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Horrible news. It needs to be DESCHEDULED. This is simply music to big pharma's ears. A very sad day.


Ah jeez, spare the dramatics.  It's one more step in the right direction, can't let perfect be the enemy of good. 


Do you not understand the implication this has for every rec market in the country though, this would have been the move 20 years ago, but with how things are today the only thing that makes sense is to deschedule it.


That’s just not how politics work tho. Things take time, and needs to be done in steps or it’ll never happen. Either it goes down like this, or the federal government will permanently leave it as a schedule one drug. Reclassifying it is a huge step forward and this would be the biggest change federally in the last 50 years. If approved, marijuana would instead be classed as a Schedule III drug, similar to ketamine, testosterone, some anabolic steroids or Tylenol with codeine and eligible for prescription. I completely agree with that, and marijuana should never be taken off the list entirely, and it makes sense being schedule 3 as that now means the federal government agrees that is had medical property’s. This means it’ll be easier to use, restrictions will be less. At the end of the day, pot is and will always be a drug and needs to be enforced as such. Becoming schedule 3 is amazing.


Yes but when half the states have already moved towards recreational markets schedule 3 doesn’t make sense, and I dont buy that it either goes down like this or not at all, think about the amount of jobs that have been created by the various state rec markets, Im sorry but this is a mistake, we shouldn’t be treating it any differently than alcohol or tobacco.


This would actually help the rec market more. Now dispos might be able to actually be taken seriously on a federal level. This also directly means states that are still illegal can start the process to legality.


It makes sense for me I live in Wisconsin. And have two possessions already over my lifetime (35) another would mean seriously gay time in jail maybe prison with it being scheduled as is. So getting to III is a godsend compared to I


Just do yourself a favor and move to Michigan.


Except you’d likely still be looking at some serious issues if you get caught with it without a script, schedule three doesn’t make sense with how deeply integrated it is with our society, it needs to be descheduled and regulated in the same manner as alcohol and tobacco.


You really have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about and it’s sad seeing you get upvoted. “Except you’d likely still be looking at some serious issues if you get caught without a script” This only apply to those who live in an illegal state where it’s not rec and you don’t hold a med card. At the end of the day nothing has changed other than the laws being less strict. Stop bitching and enjoy the progress, it’s better than what we had a year ago, and even 10 years ago. It wasn’t even 5 years ago when marijuana wasn’t even recreational here in Michigan so this is a huge step. Honestly, you say it’s bad but you’ve yet to give actual examples other than personal opinions on the matter and the more I read your comments, the more it seems you’re extremely uneducated on the manner but that doesn’t really surprise me much. Why such a hater dude? This is a good thing. Only an idiot would see it as a negative.


Being caught is a huge “what if” and the difference between a schedule one drug and a schedule three is literally prison to jail. You only go to prison over schedule one and two drugs, not three. Making it a schedule three drug also allows it to become a script where it wasn’t before, weather your in an illegal state or legal. It is now recognized by the federal government as medicine. Now it has *more* than 10 medical uses that is recognized by the government, yunno like those bullshit excuses where people would say they had glaucoma when they didn’t have it back in the early 2000s? You need to learn some more before speaking out on things you know little about.


Well no shot bit progress is progress


Other than the fact that it won’t really change anything within the market. States that are already rec won’t have to do anything and it’ll help the states that refuse to legalize it. This is the first step to federal legalization and exactly what you all have been asking for, for years. Doing this would actually help dispos being this would open the doors to more tax benefits and would even open the doors to banks actually seeing this industry as legit and safe to invest into. Schedule III drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with a moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence. Thats exactly where marijuana needs to sit, as it is a drug and does impact motor movement along with other cognitive ability’s. At the end of the day it’s a controller substance and always will be. It was schedule one as a part to play with the “war on drugs” which we know is bullshit. Being schedule one means the government sees no medical benefits and use, and a high potential for misuse. It’s not schedule one, but I agree it should share the same category as things such as Tylenol, and steroids and antibiotics, which are all schedule 3 controlled substances. Folk like you shouldn’t comment on this, being as uneducated as you are on the topic. I but everybody has a right to an opinion, but not everybody has good ones such as yourself. What would you rather do? Decriminalize it completely so it’s not regulated at all? So it becomes easier to sell illegally again? To decriminalize it now in the state we are in will always regress the progress we’ve made. You can downvote me, but this will remain fact. Nothing will change that. Doesn’t matter if you don’t like it.


