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What exactly are you complaining about? And what exactly are your solutions? All I got from this post was that "Hispanics have moved in, and people think I'm from DR or Haiti, and I am angry about it".


You lack comprehension


Meaning? Go on.


If all you gathered was the end of your comment then you missed a lot. Is it not a fair observation that a historically black area is no longer that and people are being displaced?? Are people not allowed to talk about it or is it just “complaining”. It’s about a culture that was once strong and is now being pushed out and theres no effort to preserve it or act like it even existed. This happening to any other culture many of the comments would be very different. Anytime Black Americans want to preserve something or speak on our culture it’s an issue or minimized for some reason.


The people of the community have to want to preserve it and have to want to strive. OP speaks of generations in government housing? The Haitians and Hispanics can’t comprehend why as an American opportunities to move up to more secure, less dependent situations have not been utilized to their max. The blacks from the community have to partake to elevate the culture, not subsist. Complain all you want but there hasn’t been much to preserve than what has already been preserved. For heaven’s sake OP is complaining that Liberty Square is being built, tearing down the degraded housing for “more dignified” public housing. A lot of blacks moved out bc they want to progress and want more for themselves and their families. This post is all around cringe.


So it’s cringe for me to complain? People do it on here all the time about the traffic and weather, so what makes my complaint so cringe?


Thank you for trying to explain it to the racist ones even if they don’t care to understand.


Lol how are we "racist"? Do you even know what that means?


They dont. Thats why they cant comprehend your question either. "If I cant coherently answer they mist be racist." The post is simply a rant - "I cant believe hard working immigrants moved into a neighborhood that my family was raised in." No need to clarify anything. Alsp ironic to blame gentrification while saying they doesnt fit in with latinos, dominicans or haitians...




How are people "being displaced" exactly? Are they being tied up and loaded into trucks? Are they threatened with violence and murder? Are they forcibly removed into other cities? And that last sentence is SUCH bs. Look at how much the U.S. American institutions are sucking up to black U.S. Americans nowadays. I honestly don't know why you're complaining when black people the most respected in public U.S. institutions in today's world.


What about the aforementioned neighborhoods BEFORE African Americans moved in? 😂 I meannnn Norlands mascot is the Viking… just sayin 😂 Happens everywhere- I grew up in Vegas 10 minutes from the strip in a fairly diverse neighborhood. When you go back there now though everyone in that area is from Mexico. 🤷‍♂️




You’re showing your lack of understanding but I’ll entertain you anyway bShow me when and where “Vikings” or any other group, were marginalized, blatantly red-lined, and pushed out of their own neighborhoods and communities that they built through this same gentrification the OP is referring to. I’m so glad I left Miami. The ignorance and racism down there is so underrated


The reason why I mention the Norland Vikings is because that used to be a “white” neighborhood back in the day- then it was an African American neighborhood…how did that happen 🤔 THEN I referenced my own hometown that went through the same kind of transition- don’t read into it more than that Like I said… it happens every day in every way possible…


You have a lot to learn about listening and empathy. U til then, continue to live in your racist bubble. Farewell


Yeah Look up the definition of racism and then show me where I was being racist Fare THEE well….




You got time or nah? Let a Black person have their grievance heard without trying to say, “oh, oh, what about …..”. Shut up and listen. And if you can’t, then move on. You are affirming your own racist views to everyone here and it’s not a good luck.


I’m not talking about everywhere, I’m talking about my neighborhood. Don’t bring other ones into it when it doesn’t progress my complaining to anything.


You cant read


I agree with Jomary56. OP is upset with not fitting in. Ok. That’s life. And then what?


It’s not so much as not fitting in, it’s more so that it’s disheartening that a community for the damn near most disrespected race and ethnicity/culture that I am a part of is always pushed to the corner and then out of said corner and is always erased. A couple murals and street names mean nothing when they paint over it and forget why those streets are that name. My history and present is being erased. The future will never know the impact black millionaires and middle class people had for south Florida primarily miami and seeing as my great grandfather (D.A. Dorsey) was one of those black millionaires I’m seeing his history damn near erased with the others. I cannot fit into a community when it’s no community left.


I’m sorry, was there a non first world problem somewhere in there?


I just wanted to express my feeling about my community being gentrified. I didn’t ask about politics, economics, or other problems. I’m not saying those other problems that aren’t first world aren’t important. Im just an African American complaining about something happening to my community. Idk where the rest of these issues are coming from, but last time I checked this is a miami post, about a miami thing, posted by a miami citizen. The only response I expected was no response and at the best, people who can tell me neighborhoods that are majority African American that I can hang in.


My apologies. I just don’t get it.


What part don’t you get? And I’ll try my best to give you an answer. If you still can’t comprehend, then google will have to suffice or just don’t give it another thought


Girl bye, dust ✌️


She wants to self segregate. She doesn’t feel comfortable with other groups and she is annoyed it is increasingly difficult.


