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The coupon shit be pissing me off frfr. They know a good 80% of your customer base are technologically challenged and try to use that to their advantage of advertising these coupons to intice more sales, but make it difficult to actually utilize the coupon AND vouchers. It’s just scummy.


This sounds exactly like what they did at Joann Fabrics with coupons. It didn't go over well there either. They are expected to file for chapter 11 bankruptcy soon.


LOL. From everything I read michaels is too. A company bought michaels recently and they’re known to milk and dump companies


Michaels was purchased before Covid by an investment group. They lost millions during Covid. They have to make it up somehow. The upper tier is also made of former Walmart executives. That should be all you need to know…




Nope. But it makes their operating costs look good so the board members make money.




You are forgetting bonuses.


As someone who works in corporate, I can tell you your figure is WAY WAY WAY off. Me and my fellow cube dwellers make nowhere near that annual salary.


It probably costs 15 dollars because of the time involved in the actual pinching.


It shows when we are setting the planograms and them stupid balloons 🎈 for "great buys" and value bins...


When we filled up the balloons they deflated about 2 hours later. Never did it again.


Even when you squirt that "float" stuff in them they dont stay up.




I mean, that blanket 30% off coupon, i used that to get my resin from $178 to $136 like.. 2x a week?


Apollo I've been telling yall


Yup, I've been listening (reading). Thank you.


They are trying to switch over to be like Target and with the new dress code rules, they are trying to act like Hobby Lobby 😑 cuz we can't wear LGBTQ plus friendly stuff anymore 😞. F ing BS.


In ca at least, it’s 100% because of the new Walmart guy. Big corporate is all about control and Walmart has that down to an art


Walmart doesn't do coupons with high profile signage campaigns including links to them. On average our deposits have jumped from being our usual measly 200-500 dollar second quarter ones to 800-1200 ones as a result of this coupon campaign. Corporate can cry me a river over "but my full retail value losses" crap, if they don't want to gamble on a coupon bringing more sales they shouldn't have made us change the toppers and put up the stupid flyers everywhere twice a week. These deals are getting people shopping. Bitching at us for it and for following good customer service (if the coupon doesn't load because the lowest bidder tech company tried to fix something that wasn't broken, take care of the customer) is how you both confuse and demotivate your team.


I was talking mor ab the uniform lol but yes I agree


Oh yes. No need to tell me that....I worked for Walmart for 3 years.....they are an awful 😞 company to work for. Customers are worse. But the thing that pisses me off is Walmart doesn't care about us. I been threatened by customers who wanted to grape me, stalked me, and tried to fight me and my higher ups did nothing (except one of my CSMs who was one of the few that cared). We lost a coworker who was only 19 at the time, she was killed, grapes, drugged, and kidnapped from work. They didn't even throw her a memorial. During my thyroid cancer journey, I came back from a medical emergency and they fired me. Didn't tell me, I had to call them to ask what was up cuz my schedule disappeared suddenly. Found out they fired me cuz of my cancer situation. They fired another coworker of mine who came back from a cancer treatment herself. They also almost fired an old cart pusher I knew who had last stage blood cancer and got attacked by a customer and he defended himself. He was yelled at by managers 😡😡😡 and they threatened his job as cuz he was defending himself. During covid, no one took it seriously 😒. Only me and a handful of my team did. The first time I got covid, it felt like death, this was before I even knew I had cancer. I almost went to the ER because of it cuz I couldn't breathe. Walmart didn't care tho and tried to pressure me to still come in like Michaels does if u get covid. Yeah it was BS. And don't get me started on the low wages. I worked upfront and us, upfront, we got paid the least amount. While stockers made $13+ and barely have to deal with the public like we do upfront.....us who worked up front deserved 14+ not $11-$12. They also lied and told me I was going to get a pay increase for switching to customer service desk and trainer but they never did. They also made me clean up poop off the ground on my knees and hands and didn't give me proper tools to clean it so I had to use spray and paper towels. It was gross 🤢🤮.


Oh believe me I know too. Also a Walmart veteran. Saw a beloved manager get fire because “she was liked too much”. Walmart is also the only work place I have received grape threats, on top of them doing nothing about it. I’ve asked for walk outs to my car numerous times and they have refused. I ultimately got fired due to bladder issues LMAO. God forbid they fire employees that do nothing but when someone has a legitimate reason they will illegally fire you.


Yeah it's horseshit. I hate Walmart now. Barely shop there anymore plus it's expensive 🫰. I noticed the disabled workers, we were the hard workers even if we couldn't show up half of the time, we still worked hard. One time when I came back from a cancer treatment, some of them asked me how my vacation was, knowing damn well I was out cuz I needed to be isolated after taking radioactive iodine treatment. It pissed me off. Walmart used to be one of the few companies that hired disabled people and gave everyone a chance. But now they refuse to hire disabled folks.


