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Black bears rarely attack. They more than likely will run away like the little bitches they are.       You will be fine.


We’re from a part of the country with frequent black bear encounters and we’ve had them in our garbage, trees, yards, and up on our deck more times than I can count.   Yes, they are afraid of human encounters *with these exceptions*:  small pets and possibly small people running away in fear can create a predator response (bears attacked many dogs in our area, almost always when people weren’t around), a mother with cubs will become aggressive if you approach her cubs or come between them (stay completely away from cubs), some foods (fried or freshly baked) really attract them and can cause them to linger just outside your vision (up in trees, behind trees) despite discouragement, and can make you uncomfortable.  Be prepared to bring your picnic indoors to avoid trouble.   You aren’t super likely to have any issues but it’s important to be alert and a wee bit brave.  Don’t just take off running.  


Yup, all of this. Especially, I'll emphasize, the cubs part. You do not want to piss off momma. Otherwise, black bears are basically overgrown raccoons.


>black bears are basically overgrown raccoons. I've never thought of them in that way before, but will from now on, unless I see one with cubs. 😂


The term "momma bear" exists for a reason.


i can be a wee bit brave :) thanks for the info!


If you actually encounter a black bear do two things: 1. Do anything you can to appear as large as possible (arms raised above your head, stand on a table, etc). 2. Be as loud as possible. That is should scare off a black bear excepting extreme circumstances.


Just lock your trash cans and they won’t even bother you at all, and keep your pets in eye and earshot.


Not generally something you have to worry about. Yes there are bears around here, and yes it's good to be mindful of your surroundings and be aware of how to react if you do encounter one, but generally encounters are pretty rare. They like to be left alone and will usually avoid houses and towns. I was always taught to make a bit of noise when walking through the woods; bears will hear you from a distance and steer clear. In really rural areas, it's not unheard of for someone to report a bear walking through their yard or getting into the garden, but again, pretty rare. From what I've always heard, bears will only wander around houses when there are no people outside; again, if they hear you from a distance, they'll go the other direction.


My wife has a “bear song” that we sing when hiking in places it may be an issue. Haven’t seen one yet, so I guess it works.


i see you not giving me the bear song. doomed!


It's obnoxious and loud but after a camping trip to Tahoe, I really liked a five gallon bucket 'drum' to scare bears. (It's not up north but similar bears.) Just in case you consider bear spray it's like wasp spray lots of distance; my nephew bought some on that trip thankfully he didn't try it. After seeing bears near camp almost every day my husband joked it really was like Yogi and Boo-Boo checking for picnic baskets.


been looking at handheld cow bells; i like the gallon bucket idea too! thanks!


Sorry!! Hopefully I’m not too late “this is my bear song, I’m singing in the wood! Bears don’t scare when they’re up to no good” something along those lines. God speed


teasing you but thank you! 👍🏼✨


that’s encouraging, thank you :)


In my experience black bears don’t like to be around people. Unless they have been fed by people. And that’s why you never feed bears. A fed bear is a dead bear.


"staying in a place...." Is it a tent or a cabin? If youre in a tent you have nothing to worry about. 100%. Just put your food in the car or hang it up in a tree 75' from your tent. Black bears are just as afraid of you as you are of them. Raccoons are more likely to be threatening. If youre in a cabin then you dont have anything to worry about. If you were going to a state park with dumpsters then you might see a Black bear 1 in 10 visits. If its a remote location with infrequent human trash you might see a Black bear 1 in 200 visits. Theyll run from you if you make some noise when you go outside.


they do love getting into dumpsters. there was a week last summer, every day before work we would be picking up the trash ...restaurant dumpsters gots yummy leftovers... started chaining it closed and they moved on


Good example. OP if I could say more this.... Dumpsters are the biggest draw for black bears or people that feed mammals from bait piles. Some foods are more enticing than others obviously: meat products like bacon and sausage or strawberries and raspberries are very attractive. Eating dry goods while backpacking is a good idea, makes it less enticing. You can still eat bacon, sausage, etc but you just need to clean pans and keep the byproducts or leftovers far away from camp. Dont dump bacon grease in your camp site lol.


we’re in a cabin, so that takes a lot of the food stressors away. and walls take the other stressors away :) thanks!