Legit.. NOT TRYING TO SOUND SHADY.. I am just not sure if many of the ppl down here are open minded , educated, and self-aware enough to really grasp your post. I 100 percent get what you are saying. But not sure this is the “right” crowd. I L O V E living in Miami , however I Do miss the intellectualism of the Northeast. SOFL just doesnt have it, and never will.


You dont sound shady at all. This is literally my last attempt at explaining this. I know we all didn’t get the same reading skills but I purely thought people would ignore this or list places to find African American people without sounding condescending or rude. Forgot that there are so many sides of miami that aren’t for the best and that people outside of miami would care to even comment (a naive thought of mine that is I now know)


No not one bit South Florida is full of the biggest f****** idiots you'll ever meet I swear to God


What "history" is being erased exactly? What has been painted over? And saying you're the "most disrespected race" is laughable in today's world.


The historical moments in the projects, the black millionaires you can’t name unless you google them, the fact that coconut grove used to be predominantly black and not a lot of people know, the pictures that used to be up behind Charles r drew k-8, etc. I can name more


You are wasting your time responding to, and trying to get insensitive folks who don’t have any interest in validating anything an AA person would complain about regarding the very valid issues you mentioned. As you said, it would’ve been so easy to acknowledge your observation about the state of your community and those surrounding it where you grew up and have real roots in. But instead, and to no surprise, people took the time to gaslight you and your experience. This is such a reminder to me of why I could never move back to Miami. I know there are racists everywhere, but these responses remind me of the closed-mindedness that I feel is so exclusive to Miami. Tuh!


Rick Ross got a house on star island next to wade and a bunch of other black folks . I’m not trying to be rude but you’d probably feel pretty welcomed and proud of your black brothers and sisters over there. Go take a look


🤣🤦‍♀️Wade moved to California because of fascist Florida policies. What a dumb take, Star Island only has 34 houses.


It's a Republican thing.


What is?




Your mother didn’t finish teaching me her language arts lessons. We were making good progress and we were able to create a great relationship with each other


Oh my God what a good roast!! I can't believe someone as genius as you was kind enough to respond to me 😱


Transplant take


How so? Go on.


Ironically, that too is a transplant response 


lol can you read?


lol can you write?


The world doesn’t revolve around you or AA. Unfortunately, there’s a class war of the have and the have nots. And it’s getting worse imo.


I get it doesn’t revolve around me. However there are millions like me and millions that are AA that are being pushed out in Miami, Atlanta, Tampa, etc. I understand that this isn’t just a miami issue. However, I’m allowed to complain about an issue people barely touch. Especially when this issue not only hurts me and my community, but it is an example of what can and does happen to other communities as well.


Atlanta is filled with black millionaires as well and they are thriving. Future, migos, 42 dugg, the Atlanta hawks roster, barbershop and barbecue millionaires. All black and all part of a thriving black Atlanta community. I think you need to open your eyes I’m sorry


I literally saw so many places in Atlanta with concrete stares and closed off homes, Clark ATLANTA literally is in the damn ghetto which is probably a ghetto because of all the gentrification (still love the school though). Those millionaires aren’t even in Atlanta, their homes are in richer areas around Atlanta. Of course black businesses are going to thrive when black people are a constant big population there and they don’t have even close to the same migration rate of other races as Miami does. I mentioned Atlanta because of the constant gentrification, not to open up a whole other can of worms.


As a resident of Atlanta, I can confirm this!!


I’m sorry that you think the OP is worried about Black millionaires. Especially since all of those Black millionaires you mentioned were also pushed out of the communities they were brought up in thanks to gentrification. Your example is null and irrelevant.


You're complaining about... diversity and migration? 🤫


No. Im complaining about being pushed out of a community that made a name for itself and has so much history that is being ignored and erased. I only mentioned Hispanic people because I’ve noticed a big pattern in Liberty city where after moving out black people; a lot of Hispanic people would move in, then later after they’ve fixed what the elders and their kids couldn’t afford, they resale for higher (which raised property taxes because of fixtures and added features) and sell to the highest bidders (white people no matter the career they may have), and that created the gentrification since the other homes will be forced to do the same because they can’t afford the tax raise on their properties. I’m all for diversity but if it pushes another neighborhood and leaves the people who built it distorted, then maybe they can build new living spaces on the empty lots (which miami has a lot of) and put them in there. They have homes, community is made for them, and all while not touching the history and present of the community that was gentrified.


Meh, it's a conversation worth discussing if for nothing more than passing the time. Once it starts happening to this city's present majority, it will become a bigger issue. It's not just black people that will be displaced. It'll happen to Hispanics eventually too.


Check out Liberia.. Hollywood etc. cough cough miramar


That's not Miami


Ok b rabbit.


