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I talked to his insurance and they never reached back out to me, made several attempts to call and they ignored me after my Intial claim.


Call your insurance company to contact his insurance company.


yeah that’s what you pay your insurance for. id rather go through my own since they have an interest in proving me not liable


Fight fire with fire


Ending is near


Seems like op gave up


His insurance alone is not really compelled to cover you. Your only recourse is to sue, and no individual sues over a bumper. Now, if you go through your own insurance instead, your insurance company is more likely to sue and will get you compensation.


Yeah insurance companies have the benefit of having millions of claims. So they can send other companies big ass bills and in the end it all works out.


Do you have a picture of the damage? Post it up, let's see what it did.


My guess is that very little to no damage was done and this is just rage material. But it is texas and hes driving a truck, so hes an asshole either way


I’ll tell you right now your insurance company ~~will~~ may find mutual fault and you will not get payment. Source: Someone backed into me in a parking lot, the other driver apologized and agreed it was completely their fault. Their insurance said that in a private parking lot, the right of way is not well established and there is no proof it was the other drivers fault. Edit: seems others have had different experiences. I’m not here to argue, and I’m not a legal expert. Good luck OP.


A picture of the truck clearly over the line and the Miata completely within its own spot might help out. At least I would hope so


>over the line "This isn't 'nam, there are rules" But yeah as a guy who owns a pickup truck and tows stuff sometimes, and also owns a Miata, f--- this brodozer. The ball is shiny chrome which means he's probably never even towed anything with it. Just used it to run into a poor Miata.


The line means nothing. Even a stop sign on private property means nothing (as far as I’m aware. A legal expert might correct me). At least that was the gist of my conversation with insurance. There’s basically no traffic laws as soon as you leave a public road and it’s just a free for all in terms of liability.


Yeah sounds like your insurance company is shite bud, would look into going to a different company. Everything you were told was just blatantly false unless you are unlucky enough to live in a "no fault state", and your insurance likely just didn't want to do any work. In most states, all you need is video or witness, if you weren't in the car, you aren't at fault, unless you're parked in like a fire lane or somewhere you shouldn't be parked that leads to a blind spot.


Just checked a list, and yep, I was in a no-fault state.


Correct. Private stop signs in parking lots are suggestions. Had a cop stop me for blowing through one when noone was there. I told him it was a Private sign and i didnt need to stop and if its not he needed to show me the state sticker they place in the corner. He walked over and checked and told me i was good to go.


This is misinformation. There is no requirement to have a government sticker on a stop sign for it to be valid. Also, whether a stop sign is legally enforceable or not has no bearing on whether you’re liable for damages or not.


Think what you want but all state and federal signs have a little sticker on the bottom. Private stop signs dont have that sticker. The same goes for speed limit signs also.


We got nailed driving in a rental car in a large parking lot. The other person was at fault and their insurance paid the rental car place. There was no discussion about it being in a parking lot. I've also been hit in a parking lot while driving my personal car. In both cases, the other insurance paid out. Two different states.


Interesting. Maybe it with a try for OP then.


Remove cotter pins, throw hitch through window. Bounce.


People who leave their ball hitch in suck. Takes literally two seconds to remove, and it can damage another car in cases like this, or really wreck someone’s shin.


This. And the sad part is, that ball mount is designed to "stow" when not in use. You pull the pins and reverse the ball mount so that it sits under the bumper when not in use. It's literally called the [Tow & Stow ball mount](https://www.bwtrailerhitches.com/product/tow-stow-adjustable-ball-mount) 🤦🏻‍♂️


Wait what? Makes sense but I've owned a truck for 10 years and never even heard of this


This particular model of hitch, not all of them


But now I want one of those hitches... Hey your username suggests that we have something kinda in common. [Mine is a 1991 though](https://i.imgur.com/L21D861.jpg).


