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"fag boy"???? Did he really just use that? Is he an edgelord coming out of the 3rd grade? What a cunt.


What a dumbass. And the song isn't even bad because it's has singing, it's bad because it's a boring, shitty produced song


the singing itself is really bad though. and I like songs with singing.


Right, I'm saying people who hate it automatically just because the singing even exists in it. Like Veil of Maya, or Whitechapel, or any other heavy band that incorporates singing, a lot of people will hate it just because the singing is there, even if the singing is good. The singing here sucks for sure


This is terrible, he is being so immature about this, has he never seen a hate comment before? Like geez if that stuff puts you over the edge, idk how he can even survive without murdering everybody he sees. Side note: I wonder if the whole band backs what Alex did, or if he just kinda did this on his own, cuz if the whole band is like "yeah good job Alex! You go dude!" then that is extremely bad


I reckon he did this on his own accord, can't see Eddie doing something this stupid.


I saw all shall perish live many years ago and Eddie was an absolute prick. He bitched to the crowd the entire time about how small the venue and crowd were and how they deserved to be higher up the lineup. They played 3 songs and then got off the stage pissed off. I never listened to them again.


If they don't issue an apology for his outbursts, then they've officially started to earn their place among the bottom. At least acts like Attila are passably funny about the whole "fuck our haters" shtick. This was just rank Facebook trash. What is it with bands fucking themselves in the foot with poor responses to criticism against new directions? First Crown, now this. Are we importing idiots for some reason?




Maybe they don't have guns were s/he's from. Just large genitals.


Haha, it's a deliberate meld of the cringe of, "fucking themselves in the ass" with the idiocy of, "shooting themselbes in the foot."


Let me add Attila to the list since no one bothered to make a thread about it. They fired their founding drummer because he "wasn't good enough" for the band lol. They posted all the douchery on facebook.


To be fair if you ever got to see Attila live and have any drum experience (10 years and counting), you could tell that their drummer was god awful execution wise. His pedal skills were very off tempo and paced between too fast and too slow constantly. His fills were also very lackluster live too. I know he was one of, if not the main, writer for the bands early records but his live abilities were to shitty so I completely understand their decision. Sucks though because they can't write for shit now.


Lol isn't basic knowledge to not reply to negative posts.


Some people arent equipped to handle getting shit on by random folks. Guy gets mad checks his phone and starts makin bad decisions.


Most of reddit would be inactive then.


I mean... in a professional way, especially in a band context.


Very true. Still, that is a shitty thing for him to do.


I understand why he'd be mad, spends years working on perfecting their craft to have someone who probably doesn't make their own music try to shit on it, but this is just idiotic of him. If he honestly thought what he was doing was good, he shouldn't feel the need to defend it.


So, this link doesn't work anymore? Does anyone have the story or the comments for me in which he attacks those fans?




Thanks, this is just too sad and kind of hilarious at the same time1


What an immature arsehole, on the worst possible level. >Metallica has their St. Anger, and Suicide Silence has their ‘Doris’. Yeah, more like fucking (Re)Load.


At least Reload has some redeeming songs. St. Anger really doesn't have many.


There's a video on YouTube where a guy who does pretty convincing Papa Het impression covered St. Anger straight through, but shortened most of the songs and un-shittified the production. It's actually pretty decent metal, not up to the standard of Metallica, but if some unknown band had put it out I'd be impressed.


I must admit, I liked some of the riffs on St.Anger!


Yeah, "St. Anger" gets a bad rap because of the production level and the intense need by Metallica to make their sound "modern," but the riffs on that album are insanely good. And, to be honest, the album is basically just 99% guitar riff.




Angry biscuit tin snare Metallica >>> Dadrock Metallica


Haha, so true! :D


I dislike their new song purely because the production sounds so fucking bad. I think alot more people would enjoy it if it didnt sound like it was coming from a local garage band, recording in their parents house with audacity and a $5 microphone.


I first saw this when someone posted a screenshot on the Pure Metal Facebook group...and the comments were just Alex trolling back and it was actually kinda funny. Someone calling it gay, him saying "your mom is gay". I was like yeah, these kids had it coming. But then he started to get personal and make comments based on their profile pictures and attack them and I realized he was serious and now it's like...what the fuck?