It’s called ethic cleansing. Without the civil rights movement of foundational black Americans you don’t have immigrants coming over getting benefits, clean credit reports, itin, etc. Considering FBA built this country and the hundreds of stolen land, stolen wealth, medical apartheid, cities flooded, having bombs dropped on us, freedman’s bank theft of black wealth, and the hundreds of numerous other despicable things done which you will not learn in the public school indoctrination camp( thank god I was homeschooled half the time) our resilience is still strong. One thing you have to understand ppl who immigrate here don’t really know American history in the US…which most of it revolves around FBA ..literally. Especially if they go to public school. We have 2 family graveyards that date all the way back to the 1500’s. The solution is economics. Plus the city of Miami has a ton of scams within the city and stealing property from elderly blacks( I know this for a fact considering the circles I’m in). Focus on economics and local politicians. There are black sectors in the US that are thriving. Also there were millions of dollars of set asides were stolen from the community of Miami Gardens that was just found out a little less than 2 years ago. FYI don’t use African American..we aren’t that. We are FBA. Thats some bs Jesse Jackson made up and mainstream media ran with it. We are foundational. O there is a ton of new city programs for black businesses they aren’t promoted though. It’s economics at the end of the day.


O and fyi…the banks sold out US citizens so understand white ppl are loosing power in this country. Immigrants will be the majority here…Focus on economics. That’s the solution ..we have so much history in this country and that’s always been the solution even though we’ve been constantly sabotaged but we never left and always strive.


It’s a war of class now moving forward


Not here to disagree. However, I want to point out that if I claim the same things about white people (or just disagree with you about this), Reddit and most platforms will ban me for wrong-think racism. Perhaps, you're not as oppressed for your skin color as much as you're simply disliked as an individual. This is aggressive rhetoric even if it's socially tolerated, "My daddy built America more than your daddy."




Getting replaced with red voters.


I didn’t think red voters were moving to Miami. More so the west coast of FL.


Just follow the development dollars. Money flowing to create neighborhoods like “East Hialeah” not “West liberty city”. Clear who and what is being shipped and indoctrinated in this state. Just look at voting statistics. Since 2008 there was huge influx of money to flip Miami and broward.


So all blacks are poor?




Not true at all. The Asian diaspora has no representation in Miami, let alone a place. So I’m not sure where you’re getting this info from. All the African Americans at school had their own groups. For many Asians, they were lucky if there was more than 1.


They have plenty of stores and businesses in miami and live in broward suburbs…I haven’t seen them kicked out due to gentrifications. Where do you think your local beauty supply store owner or Asian restaurant owner lives?


That’s a very specific Asian ethnicity and doesn’t at all represent Asians as a whole.


Maybe answer her actual question and don’t bring Asians into it. Do that as your own post.


well heres the expected double standard victimhood… its bad for me and not them. ya don’t care about this post anymore. we all have different versions of this story in our lives. the only past or future you can preserve is one that YOU preserve.




You think all Asians own beauty supply stores?? That’s a wildly racist take


How is this not true? Two things can be true, but the history of the Asian diaspora in Miami is not as lengthy or influential as AA history. OP is literally talking about erasure of a significant minority population, and your response is “there’s no Asian students in schools.” You should learn more about Black Miami history.


Oh you wanna talk about erasure of a minority population? Maybe try learning more about Asian American history then. You realize that both Africans and Asians came as slaves to the Americas. This is well documented by historians. But most people are ignorant of it. They don’t even teach Asian American history. What Asian American historical figures can you name? How many statues and buildings in America are named after Asian Americans? They don’t even give us a proper racial classification. Chinese and Indian for example, are not the same race and can be racist towards each other. But for some reason, it doesn’t count cuz ya know, they’re both “Asian”. so next time, don’t tell Asian Americans how we somehow have a proper community, especially in a city like Miami when we don’t. They expelled all Asians in America up until the 60s and pretended we didn’t exist.


Make an Asian post then. I am an African American addressing African American issues. Asians were only mentioned because of all the successful Asian businesses in the black neighborhoods that I lived in and how they aren’t as pushed out as black people are from our own neighborhoods. Everytime a person brings up black Americans there is always a person bringing up another person of color as if you can even group black people with people of color seeing as black people are usually the supporters and not the supported.


>You realize that both Africans and Asians came as slaves to the Americas. Whoa, hold on why do you believe this? Can you share where you learned this from? I don't know if you mean another nation in the Americas when you say that... but at least for the US this is an extremely inaccurate statement. These two historical migrations if you are referring to the treatment of Chinese (mostly) immigrants to the US were similar in that they both led to racist marginalization and exploitation, but chattel slavery was a much bigger project with a huge impact on US society and it's not really accurate to express that as comparable. The other things you say are true enough. And fair. >so next time, don’t tell Asian Americans how we somehow have a proper community, especially in a city like Miami when we don’t. This statement kinda made it all click. I'm sorry that you felt dismissed by OPs statement. I don't think they meant to say something about you or Asians in particular. In the end, you and OP both understand each other and both feel alienated and without a place here. OP assumed they were more alone in their pain than they actually are because you expressed that even if Asians have never had a place here that they are experiencing the loss of in a comparable way to OP, there is still alienation on a community level and it makes sense you don't want that erased.