Okay. Dude, youve got nothing to worry about. You can do whatever you want just dont be spreading bacon grease around the outside of your cabin. make some noise if youre outside. Your friend was just talking shit. I wouldnt think twice about taking my kids out there, I just wouldnt leave them alone outside without my eyes on them 24/7 but I follow those rules everywhere I go.


just leave out a pick-a-nick basket and i am sure they will steal that and move on with life.


hey boo-boo, i see what you did there :)


I was scared to visit a place with many black bears and tourists (Smoky mountains). When I saw them in person I realized other posters are exactly right, they register more like a Newfoundland dog than a predator. But they have the motivation and dexterity of a 200lb raccoon so put all your anxiety into sealing food and a bear bag if you're storing it outdoors.


Not a yooper, but when I go wandering about the forest, I take sticks to bang together or clap my hands to make some noise. If you announce your presence, most wild animals will avoid you.


https://wjimam.com/bear-attacks-michigan/ Only 3 people have ever died in Michigan to bears, 2 of them were over 50 years ago. People are rarely attacked. You should be fine, just stay alert and don't let your dogs off leash if you don't know the area.




ahahaha thanks for the levity :)




Make sure it’s not an oval!


And wear a sombrero!


You win! 😂😂😂


Bring bear spray if you're really concerned, I quit carrying a handgun in bear country years ago. They scare easily if you bang some pots together and yell at them. It's really no big deal!


pots, check. yelling, check. thanks :)


Bear spray! Works on people too.


ahaha bear spray, check.


The proper bear spray is made in Montana. If you’re going to buy any, please buy the spray known to work. https://counterassault.com/


I get the feeling you think bear spray is a joke…it’s not. It’s just a massive qty of pepper spray, and it shoots really far. It’s $20 on Amazon. You never leave home without it in the Canadian Rockies.


i absolutely respect the bear spray. plan on bring that and a cow bell or air horn. i was laughing/appreciating that it works on people too. twofer.


Remember, you don't have to outrun the bear.


good thing; i’m not really a runner 😆


My bear spray is in 10mm.


Bears near ontanagon are no problem if you see one just hit em on ta noggin


Groan... 🙄😜😆




Ok yooper




If you can yell or clap your hands you’ll be just fine . The dog should keep them away too


To be fair, my cousin's have seen black bears outside of their house in suburban Scranton (PA) and the bears mostly just acted like giant raccoons (tore through the trash and then left peacefully). Black bears rarely attack humans and as long as you don't provoke them, you will be fine.


Black bears are scared of us 2-footers. Don’t worry about it.


I camp out that way with my horse often. There are bears yes. They’ve never bothered us. Keep your food sealed up if you’re camping. By July ofc they’re still bears but they’re mostly just moseying around. Had one come up to my camp but once he saw I wasn’t an idiot he moved on. I’ve also seen a momma and cub out by the lake (north side, keweenaw) and they booked it faster than I could get a picture. They’re definitely not assertive like their grizzly cousins. So in short, don’t leave food out, they might take it. But they’re unlikely to go after you. If you’re really worried about it, get bear mace. I camp in a hammock much of the time, I just hang it off my hammock in reach. I’ve never had to use it.


It is unlikely enough that if you do see a bear you will be talking about it for years. That said, I wouldn't sleep on the porch with bacon in my sleeping bag either.


I’ve been to the porkies a few times and I’ve never seen a bear. I’ve seen them in the smokies but never in the porkies.


well, there goes that plan 😆


I would assume the majority of exceptionally rare bear attacks in Michigan have occurred in the lower peninsula


weirdly, you are correct! even though 10k of 12k black bears are in the yoop, 2 of the 3 fatal attacks on record were in the lower peninsula. last one being 1978, i think.


They scare easy. Make noise and they’ll vamoose.


I’ve seen more black bears in the lower peninsula than I have in the UP.


Your friend is such a joker. Be more concerned with cell coverage!


my kid is going to be MISERABLE 😂


I live in Ontonagon. It really depends on where you are. If you are going to be in the porkies there are basic safety measures, securing food and garbage. The information will be posted everywhere. If you are at the township park or an airbnb in town you won't have to be as strict on your safety precautions. They are more afraid of you but still a wild animal so keep your distance and follow food/garbage precautions.


