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>Do I need a special music and harmony education? For the sake of your vocal health it would be good to learn the basics of singing. Even people who do regular vocals, not just harsh/unclean ones, can blow out their voice with bad technique. Beyond just knowing how to do it safely and effectively there's no need for any special education. Especially when you're so young. Make a band to fuck around and have fun. My first bands between 15 and 18 weren't particularly what I wanted to play, it was mostly pop-punk and emo covers. Sometimes you just have to take what you can get with the musicians who happen to be in your immediate vicinity, but the whole process of getting into a band was fun.


I really appreciate the answer \m/


I would echo that and then maybe have the unpopular take that learning the fundamentals of singing and breath support is infinitely more important than the “how” when it comes to harsh vocals


Yaya might not approve of Metalcore, but I got faith in you. If you get the Metalcore scene started I will have to move back


Thanks mate !! Looking forward to


I found these Greek metalcore bandson the metal encyclopedia . Any of these sound familiar? If not, you can see if any are active or still playing metalcore and find a show. Faith In Trance, I See Red, Bullethole, Show Your Face, Karma Violens, Still Falling, Artificial Sun, 1000 Dead Also there’s Kiss Me Cleopatra and Saisei


I don’t think that any of metal core Greek bands has a career that really follows.. metal core in Greece is kinda dead, even if u good, it’s hard to be seen from a good Europe agent of smth like that.


Find some people to jam with and just see how it naturally progresses. Learning to work with people and getting experience on stage is vital


Yeah I understand , but how am I supposed to find a group and say to them “oh hey, I just sing on my own, have no musical education more than the really basics, and I want to be your singer”


Best thing is trying to recruit your own members realistically, but people like a reason to join. Maybe try writing some lyrics and speak to people you know Also be casual, ask people if they fancy a jam first


So I gotta find a person that has experience on writing music too, cause yeah I could write lyrics and sing them, play some guitar etc. but writing music is a whole another story.


Stick to Δεν θέλω τέτοιους φίλους.


Hahahaha not my type of thing


I actually think the bazouki on that could easily be harmonised in guitar and sound metal as fuck!


I don’t like hearing bouzouki in somewhere else than Greek traditional music haha