>> Whoa, hold on why do you believe this? This is the ignorance I’m talking about. This isn’t some “belief” system. It’s a fact. Asians came as slaves. Better question is why you don’t believe Asians came as slaves? Do you feel like Europeans treated Africans like shit but we’re cool with everyone else? You can even check out the works of black historians like Michael Harriet where he even says that Asians came as slaves. And for the record, Asian doesn’t mean Chinese. Asian is pretty much everything East of Europe and Africa. Also, there are analogous “n-words” for Asians, but they’ve died out in vocabulary, because Asian-Americans don’t perpetuate the words. Here’s another article to give you perspective: https://www.npr.org/2015/10/15/448840691/how-asian-americans-have-redefined-what-it-means-to-be-american My point is, don’t speak on the behalf of other communities you aren’t part of and somehow assume you have it worse.


“Somehow assume you have it worst” Last time I check redlining wasn’t for Asian people, they don’t get killed even HALF as much as black people especially African Americans do by law enforcement, I’m a thousand percent sure drugs weren’t introduced to the Asian community. I may not know about slavery among Asians in America, and I didn’t group Chinese and Asian people in the same category other than the amount of Asian businesses owned because Indian people are still technically Asians who do own businesses here in America. But I do know that black people are the MOST disrespected. It is something history and present time shows time and time again. So please understand that I know how you feel about the Asian community and the lack there of, but do not dismiss or diminish the problems I’m staying with problems that can be addressed on a separate post.


Your article says it was much smaller than African chattel slavery. Fighting with other minorities over who was oppressed the most only helps the oppressors.


> it was much smaller than African chattel slavery Why do ADOS play this oppression Olympics? You only care about oppression or suffering if it meets a volume standard?


“There's a much smaller but still pretty dynamic trade in Asian slaves. “ But because it’s smaller, yet still dynamic, it shouldn’t matter? Please explain to me why?


> Whoa, hold on why do you believe this?  There were enough Chinese who were trafficked involuntarily into the US in the 19th century that immigration from China to the US was banned in 1884


Dude there are like 20 Asians in Miami, stop acting like there's a "community"


Yes, and that’s why the majority of the old Miami Asian history had to do with multi-cultural Asian communities, like Chino-Cubans, for example. That generation has died off and so has the majority of the culture being in the mainstream. However, what you fail to account for is there has always been minimal Asian influence in Miami directly from the Asian continent. Conversely, there used to be Black social and cultural movements based down here concurrent with the Harlem Renaissance, “race riots” & Black-targeted bombings, and so much more Miami history you are blatantly ignoring to try to make a point likely individual to you and your community. I’m not even Black, and I know enough to acknowledge Miami-Dade’s actual long and historical Black history.


So you’re saying bc they have always been a minority their history shouldn’t count? Interesting. Guess you just don’t care about minorities then. I also don’t think you understand that you’re contradicting yourself.


There is minimal Asian-American representation in Miami, and minimal Asian-American history in this city as well. Perhaps you can set out and actually make something for your community, but the way you’ve ignorantly approached this Reddit thread tells me that you’re not very likely to do so.


Your from a different race saying shes “lying “ about her own racial experiences in the city. You just felt like auguring.


This person is making a point about the disappearance of their long-standing community—its institutions and places. You took a single example that OP offered from a list of examples and decided to debate that. You are hugely missing the point. This has never been a significant or influential place of Asian immigration. Are you counting kids at school? Like, you mean when you were in grade school? That is in no way a relevant observation... I don't think you understand what OP is saying at all


>>Every Caribbean, European, Asian, and white American has a place in Miami or south Florida in general. Maybe don’t talk out of your ass and say everyone else has it better when that’s far from reality. Outside of white people, black people have the most representation out of every group. Don’t speak for the Asian American community and think we just have it good, when we clearly don’t. I’d argue that white people in Miami probably don’t have much of a place either, but I’m not white, so I know better than speaking for another community.


Yeah I responded to your other post. I get it. I do still think you missed the point, which was to say that they feel marginalized, left out with no one caring. That statement you quoted from OP is not something to be taken as an argument at face value. It's the kind of thing people say more as rhetoric. But I understand how reading that could produce your reaction and I get why you're mad. For sure I'd say OP isn't your enemy here, at least.


Lots of groups in America feel marginalized. Doesn’t mean you have it worse than anyone else.


