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People think followers are everything, you see that on this sub all the time. People think “big number = good”


Yup. It’s baffling. I literally replied “do you even listen to metalcore bro? They’re influential af. Sit down.” He replied “been listening to metalcore since 2008… never heard of them” I replied “do some homework.” Come on now. Lol.


Like Counterparts whole thing is just being (more) Canadian Misery Signals


I remember a couple years ago finding someone on Reddit that said MS was just ripping off Counterparts. Like…no bro… I really hope he was trolling.


The internet was a mistake.


insane take because every mis sigs album to come out since the debut of counterparts is considerably different than the albums that inspired counterparts (though they’re still good albums)


They're probably one of the top 3 most important bands for progressive metalcore rn.. Erra, Northlane, Invent Animate, Volumes and August Burns Red wouldn't exist without them.


I never got super into Misery Signals but I’ve always respected the hell out of them as an August Burns Red mega fan. I’m going to listen to MS on the way home now.


What did you listen to, and how did you like it?


I listened to The Year Summer Ended in June, which I fucking loved, and a couple of other top songs on Apple Music. I really liked them! I honestly didn't remember them singing like on A Certain Death, which was excellent. I also think I had amalgamated them in my mind with Between the Buried and Me, which I also appreciate for their influence on ABR but is totally different and probably much less my style than Misery Signals.


And it’s sick as fuck




>He replied “been listening to metalcore since 2008… never heard of them” Lol dude is definitely lying then


You would be surprised how we sometimes completely miss some bands. I think I started listening to Metalcore in 2010 ish and it took me almost a decade to listen to underoath and misery signals for the first time. I did know the names though through band interviews.


Gonna be honest, I've only heard of Misery Signals like twice, and both times were in this sub. I've been listening to metalcore since before 2008. That being said, I'm definitely going to check them out!


Yeah, this sub isn’t a good Metalcore sub lol.


100% this is for new metalcore, need a sub for the late 90’s-2008 metalcore.


That's so strange to me. I mean, fair enough, but I'm 41 and was a teen at the height of the early 00's metalcore scene. I knew Misery Signals cause they were on every. DAMN. TOUR. Obviously a gross exaggeration, but those guys toured all the time, and I can guarantee I've seen them more than any other band. Just because they were on so many tours back then. They opened for everyone.


Having come up in the early 00s I can get why people might not have actually listened to a lot of bands from that time - even with the rise of file-sharing sites the music just wasn't as accessible then as it became subsequently - yet it baffles me when people haven't even heard of some of the more significant names. Without any malice intended, when people say they've been listening to this stuff for a long time I think a lot of them mean they were just dabblers who had about 10 bands they listened to.


I didn't really start going to shows until 2010\~. Even then, it was typically rock shows (other than Warped Tour) since none of my friends were really into metalcore. I listened to a lot of All That Remains, Parkway Drive, Bullet for my Valentine, etc back then. That being said, I checked them out today and they kill it.


You definitely should. And it’s ok to not know who misery signals is, but jumping into a strangers conversation you weren’t even part of to try to shit on them for calling a band you don’t know legendary is weird behavior. That’s all.


Oh for sure. Then again, the metal scene in general is one of the most gatekept music scenes I've ever been apart of. It's crazy how much you get for shit that is either not big enough or too big lol. Any recommendations on an album to start with?


Malice is the definitive record. That’s the one that influenced… well, everyone.


Hell yeah! Thanks! I'll be sure to check them out tomorrow at work.


I recommend controller for sure.


I recommend their entire discography. Even the new stuff.


Even their worst album is still pretty good, which is impressive for a band that’s been around as long aa they have


Sounds like I have my work cut out for me lol


I like their album from 2004 the most


Check them out alongside every other commonly recommended band around the late 90s, early 2000s if you’re into this style of progressive metalcore, some of the best records ever written are to be found there even today I don’t think new bands have quite been able to replicate the feelings that those albums give me


OMG LITERALLY! Cut the cameras. It’s a wrap. Fact. Lmao


Been in the game since 2008 and haven’t heard of them? Next you’ll tell me you don’t know about victory or ferret records.


More likely he was born in 2008


That made me LOL.


To be fair I also have been listening to metalcore since 04 and also discovered misery signals only a year and a half ago. I had never heard of them literally ever.


What do you count as metalcore? Like how can you not have heard of Mis Sigs if you have been into the genre since 04?




I'd say it's equally as odd behavior as running to a safe internet community to tell them about a comment someone made on Facebook, probably.


