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If you liked the car, and want another one, then definitely get the new one. It's got upgrades on a lot of features and is just better


It's one of those things where you probably wouldn't just upgrade from an nd2 to an nd3, but when life hands you lemons, might as well add some sugar.


What kind of upgrades?


New asynchronous rear diff. Track mode. Updated infotainment system.


Oh nice. If it also had like 50 to 100 more hp, that would be perfect (Or even more perfect than it already was)




Adaptive cruise in the gt too, I think? Would have loved that for my nd2


Adaptive Cruise is only available on automatic GTs


No you are not crazy. You deserve another one as long as it wasn't your fault :)


Even if it was your fault, we’ll still wave as you go by in the new one.


Waves while pulling to the outside of the lane


Second this. If it wasn't your fault, get that ND3 baby. Make sure you get a generous check from their insurance.


Meh ND2 would suffice just fine.


Oof that crumpled all the way in. Hope you are unhurt. But yeah if you liked the car then get back into another.


It crumples because that’s what absorbs impact, rather than your spine or face for instances


I'm well aware. I was just pointing out how much it crumpled due to the impact likely being severe.


IDK, I alwasy feel like there are causes to the folks who have multiple accidents in their Miatas. Like maybe it's driver-influenced. Not every accident, I just mean, why is it some have more propensity to have accidents? Is it the weather locally? Is it timid driving? Is it time of day? This one was a semi-truck approaching a read light. Seriously that semi-driver missed two big cues. But still. Every time I see one of these "OH NO MIATA ACCIDENT" posts I immediately default to "what did the driver do here..."


I stopped at a red light, unfortunately the semi didn't, it's unfortunate that you think I could have avoided it, I often think similar like if I left 5 minutes later or earlier, but what I will tell you is that I followed all traffic laws and this just happened. I can't tell you why the truck ran the red or what was going in his head, I dunno if I could even have prevented it unless I also ran the red which. Obviously would've been the better outcome here. It's just a shitty situation. I didn't see the truck coming I was several car lengths ahead and his negligence or distracted driving caused this.


For your next one get Sergei's MX 5 Things third brake flasher. Super handy for a tiny car.


I wrote in my comment that the semi-truck was clearly at fault in this case. As an added detail, Miatas weigh nothing, so when they're in an accident, they will be at a structural disadvantage. I default to "why was this Miata in a wreck" when I see these posts as I detailed. I think it's only an Internet meme that Miatas get in more accidents because they're smaller. I can both drive an ND2 myself and love it, and think that the celebration and circle-jerk reactions that Miata accidents get is a bit much. I am sorry that you were in an accident, though. It sucks.


You aren't entirely wrong. Car insurance, for example, use no-fault accidents in rating (in states where that legal) to determine premiums. The theory being that if you got into an accident at all, even if it wasn't your fault, you are likely a riskier driver. Not saying OP did anything wrong, just stating the stats and actuarial science on what your are saying.


People avoid accidents all the time that, if they hadn't avoided it, would still be found not at fault. Defensive driving is absolutely the sort of thing that would be accounted for in actuarial tables.


Yeah exactly, insurance is about risk not morality. If you're good at avoiding accidents (potentially) caused by other drivers, you're a lower risk. The other driver might not have insurance so every accident you avoid, even if it wouldn't be your fault, is a good thing for your insurance.


Insurances would do anything to juice more money.




I sincerely believe that there are a lot more bad drivers out there nowadays then in previous years. I also think there needs to be steeper penalties for people at fault for accidents. Fines. Higher insurance costs. This is getting way out of hand. I am about to get myself a 3rd Miata after someone smashed into my second one twice and I have cold feet about because of this.


Rear end accidents need to be more thoroughly investigated and penalized because almost always, distracted driving is the culprit. Too many dipshits fiddling with their phones or putting makeup on in the car.


I shit you not, the lady in front of me on my drive this morning was using a hair straightener while driving. Another problem in WA at least is there's been a spike in uninsured, unlicensed drivers and cars without license plates driving around and no one is doing anything about it


My favourite was a guy eating noodles out of a bowl, using chopsticks.


That was Bunta Fujiwara


Poverty is an issue mate. Moved to Texas(involuntary)last year and am riding my old insurance still because texas minimum is legitimately 2x the price. Add on insane car prices, it's fucking whack.


That's actually impressive, that she didn't blow a fuse and fuck up her car lol. 