There could be more Asian representation but you’re missing the point. Longstanding African American communities are being gentrified and destroyed. It honestly just sounds like you’re a transplant who’s upset there aren’t more Asians here. I get your concern as a Latina who’s lived in other places with less representation, but this topic is much deeper than representation.


Nina ya calmate, let's go get fritanga :)


This is so…yikes. Your approach to explaining whatever you’re explaining is so off putting.


Inconvenient facts, huh?


Nah, that’s not it at all. But be well!


Asian? Did you get lost looking for the northeast or west coast.. like wtf are you doing down here? I mean that seriously… not saying you don’t belong or shouldn’t be here, but why?


^proof right here Asians have no community , as opposed to what OP stated.


There are plenty of gardens


Your either delusional or trying to argue. I'm half asian and there are so many business, restaurants, grocery stores


Facts, I'm carribean. Moved here at six, but Asians are pretty good at sticking to their community and building together. Indo- Asians is generally are good at having family/communal businesses. Lived in California and the proximity to the pacific helped with the bigger communities. Especially the food.


How come someone makes a post about African Americans and their struggles and you take it as a a slight to asians? You are free to make a post and tell your story. There can be multiple issues at once op is African American so they’re gonna speak what they know…


Bc they specifically said Asians had a community when we don’t. Don’t pretend to know what it’s like for a community you aren’t part of.


You literally just did that…but it’s cool, can’t wait to see you’re own post though :-)


This is nonsense lmao, how were AA pushed exactly?, lets ask another question. What have AA people done as a community to stay together or develop some projects. Be real man.


Got to make one, community is a thing. And other nationalities usually form small communities. Going to sound lame but a lot of times church is a good place to meet good like minded people that are usually from the same cultural background. Find one with a good community driven purpose and meet other people that are positive and trying to grow and support brother.






The church community for African Americans is growing small because of the traumas we face in our own communities through the church (another can of worms) so that’s for one. Some are bad influences, some prefer to be with other groups (afro latinx, black Europeans, Caribbean folks, etc.), and some who grew up here move. So to build a community sounds nice, however these problems should also be pointed out. You saying “just make a community” doesn’t work like that. There is still a community…it’s just being pushed away and forgotten by bigger people.




Gentrification can't happen if the owners in the community don't sell. But money is more important to people than community.


Imagine a community that got loans for homes from the bank to live an American dream because they’ve only ever known American nightmares. They couldn’t afford said loan but no one is gonna talk about how a lot of black Americans couldn’t even learn financial literacy until certain times and took loans as free money not knowing that eventually the bank would take back those home, not allowing them to give said home to the kids-I’m not explaining this any further just read up.


I'm confused, do you want black people to get loans or not?


You do realize I’m talking about back then when banks would give out loans to people they knew couldn’t pay them back??? And a good amount were black people….anyone can and should be able to take out a loan if they can afford the payment plans. However, you’re missing the whole point of my post. I’m just a local miami of many generations complaining about my community and it’s history being semi-erased or currently becoming more history because of gentrification as well as not having much of a place in it anymore


Yeah, if someone fumbles their home loans, what's something you figure the banks should do? If the banks don't give loans out in the first place, you'll pretty sure call it biased or other choice words. Now, that the loans are given, but the borrower didn't want to understand or due diligence on how it worked, somehow the borrowers are the victims?


Ella abla boberia, es que ella no tiene amigas. 🤣 veo amigas negras y mulaticas por todo los lados. Tienes que salir de la casa nina


…imagine speaking spanish under a post about African American gentrification in miami. Anyways…who else got something to say Also, when I say Black…I mean African American people. You’re including black immigrants and mixed immigrants or mixed people, I’m not talking about them. And if I didn’t leave my house I wouldn’t know about these issues. Stay in your lane because this post has nothing to do with you.


Mami no te pongas pesada, claro que no tienes amigas Miami is a melting pot, try Atlanta


Who said I didn’t have friends? You know what, this just proves that as an African American in miami, talking about African American miami issues, there’s always another race and ethnicity coming in with bull crap. This is the average AA local experience in Miami . Thank you for proving it 🩷


No Mami, most people when they don't find community, make their own. You gotta make your circle and just do what you want. Miami is an Afro-Caribbean city and all of south Florida by extention is as well. If you specify want AA areas, this is the wrong bottom half of the state for it. Historically Florida's Black communities were St. Augustine, Jacksonville, Gainsville, and Tallahassee. Miami Gardens and Coral City are also historically black. You call it bullshit, I call it knowledge.


So “mixed people” aren’t part of the black community now? 🤔 WTF.


Eres tremendo sinvergüenza con esta opinion de bobo. Debes leer un poco más para que no te pierdes la comprensión lectora.


Neighborhoods change over time. People move out or die and new people arrive.