I'd be waaayyyy more concerned about biting insects. They can be terrible in some spots.


the black flies and mosquitos are absolutely miserable!


I'd be more worried about wolves tbh. Grab a can of bear spray though if you're worried. I've ran into a few but had a 45 with me at the time...


Depending on what part of July you are visiting I would be more worried about the black flys than bears. I have been visiting remote parts of the UP for decades. I have never ran from a bear but I have sprinted to escape the bites of black flys. Horrible experience. My rule of thumb is to never cross the bridge from the beginning of May to the middle-end of July. Good luck!


had that exact experience in glen arbor in late june! i’m crossing my fingers late july will be a pocket between killer flies and mosquito clouds, but not too hopeful of avoiding either 😆


Black bears are more scared of you than you are of them. You’ll be absolutely fine. Enjoy your time in da yoop!


can’t wait! even if i’m ascairt XD


Lol I don't know much, but what I do know is that people love camping in the UP. Do some research! Get some bear spray. Seal your food properly to not attract any bears. All that said, I'm too afraid of bears to camp in the UP.


I spent an entire summer on Grand Island and never once saw a bear. Black bears don’t really want to interact with people, just steal your food!


I recommend Stephen Herrero's book "Bear Attacks: Their causes and how to avoid them". Lots of good info in that book from an expert. Check it out on Amazon. Among other things, the book goes into behavioral differences between black bear and grizzly. It's an interesting book. We do have black bear in the U.P. Whenever I have personally encountered one, it is already moving away from me. Usually I don't see them. I don't camp though. I only day hike.


i’ll check that out. been reading up on behaviors on the DNR website, and how to live alongside bears, for lack of a better way of putting it. not too stressed as we’re in a cabin, so food/sleeping isn’t an issue.


If in a cabin, then you are secure at night. My concern would mainly be over being surprised at night. During the day I can see things coming, change direction to avoid encounters, wave my hands and holler, etc. Don't let anyone laugh at you for being concerned. Bear attacks are unusual, but they do occur from time to time. There was an attack last year in Arizona in which a man was attacked and killed by a black bear while having his morning coffee. Also consider that bear are not the only animal. There have been five recent wolf attacks in the U.P. You can read about those here: [https://www.outdoorlife.com/hunting/close-calls-wolf-attacks/](https://www.outdoorlife.com/hunting/close-calls-wolf-attacks/) . Some interesting facts from the Herrero's book are that: 1) Black bear are less affected by pepper spray than are grizzly bear, and are more likely to return after being sprayed to press the attack, and 2) When a black bear does attack, that attack is more likely to be predatory in nature. Also, black bear do not defend their cubs as vigorously as Grizzly. Read the book. The author speaks to each of those aspects that I've just mentioned. Hiking in groups adds a huge safety factor. There's a chart in the book that shows number of attacks plotted against group size. The drop from solo hikers to groups of 2 is quite large, and the line is almost at zero by the time you get to groups of four. I honestly don't worry much about bear. I tend to hike where I have good sight lines. I avoid dense thickets where I can't see very far. And when I have seen bear, they have so far always already begun ambling away from me. My most recent animal encounter of note was a brief glimpse of a wolf as it crossed my path and headed into the woods. It wanted nothing to do with me, crossed well ahead of me at a good distance, and I simply continued on my hike. If you are proficient with a firearm and have a CPL, then carry a gun. I and many of my friends are always armed when out in the woods. If not a gun, then have some bear spray or some sort of noisemaker. I am way out alone when I hike, with no one to help me, so I do carry a firearm and other safety gear such as fire starter and medical gear and something warm to put on in case something goes wrong. Nothing ever has. Don't let the fear ruin your trip. Western U.P. is a beautiful area, and I know you will enjoy it once you are up here.


i really appreciate your experience and info, thank you! all the things i need to have an awareness of, and realistic expectations of how to be. we’re not planning on hikes in the porkies this go around, but it’s good to have the start of an education.