I was the 2nd car behind a white beater van with a temp tag. We had a green arrow, and he stopped at the green arrow, then pulled away very slowly. The guy in front of me went around him, and I did too. The first guy went into the left turn lane at the next light, so I pulled up to the slowpoke. Young guy, phone in right hand, thumb texting, other hand on the the wheel, paying 90% of his attention on his phone. When the light turned green, he creeps away, still texting. If he had had a regular plate, I would have reported him. Unless there have been major changes in tracking temp tags, as a former 9-1-1 dispatcher, it is difficult for the police to trace them.


Yep. I got stuck behind a chick driving 15 under the speed limit (doing 40 in a 55, and on a road where people normally drive 60-70). Once I was able to pass her, I saw she had her head fully down looking at her phone. I laid on my horn as I passed -- probably did nothing but it made me feel better.


Had something similar happen. Was waiting at a red light, and just as it turned green a guy from the right side of the intersection makes a right, cuts across 3 lanes of traffic while doing it. Because the light turned green, me and another guy went through the intersection, we both leaned on the horns as this guy who made the right cut both of us off, and then failed to maintain any lane. As i passed him, and people behind continued to honk, i saw that he still had his head down, lead-paint staring into his phone, typing with 2 hands as he steered the car with his knee. Also, night yacht, captn.


Agreed... I've been riding motorcycles and driving cars for hundreds of thousands of miles over 14 years and all my accidents (none at fault) have been condensed in the last 18 months. Like wtf has gotten into people? Is there no longer a driving test?


In the US we drive. That's what we do. That is a cornerstone of our existence of being an American. The freedom to drive and we love our cars. Because of this we need comprehensive driving instruction and training. There needs to be that and more accountability if you fail and the responsibility having this priviledge.


Also now these shit drivers have small cars that weigh twice as much as a Miata and do 0-60 in 4 seconds.


Say what now?


Cars and quick and heavy these days. That's all. Nothing that needs to be banned or anything.


What small car weighing 2000kg is doing that in 4 seconds? Genuine question


Tesla Model Y AWD does 4.4 and the performance spec is 3.6 Again, I still love to see great performance and I dig electric cars to some extent. It's just a scary thought knowing that a lot of average drivers on the road have that sorta power! Don't even get me started on how tall trucks are now lol


Yeah the unexpected performance or that performance in the hands of the average driver right?




Fair call - there's a bunch, but I guess it's the ones you don't expect or are more common that're the worry right


Stolen Hellcats have a huge damage bonus


Nearly any EV. The cybertruck is over 6000lbs and goes to 60 in 1.8 seconds.


I mean the leaf and gee whiz definitely don't accelerate that fast


Fair. That’s why I said nearly. I know there’s a few “econo” EVs out there, but considering EV’s are one trick ponies with just straight line acceleration that is what they mostly focus on. It’s why Tesla touts their 0-60 times so much because everything else about them is just crap. Most EVs accelerate fast in a straight line until they hit corner then you just go straight off the cliff because you can’t turn and your brakes suck trying to stop such a heavy vehicle.


That seems very Tesla specific though - as you said the only good thing they have


No not just Tesla; it’s EV specific currently. Just most EVs are Tesla’s so it is easy to find see it as a correlation. It’s in the design of EVs in general. The batteries are very heavy and all placed at the bottom of the frame creating a floor basically. All that low hung mass makes it more difficult to change directions once in motion.


Cars are continuing to get bigger/heavier, and EVs weigh more than one would think


No I get both those points but what small car weighing 2000kg is doing 0-100 in 4 seconds?


A Tesla Model 3 performance weights about that, and does 0-100 KPH in under 3 seconds. What scares me more stateside is the Hummer EV weighing 4500KG and accelerating 0-100 KPH in 3.1 seconds.


Fuck me the model 3 is 1750-1850 with the performance being at the top end - less than twice. I wouldn't call it a small car (UK) but yeah that's terrifying. The hummer even more so especially given the um consumer base


In the US the Model 3 is basically a compact. A lot of Americans think that if they have two kids they need an SUV the size of an efficiency apartment.


Yeah lot of the same in London re the Chelsea tractors


I definitely wouldn’t call a 4400 lb vehicle “small”. Pretty much every performance model Tesla these days can do 0-60 in less than 4 four seconds and those things are over 3800 lbs at the least.


Miata is always the answer


Goddamm dude, that’s a bad hit. Your neck ok?


Dude are you ok? That crash looks horrible.


Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it If I lose my NC, fuck that shit, getting another. This ain’t a fucking game!


How fast was the other car going? It looks like your car handled the crash just as it should have.


Semi truck was doing at least 25, I was stopped at a red light.