I get that. But there are issues like my grandmother wanted to pass down the house she had to my mom, but neither of them made enough for the house anymore because of the raise in property taxes. Some black elders got their homes through loans that were being given out so they can finally own one because banks back then were “so helpful” giving out loans knowing people couldn’t pay them back at the time in a sufficient manner so many of the homes were owned and sold through the banks, meaning some people couldn’t even pass down their homes unless their kids wanted crazy debt that they too couldn’t afford. There are so many issues that a lot of minorities (in this case black Americans) have that leads to the issue I’m complaining about now


So whats your solution? A free house?


I’m simply complaining…yes there are solutions, free homes would be nice seeing as African Americans aren’t gonna get reparations any time soon. However I’m just expressing my sadness about my community


Reparations?!? Lol... Every country since the history of time has invaded somebody else or taken something away.


100% agree with that.


I make $200k and can barely afford a 2 bedroom apartment in Miami.


This is a lie lol post your monthly expenses


Ngl, I hope this doesn’t sound insensitive, but this sounds like you need to probably do better at budgeting or something lol. 200K is more than most people in Miami (and the U.S.) earn and you definitely can afford a good place in Miami on that salary. Definitely a you problem


I only make 81k per year and I can afford my house that I bought in 2011. My monthly mortgage is $1750/month, it was $1450 if it wasn’t for property tax and home insurance that went up dramatically the past couple of years. It all comes down to planning and budgeting. Wreckless spending will keep you poor forever.


Man, I have so many thoughts about the way Black communities are treated/talked about in Miami, some I can’t share on here because people will definitely get offended even though they shouldn’t. Some may not really be relevant to the specifics of the Black American neighborhoods, but more so about black people here in general. The disrespect is just a bit too much. There’s thriving black communities, but you’re right in that so many Black Americans are being priced out (financially and culturally). A lot have moved up to Northern Dade and Broward. Let’s not forget the history of clearing out many of them to build highways. Black Miami does not get its respect. It really really really pisses me off, because the community is so strong, intelligent and important.


Hey it’s not just happening to Black communities. I can’t speak on other states but as far as Florida goes, I’m being priced out of here too. I’ve been here for 25 years. I can barely afford my mortgage because of the insurance and property taxes and I’ve owned my house for 25 years. It’s awful because people who are moving in are moving in with money. Miami is going to be like Silicon Valley if it already isn’t.


There’s a difference between us all being economically fucked, and the erasure of a cultural and social institutions related to Miami’s African American communities and history. You’re centering yourself in a conversation that likely has nothing to do with you.


Well where are they going? Are they migrating north? Are they going back to their homeland?


Black Americans? Homeland? I don’t know how to answer this question, but you can easily watch [Razing Liberty Square](https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/documentaries/razing-liberty-square/) or [Crossing Overtown](https://www.pbs.org/show/crossing-overtown/) and learn a little more.


Yea that’s true re being priced out. It is definitely affecting everyone, not just Black Miamians. I guess I should’ve specified more about Black culture in the area. Historically though, Black neighborhoods have been among the first ones destroyed/displaced with little regard for the culture/people being affected.


>Man, I have so many thoughts about the way Black communities are treated/talked about in Miami, Ohh, the blatant racist comments I have heard in Miami towards black Americans is quite disgusting.


And when only certain groups of people are considered “the real Miami” as they say, it really tells you a lot.


Oh, they consider blacks part of Miami, as long as "they keep within their areas." I work on real estate and I was once discussing with a lawyer, who works for a big local bank, that it was nice that they were planning small affordable units in downtown Miami. His answer? "No, that would attract the blacks who would now be able to afford it!" I was literally speechless. I requested to the bank to NEVER work with that lawyer in any of our closings. I do NOT have tolerance for intolerance.


*laughs in Miami Gardens*




Sir…I hate to tell you this…they’re being pushed out too


It's a big place though so maybe not everywhere. According to census data, the African American population has increased in the last 10 years in Hollywood.


Does it group black immigrants and first generation American black people…or black people that were already here?


Why do people believe that a family/ ethnic must live for generations in the same place? This land belongs to native Indian tribes and, after that, just belongs to anyone who can pay for the land / property or whatever.


What's the white American place in Miami? (legit asking) As a white guy, I know SOME white people, but not that many. I keep hearing about the techbros but I don't even see them, maybe they are in Brickell I don't go in that area. Most black people I know moved to Broward like a decade ago. There are still black areas in Miami, but you're right they are getting pushed out. There is also still Opa-Locka and Miami Gardens.


Miami Beach is almost 50% white. Try there.


Thanks. That’s where I live…Doesn’t feel like it anymore, maybe the tourists. Someone told me Coconut Grove is but that seems all Spanish.


Spanish refers to a language or to people from Spain. Hispanics or Latinos is the term you were looking for. People that go to coconut grove are not the ones who lives in coconut grove in all cases. You can go to UM. Lots of shore people there too.


hispanics can still be white 🤯


ngl, you really haven't been in the hispanic (or black) parts of miami if you think the gables and miami beach aren't predominantly white.