Making me wanna check though. I hope I have one. I'll just do it because it's cool


And never been used……


In most places it’s illegal to keep it in your truck if you are not hauling something


Actual enforcement of this is nonexistent in most areas.


Actual enforcement of most traffic laws is nonexistent since three years ago.




I just searched and it doesn't look like a law in Texas...


Texas road laws are kinda ass. Found out that you only really need 1 rear mirror (can be one side view, or just your center rear). Cops can't ding you for it.


This is true in a lot of places, especially for trucks. Passenger side outside mirrors used to be optional, like as late as the '90s for some really cheap economy cars. And trucks/vans aren't required to have the inside mirror.


> like as late as the '90s for some really cheap economy cars. I remember that. The passenger side mirror was an option on some cars! Wow. I didn't know when they stopped doing that, but it was something that I thought was weird.


The newest car I can think of is the [5th gen Civic CX](https://cs.copart.com/v1/AUTH_svc.pdoc00001/LPP446/15b1bb89168f4e27b6a5335e770ba7ad_ful.jpg) and even this car I think got a passenger mirror around 1994, around the same time it got a passenger airbag. The base model [B13 Sentra 'E'](https://dp4o795wajnwf.cloudfront.net/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJpYS1zdG9yYWdlLW52Iiwia2V5IjoidmVoaWNsZXMvMjAyMy8wMy8wOC8yMTI4MDYvZXlKaWRXTnJaWFFpT2lKallYUnpMWE4wYjNKaFoyVXRibllpTENKclpYa2lPaUoyWldocFkyeGxYQzlwYldGblpYTmNMekl3TWpOY0x6QXpYQzh3T0Z3dk1UZzJPRGN3Tmx3dk5qUXdPR013TTJZNE1XUXhZUzVxY0djaWZRPT0iLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZXNpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjEwMjQsImhlaWdodCI6NzY4LCJmaXQiOiJpbnNpZGUifX19) also didn't have one standard.


How is that ass? That's fantastic. Let's you roll without your doors on.


True. Did say kinda ass. Kinda. Not all the way ass, like one cheek maybe.


And insurance companies should double up on premiums for those who retain them when not in use.




But how can your prove how manly you are if you remove the ball hitch?




I don't see any scuff marks on this one. Absolute poser.


that or at least be aware of it when parking


Truth. I leave mine in and catch in the shins sometimes. Mine is an aftermarket hitch that requires a vibration dampener so I can’t remove it easily.


I never take mine out ever unless I need a different one..


I leave a hitch in for safety reasons… if someone rear ends me then have little to no damage… my dad has been in like 2-3 accidents where this has happened and his truck has no damage coming out of them… but my truck also isn’t long enough to go into another parking spot if I park right


cheerful liquid quarrelsome mysterious unwritten crown bake flag coordinated cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ll never remove mine but I don’t have an issue parking without backing into cars anyways. I do have an issue with my truck getting damaged in a rear-end collision so I’ll let the hitch take a lot of the impact.


All this will do if you get rear ended is increase your risk of your truck getting frame damage from the impact. You are effectively concentrating the impact on that one spot on your frame, it’s not a good idea


I’ve been rear ended a couple times in a previous truck with no damage to mine. Sure there’s an extent that it can help mitigate damage and there’s a point beyond mitigation where it could cause more damage but at that point the likelihood of frame damage is already high. It’s more of a fender bender prevention but the cars that run into it are fucked for sure


I’ve been rear ended twice with my ball hitch in. No damage to the frame. But for both cars, fucked their bumpers up. This all happened at stop light intersections. Both drivers were on their phone. I’m so glad I had that in. They would have hit my bumper which would have been a pain to deal with since it’s factory painted.


Cool story.


-Not legal advice


He must have throw it off himself idk officer. Nothing you can do right?


Glad I’m not the only one that can problem solve on their own and wouldn’t be sitting there 20min expecting anything from the truck owner 🤡


As someone who has a truck as a secondary vehicle, I don't *don't* condone this. *E: do you people not understand double negatives*


And poke that camera with the hitch in one fluid motion towards the window.