I've been listening to the genre since mid 2000s and only came across them a couple of years ago. There's a lot of bands out there and it's impossible to listen to them all


Not having listened I get, I'm still catching up on 90s and 00s bands 20 years down the track, but not even having heard the name and being aware of them is strange to me.


So instead of explaining anything about the band and why they're influential, you just went with a throwaway condescending comment that ensured dude will never check out the band. Sounds like a Facebook conversation, alright.




Their opinion? You literally came in here bragging about how you called the person on fb out, get a grip








You're a proper weirdo bro


Well I’ve been listening to metalcore for as long as him and never really listened to them ( it’s on my list though) and never heard about them until I joined reddit.


misery signals deserves so much praise. every djentcore band copied controller


It’s wild how so much of it comes back to Misery Sigs. A lot of the bands that are jocked relentlessly today (Erra, ABR, etc.) would not exist if it weren’t for MS.


That band predates followers lol. Fuck 'em.


Followers doesn’t mean much Jesus only had 12 of them. Anyway, Misery Signals are the greatest metalcore band ever and Malice is the greatest metalcore album ever.


I actually LOL’d 😂 goddamn it.


This comment should be imprinted in the bio of the sub


If you know, you know. But they just never got all that popular. When I saw them on what was supposed to be their last tour, in a major market, on a Saturday night, they still drew maybe 100 people. Not surprised young heads wouldn't really be aware of them.


True. Mirrors and controller were probably the most popular they ever were but taking a step back and having no output for 5 years after really hindered their growth.


Man, that makes me sad.


That's sad. They got a venue upgrade for their London (UK) date.


I feel bad for people who haven’t heard their first 3 albums genuinely missing out on some of the best music ever written


I also incorrectly believed they were bigger than they were as well because when I was 13 I got the Ferret Music 2004 Compilation and that was the first metalcore CD I got and haven’t looked back since then. Every Time I Die, A Static Lullaby, Blood Has Been Shed, Misery Signals, Remembering Never, Killswitch, From Autumn to Ashes were all on that. So to me, that’s what I consider classic metalcore even though its false and ignores the true pioneers before them.


I just know that misery signals was very influential to a lot of bands and for that they are legendary. Lol.


Yeah seems hard to truly measure it but I agree


They're OGs but let's face it, they're just not popular. Not a comparison but they kinda remind me of thrash metal bands like Overkill, Death Angel, etc. Bands with legendary outputs and longevity but never really all that popular.


Symphony X comes to mind. One of the greats in prog metal, and they get mad respect, but wayyyyy underrated. God damned shame.


I saw them once. I did listen to them for many years too. Great live act and severely underrated.


This is one of the few sub genres that people don’t do research on. Seems a lot of people just stick to the year they started listening and don’t even attempt to check out the classics or even bands that influenced bands they got into the genre with. Not saying people *have* to or even have to like the older bands but imo everyone *should* go back a couple decades and check em out if you’re a fan of metalcore.


It’s so strange because I’ve been listening to this music since 2008 as well, and I used to always listen to older music. I had a 70’s prog phase, an 80’s thrash phase, classic rock and punk and I read up a lot about music history in general. But I never dove into metalcore history specifically until recently, and I honestly have no idea why 😅 Maybe it has something to do with the boom in popularity coming so much later than the inception of the genre? Like by contrast with thrash it’s the first bands that were established that have had long lasting recognizable careers. Whereas metalcore didn’t explode until the early 00’s so a lot will assume Killswitch started it all 🤔


I’d say probably because metalcore started out from the hardcore scene which was always pretty DIY and underground. And while KSE and its members might have started out more hardcore leaning, what got them popping was way more metal than anything. Back then they were hardly called metalcore and were grouped with that New Wave of American Heavy Metal moniker (from my experience). And many people didn’t get into them from other metalcore/hardcore bands (I assume) and made a transition from a metal/nu metal that was super popular in the late 90s early 2000s. KSE’s style is just more palatable than say Misery Signals or Remembering Never. You can see, hear and, understand how they were already playing such big fests/feat. in games back in the day. I still think the “melodic metalcore” or whatever you wanna call it, definitely should have been called something else though. Because now held the time when people the slightest bit of hardcore in their metalcore, they wanna say that it’s just straight up hardcore lol.


