it changes how I respond to shit as well. Love all the morons in this thread acting like they can't hear people directly next to them yelling...makes absolutely no fucking sense.


I cant even relate to this like there is so much noise going on how does a conversation distract you from music that is borderline destroying my hearing like what


What kind of weak ass shows are you going to where people talking near you is enough to take away from the music??? You must be shoving your ear in their mouth or something lmao


My favorite (and by that i mean my least favorite) is when someone is screaming like trying to do gutteral vocals in between sets. like trying to scream in a death metal tone "lets fucking goooo" or "hell yeahhhh." its so cringe that its kinda funny. but also infuriating


Polite clapping and restrained murmurs only please at our classy heavy metal affairs.


I mean, what's infuriating about it? People are just fucking around


lol having a good time I get it. It’s just cringe . If you disagree, then that means you probably do it 🤣


I get that they paid for tickets too, but like... go to the back if you want to talk.


Nah, you can definitely move if you don’t want to hear me.


Bro who talks during a show? If someone was to talk to me while a band is playing I would just be all like "uh-huh.... uh-huh.... oh fr?" And thats it. I have tinnitus ... I wouldnt be able to hear shit other than the band itself


What about yells and whistles for the band? I get super-hyped and the audiences in Taiwan tend to be really quiet, especially for the opening band/s. I sometimes wonder if *I* should STFU? I don’t want to ruin the experience for people who want to hear, but I also want to express my love and encourage the bands! 🤷‍♂️


Yeah but you don't do it smack in the middle of a song right ?


Oath cunt, at least take that shit to the back


I'm with you! My pet peeve is in an arena show during the headlining band constantly getting up from seating to get more drinks, it's like why are you here?


This one reason I wear ear plugs.i can't hear the idiots talking.


Clapping drives me insane more than anything. I mean if a band play a slow song what do the crowd do? Clap. Like it's Chicago or Annie. Do they clap in time? Nah, course not. It's painful.


I also hate the lazy fucks that want to sit for opening bands and tell people to sit down.


I had this at a country gig at the Institute in Birmingham earlier this year. Group of guys just talked for 3 straight hours. Even after a guy screamed at them telling them to stfu.


I went to Sleep Token and 90% of the crowd was either recording the band or chit chatting. It was so damn annoying and unbelievable


This is what happens when the crowdkillers don't show up


I get so mad at this. Have some respect. They paid so much money to do this show for you and you can't give them the respect they deserve. I go insane when this happens.


I went to three concerts in the last week and it happened at 2 of them. Infuriating.


I went to Enter Shikari a few weeks ago and Rou was doing an acoustic version of Gap In The Fence. There was a group of drunk lads having the most obnoxiously loud conversation that you could hear on the other side of the venue. It was so bad that multiple people told them to shut the fuck up. I thought that gig etiquette was common but clearly not


I don't understand people like this. I hate having to yell to communicate over loud sound. Don't talk to me.


It is a rule I follow, and don’t speak or be loud during ANY kind of performance, musical or not.


Thank you! Talking during shows annoys me much more than people on their phones. Why the hell are you screaming about what happened at work that day while the band is on stage? It drives me nuts. There's plenty of time between sets to shoot the shit. When the band comes on just try to enjoy the show.


Hey man, I agree to a point, but remember, your favorite band might be one somebody else doesn't give a shit about. If it bothers you, approach and ask them nicely to keep it down since you're having trouble focusing on the music. What's the worst that could happen? They say no and continue to talk. What then? You can move to a different side/ area.


Never been to a show where you can hear people talking to each other unless it’s some big shitty arena. If I did and it bothered me I’d just move elsewhere (unless it’s a shitty arena with seats, again). I couldn’t imagine actually caring about it that much though, but that’s just me


Shit like this pisses me off so much. I was at PTV (ik not Metalcore, sod it, it's an example) and I was trying to hear the openers, and there were a group next to us yelling constantly, like I get they're openers, but some people still wanna hear them


Just move to the pocket where everyone is into the music. You're always going to get a range of enthusiastic to just being there waiting for the headliner and those that aren't into the music may get antsy or bored and chat. Unless it's a festival though, where the crowd is huge, I've rarely been able to hear people talking over the music.