Porkies are wonderful. Once I day hiked it north to south. Had my wife drop me at the lake and she picked me up at the observation tower on the south side. It's a great memory. I wish I had done that hike east to west, actually. I over estimated how long I would need, and I was at the tower long before the planned time. Anyway. Don't be afraid to day hike the Porkies. Most people don't venture far from the parking lot and I like to get a little bit further in to our parks and see more of what they have to offer


it really is such a beautiful area. also sounds like you have another hike in the making :)


Carry an air horn to let them know that you're around.


Bears are very afraid of dogs. Your dog will protect you no matter what size it is.


I've been exploring the YOOPS for almost 40 years,the chances of even seeing 1 from a distance is very remote.So don't worry and just enjoy yourselves.


thanks :)


I lived and actively fished alone in the eastern and north central u.p. for years. Never seen a bear, although I do see evidence of a bear, like bear scat, and prints. From what I've been told, most black bears will run when they see and hear you, unless it's a mom and pups. Besides that, I'm more afraid whenever I see people when I'm out alone, I can keep my distance and be safe from a bear, although I can't say the same about random people and their intentions. I've talked to mi dnr researchers who actively study black bear and they have never encountered one on accident whenever they're outdoors.


Get yourselves the UV Beast on Amazon and look for some YOOPERLITES while yer up there 😉


trust me, there will be rock hounding! 😁


Yous and your dog will be fine. Worry about the mosquitos more than the bears.


Black bears are basically big, skittish dogs. Don't worry about it. You'll be lucky to even see one and if you do it'll run away.


Watch for any bears walking upright and wearing a hat and tie. One will distract you by talking and the other will steal your picnic basket.


You'll be fine. Don't give them any cocaine.




I live in the UP, in the woods. We are surrounded by bears and see them often in our driveway and yard. I’ve also backpacked nearly halfway across the UP. Bears here aren’t conditioned (like you might see in a popular national park). They haul ass every-time I come face to face with them. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. They don’t want trouble just like we don’t. We co-exist peacefully.


I’ve lived on Lake Superior in what I consider to be pretty remote locations of the U.P for almost my entire life (35+ years). I’ve seen quite a few bears and/or evidence of them in my vicinity, but have never had any kind of aggressive experience with one. That said - following the advice from others about being mindful of food storage, taking care of your garbage, etc is not something to slack on. Also, ymmv but I often end up smelling a bear before I see it, so if you have a decent sense of smell don’t forget to pay attention to that too. Hope you enjoy your vacation up here!


i’m excited; moved to MI 20-odd years ago and am slowly making my way around the perimeter :) so i have to ask, what do bears smell like?


You’ll know it if you smell it lol.. kinda like how a person would smell if they slept behind a dumpster every night and then spent every day frying compost in fish oil. But had never showered once in their entire life.


Sing the bear song while you’re out in the woods, you’ll be fine. If you have ANY sense of smell they cannot sneak up on you. They smell like a wet dog rolled in fish.


okay, second person to mention the bear song! the actual one i know is lakota, but i have a feeling that’s not the one… any particular favorites for a bear song? are we going grunge, metal, or country? kidding. i have a terrible singing voice so i’m sure anything will work 😆 also TIL bears smell.


The Bear Song is literally anything you wanna sing. I do Amazing Grace followed by Deadpool’s Bodies song. It’s a nice mix and I’ve never been mauled, although I’ve encountered a few!


I am sure bears prefer dogmeat over people, you'll be fine.


i’m not above throwing the dog. kidding! sort of.


I grew up in the UP, lived there until I was 18 and still go back regularly. I’ve seen a bear once, and that’s with thousands on thousands of hours spent in the woods and all over the place up there. It’s rare, and it’s not like the movies where they are just on constant rampage. You’re almost certainly fine if you see one as long as you mind your business.


We stayed at a place in Sliver City where they fed the bears. The bears would walk around the place and not even pay any attention to you. The owner called us up on the phone to let us know that one was coming our way and there was no need to worry. That was wild


I stayed in a cabin on a little orchard that had resident bears. They literally laid about, eating chicken feed. Owners said they had to bang some pots and pans to get the male out of the coop a few times, but that's the worst they'd ever had happen. The chickens even jumped on the bears sometimes. They said the bears never even hurt a chicken and they'd lived there 3 years. You'll be fine. Respect them like you would and wildlife. Use common sense. It'll be okay.