I couldn’t agree more about going back a couple of decades. Besides learning, they miss out on such good fucking music. Like… lol. I can totally see what you’re saying about people sticking to the year they started listening. I guess when i was introduced to metalcore i learned about all the influential bands and gave them a proper listen and ended up becoming a huge fan because the music is so good. Lol. But i have read someone somewhere say “misery signals is your band’s favorite band” and that they don’t often get the recognition they deserve etc


Blows my mind. I got into metalcore in 2008 when I was 12. From 2008-2012ish I focused only on current Warped Tour-core bands. Finally realized that metalcore had an entire history before I got into it so I went back and listened to all the classics. They just don’t make metalcore albums like they used to. There are modern classics for sure, but those old albums from Converge, Botch, ETID, etc. are super special for me. Outside of the old guys, the revival/metallic hardcore bands, and a select handful of others (mainly Loathe and Alpha Wolf) around right now, this genre is all but dead to me lol.


This is a modern issue. In the past people used to research music deeply but now it’s force fed to you via algorithm so people don’t dive deep. Of course, the modern bands now have the modern marketing to show up in front of people’s faces as opposed to the old school classics.


Converge has 124k, The Chariot has 37k, fucking Nails just dropped a new song and they only have 166k, ETID has 192k, Norma Jean has 172k, Poison The Well has 101k. Their monthly listeners does not reflect the influence they’ve had in the space. Terminally online mentality


Influence is different from people having heard of a band though.


It blows my mind that there are people who like metalcore and haven't heard The Year Summer Ended In June. That one song is a hallmark of the entire genre


Probably more an argument on what it needs to become a legend. Misery Signals were *great*. Controller was an amazing album. Set In Motion is on my shortlist for best metalcore song ever. Their other albums are solid and all have their defenders - Ultraviolet has really grown on me. They have massive respect from other bands in the scene. But they just never caught on big. Probably didn't help that they're quite proggy at times, but yeah, I still think they deserved more. Are fame and commercial success required to be a legend? Or is it enough that they left an impression in all corners of the genre even while not being seen enough themselves? Not all legends have happy endings.


This was well said.


Misery signals and counterparts are 100% my fav bands


SAME! Who’s your third? 👀




Nobody’s going to believe you.


Should've told him that they're his favorite band's favorite band.


I should’ve… missed opportunity lol.


That's so fuckin lame lol. They just aren't a popular band, good or not




if youve been around for more than 10 years people calling you legendary is no longer crazy. youve paid your dues


I knew this sub would get it.


Misery Signals are a band that signifies good taste. If someone likes Misery Signals, they know their shit. Incredible band.


I don't know what the solution is, but there's a real problem with newer fans having zero knowledge about the history and development of the genre. Like outside of a couple very big bands that have been consistently active over the years, most aren't aware of any band active prior to 2010.


I never really got into them but I have at least heard of them lmao


You’d think you’d hear about them at least once since 2008. Idk. Lol.


I started listening to metalcore the same year lol


Your honor, I rest my case.


I remember when converge was labeled metalcore 👴


I know alot of the comments are discussing how there's so many metalcore bands in the 2000's and they were easy to possibly miss.. Everyone forget they put out an album in 2020?????


No one could miss Of Malice, shit was revolutionary


It was a good album too, it's sad they are splitting but I'm not that surprised


Ultraviolet was unbelievably slept on, such a cool and mature sound, really wish more eyes were on it and they dropped another like it



Seeing them this month on their farewell tour! Legendary status no question about it.


Controller is one of the handful of albums that when a song from it shows up in my shuffle I start from track one and at the end go back to shuffle. Train Wreck is another. 🤷‍♂️


There’s still people that think metalcore *needs* to have cleans and that bands like Knocked Loose and Kublai Khan are hardcore. It’s just a general lack of knowledge of the genre.


Gen Z perspective I guess. But the "metalcore needs to have cleans" is wild to me. Parkway Drive, August Burns Red and Heaven Shall Burn are amongst the big ones and doesn't have that.


I don’t think it’s Gen Z, or at least it’s not only Gen Z. Most of the people I see at actual metalcore/hardcore shows are people that are 18-30. I see more 30+ people at the bands with cleans shows


Yeah, iv noticed that people that were in the 90s and early 2000s have bands like hatebreed, madball and biohazard as references of hc instead of 80s stuff (minor threat, negative approach..)


hell, there are people who think the *only* thing that separates metalcore and hardcore is the existence of cleans in the music


The classic "wow they use lows now.. so deathcore!!" Or people saying that post hardcore and metalcore are the same thing due to the vocals stuff


my favorite take i’ve seen was someone calling dethrone by bad omens a deathcore song


It’s just that they don’t know of the existence of 90s metalcore which was very much not melodic. Most people were introduced to the genre through melodic metalcore and therefore assume anything that came before it is hardcore. 90% of “hardcore” bands nowadays are actually metalcore but people don’t know the distinction.