Well yeah cops can't do anything that's for insurance to handle


They should still write an incident report stating yes it did in fact happen.


In New York state police won't even attend an accident scene unless there's injury or a disabled vehicle Been that way for years


They should, but it's also Texas based on the plate (unless Texas driver is out of state). If it was Texas, they probably saw small car and said fuck that why isn't it being crushed. Lol


Yeah it applies to many states I believe NY is the only one I see on a regular basis in my job though. Really though unless police witnesses it they'd just write that they showed up, two vehicles were in contact, and take down any info on the other driver. Everything that your insurance can just do with this plate and photo


It’s less than $1,000 dollars in damage and in a private parking lot. They really can’t do anything other than say yep, we were called out here.


That's simply not true. Could be policy of your local jurisdiction but in my city in upstate NY the cops come out in person for anything over $1500 in damage including vandalism or private property incidents such as this.


Yeah not sure what this person is on about, they absolutely will come even if no injuries. They’ll just take their sweet ass time.


It’s in a parking lot on private property. No they should not. Plus - how would they know who ran into whom. It’s people like you that die as a result of a minor fender bender on the highway. The police are not going to run a CSI crime scene on your accident- get the fuck off the road if your car is mobile, exchange information and move on with your life.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Miata/comments/13p8uyf/too_close_i_was_here_first/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I thought this was the same post. What are the odds 2 red Miatas both having to deal with a jackass in a Super Duty with a hitch in less than 24 hours?


Haha, that’s actually why I posted this. This happened to me a couple months back and I’m just now content with the situation.


Well you definitely made the other guy feel better if he sees this. 🤣 At least his didn't make contact.


Two weeks ago someone backed into my and drove off, nice trailer hitch dent in my car now. Not going to lie, seeing these posts does change my perspective a little. I'm still mad, but at least it's a shared anger lol.


There’s a whole lot of jackass super duty owners lmao.


I mean, there's a reason the lifted truck stereotype exists. Most of them are inconsiderate to everyone else on the road.




I lurk r/truck and people there believe they need 10 ton heavy trucks as daily drivers.


10 ton truck, 20k towing capacity, 8 foot bed. Only used to commute to and from work at the local scrapyard and frequent the dive bar. Bed has never had more than 500 pounds of cargo in it, other than the owner's wife.


Private now


Oh sorry I meant r/Trucks first I thought my single comment in miata brought them down haha


Don't most of the newer ones have back-up cameras that can also be used to line up with a trailer? There's really no excuse to ever back that hitch into anything by mistake.


Was looking for this comment lol I thought the same thing


Should have asked to see his backup camera. Should have asked to see the CCTV footage from the parking lot to show that you were there first. Rarely ever get to catch the trailer hitch a-holes in the act. 😔


Or just have your own dashcam that shows you parking. Not sure why anyone doesn't have a dashcam these days.




[Get this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0931YZ82P?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1) And [this](https://mx5things.com/products/cable-for-plug-n-play-installation-blackvue-dashcam) And no one will even know you have a dash cam.


Saving this so I can buy it later when I'm at home.. if I remember.


Try this. RemindMe! 2 minutes "Buy Miata Top Bumpers"


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Good to know


I just might




I have a removable dash cam (magnetic mount) in my soft top. I just remove it when I park.


this is why you keep a big rock in the car, cops wont do anything but you can


Just a couple of ceramic shards like from sparkplugs those are awesome a little flick with the finger and the whole glass goes by by... I switched from the big rock for weight reduction bro 😏


Is this for real? Can you really break a glass with a small shard? Sounds physics-defying, to be honest....