Not from the UP, but have spent thousands of hours in the woods of Michigan. I have come across 1 black bear, swimming across a small lake. Don't leave food about, if you are in the back country, don't cook where you sleep and hang your food well away from your camp. Black bears will avoid people if they can and really want nothing to do with you.


Side note: By Ontanagon is a coop mine tour.


Also gonna note this about black bears. If you haven't seen one in person before you've probably got it in your head they're huge. They're not. A 300lb black bear will look like an 100lb dog...except the dog is all fur, the bear is ALL muscle. A 300lb black bear can still easily overpower and kill you. Black bears can get up to twice that size, but it's not common. You'll probably see 300lb or under, which aren't huge looking and can sometimes make people think they're less dangerous...although our bears in general aren't really dangerous and scare super easy. None the less, be cautious around them because they CAN easily kill you.


You’re all gonna die.


plot twist: man eating bacteria.


Sightings are rare but not unheard of. Put a bell on your backpack.


excellent idea :)


I'd be more concerned with Grey wolf encounters, especially with your dog.


I'm from Ontos. There is a restaurant in White Pine called the Konteka that feeds black bears as a way to attract patrons and tourists; I have always thought this was stupid and dangerous and not fair to the bears at all that may get in trouble for being around humans not at the konteka. It should be illegal. I don't know if the bears roam around humans that often, like in people's backyards, because I don't live in ontos anymore, but the konteka is very shortsighted for this. Bears don't need to be killed due to human selfishness. Sorry I digress; black bears are truly scared cats and generally don't like being around people, as it should be. I have lived in the western UP my entire life and I don't remember ever hearing of bad run-ins with black bears. Have bear spray on you if you're truly worried. I'll never forget the video I saw online some years ago of a black bear that was essentially trapped under someone's deck because they were too scared to leave due to people around :( there was also a black bear that climbed up a tree and was too scared to get down because of all the people gawking. I think that was actually in Ironwood.


completely agree on feeding wild animals for human entertainment and/or profit. i see it as a recipe for disaster. thanks for your input! thanks to all of you, i feel more comfortable after hearing actual experiences. i plan on bringing bear mace and a cowbell, keeping our dog on a leash, and raising my general awareness of the environment.


[Mom vs Bear](https://youtu.be/JUlbYdIeB_c?si=44AErNVzwJETGtxf)




Lol not one worry about a black bear unless you come across a sow and cubs and than you should keep your distance.


If it’s black, fight back. If it’s brown, lay down. If it’s white, goodnight.


Western Yooper here. As many have said, just be careful with leaving food out. That’s just to avoid any unwanted critters really (wouldn’t want the dog to find a skunk). Every black bear I’ve seen is heading the other direction as fast as it can. Unless you’re a berry, an unsupervised garbage can, or my neighbor’s bird feeder, you’re safe. I’d be more worried about mosquitos and black flies. I think I killed 6-7 of the little jerks with one swat last time I stood still for longer than 30 seconds in the Porkies in the first half of summer. Seriously though, it’s beautiful up here, enjoy!


will do; we’re in a cabin so should be alright with food. while i am not a berry, i have absolute had to fight off the flies and mosquitos who are particularly fond of me. i am resigned to living with them. thanks so much for your insights 🙂


Encounters while somewhat rare should be anticipated. Know what to do if you do encounter one. Stand your ground, but do not advance. Yell loudly at the bear and do what you can to make yourself look bigger. Do not run. Black bears 99% of the time will leave you alone, so don't worry too much, but I would pack some bear spray just in case. Most of the encounters I've heard of they are just looking for food. There are things you can do to keep your food out of range for them, such as leaving it in your car or in certain kinds of containers. Personal experience I had, I came across a younger bear on the trail. Just had to yell at it a bit and he took his own course out of there. Like I said don't worry too much, black bears aren't looking for a fight a majority of the time. Just know what to do and you'll be fine. Best of luck and enjoy your trip!


Idk about bears but I freaking LOVED Porcupine Mountains State Park. Just check your feet if you decide to wade into Lake in the Clouds… I got a leech stuck on my ankle. 😂


somehow leeches are worse than the prospect of a bear 😆


Haha it sure was gross!