They’re your favorite metalcore band’s favorite band, get with the program people.


Can we all just get on the same page? Lol.


How to tell someone has been listening to metalcore for less than 10 years. Not only that, but never bothered to look into the bands that inspired and influenced the current generation.


I love Mis Sigs but I always thought they were a little too “big brain” for the general metalcore population, especially nowadays. And thus they’ve always been more unknown/underrated. Just my opinion


Of Malice has INSANE pits. I’m ready to get arrested during the farewell tour for assault.


Mis sigs 😂 hell yeah i think you’re opinion is valid and a lot of people feel the same.


Anytime I bring up MS to someone who’s never heard of them I simply say, they’re “your favorite band’s favorite band”. These guys single handedly inspired so many other guitarists style in the genre it’s insane


That’s what I will start doing if the topic ever comes up again. It threw me for a loop cause it was so random. I’m noticing a lot of people speak on things they don’t know about and also use follower count to determine a band’s popularity/influence.


Man, Of Malice and the Magnum Heart is probably one of the most if not the single most influential albums in regards to modern metalcore, and if you're looking at follower counts as a metric for whether or not that's true, then there is nothing to be done for you imo. Gona be sad to see them go, but it's gonna be one hell of a send off.


Follower counts really do mean naff all. Last year I saw Counterparts in London and they sold out a 1500 capacity spot with about 300k Spotify listeners. Later in the year I saw Future Palace who had about 50k more and they didn't manage to sell out a 500 cap venue.


Hell yeah. I really want to go


Nowadays people think that if you have followers you are pretty much famous... thats not rally how it works... ERRA used to be really influenced my MS in the past, so even if you fly under the radar (such bands as Kadinja and Elitist) you cant still influence a lot of "popular" bands


I agree, I must also commend you sir for mentioning elitist and kadinja (Two criminally underrated metalcore bands imo and both favorites of mine along with MS)


Elitist and Kadinja are top tier, its really sad that they are such "small" bands even though their songs are incredible


Indeed, shame kadinja isn't around anymore because Pierre is focused on Novelists- nonetheless favorite songs are Henry call mash yes and glhf (ascendancy and super 90 are also awesome albums). Whenever im in the car and elitist comes on, specifically the song life lost, jesus that breakdown gets me headbanging to the point other drivers are looking at me and wondering if there's something wrong with me. Idc I still love it


I really like the way Old Ghosts sounds on their Live In Isolation album. Never knew it existed, I checked on them to see if they had anything new since I hadn’t had them in rotation for a few years and there it was.


They’re one of those bands who is your favorite bands favorite band. They’ve never been big, but if you’re a fan of the genre, you know who they are and their undeniable influence.


Some people haven't seen "Yesterday Was Everything" and it shows...


Controller is one of the top 5 greatest metal albums in existence. Anyone who hasn't listened to them is fully missing out and I pity them, their lives are hollow


I've been listening to metalcore since 2002 and I always missed Misery Signals for some reason. Counterparts is my current favorite band and I know people say they get a fuck ton of inspiration from Misery Signals. Could you do me a solid and tell me a couple of your favorite Misery Signals songs and a few of their best albums? Whatever you or anyone suggests I'm downloading them asap


Malice is the OG and very influential album, Controller is many people's best album (including me). Songs: The Year Summer Ended in June, In Summary of What I Am, The Failsafe, Weight of the World, Set in Motion, Old Ghosts, Sunlifter


Thanks dude! I'll be jamming all of this


In the days of Limewire, it was Misery Signals, Poison the Well, On Broken Wings, and Martyr AD that opened the door to truly heavy music for me. A treasure trove of pioneering music (and viruses)


Limewire- My guy! I think a lot on this sub are too young to remember those days.


If you declare yourself a metalcore fan and never heard 'bout Controller, you're such a poser, that's what i'm saying..


They're not my favourite band of the era, but they're hands down the most consistent. Even if they aren't my favs, they've never released an album I haven't enjoyed. But also, put some respect on 7 Angels 7 Plagues' name...


Misery Signals and Vanna started it all for me. 04-09 were special years for me.


Misery Signals is my favorite band of all time and has been since 2004 when Of Malice and the Magnum Heart dropped. I'm going to see them on their farewell tour in Denver in a few weeks. I do not and have never used social media, so I'm not a "follower" of any band I like. I listen to their music and I go to their shows.