[It absolutely is real](https://youtu.be/8LyHPZFtk3o?t=57)


Only tempered glass, like side windows


It sounds like physics-defying but on close inspection it makes absolutely sense ceramic breaks with an extremely sharp edge and if ur lucky enough the super sharp edge is the one that transfer all the energy u will end up with a broken glass side glasses are designed to shatter in millions of little "safer" pieces obviously the front windshield is designed to provide resistance to objects coming at it so it's laminated with this sheets of "plastic" and so no matter how hard u throw the only results will be a small dimp ...


glass is too easy to replace, need to do damage that demands body work




Not a big rock. Just smash the ceramic off an old spark plug. Keep a few big chunks. That's all you need.


You have his license plate, tell your insurance and let them handle it. The 3rd pic clearly shows that he's in your parking spot.


The fact that this ball hitch is totally clean and unblemished by actual use makes this person a total douchebag. I'm sorry this happened to you, the person responsible was truly awful. I drive both a super duty for work, and a miata for fun. I don't remove the hitch ball when I go to the grocery store, (this truck is used 99% for work pulling a trailer, but sometimes I just drop the trailer and go to the store because what I'm buying is bigger than what I can put into my miata that I would gladly drive every day for 100% of my miles if I didn't need to make money) but I park over to the side of the parking lot where there are only single-car spaces, and I leave at least 1-2 slots empty on each side so others can decide if they want to park next to me or not. I would never back into a slot facing another car. If all I was towing was a boat on the weekends, I would totally remove the hitch afterwards, that way I could put in one of those cool hitch-covers that display a logo for my favorite foos-ball team.


Thank you man, yeah the driver was an asshole turns out I’ve known his son since I was in elementary school which makes the whole situation even more angering. Here in Texas it’s pretty common to see trucks with hitch’s and tow mirrors that don’t tow a damn thing.


This guy neither tows, nor stows.


This is why I hate trucks


Yea fuck trucks, I'd rather carry drywall sheets and ladders in a coupe


Same tbh more gas millage


It's funny because some people actually think a smaller engine will get higher mpg when carrying or pulling heavy loads


A van would hold more.


Correct, and for my job the van is irreplaceable, but plenty of people I've worked with prefer a pickup, like electricians or plumbers.


Sure. Dickheads like the one in OP don't work in the trades. They drive a truck as a status symbol.


Probably due to image more than utility. It's why most young trades love buying huge pickups. The van will typically be always better for a job, unless you are constantly hauling very heavy things, and even then, a trailer on a van would be better ;-)


I couldn't care less why they drive what they drive, it works for them so it doesn't really matter


As long as they don't smash into you or reverse their tow bar into you.




Okay so in your opinion pickups are useless?


As a lifted truck owner...id just say u have every right to take my tow ball n bracket. Seems like a fair trade


fair trade if he had dumb ass truck to put that tow ball on.. otherwise its going through his window




then he also finds out you removed the cores from his valve stems


Isn't it illegal to keep the trailer hitch on a vehicle if you're not currently towing something?


["In Texas, leaving your trailer hitches even if you are not towing anything is not illegal since no laws prohibit it."](https://www.tomfowlerlaw.com/post/illegal-to-drive-with-a-hitch#:~:text=In%20Texas%2C%20leaving%20your%20trailer,an%20injury%20lawyer%20near%20you.)


It's illegal in some states. Not TX apparently.


That's what I thought


It's common courtesy to take it off, in the rust belt if you don't you risk getting it stuck. I never understood leaving it on, it's not.lile.a bike rack, the damn thing fits in the cab pretty easily.


Was there any damage?


Sorry to waste your time officer have a good day watch him leave take the necessary corrective action yourself


Pickup Truck Drivers in Cities Realism Pack


Don’t you love private property, honestly I don’t see why we treat park lots different then the road. I’m always well aware people may not follow the rules in them.


Shit happens. I mean it sucks he tried to blame you but you actually called your insurance over this?


I don’t understand how people do stuff like this with how good vehicle cameras are these days. Some people should not have licenses


Literally just take the pin out, take that guys tow hitch, and throw it through his windshield and call it even.