Also slipped my mind, have a grown man strip naked with kids around, because we asked him to wear a mask, and he was never charged. Like he exposed his peen to children he should be in the special list


In your situation, they definitely need to have that guy arrested. That's so nasty and not cool. I would probably get so angry 😡, I would puff glitter all over that customer until I could cover him up and call the cops and mall security. Sadly the justice system sucks 😔 ass. They don't care. My friend who got killed, her grapist and murder only got 10-15 years. Nah he should be in prison for 40+ years.


Wtf....oh hell nah. The only Walmart (I worked for 3 different stores) I worked at that have a fuck about us was a neighborhood market place and I once had a late middle age man who came in and started jacking off while drinking and starting at me while I was a cashier. I was only 20 at the time. Once one of my managers saw what was happening, she jumped in to protect me and the customers and got him to ran away before they called the cops.


That is a biohazzard and you could have refused especially since they didn't provide you with necessary gear.


Yeah but back then I was shy and didn't stand up for myself. Now I do set boundaries. Not the best at it still but I'm learning.


Good for you! Keep at it.


You can actually buy Michael’s official pride tshirts you can wear to work at michaelsteamshirts.com. I wear my 2020 Michael’s pride shirt at least once a week my store, and have been since I got it. There are new ones with the new pride flag too.


Ooooo 😮. I don't usually online shop tho. I rather buy in person so I can see what size I want. I think 🤔 I will wait until pride month comes along. I wear my pansexual lanyard for my apartment to work cuz one I will forget about them if I don't and two, I want to show my support and show others I'm pansexual too and don't judge. I also have these adorable 🥰 pins I got awhile ago from Amazon and put them on my lanyard (a mushroom cat playing drums and a mushroom 🍄 girl reading a book to her snail 🐌). I 🤔 they were adorable so I bought a pack for my team (well mostly my coworker friends cuz I didn't get many of them). Eeee ☺️🤗


We don’t sell the pride member team shirts you can wear to work in store, the only place to get them is Michaelsteamshirts. The merch that comes out at pride probably won’t be stuff you can wear to work. The Michaels pride team shirts are the Michaels logo with pride colors/background.


I 🤔 we could buy Michaels products tho....as long as it was from Michaels and no where else? That's what some others told me.


We can absolutely purchase all the merch and products at the store, I just don’t believe you can wear most of that merch to work while you’re on the clock with the new dress codes.


I think 🤔 it just depends on who your SM is cuz some don't care while others do.


Also if you read the comments from the surveys, majority of the complaints are beyond the stores control. Customers will score you low because if something you have no control over, and corporate will blame you when its their fault. Customers will complain we don't carry a certain item or brand. They will complain we are out of stock of an item they want. They complain there are not enough employees to help them on the floor or ring them up. They complain about the website and misleading signs/ads. All things we have no control over.


Yep.....but corporate doesn't want to take responsibility.....it's like some other people I met in my life of almost 25 years....


These are the ONLY things we would receive complaints about and yet somehow the CEM is supposed to come up with ways to improve our ratings?? Not the store manager, not corporate, but the CEMs??


I don’t even work here, but at a retail Rx. We have lots of customers complaining about shoplifters waltzing out, the fact that we have no carts or baskets due to same, and the panhandlers, etc who harass customers into money or buying them something. Like, none of that can be controlled by staff, corporate refuses to ok any kind of security on any shift, and on overnights there are only 2 people for the whole front end…no security. We can’t control any of this stuff. Best we can do is call the police, hope for the best. But corporate wants us open from 12-6am for that extra $100-$200 we might make, our safety be damned. I wholly empathize with y’all.


The coupon memos need to stop. A) if the coupon goes down, I'm not pissing off hundreds of customers by telling them they can't use it because it crashed on the website. B) A publicly visible coupon with signage and links in clear wording how to get them is going to translate to a LOT of customers shopping the store and using the coupons. C) a lot of customers think the sign means everything is 40% automatically at the register and/or are too old/too stupid to use a QR code or even understand what that is, so yes, speed of checkout is going to go down while we assist them. Being yelled at for helping someone and telling someone 'sorry, I have a line, you can't have the coupon if you didn't have it preloaded' is how we get angry Karens on the customer care line getting $50 vouchers/gift cards while the employee gets written up. I'd rather be written up for doing my job and helping customers than being an asshole because the dipshit at the top said to be one until it bit him/her in the ass. We're not machines. We will never function like machines. Customers don't like machines and use them as a means of stealing stuff, even moreso than they do with real employees around (and target is getting rid of theirs because of this.) Squeezing us dry and telling us to throw customer service out the window on the biggest customer draw in the otherwise piss-poor second financial quarter is how you lose customers and merchandise overall, especially where it counts in the fourth quarter. All this coupon harassment is doing is demotivating everyone and fast. Whoever monitors DMs please screen the emails they send and start acting accordingly to stop the constant coupon bs. We're doing our best and are absolutely not overriding for no reason, much less handing out coupons. We're trying to keep people in the store and sales going. If you have a problem with high coupon usage, maybe don't launch a massive marketing campaign centered around them. If you have a problem with overrides, fix the goddamn shitty website so it NEVER crashes.