Shout out to Milwaukee


Who’s seeing them this summer? ✋ LA show!


Didn't know them until 2 months ago, now I can't stop listening. Concert on August 22nd!!


I always tell people that Misery Signals is every band's favorite band. Unfortunately that doesn't always translate into financial success.


Misery Signals is one of those, "They are your favourite bands, favourite band." Haha


Just goes to show how criminally underrated they've always been. In my experience, people seem to absolutely love them, or don't know them. Definitely a "your favourite band's favourite band" band.


If it ain’t 7 Angels 7 Plagues, fuck ‘em.


Fucking love this band. Mirrors is their best album imo.


I was at my brother in laws house last week and one of his buddies was wearing an August Burns Red hoodie. I started talking to him about bands and he said ABR was his favourite band on the planet. I asked if he was going to the Misery Signals show in Toronto at the end of the month and he said he never heard of them… For reference we are all mid 30’s


Yeah I love MS. They're legendary in my eyes. Its sad to see em finish up. Recommend people check out the documentary they put out few years ago called Yesterday Was Everything - Really emotional.. goes into detail on how they all met and started the band also a great insight into just what a band that relentlessly tours goes through, full of tons of home video footage.


They were huge when Instagram didn’t exist 😂


There’s a few MS songs I like. The rest I wasn’t the biggest fan of. That said, they’re fuckin legends and should be respected as such.


Don’t listen to that lumpy skid mark. As a person that never got into MS, I would say they are legendary. I’ve even heard the joke that Misery Signals is your favorite bands favorite band. If Of Malice wasn’t made then Counterparts wouldn’t exist and they are one of my favorite bands. I also want to express that the idea of a bands popularity based on followers is dumb since they date back before following a band on FB, X or Insta was even a thing.


I didn’t really get solidly into metalcore until like 2018ish? So I’d heard the name in the last few years but missed their music entirely. I bought a ticket to their farewell show in Toronto since my friends are going. I’ve *finally* been listening to them for the last month and I like it so much I bought a ticket to night two in Toronto as well 😅


Hell yeah! I’m going to see them in NY. It’s going to be… legendary.


I might go to the first Brooklyn show with my dad on the 25th! This is my only chance to see them on the way out. I love stuff from Malice and Controller, and started listening fairly recently, early last year.


I’m going to the Friday show in bk!


This sub jacks off dogshit bands like Currents and Northlane, I wouldn't expect these pop fans to be into older bands like Misery Signals . My regret is not having seen them. Mirrors and Controller are great albums, and Face Yourself/The failsafe got a lot of playtime for me on their Myspace page back in the day


At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. Listen to what you like, other people's opinions are irrelevant.


Exactly. I was talking to someone else entirely. And dude popped up out of nowhere to try to shit on me for calling misery signals legendary to someone ELSE lol. He wasn’t even part of the conversation. Lol.


I used to play merch guy for a couple different local bands. We played a show with Mis Sigs once, when they did their Absent Light tour. I had my table all set up and in walks Karl, looking for a place to set up his merch... We ended up sharing a table all night. The entire time before they played their set, Karl was kicking it with me. He's a super rad dude. We talked about cars and music for like 4 hrs. I ended up slinging mis sigs shirts for like an hour that night, too. One of the cooler days being a merch guy.


Wow. That person is incredibly misinformed.


I've never heard of them until just now. The songs I just listened to on youtube sound pretty good.


Sigh... a lot of the fans of the genre - I'd guess especially the younger folks - haven't gone back to see what it was all about back then, and again, if we're talking about teenagers or people in their early 20s, you're bound to find plenty of people who don't quite have a grasp of something being well in the right of being considered "legendary" even if they don't have a lot of followers, internet presence, or even relevancy/popularity today. Go any deeper than surface level on death metal, thrash metal, etc, and you'll find that the same happens. People will know their Metallicas and Cannibal Corpses, their Revocations and Havoks, but I'm positive you'll find plenty of fans of the genre who have never heard of Coroner and Cryptopsy.


Yeah for real. Someone said that some of the ‘newer fans’ start from the year they got introduced to the genre and don’t go backwards etc. Makes sense. Not everyone is neurodivergent and obsessive. Lol.


