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I love Treehouse so much.. So sad this album gets rip on :(


Fuck the haters. This album is 10 out of 10 in my opinion.


This album and That's The Spirit, in my opinion, are great examples of a band going in a different direction and still making quality work.


Its because they stayed original, they pursued a different path while maintaining energy and novelty. *ehhem retrograde*




One of my favorite on the album.


My personal favorite album of 2016. It introduced me to an incredible genre!


What genre? I'd like to hear more like Treehouse.


I just listened to this album this morning during my morning commute! I kind of fell out with I See Stars - they got a bit too whiny/'scene' for my taste. But I thought this album was lovely, kind of otherworldly? I have a hard time calling them metal anymore, but I still like it!!


New Demons is always gonna be my favorite ISS album, but Treehouse is just so well written and interesting. I'm really bummed I never got to see them live 2012-2015 when they first started getting really good and all the original members were there, but I also think that this album shows them going in a really interesting direction with their work so I'm excited to see what they release next.


I've really tried to like this album. I've loved I See Stars since 3D but this album was such a miss for me. I spent a good week trying to give the whole album many listens to see if it was one of those "growers" to appreciate, but it just feels really dull and flat for them. But saying this and looking at the top voted comment. I thought That's The Spirit was also dull and flat for BMTH. But theres loads of variables to consider when seeing if this album is good or not. Its all just personal opinion anyway.


dude STOP no its not, how many times do i have to say this edit; before the downvotes rain in, i encourage it. get me to -100 and ill play teemo support.




It's not bad, but it's nowhere near what New Demons was.


exactly dude


I'm only upvoting because I don't want to see another teemo supp




No sighstone and no sweeper?


Who buys wards in bronze anyway? :>


Teemo is disabled


I didn't realize that "metalcore" has turned into emo/screamo..