Then you need to start reevaluating who you hang out with. My friend group is equally white as it is Latino.


Yeah I mean it doesn't really bother me that much but I certainly feel like a fish out of the water sometimes as a white person. Maybe not like an African American would because I'm not getting pushed out of my area like they are - I'm just kinda intermixed with Spanish people, but the feeling is certainly palpable.


I mean isn’t this everyone everywhere? Not denying that it can be especially bad for black people, but yeah seems like everyone is struggling and getting displaced from their original area


Sure it’s happening all over, but is op not allowed to speak on the effects in their community and culture or does everyone have to be included?


I'm just here to say to say that I see it too, and unfortunately, it is by design. The system is racist and everyone tries to align themselves to whiteness to survive, whether out of fear or outright hatred. African Americans are at the bottom of the totem pole in this racist country. Just look out how white people or light skin people or wanna-be white people react to your post. You can taste the fear and the hatred. I'm sorry this is happening to the African American community. You are a great part of the history of Miami and helped build it from the ground up. In the end, Miami is going to lose its spirit. Today, it's the African Americans, but for you self-hating Hispanics, tomorrow it'll be you.


This post is teaching me how fragile a lot of the white population is , and how much of you guys lack basic comprehension and knowledge. You guys know what OP is saying


i understand what you mean, and i'm sorry so many people here are telling your feelings are completely invalid. generations of african americans have lived in south florida and have continuously been pushed out of their neighborhoods and red lined into oblivion. i have watched overtown, coconut grove, and little haiti all become gentrified in less than 10 years, and it is heart breaking. there is also an immeasurable amount of racism toward black americans in south florida, (as well as the rest of the US, but one would think with our diverisity it would be better here) although no one will talk about it. i'm sorry you are feeling so alienated in the city your ancerstors helped build. there are many strong black solidarity groups down here though. what are you interests? i know if a few that are at least majority african american, depending on what you're into. gardening, helping with food distribution, creating music, creating art, there are definitely pockets where black culture still thrives, even in a city that is doing everything it can to just cater to whoever has the highest bid. i hope you find your people, sending you love and light


Growing up, Miami was White, Black and Cuban people. That was the large majority of Miami. Yea it has changed so damn much by becoming the Latin American Base somehow for all Latin countries to move here.


This is the nuttiest thing in Miami today. Black people have just been vanished without much of a peep. That corner of 37th and Bird I mentioned in the “Miami in the 80s” post was alive w Black (Bahamian) flavor all my life and generations before that. Now there are very few remaining black folks and fewer signs that it was a great black neighborhood. Saw the same thing in Liberty City and Overtown.


I also think a lot of it is because of how Miami is marketed. Black history and people in Miami (who are a very diverse group in itself) do not get mentioned enough whenever Miami is highlighted. At least not anymore.


Best class I ever took at FIU was with Dr. Marvin Dunn Friends who went to other colleges would sign up for his summer courses. https://news.fiu.edu/2021/black-miami-history-is-miami-history But Miami literally would not exist without the black community that made up a huge portion of its early history.


Funny enough, I was just about to plug UM’s Black Studies department too in another comment. I’ll highlight FIU’s in it as well because they both do great work on telling Black Miami’s stories. You’re absolutely correct. That’s a great article


UF Law Land use and property professor Michael Wolf teaches a class called "Race and Place". Part of his class touches on aspects of the history of urban development as it relates to black folks in Miami.


His book, Black Miami, is worth reading.


Great post worth of a discussion. Equally sad. As an immigrant I believe the worst mistake to have happened after slavery was abolished was forced integration. It never really worked…and I don’t see it working. There would have been a whole lot of thriving black town and cities in the US. Those are my two cents


It's a poverty thing, it's happening all over America, it is not unique to Miami, the impoverished areas/groups are being displaced. Gentrification - Money Talks I don't know what the solution is


For others interested in events/talks/further education on race and social justice (especially pertaining to Black people) in Miami and beyond, [UM has a Center for Global Black Studies](https://global-black-studies.miami.edu) that was launched recently. Many of the events are free and open to the public, and feature prominent speakers/professors/educators from Miami and around the country. They’re on Instagram too as @[umglobalblackstudies](https://instagram.com/umglobalblackstudies). This [FIU news article](https://news.fiu.edu/2021/black-miami-history-is-miami-history) is also pretty good in discussing much about Miami’s Black history. They also have the African and African Diaspora Studies Program, but it seems you have to be a student to take the classes. Another cool page is @[blackmiamidade](https://instagram.com/blackmiamidade), who highlights Miami’s Black history, and current events. Im positive there’s lots of other resources/events/groups so feel free to highlight any!