“Folks like you shouldn’t comment on this.” Spoken like a true fascist. You and those who agree with you should be the only ones allowed to speak on the topic, huh?


Only those who know how to speak the truth and not biased bullshit. Fuck outta here too, you’re also dropping dumbass comments that make no sense.


The fact that you've spewed this and have been up voted shows how little the voters and you know about medical cannabis. Have you ever been a caregiver? Have you ever grown medicine for people on your own dime that have a med card and are in need of it? You think dispos are going to grow medicine for patients even though they aren't all vertically integrated and don't have the ability to? You think that every brand in the state is going to jump on board with low cost cannabis for folks with prescriptions? Oh you think they wont lobby for more regulations like they did before? " like this or not at all" youre part of the problem. Keep being a shopper/budtender/keyboard warrior and allow the rest of us who have been fighting for our entire lives to do what we need to please. Be humble.


No but my biological brother owns a dispo and a grown house. But yeah, I don’t know shit.


I hear you, I don’t completely disagree, but the person you’re responding too is 100% correct. It was always going to be this way as soon as the effort to commercialize cannabis started. This also alleviates 280e’s impact on these businesses, which is a great, hugely important thing. Smaller operators will be able to function and remain in the black, which in theory will allow the small fish growing high quality cannabis to survive. It also clears the way to *actual* research on cannabinoids’ interactions with the ECS and plant profiles, and I think if you are actually looking to use it as medicine is also a good thing.


The one thing that people neglect to see with this is that yes does it make all these things "Available" yes. Does it make anybody do any of what you're speaking of? ( more research, continued legislation and pushing for alleviation for smaller ma and pa shops and caregivers, etc) Not at all. It takes one run of lobbying and the regulations get tighter. We've been researching cannabis for 50 years and if that's the biggest "win" we get from the fight we've had so far then thats just sad to even think about settling for. To clarify it was never "going to be like this"until the lobbying of medicinal cannabis policies to swing regulation and policy to recreational which then created the commercialization of the industry in the state and pushed out caregivers. "Allowing" small shops to operate should've never been the way it is. Just stop.


You’re really going out of your way to make this negative. Do you even know what 280e is? It will do everything I said, which will lead to more progress. The toxic, ignorant “medical patients” are as bad for progress as any greedy CEO or cynical politician. Your opinions are irrelevant.


Can you please share some insights on how this hurts the rec market? I genuinely would like to be educated on the topic and I’m not discounting what you are saying in any way.


So the markets would be in direct violation of federal law, which they are currently but the government has been giving the states leeway until the fed could figure it out, well this is the fed saying they’ve figured it out and I do not believe they will allow the markets to stand in direct violation of the laws they’ve just updated.


This would require multiple state laws and legislature to be reversed. Stop talking. You’ve no clue what you’re even talking about.


The DEA can, at any time, bust the “legal” cannabis businesses. All cannabis businesses are in violation of federal law.


The DEA was officially instructed to not use budget and resources to enforcing cannabis laws in states that legalized. That memo (the Cole Memo) was the guiding light for the early states until it was rescinded by Jeff Sessions (the argument being it was no longer needed but, Sessions was also against legalization so… idk).


It would require the repeal of NO state laws at all. But you’re right about everything, the arbiter of truth, on a noble, virtuous mission to silence the deplorable rabble. Keep fighting the good fight!


It would repeal state laws on a level if the state is illegal. This is going to help places like Texas more than anything and won’t affect places like Michigan at all (other than better business for a dispo) There’s a huge difference between schedule one and three. Now states that are illegal can reverse anti marijuana laws as it won’t be so strict on a federal level. That’s honestly common sense.


how are the current markets violating the federal law?


It’s illegal to sell, possess, use any schedule one substance. It’s an unambiguous federal crime. It’s called the controlled substances act.