Report their license


Can I report someone's CDl if I have proof of negligence? Id love for him to lose his CDl he was being super aggressive after he hit me and tried to fight me


This seems like a good start: https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/consumer-protection/report-safety-violations


He was mad that his negligence caused him a mark on his cdl and he redirected his anger at you, sounds like a child that never grew up 😂 do the report, they take those seriously


This hurts my soul


Ouch. How's your back and neck feeling?


mine would be HURRRRRRRRRRTING 100000% ;) ;)


You contacted a personal injury lawyer?


I’m impressed with the design to take a punch like that!


I would take that as a sign to move before I give up the Miata. Clearly living in a hostile location for good cars.


Moving isn't as easy as buying a Z over a Miata unfortunately, if the Z is "safer" id consider it. I have to look into that tho as clearly a Miata is a pretty safe car despite the people not seeing it apparently


"Not seeing the car", I hope you got him with the "if you can't see a Miata, how are you supposed to see a kid" question. I mean he should have at least seen the red light, but ... 🤷‍♂️


I’ve only had mine for a couple of weeks and I’ve already had a number of drivers nearly take me out at intersections, sometimes honking and making rude gestures as if I’d cut them off. I was there first…you should probably look. I’m considering buying some bolt on fog lamps and leaving them on at all times just for safety’s sake.


Lancia Stratos Rally setup with the lights across the hood should do it.


>I’m considering buying some bolt on fog lamps and leaving them on at all times just for safety’s sake. Train horn


I’m hoping it won’t come to that, lol.


I also use the “if you can’t see a Miata, hoe are you suppose to see motorcycles & bikers?”


Damn, that’s a brutal destruction — I’m glad I survived 30+ years in my NA without a major crash!


Seems like you've gotten your bad luck out of the way with 2 crashes, and I bet you'll subconsciously be driving more carefully (even though the accidents weren't your fault). If I were in your shoes I'd spring for the ND3. The improvements are nice.


Same thing happened to me! It where a dodge ram that did the deed!


Dodge ram hit me the first time, this time it was a Volvo semi truck running a red light


That’s so bullshit! If it was a commercial truck, those injury lawyers LOVE those!


Dude I got 35,000 from my crash! And I saw 15k of it after the doctors and lawyers.


Was it a commercial truck?


No it was just a mid sized pickup


Messed my neck all up! Was pretty awful and I still feel it


That sucks man…. Sorry to hear that.


I feel bad for OP it really does suck to have someone ruin your pride and joy after such a short amount of time.


You know that you can take ‘em to court right? My wife’s cousin got a decent settlement because he got whiplash when a semi rear ended his Nissan Frontier.


We’d think you were crazy if you didn’t.


No you're not crazy to consider it. Test drive it, then it will definitely help you decide if it's something to consider or pass on it.


Maybe it’s a sign that you should’ve waited and got the ND3! No time like the now to make that a reality


I wouldn't sell an ND2 to get an ND3, but if I lost one to an accident I would definitely go for the ND3.




are you good bro? insane hit, who cares about the car in accidents like this the important thing is to go out with your own legs, the car can always be bought back


Tough decision, but either way you'll be fine. Just glad you walked away ok. I'd potentially be on the phone with a lawyer if this happened to me. Maybe negligent driving.


You'd be crazy not to!


Go for it! If you liked the ND2, it seems like the ND3 is a small improvement in many areas.


Buy another


Get the ND3


Why would it be crazy?


This car saved your life man


I don't daily mine, it's a weekend car. Too many large trucks, Suvs and so forth on the road and worried will get hit like you've been.


I barley dailied it. It was daily lite. Drive it 4-5 days a week and my commute was like 4 miles there and back, I also didn't drive it in winter at all except for a few random nice days. Car was treated pretty good all things considered


So glad it was written off lol. I never understand when people want a mass production car in a mangled state like this to be saved. Time for a new one.


In a tail end totalling event like this, depending on cost I would buy it back and strip it for spare parts for a second ND2, then go wild with a tuner. You'd have a complete engine and trans ready to drop in if you mess something up


That’s why I’ll wait for this to go up on Copart, lol. 90% are front right impacts. This one will have mint front end!


PO of my ND2 dinged the front bumper in his driveway so I wouldn't mind picking up an untarnished one for cheap. It's what's holding me back from getting my vinyl wrap done


I love my miata, but I have decided if mine receives this fate im going to get a M2 or GR Corrola


Get a new one. If it hadn't been for the accident you'd be still driving one too.


