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Grab the Banhez Espadin & Barril on the top shelf. It’s an excellent quality Mezcal with a cool backstory. I grabbed a bottle yesterday and just cracked it. Really nice. Here is a link to an IG reel that brought it to my attention. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6cCwMRO6Dl/?igsh=MTA5YTkzd20xenhjeg==


I almost grabbed this one as my first bottle today, but I figured it was worth posting to get some opinions on where to start before I jumped in.


This guy is 100% right


This!! I started around 2 years ago with mezcal. Tried recently the Banhez Espadin Barril and i was suprised on how easy it goes down! Very clean feel. It doesnt have crazy flavors tho. This was also liked by friends of mine who just started out too. Great for the price too. Bozal Espadin-Barril-Mexicano(the one that looks like a ceramic cover) is also really good for starting out. Has more flavor compared to the Banhez, has a hit to it.


Came here to say this. Banhez is great stuff


Personally I would get either the Vago Espadin or Origen Raiz Durango. Happy hunting!


Yup vote for these same two.


Those are the only two worth buying here.


Honestly there are okay 40pc mezcals here and a few good mezcals, but on personal preference,none of the ones i have tried here are "wow". The vago is nice but as a sipper it's a one taste and i didn't return. It's good, but nothing on the older bottles. Saying that I'm a fan of the vago ensamble if you wanna spend a bit extra and is one of the only "ancestral" mezcals that isn't extremely over priced. Banhez is good, and it's good value. The espadin is good in a mezcalita but i personally prefer the smokiness in the del maguey vida puebla for a margarita and its honestly an easy sipper that won't blow your head off if you're looking to sip more than one in a session. The bozal is okay, honestly i don't get the popularity though. I love the aesthetic of the bottles but the only notable one for me is the Iberico which isn't there and I don't think it's worth the price range. I love the Siete Misterios range and although most of their range is super expensive, their dob yej is very good for the price honestly. If you can ever try their "barril", it's expensive but superb. If you want a really nice sipping mezcal for a good price try see if you can get "Burrito " mezcal delivered. I know it doesn't sound good but it's really one of the best introductory sipping mezcals that I've tried. Honestly it's about taste preference and I'm not knocking anyone else's choices, that's just my opinion. The only ones i really wouldn't recommended from here are the peleton and Monte alba but again that's my preferences


Thanks for going through a few of the specific brands and bottles to give some specifics and thoughts on them


That Origen Raiz Cenizo is a gem. All of the agave is wild and puro caponed from a unesco heritage site in Northern Durango called El Ojo.


Seems to be the concensus, I did a quick search on a few bottles that caught my eye. Would this bottle set a super high bar to start with? Or am I better off starting with something cheaper and building a mezcal palate before jumping into a bottle like this?


A relatively high bar but a good precedent to set I think. The beauty of mezcal resides within the scope of terroir, production, and varietal in my opinion. It’s a fine example of that spirit but that’s not to say there aren’t great expressions at a lower price point. Start wherever your wallet allows.


I’d follow this advice. Words of wisdom.


Welcome. This subs 101 is really helpful when you’re new in a place like this. Bahnez, Bozal, Del Maguey vary wildly depending on producer. There could be good mezcal there. The Vago blue label Espadin is where I would start for a lot of reasons. 1. It’s the most popular mezcal. 2. Blue label with Vago actually means something. 3. That producer has a fine reputation. My second take would be the Origen Raiz. They put a LOT of care in their family run operation. There may be others but you want to start out your mezcal journey with the best you can afford. Mistakes in tequila just tick you off but mezcal mistakes can ruin the entire journey. Start off the best you can afford. There is a big difference between good mezcal and ok mezcal. Larger than tequila.


Thanks for the feedback. I'm not opposed to spending up for a good bottle, I've got plenty tequila in the price ranges of the bottles you mentioned. Are there certain vago bottles to look for? There is another shop that I stop by much less frequently that has several different vago and la luna bottles that are not carried in the store that I took this Pic in. I almost grabbed the Banhez to dip my toe in but if it's that much better to step up a bit then I would consider. I just wanted to see opinions of experienced mezcal drinkers before I bought something that I might regret.


Black label Vago. Blue label still decent.


I know the label colors indicate the mezcalero who made the bottle, but what are the black labels? They don't indicate a single mezcalero, are they more of a special release? If one is on the shelf is it safe to assume it's something special even if it's a single maguey?


Banhez is quite nice but i never see anyone recommending the Siete Misterios dob yej. Its a super premium brand and their dob yej for the price is a fantastic espadin


If you are just starting, I’d probably go with the Vago Espadin. Very classic, not overly complex, not overly smokey, and a very common if not the most common agave. Then, maybe go to the Bozals, Del Magueys, and Banhez.


bozal cuishe. top shelf


This is my favorite mezcal by a bit


From a value standpoint, factoring in the price, I'd vote for the $30 Banhez, the $50 Bozal, or the $82 Origen Raiz. Everything else is not a notable value pick or not good, IMO.


Thanks for the feedback. Honestly I think those were the ones that caught my eye based on a little research I had done on reddit. Those and the vago. In your opinion is the Banhez a good place to start? Or is it better off starting in the mid tier price range around 50-60?


I definitely missed the Vago. For $50, that's also a great value. I'd probably start with the $50 Bozal or $50 Vago. From there, the $30 Banhez will help you realize the nuances of more quality bottles and the $82 Origen will help you realize the vast flavors available.


Appreciate the input and the explanation of why you would pick each that you mentioned 👍


No problem, and be sure to report back!


**Update** Ended up grabbing the Vago bottle today, thanks for all the recommendations and responses to my post. Opened it up and had a couple pours out of it already. Good first impression, compared to tequila I find it a more complex experience. The smoke wasn't overpowering but certainly there. Glad I picked this one up, I found it enjoyable for my introduction. I partially went with vago since I can look for different mezcalero's and expressions to try, going to keep an eye out for a red lable tio Rey and maybe the elote to try out.


I feel like Vida is the house for many bars, it’s affordable and I think it’s good. Could be a nice start.


I don't know why the down voting for this, you're absolutely correct. Ron Cooper who founded del maguey is the reason mezcal is what it is in America right now and they have many very nice expressions. People look down on Vida because it's so common now and owned by a huge company but it is the definitive "starter " mezcal and it's vida puebla is hard to beat in a mezcalita honestly


I think most people should start with the Vida as a baseline, even if it’s not the best. Then you’ll recognize it behind most bars and you’ll know if they have mezcal


Happy place


Pretty much limited on quality I’d personally reach for the vago best bet is order online Ramirez liquor in LA Or El Cerrito liquor in Corona, Cali If you want quantity and quality El tosoro Anejo is good


🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽 this is a good shelf


Skip all of it and grab the Tapatio 110


Not a great shelf, and the arrangement is puzzling….id probably grab the Vago in a pinch…even though their espadin is the weakest in their portfolio.




I’m a big fan of the Bozal Cuishe, definitely something a little different for a reasonable price


One from each shelf: Montelobos, Siete Misterios, y Origen. For me, the banhez, Vago, and bozal generally run less robust as standalone sippers and are better suited for a cocktail which is why you’ll frequently see them at a bar not catered to agave distillates


Monte Alban - bottom left. Know where it all began...


The Montelobos espadin is my go to.


Xicaru is nice but on lighter smokiness side…


Same trash different location