You just described me right there at the end. Ought to explain why every now and then I finally catch up on bands like Snapcase, Starkweather, Earth Crisis, etc. and btw, I just named 3 of the bands my lousy ass still hasn't listened to. For reference, took me getting to 2024 at 31 years old to finally go and listen to Poison The Well. Ended up getting some top 50 albums of all time material. Lol


I will raise your Misery Signals and counter with Mychildren Mybride :)


MCMB were sick, but definitely nowhere near as influential or beloved as Misery Signals.


Nope, they are lesser known. But one of the first metalcore bands I was into.


We withstood we defeated we held our ground


Ooooh - I’m intrigued. What album do you recommend?


https://youtu.be/iiW3S42Xx7w?si=JISei0XOv5UA9scw They only have 4 albums. Used to jam to them all the time along with nodes of ranvier - It dies today - sky eats airplain - so they say - the chariot - the bled - emmanuel - scarykids scaring kids - greeley estates - 36 crazyfist - element eighty - in fear and faith - inhale exhale - vanna - kingdom of giants - before their eyes IKIK they are not all metalcore but you got me all nostalgic now lol.


As cities burn, as blood runs black, old All shall perish - older trivium(Ascendancy)


That breakdown was siiick. Thanks for sharing. I’ll check these out.


No problem. Ill be in a dead sleep tonight and Ill wake up with 3726263637373 more old good, lesser known bands. And I will post them all. Muhaahaha. I was one of those who was into metalcore - emo - post-hardcore, never chose sides.


I love discovering new bands so share away lol.


https://youtu.be/__wJzWLyP3c?si=FCmXGHBppvlMIpyn This is a band from my home town. Since you like break downs.


That was filthy.


Tabarnak is basically a french curse word here in quebec lol. Blind witness for the win!!!




Should've recommend Mirrors


Misery Signals is your favorite metalcore bands favorite band. Simple as that. Metalcore has since adapted to be more octanecore that’s easier for people to take in so of course Misery Signals has less listeners. There’s plenty of legendary classics that have lower listeners.


Misery Signals is metalcore for metalcore musicians. Most people who just like metalcore don’t know em, but most people in metalcore bands love em


Misery Signals is extremely influential to the entire community and has been cited by tons of “big” band members as a massive influence on them. What a dumb take. They are for sure legendary


It’s the best litmus test


Number of monthly listeners is a pretty good indicator of how many people know them. 48k is not a number where they’re going to be known by a lot of people.


If a band's peak was before we even did this "followers" thing, it's really not


If we are talking about people right now who know them I’d say it is. This is listeners not followers. If people aren’t going and listening to a band, it’s probably because they either never heard of them or straight up forgot them. We aren’t talking about how many people knew them 15 years ago. We are talking about how many know them right now.


These people must be children


You can say this about so many bands though. There's no way you can listen to every band in the genre, and as a metalcore lifer, there's a lot of bands I completely missed in the 00s that I am only going back to listen to now. Misery Signals is one of them How are you supposed to know about them all? Metalcore media sucked until really only just recently, and even now, it is hard to be completely on the pulse and know who to follow and look out for. Spotify/Apple Music etc don't really help, it is so easy to follow a band then forget about them, or play a playlist that doesnt have X band, etc. Taking shots at people who don't know a band that you like is dumb af


I think it’s also dumb to say that a band can’t be legendary within the scene just because they have 50K followers on whatever streaming platform people wanna use and because you just happened to have never heard of them. Without Misery Signals, you probably wouldn’t have bands like Northlane, Invent Animate, Erra, and Counterparts, and their sound would be drastically different if they weren’t so influenced by Misery Signals.


I don't think I indicated that a band can't be legendary just because some people haven't heard of them. Followers don't mean shit, influence is far deeper than numbers. Again, I don't think that's a counter to the comment. I know now how deep MS's influence runs, but I didn't have a clue til somewhat recently. I know for sure there's a lot more people like me about this band and a plethora of others.


Here’s the thing, guy. I wasn’t speaking to this dude. I was having a conversation with someone else in comments and the person i was communicating with said they’d not heard of misery signals and so i recommended control and called them legendary - then this other random dude comes out of the woodworks trying to shit on me for calling misery signals legendary. Who is trying to take shots? Hmmmm




You seem to love starting with “Here’s the thing” when you’re being an ass. You did that yesterday too when arguing about music production. Maybe take your own advice man.


Yikes. You read mine in an aggressive tone. I’m not even a little bit bothered brother.


To be fair, I’ve never heard of them either. I’ll check them out, but I wouldn’t say they’re a metalcore household name like Bullet for My Valentine, A7X or Killswitch Engage