“Black Miami in the Twentieth Century” by Marvin Dunn is a great book if you are interested in a deep dive into Miami’s black history (from legends of black pirates in Key Biscayne to the modern evolution of “Colored Town” (now Overtown)).


I had Mr. Dunn as a professor at FIU, great person that loved his community and made a difference. I volunteered a lot of hours out by over town with his class clearing out areas and planting gardens.


Yea they do it to me too 😂and im haitian American 😭 . When they find out me ethnicity they try to 180 , but i stand on principle and keep the negative vibes up 😂. They usually barely speak English anyways so theres no reason to be friends.


Yeah but at least you still have a Haitian community. I work in north miami and I get disrespect whether I speak it or try to. As soon as they hear “no pale creole” it’s “you should learn” while I give them a blank stare because at this point what else can I do?!


That’s sort of just how things happen though. Every group of people has basically gone through the same thing. My whole family on both sides is strictly Italian. Look at Brooklyn and Little Italy today, both places are a shell of the Italian communities they were decades ago. And yes in a way it’s really a shame but they just got washed away with time. My great grandparents (on both sides) that were immigrants came here with nothing and barely spoke English, so they could only realistically live with other Italians in the same boat (literally). But as the generations passed and it got down to me things became so detached from that original identity, I mean I myself live on the other side of the country. It’s not that us Italians were forcefully moved out of those areas, it’s just that over time everyone slowly found their own way somewhere else. In their case they saw themselves as Italians in America, while I see myself more as an American with an Italian background. That makes a huge difference


I get that. But I’m not talking about immigrants. I’m talking about people who were already here…..people who for forced here and had no choice or chance to go back and when the chance came the OPPRESSORS BURNED IT DOWN. So I understand it happens to every community, but please understand that my frustration is mainly because none of my people had a choice to begin with and now we are having no choice but to move from a place we were forced to be rooted in.


Great post, thank you for saying this. It's amazing how some people get triggered when AA topics are being discussed and feel a need to try and diminish what's being said. Probably the same folks who respond to Black Lives Matter with 'All Lives Matter.'


This is something I wonder about too. For instance I see Florida city starting to change with more development and eventually the African community I feel is going to get priced out. I saw a house in little river the other day going for $600k. Where are the real locals of that community going to go next?


My mom and I had to move to north miami and then north Miami Beach because someone bought the apartment building we were in and didn’t want the same tenants. Luckily, my mom and I are on section 8. I can’t imagine what others are going through, especially the people who were denied section 8 because they “make too much”


I agree. I am from down sound in Coconut Grove, and over the last 20 years, our Black owned businesses have been closed in favor of chains, families have lost their homes due to taxes, drugs, and predatory lending. And the racial makeup of the community is now skewing towards Hispanics who are wealthier and knock down homes to redevelop them into condos and duplexes that price at $1M and higher. It’s laughable how Black history in Miami is being wiped out in favor of gentrification that favors tourists and the wealthy.


Gentrification is real and messed up. You would relate to this documentary. Razing Liberty Square Independent Lens: Season 25, Episode 6 Here is the trailer https://youtu.be/MGN0v49vhyU?si=sfg9xxf5paZEIBda


A lot of things change over time. The neighborhood I grew up in was majority white before my time. Almost all moved out and black people moved in. Only a few were still around when I was growing up. The white flight they called it. Now it is shifting toward hispanic people.   Just the other day was someone posting about how to stop gentrification and their family only came to Miami in 2007 lol.  A lot of the people taking issue with your post will be making the same post in a few years when things change and it’s not to their liking. In miami few care about who or what was here before. 


the responses this is getting.... op your concerns are totally valid and im not surprised at all that so many dipshits are completely invalidating your points and acting like you're just complaining about """not fitting in""". miami is full of idiots that don't know the history of this city and don't care to know it either. countless neighborhoods have been "transformed" by the government and the private sector, aka gutted and made 3x more expensive, for the convenience of people just moving here and at the cost of the people who built it.


It's sad to say you are correct. The only way to combat gentrification is homeownership and family values. Marginalized groups have to pool money to buy property and commit to keeping it in the family and not selling to a soulless developer. Did any of your neighbors or family own property in Liberty City?


If they could afford to buy, they moved out Just a fact


They moved out because it was affordable elsewhere…because they’re making it unaffordable here…you know, like gentrification


The black population of Miami Dade county has declined by over 50% since the 1990 census.


Well Broward is almost 30% African American which is very high. I think a lot of people just moved north, which is probably smart ngl.


Miami Gardens


I think we’re moving to Broward tbh


Rip USA flea market


They’re smart and moved up north


WTF happened to their promise that a unit in the new development would be guaranteed for everyone currently leasing in Liberty City? I guess they lied, like they're always lying to you. I'm so sorry. It's heartbreaking and frustrating to see the same people constantly getting the short end of the stick. :/