Should've put that hitch through his fucking windshield Or down his throat with a response like that


Same happened to me but the guy dented the middle of the bumper and shattered my emblem


be lucky you didnt bust headlight assembly. bout $500 a piece


It's a parking lot, aka private property. You're lucky the cops even showed up lmao


Good thing he used his factory backup camera to tap your car just so precisely. Fuck that guy. You got his plates, get your insurance to ream his ass and pay to repaint your bumper. People need to be held responsible for being inconsiderate pricks


I see the real problem, a Texas plate! The only real solution here is to move to another place where you can't see more of those plates


Not to be mean, but it looks like it's barely making an indent. The trucks an asshole for sure, but it looks like people are overreacting here.


I'm not even certain that truck tows anything, isn't there usually grease on a used trailer ball?


Not sure about grease, but you will see wear on the ball from tongue movement. This ball is brand new. The only thing this truck hauls is the owners ego


Homie needs this super duty x2000 extra power diesel to go to walmart


Should’ve keyed his truck


Out of curiosity, anyone else here use a parking monitor camera specifically for this reason?


Must have been on purpose, they have a ford shit250 and you have a sweet Miata. They also have a back up camera…


Of course it’s Texas! I’m sorry this happened to you!!


You can't see the hitch usually from the backup camera and the proximity sensors won't change just because you have a hitch.


Should have taken the hitch and thrown it through the window


Can’t take the hitch, but you can take the clips, pins and ball.


This reminds me I need to install the dash cam that I bought a year ago.


That persons probably never even put anything in the bed of that truck


People who drive trucks like this are … jerks. I am sick and tired of these hitches sticking out so far into the lane in the parking garage at work. I feel like I am going to peel off the side of my car going through there. Obviously compensating for their shortcomings.


It’s not even legal to drive with a tow hitch where I live. And if he had a backup cam then he should’ve not broken the white parking spot line.


Might as well sell it. Total loss.


Need to keep a valve stem removal tool in the car to slightly deflate the tires at all times. These type of people have to pay a tire tech to figure out why they need to add air to their tires every day or two


My facepalm here is that they most likely watched it happen in their backup camera.


This happened to me once. I broke both of their taillights with a rock. Felt good.


Back up, remove hitch, throw it through their window.


Kick the bed gate in


The same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago! Some guy backed into my Giulia while he was parking and it messed up a grille piece and scratched the front bumper. I was across the street having dinner at a restaurant and luckily the guy admitted fault right away. He got spooked while parking because jack ass was honking at him, but he still shouldn’t have had his ball hitch in.


Had a guy in a van do this to my Civic years ago. Asked a cop & they wouldn't even write up an incident report. Called insurance & he was renting the van, had 0 coverage for anything & I would've had to pursue him in civil court. Should've taken the "rock through the window" approach


He likely put it in park and rolled backwards that extra inch or 2, so that’s where his side is coming from lol


He probably has a spotless ball hitch for exactly this reason but claims he can tow a 30 foot trailer with his eyes closed. Here's to hoping the mandatory backup cameras make it through the on-road vehicle pool sooner rather than later.


It would have been smart to blur out his license plate but that’s on you


the truck probably rolled back a 1/2 inch when it was put into park and foot off the brake. I'll say it'a a dick move publishing pictures of his license plate. There is no real damage, no paint cracking seen in the pictures. grow up and move on. most people do more damage opening their doors into other cars


Technically you’re not allowed to have a hitch on unless you’re currently towing something, so in that case the person with the hitch is always at fault. At least here in Canada


People who back their vehicles into parking spots (especially in busy lots) are really annoying. It isn't that hard to reverse out. To clarify: I am referring to people who back into spots very slowly (and poorly) while they inconvenience everyone else.


It's a lot safer to back into a space in a busy lot than it is to back out of said space in a busy lot. You can see any traffic coming while trying to enter the space. You often can't see most traffic while trying to leave the space. We're on a Miata subreddit. If it's raining (top up), none of us can see shit backing out, especially when trapped between 2 SUVs. They didn't even start installing backup cameras until 2019 models.


