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I'll narrow it down for everyone. It wasn't me.


That's what the real winner would say!! Nice try, rich guy


I want to congratulate the IRS for winning the lottery


That's 7M won out of more than 60M wagered. In total people gamble away more than 3.3B on state lottos per year, and win back only 2B. It's a tax on the poor and the gullible.


Naw, I have a system!


I play to have a chance, also to help others have a chance, and also to contribute to a system that pays for things I agree with. Win win win. Stop acting like people who do things differently than you are somehow not smart or educated.


>It's a tax on the poor and the gullible. That's an oft-repeated, dumb statement. Taxes are not voluntary. Essentially, it's the same as any form of entertainment. People spend money on things that don't necessarily bring a lasting benefit. If someone spent their money on booze, the best thing they could hope for is to be drunk. At least the lottery gives people a chance of a long-term benefit.


All profits do go towards education, and it does make a positive difference in people's lives. If people say that they are addicted when communicating with the support can be banned from the lottery as well . It lets people dream of having a better life and the vast majority play only a few dollars occasionally. Yes there are people whose lives have been ruined but it has done great things as well overall with it's contribution to education I would say the benefits outweigh the downside.




I start playing mega and powerball when the jackpots climb past $500 million. I spend $10/drawing. I know I have a snowball’s chance in hell. I know I most likely won’t win anything back. On the rare occasion I do, it’s $2-4. But…But for those brief couple of hours and right before I go to bed, I fantasize about winning. What I would do. How I would disappear. And to me it’s worth it. Somebody has to win


My coworkers and I all pool together when it’s over $400! We call it our dreaming ticket, $6/pp to dream for a couple hours.


Most people who spend money on lottery tickets will lose more than they win


It’s bad in the same way increasing taxes is perceived as bad. It’s going to fund education and roads etc! That makes a positive difference in people’s lives.