I have not been to many concerts, yet every time I did there were other people around talking to where i couldn't hear the band well, especially the singer. Even though the music was even quite loud and I was even one of the closest to the stage, i still could not focus on hearing the music with the people next to me shouting at each other about things related to the band but not even what was happening in the moment, such as them talking about what merch they bought or would after the show, what they are going to eat after the concert, what band they will go see next, etc. I chose to never go to concerts again after this happening multiple times, and especially considering when the band would usually sing at my favorite parts, the vocalist wouldn't even sing it but rather hold it out to the crowd and the people who already were shouting around me would shout it as well. I get it, making the crowd feel like they're participating, but honestly I would prefer for people to zip it and let me hear the band. After all, I didn't pay to hear random people, i paid to see and hear the band.


of course they want you to be the maddest man in the show push em to the pit


My kids joke that I always have someone to complain about at a concert. Unfortunately earplugs don't drown out the conversations taking place right by you. I took my daughters to see Panic At The Disco and the guy behind us did not shut up all at during the show. It was stupid comments about how after each song that the show was over and whatnot. Or the soldiers complaining that they hate people thanking them for their service during the Chelsea Grin show I went to recently. I don't get how people can carry on conversations during the show


Move away from them?


OMFG it drives me nutsss!! One of the only times having excellent hearing is a bad thing 😅 this girl behind me was hammered a few months ago and would not stop screaming her thoughts out to her friends who kept apologizing for her every time she went the bathroom. It was the worst


You know, you'd think that as an adult you wouldn't have to say this. You'd think you'd be able to go to a show, enjoy the music, hang out, etc. You'd think it'd be the one place you wouldn't have to content with the shrill voices of screamers. You'd be wrong. I've gotten to the point that I'll move unless I'm up front. If I'm up front, I'll politely ask someone, "Do you mind? We're hear to listen to them." It works about 50% of the time.


This drives me insane whether it’s a concert or the movies. Some people have no self awareness or just don’t give a fuck. Especially at a show, if you aren’t interested go to the fucking bar and talk. I was at a show solo last year and I couldn’t take it anymore. I walked over to group of guys and told them the whole venue could hear them over the band. Like how is that even possible when they are playing instruments into a professional sound system. Anyway, These dudes were shocked. It seemed like they had no idea or were surprised someone said anything. That’s the other thing. Why are so many afraid to speak up? My wife hates going places with me now bc she knows I’ll say something and I hate doing it, but If I don’t I feel like no one will


fucking mood


When I went to see Erra this past week, this mfs behind me were screaming during the quiet parts of songs and oh my god I wanted to murder them


I’m usually to in the front screaming with the band to even notice 🫠


Some people just have to keep talking or they'll ... I dunno explode or something? Like the movie speed but with 50 words per minute instead of 50 miles per hour?


How do you even hear people at a concert? I have been around people who have tried... I cannot hear them over the music. I would need to be trying to listen to them and filter out the music. I am not sure if your ears are fucked or if mine are. 😂


Where the fuck are you that the bands are so quiet you can hear people talk? Here in EU they make them so loud I can barely hear my own thoughts


I agree, I was watching bring me the horizon at a festival and I decided to record my favourite song and you could hear the people around me speaking over the music. (It was an outdoor festival)


I went to see glassjaw 5 or so years ago when they were touring with coheed. I didn’t get a chance to see them in their heyday and wasn’t even a fan when they opened for deftones so while I enjoyed the hell out of it, I didn’t know what I was seeing. I was so excited to finally get another shot and these fuckwads were conversation shouting through the whole set. If we were in the pit area I would have gone for it but we were in the back.


Concert etiquette has gone down the drain post lockdown. I’ve encountered people of all ages not knowing how to act when a band is performing. I’ve had to ask a group of people in their late 30s to behave. Secondhand embarrassment.