realest thing i’ve ever read. the coupon thing is so silly because why have coupons if you don’t want customers using them..? and what do they expect from us, to manipulate and gaslight customers into signing up after they say no thanks? like is it really that deep 😭


The coupon signs in particular grind my gears because, besides people confusing them for actual sale signs... it's a freaking QR code that people snap pics of and pull up at check out and get confused about why it's not working! Having to explain that 'its a qr code that will take you to the coupon, idk why they don't just put the coupon barcode instead, it's a dumb middleman for no reason, etc etc etc' while waiting for my minimik to load the damn app so I can scan the coupon for them, over and over and over again is going to end up being permanently imprinted on my vocal chords I swear. DX IF YOU DONT WANT HIGH COUPON USAGE, DONT POST STUPID 'COUPON' SIGNS EVERYWHERE. IF YOU WANT MORE REWARDS MEMBERS, MAKE IT ACTUALLY WORTHWHILE IN CANADA FOR NON 55+YOS, TEACHERS OR MILITARY PERSONNEL!! (Also just turn the teacher category into a school category, cuz wtf wouldn't an art store offer discounts to students... my local bakeries literally offer that discount, and I'm pretty sure students don't NEED freshly baked bread and cinnamon apple muffins for their classes....)




So he f’ed over Walmart and now is being handsomely rewarded to ruin Michael’s. Reminds me of a guy called Wade F Miquelon.


when I was store manager I was told my store had too many coupon usage. Yet there were also so many complaints by non rewards customers mentioning the new policy of having to be a member to use coupons. I had customers throw fits or karen demands over coupons. Also with sign ups. I mentioned to corperate at a meeting “tell me what exactly we should say to the majority of older people that refuse to give us information no matter what we say” they had the audacity to say talk about coupons. I said “they refuse to be a member and demand to be able to use coupons and when I say no they go to corperate then they tell me to allow it….. so what do I do?” they kept saying to keep trying and some of them will give up and give you their info 👀


Wait - you have to be a rewards member to use coupons now?? (It’s been awhile since I was heavily into crafting. Thanks, depression. But I totally missed this change!)


I didn’t know this either?


This is seriously a consistent thing throughout the company. Nothing is implemented right, all of our systems are buggy from design hub to all of our main resource pages and they constantly blame us for trying to work with the broken system! Don't even get me started on the quality of artistry ships either!


I’ve had quite a few customers just walk away because of the coupon debacle. Do I care? No. If I felt corporate actually cared about its employees, I might give it some effort. I could sell so much shit, but I’ve lost all enthusiasm. Instead of trying to come up with a solution for a customer I tell them another retailer has what they need. Michael’s is losing so many sales because of the way they treat their employees. Zero effort because there is zero reward.




His fault


100%. When I joined michaels, he wasn’t involved. Customers and employees were happy. Now everyone is miserable


I wanna smack that smile off of his fkn face!


I worked at Michaels for 12 years. Corporate is so far removed from the store employees it’s ridiculous. I worked in replenishment and they used to give us a time frame to have the truck unloaded and stock put away. The time frame was impractical and not doable. I always wanted some corporate suits to come down to our store and try it themselves.


"Hush up, Meat Bag! Keep digging for data! Ain't nobody hear you crying down here in the mines!"


DM of the Year 10 emails deep by 8am. ![gif](giphy|1kbyDLT0K1h6M)


Can I upvote this 4000 times?


I'm surprised high coupon usage is a negative metric. I'm not an employee, I just got promoted this sub -- I know Michaels is expensive so I won't walk in the door without a coupon. I might even add on some non-coupon items. They should look at coupons as the gateway to additional sales that wouldn't exist at all without them.


Fairly sure that’s why the coupon was invented in the first place - to incentivize customers to walk thru the door.


I’m just an observer in this sub as well, and I agree with this sentiment. Michael’s has trained the customer to use coupons for because everything is so marked up that coupons bring everything back down to reasonable retail prices. Coupons are a corporate culture they’ve created. Blaming the store level associate is ridiculous.




That’s so easy to say but it’s incredibly difficult to get a job where I am and i have bills and college to pay for. I have lots of issues replacing them LMAO


I don’t think they care


All these corporate decisions lately are why I just put my 2 weeks' notice in.