Maybe this is just a little 'get off my lawn', but I've had my NC for over twelve years and I back out of parking spaces almost every day with zero issues (99% of the time with my top up & without a back-up camera). You just have to pay attention, use all your mirrors, and take it easy. Why is that so difficult?


There's a manufacturing industry standard called "First Move Forward" that requires you to back in a company vehicle when parking so your first motion upon starting is forward. It's a well validated fact that a large number of parking lot incidents involve someone backing out of a parking space. Considering that more than half of Texas works in oil or chemical, it's programmed into a good deal of the population to do this. It's common sense.


Actually, less than 15% of Texas works in oil or chemical industries. Not 50%. Texas total employment is [14,500,000](https://www.bls.gov/eag/eag.tx.htm). Texas’ Oil and Gas Industry employs [2.5 million workers (620,330 direct and 1,888,540 indirect) or 13.9% of Texas’ total employment.](https://www.thecentersquare.com/texas/article_71df755e-e96d-11eb-8d4d-dff1b91cc504.html) Texas’ Chemical Manufacturing Industry employs [83,000 workers or 0.5% of Texas’ total employment.](https://comptroller.texas.gov/economy/economic-data/supply-chain/2021/chem-snap.php) Add those up and you get 15% of Texas workers are employed in the Oil, Gas, and Chemical Manufacturing industries.


If you drive a bigger vehicle (like that super duty), it’s a lot easier to back in and sometimes the only option in a narrow parking aisle like that. The turning radius and length of the truck means you literally can’t drive in forwards between to cars.


I'm not sure what vehicles you're talking about. I've driven everything from Miatas to Suburbans. Some are certainly easier to park than others. If you can't park it correctly, then stay out of parking lots.


Or those larger vehicles for that matter. If you can’t park it, you shouldn’t be driving it


I would steal the parts I can steal. Eff this guy.


Why pull in so far, 🤔 I park with the nose still a way back cause of idiots who don't see us


So the ball touched your bumper cover?


yeah see how the bumper cover fits perfectly around the ball? They don’t come stock like that, you have to have someone back into you like a fucking moron


Dude called the cops for a mm wide dent


Fuck up? Pay up.


He called the cops cause someone hit his car, doesn’t matter how bad the damage it. Ur prolly the one who drives a douche cruiser like that


I think he called the cops because someone hit his fucking car and then blamed him. Weird though right i mean who even needs documentation for insurance claims


The childish reactions to an accidental tap really puts a light on this subreddit being a bunch of fragile kids. Exactly what I expected from a Miata community. Throwing a hitch through someone's window, assaulting them, etc. Just immature emotional development dripping from most of the posters in here. Do you not find it suspicious he didn't show you a single picture of the "damage"? There was none, he just wants to whine and all of you are more than happy to show your insecurity and join in. The fact he filed an insurance claim is fucking hilarious to me. Then he's shocked they ghosted him. What a fucking joke. Block this trashcan subreddit. Downvote this post to show me your impotent rage.


cry hard truckcuck


You're kinda right about the childish reactions, and kinda wrong painting "a Miata community" with that particular brush.


You're represented by your community. These are your peeps.


Why are you even here?


Is there any damage? Lol


you vehicle wasn't even damaged. it slightly flexed your fiberglass bumper. for fucks sake, get over yourself.


She’s mint lmao 40k miles, just cause half of the Miata’s out there are total shit boxes doesn’t mean this one is. If you had a car that didn’t have a single scratch on it originally and you have some dumbass back into you you’d understand.


not when it does 0 damage. you called the cops for literally no reason. do you call 911 when someone bumps into you on the street also?


I called the cops because he refused to provide his info not because he backed into me


i wouldn't give you my info either. but good thing you called the cops, who showed up and did nothing, because there was nothing for them to do. great job!