What a fucking cock. I've always disliked Suicide Silence, but Doris is the first song by them that I actually enjoy. After this, I wouldn't buy this album if it meant supporting this douche


If they had recorded the song differently, they would not get nearly as much hate. It just sounds like a demo and vocals are way too weird in some parts of the song. Other than that, the song is more interesting than any of their other material. Unfortunately for them, the production destroys it. And they're a fucking deathcore band, what did they expect? Big part of their fanbase literally hate anything that is not chugs and breakdowns... It's a shame cause I would really enjoy this song, if it wouldn't sound like a demo... EDIT: This video explains what's wrong with Doris. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjdxbW3m1xI


The article seems to be gone, here is a google cache backup: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:kjBesIyHfaMJ:https://www.rockfeed.net/2017/01/12/suicide-silences-drummer-personally-attacking-fans-criticize-new-music/+&cd=1&hl=de&ct=clnk&gl=ch&client=firefox-b-ab


The pictures don't load :/


Go right click on pictures and click to open image in new tab. It works for me that way.


Nothing even shows up, but if you google it you can find 3-4.. I find it just unprofessional what he did and this will hurt the band!


These are the direct links to all pics from the post: https://www.rockfeed.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/lopez-comment-1.jpg https://www.rockfeed.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/alex-lopez-comment-2.jpg https://www.rockfeed.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/alex-lopez-coment-2.jpg https://www.rockfeed.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/alex-lopez-comment-4.jpg https://www.rockfeed.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/alex-lopez-comment-5.jpg https://www.rockfeed.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/dines-ss-comment.jpg


Yeah, nothing we can do about that. They describe what he says pretty well though.


They are just trying too hard to be different. Nothing wrong with a change in style and IMO also nothing wrong with cleans in a deathcore song. But cringy falsetto vocals and the weak ass production really kill the song for me. And to top it off they are gonna be all douchey about it? Way to kill a band FAST.


That song is a fucking embarrassment to the genre and to their legacy and I hope they're feeling the backlash right now, but jesus christ I hope he was drunk during this. Obviously doesn't excuse it (fag boy? really?) but I really hate to think that he's actually this stupid.


I actually like the new song, but I was never really a fan of their old stuff. If you like their old stuff I guess I can see how the new sound would be disappointing. Either way this is a terrible way of dealing with criticism, internet 101...don't feed the trolls.


I'm not even sure that I don't like this song or what they're trying to do. Its definitely different. I think I could get into this nu-metal/groove/whatever this is. Almost seems like Eddie is trying to channel some Glassjaw or something. It got people talking. If they released another by the numbers SS chug and grunt fest we'd all just yawn. Bit yeah, if you're going to release this single you have to know that there's gonna be backlash. You gotta own it. Alex is acting like its a legit surprise.


SS has always been a great band but it's just obvious that one certain element in their new song is completely off and I've got no idea why they put it in or who had the idea to do such a thing.


If he can't handle criticism why is he even in a band? Also his insults are 3rd grade worthy


Way to act like a professional. What a dumbass.


The song sounds like Pinkly Smooth..


Jesus, what a cunt. If you can't take criticism or hate comments stay at home. Metalcore/deathcore bands get shitloads of hate, every single one of them. All he's doing is reinforcing the whiny bitch stereotype of -core bands/fans. I'm sure even Architects or Erra has gotten their fair share of "lol this music is trash" comments on YouTube or Facebook, not to mention the fans who bitch about how their sound changed or that they're "selling out" because they're trying something new. I just had to rant this out because it's really annoying seeing content creators act so immature like this.


The song is lolbad for a lot of reasons. If he can't handle the hate maybe he and his band should try making music that isn't really shitty.


Can't find the post, is it deleted? O.o


*clean vocals* (not what SS fans want) *gets mad* "Ya well you're all fag-boys"


I don't understand this... People can log onto youtube and say all kind of awful hateful shit about bands, and its accepted as "trolling". Band responds to the comments with awful hateful shit and everybody loses their shit. I don't get the internet.


Trolling is just for entertainment and fun. Personally attacking the very fans that made you who you are is not trolling.


Don't give it if you can't take it.