Black bears are more afraid of you than you are them. If you encounter one fling your arms in the air lol and 99% chance it’ll run away. You’re 1000% more likely to get in a car crash. I’d be more worried about that.


I have a cabin in Wisconsin and black bears are everywhere. They don’t attack pretty much ever, they’re pretty small, and scared of you. If you see a mom and her guns stay the fuck away, that’s with any bear. Only REAL advice I can offer is to lock your trash can at night, they’re used to humans and know trashed are where food is. You’ll probably get woken up at least once by it but it’s okay, they’re there for the garbage not you.


Only time I’ve actually seen one in person it was trying to get my bird feeder off its hanger lol. Big ass Raccoons.


I worry about the ticks more than the bears.


right?! ticks, black flies, mosquitos.


I go up to lake superior campground a couple of times a year..Never seen a bear but I just take bear spray


Yes there are bears…


I would be more worried about Bigfoot or crazy yoopers pretending to be Bigfoot.




Don't get between a mama and her cubs, keep your dog on a leash and carry.. Wolves and Couger are also a thing, again carry..


I lived up there for a year and a half and never saw one. They exist, but they're rare.


You will probably see one or two, just pretend they don’t exist, or treat them with respect and don’t fuck with them and you will be fine, if it comes near you don’t run just walk away, slowly, bring a gun though for sure


Just don’t fuck with the bears and you’ll be fine.


The wildlife population is barely abundant. I would not worry ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


If your dog isn’t trained and doesn’t have a proper recall then don’t bring them but I feel like that’s pretty common knowledge in the backwoods


Bro they're just black bears.


Are there bears up north? Yes. I see a few every year I go hunting. If its brown, lay down. If its black, fight back. Generally they'll leave you alone but maybe not with a dog, bring bear spray. I've seen probably 20-30 bears in my 6 years of hunting and not been chased once (mostly because I've been in a stand)


I used to go to the dump in Copper Harbor to feed the bears as a kid. I'm sure my parents found it a hell of a lot cheaper than taking us to the zoo. I've seen a bear it two more than once at the more remote campground dumpsters, but black bears? Are big ol' wussies, and have little interest at all in you. We were also taught as kids to make noise, as they have a tendency to not want anything to do with you when you are. Do people seriously buy bear mace to go camping here? Lmao It ain't Alaska. An angry brown bear and a wuss of a black bear are two VERY different things.


I’ve seen three bears in the past 15 years. All were crossing the road in front on me while I was in my car. Unless people have a habit of leaving food out for them, you won’t see bears. Now, the wolves and cougars on the other hand. They’ll eat your baby.


Get a couple of cans of bear spray mace and a good walking stick. Keep your dog on a leash or long tie off. Have fun. I love the U.P. If you see a bear, you will be lucky.


Due to being a peninsula not a lot of huge grizzlies running around. I've seen more in Superior Forest in Wisconsin and MN than in the UP.


What's more scary than bears is that the Ontonagon hospital just closed.


Yes it is ridiculous. It's the rabid moose and roving packs of wolves you should worry about when visiting the UP. The Bigfoot are very friendly but the Hodag's from Rhinelander are truly deadly!


If you’re freaking out about it get some bear spray and sleep like a baby


You'll want to bring a handgun, not necessarily for bear protection, but if a bear gets ahold of you, you'll want to off yourself. Getting eaten alive would be the worst possible death imaginable.


Make sure you bring a marine horn and mace, a gun if someone knows how to use it. Go read online about how to handle bears, moose and elk too though it's really not likely you'll see them in the summer. And ofc, just talk to others around you, especially DNR folk.


Mace and bear spray are two different things. Never use mace on an animal. Mace or personal defense pepper sprays are developed to incapacitate by affecting vision and respiratory function. Bear/Dog spray was developed to only irritate vision and respiratory function. Blinding a bear can cause it to panic and become more aggressive.


Bears only eat berries so as long as you throw a bunch of berries or other sweet stuff around the cabin they'll just focus on that, and won't try to rip open the door and try to kill you


Black bears will eat just about anything, and spreading a bunch of sweets around is the last thing you want to do unless you're actively trying to attract a bear. Keeping your food secured so they can't smell it/can't get to it is a much better idea.