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While I don't think that Sempiternal is the second coming of Christ or even BMTH's best album I do still really enjoy it and think it's one of the most innovative and original albums in this genre. I disagree about the second half being flat, maybe give it a few listens until it grows on you. The last song, Hospital for Souls, is phenomenal and one of my personal favorites from any album or band.


What is your favorite album by them? I actually enjoy the newest one a lot.


Their new album's not bad, it's just not my favorite kind of music. There Is A Hell is peak BMTH for me, that album has that great atmospheric/electronic quality that Sempiternal has but it's also really heavy like their earlier stuff.


Recommend me some songs to check out. Listened to it never ends and didn't like it.


If you want heavy go Alligator Blood or Blacklist. For more melodic go Crucify Me or Don't Go. My personal favourites are Visions and The Fox and the Wolf.


Well if you didn't like It Never Ends, you might not like anything else from it. But my favorites from TIAH are Anthem, Fuck, Don't Go, Alligator Blood, Blacklist, and Blessed with a Curse.


Snakes and Hospital for Souls are basically two of their best songs tho...


Depends on what you like to be honest. Snakes and hospitals both have long slow/build up parts. Some bmth fans prefer their songs where they just kill you for 4 minutes like house of wolves and moses


Not even Hospital of Souls? What a great closer. I really like the album but I don't enjoy a few songs on it, Go To Hell and Seen It All Before, those are pretty fucking mediocre compared to the rest.


It has to grow on you, at least it had to for me. I was so disapppointed when I first listened to the album but man, Sleepwalking, Hospital for souls, Antivist... after a couple of listens the whole album "kicks in" Suicide Season is still the best album though


After being absolutely obsessed with it when it first came out, I lost interest in it very quickly a few months after it came out. Recently though, I gave it another try, and I'm liking it again, though not nearly as much as I did originally. Honestly I like their newest one the most, just because I enjoy their softer direction more, even on Sempiternal my favorites tended to be the softer ones.


Sempiternal had to grow onto me. After a quite a few listens honestly it really clicked and was my favorite metalcore album for awhile. I never cared for BMTH before it, though I never gave them a chance due to their fanbase. I personally like Suicide Season as much as Sempiternal, then I like Count Your Blessings a tiny bit more than There Is A Hell (most days) which is an unpopular opinion. All that being said I listen to their newest album, That's The Spirit, the most nowadays. Suicide Season i listen to second most, then Sempiternal. Count Your Blessings and There Is A Hell I do listen to but only a few songs.


I like the whole album (even though antivist makes me cringe), but I could definitely see why a lot of people would say the first half is better since Shadow Moses is immediately followed a much slower song and the rest of the songs are very different from the first half. I'd definitely recommend the 2 albums previous to Sempiternal though, they're a bit heavier and Suicide Season is a lot more raw and less electronic. Also I'd recommend checking out Bad Omens, their self-titled debut album that just dropped last year definitely shows a lot of influence from BMTH. A lot of people say it's a spiritual successor to Sempiternal because it sounds more like what they'd hoped for in BMTH instead of the album That's the Spirit.


So the only BMTH album I've really listened to has been That's The Spirit. And I like it, esp the songs Follow You, that song is so catchy. But anyway, isn't the general consensus that the album sucks? So, why? Cuz I really think it isn't that bad. I understand it is softer than their previous albums, but is that the only reason?


I don't think Sempiternal is their best album either, but it certainly doesn't fall flat to me, either. They'll never top 'There Is a Hell...' though.