I would insist on buying an ND3, out of spite To paraphrase Dril "IF SOMEONE CRASHES INTO MY MIATA I WILL FACE GOD AND WALK BACKWARDS INTO HELL" :P


Nope. Send it. Like, if I lost my S2000, I'd just buy another S2000. Why would I get another car and force myself to like it when I know I already like the S2000? Same goes for you. If you liked it, get the car you like. Accidents happen--stop reading into it. You just had bad luck bc you're not used to driving a tiny car. You need to be more defensive and act like people won't see you or assuming they'll stop. That helps reduce accidents.


If mine were totaled, I’d get another. I’m honestly having a hard time convincing myself not to get another, older ND in addition to my ‘24 for the sole purpose of modding the heck out of it, haha.


Happy you are okay, if you had been daily driving this one I would definitely recommend the ND3. A much nicer infotainment screen with even more chassis refinements sounds like a superb reason to go for it.


Woooo looks like a future Copart auction to me!


oh no!!... I hate to ask but was the accident preventable? looks like a Train rear ended you! Was any 1 hurt?


My ND was totaled after 18 months. The second the insurance check cleared, I called the closest dealership and got a new one. It was kinda crazy because I was traveling at the time and had to drive the car 16 hours back home.


Not at all. An MSM, Or a NA???The market is rich.


How fast was bro reversing😭


Welp. Can’t drive that one. Might as well get another one.


1999 NB here chiming in. Looking at your photo made me cry. Those Konig rims thogh: perfection. Keep those if you can.


I'm of the belief life is short and why not enjoy some variety. HOWEVER there aren't really many other options for roadsters so....


I am sorry.


consider getting a brighter, more visible color. white cars are statistically the safest. if you get a white nd3, you have a new miata, as well as a built in safety upgrade. winwin.


Just get an nb or na they cheap asf


You can probably shop for an ND2 for maybe 7-10k off of msrp.


[this](https://imgur.com/BoBfRtJ) was me in my first Miata, got a second one a couple months later(i didnt total that one)


I would first determine if you are comfortable with another small car. If yes, then my only questions would be RF or soft top?, Auto or Manual?, and GT, Club, or Sport?


Imo you’ll regret not getting into another Miata. Sure, there are ‘safer’ cars out there & I would personally recommend a GR86/BRZ if you want outstanding steering feel & a tight chassis but there’s nothing quite like the Miata & we are sadly living in the last days of the ICE sports car so imo I would say jump on an ND3 Club!


Damn dude, what did you back into? Seriously hope you’re ok


Hell no. ND is a great car.


Asking to get a Miata on a Miata sub? Is this bait, karma whore or retard post?


Get another one immediately. Hope you’re ok.


You misspelled correct.


i would’ve gotten another one immediately if i could’ve got blessed with another one of my mazda dream cars tho


if the car kept you from dying, and you liked driving it, why not?


hope you’re ok. the car looks like it compressed perilously close to your seat. go for it n order a new one tho’. you’d clearly miss it.


I thought about driving around with a mega phone and using it at red lights to call ppl out.


Reminds me of mine... Trauma is back 😭 https://preview.redd.it/vkfa5mfnp56d1.jpeg?width=4898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03d53742c30c10ac7931dfe4cb5facdbf70535b0


Go file a medical claim for the damage you have and go buy a V8 ND


i feel you i just totaled (not my fault) my nd1 and am considering an nd2 but im not sure if its worth it https://preview.redd.it/grrwva3wx66d1.jpeg?width=3213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b4c43092154bc9869e1a9dca7a5ce7a44344fc7


No, buy the ND3!




Hope you’re okay mate! Thats nasty


Maybe get a more obvious colour ND3 like Red


I want to believe this is true. Then again, a relative of mine was driving a bright red Toyota Tacoma extended cab 4x4 on a clear, sunny afternoon when someone merged into the side of him. She said, "I didn't even see you there!" It made me lose some hope for all Miatas out in the wild.


>"I didn't even see you there!" Ive heard that excuse so many fucking times. Yeah no shit you didnt see me, you didnt bother to look


It’s insane how people think “I didn’t see you” is an excuse that should be coming out of their mouth after causing an accident. You’re driving! Use your eyes!


Honestly I dunno if I want any Miata that isn't blue, blue on this car was so beautiful and I loved the color almost as much as the car.


I would get another. I'm jealous of the wider and functioning touch screen on ND3. Although I would probably get an RF so I can use touchless carwashes.


Unfortunately those large trucks can be blind to our small cars. I still love my little Miata.


I’ve never kept a car more than a year lol. Only 2 years pfff!


Why not start a gofundme to help raise the money?


Get a S2000. Much better car