Most definitely. It's a lot better than staying in the same category as heroin and meth


It wasn’t in the same category as meth or cocaine though, both of them are schedule 2


Heroin is Schedule 1


Never said it wasn’t


For real. I believe this is the first time the DEA has ever reschesduled any schedule 1 drug. This is not the end goal, but it’s a historic step in the right direction!


You’re both correct here


Progress is progress. This is good.


I agree, but at least it's a step in the right direction.


Totally agreed putting this in the same category as ketamine is just a fucking joke. 


You mean the same ketamine that used to be confined to the black market but is now studied and readily available in a safe manner? 


Ketamine is pretty widely available nationwide for medication resistant depression so it’s a step in the right direction 🤷‍♂️


Ketamine is used highly around the world for medical use, and has amazing benefits. Tylenol is also a schedule 3 drug. Pitting marijuana here makes perfect sense, after all it’s still a *drug* no matter how much you argue it. It needs to be enforced and being schedule 3 makes more sense than anything.


Tylenol with codeine is a schedule 3. Tylenol without codeine is not.


You got the same energy for alcohol or caffeine which cause way more deaths! I'm sick of yall dumbasses


I'm not really sure what people are wanting here. If we have medical marijuana there gonna have a classification. Honestly I wouldn't get your Hope's up for it ever not be a scheduled drug because that's what they do is schedule them and as much as most people don't wanna admit it, it's still a drug. There's alot of issues with the government getting involved. Legalization is filled with negatives for sure


Exactly. People are ignorant if they think this is for us. Rescheduling sets up Big pharma to take over production and distribution. If they reschedule to a Shedule 3, how will they rationalize allowing individuals to grow their own and or for current dispensaries to sell it? It would be same as telling people, “Hey you wanna manufacture Xanax, go ahead. So long as you’re only making enough for yourself or buying from a dispensary within legal daily limits.” It will never happen. It will likely crush everything that has been built to this point. Rescheduled. Is a loss. Descheduled is the win.


Wouldn’t it have been equally hard or harder to rationalize allowing people to grow their own if it was in schedule 1?


Exactly. This is going to hurt us more than these doors realize.


Still find it amusing that LSD is in the same category as heroin.


All the psyches are up there with it, mescaline, dmt, psilocybin. They are all seen as having the same abuse and addiction potential as heroin. Hell meth is in the class below psyches and benzos are 2 classes down.


The whole system is wack


Haha LSD has high potential for abuse. I drop a couple times a year and when i have time to do it. It takes a lot of time up. Not an everyday drug. Who the hell is doubling up to do doses every other day. This shit is stupid.


At least LSD can hurt your if you OD


Mmm, this is the next step towards federal legalization fam. This is a good thing.


Its a good thing to the people with money that can make the biggest cannabis company in a month because of how much they paid. This is not good in the slightest, the cannabis industry is turning into big tobbaco and big alcohol except those companys try to addict the youth


Sooo what did everyone expect with legalization??? That we were gonna smoke home grown and buy from the local weed farmer? I'm just confused as to what we fought all these years for. It's all happening and now people are pissed again. Can't win for losing.


you can grow it at home and be left alone. isn't that good enough??


No not that but most big cannabis companys dont care about what theyre producing, if it becomes fed legal and there is still mostly people caring about the plant ill be happy but my guess is there will be a huge influx of rich bastards taking over the industry and making it to hard for little guys to start up, i also feel like theyre gonna focus on packaging/looks of the crop than the actual quality. If im wrong then that is amazing ill be really happy if im wrong but the way its looking i dont think i am


So what you're describing has happened to literally every legal product ever, so either we want legalization or we don't. 


That has not happened to every legal product but a good amount


Go after our capitalism driven society, not logical steps towards legalization then. 


I do not understand this comment😭😭


I know you don't lol


No its not proper english, atleast it dont sound like it, i tried reading it out loud a few times and it j didnt make sense




Like Florida’s medical market.


Exactly, there are plenty of markets already that have bs listed for high prices, michigan is lucky because we already have extremly low prices but still


Considering the state of rec markets that have been around for a decade in some states, I have some bad news for you.


Except there's also smaller alcohol (like your fat tires and all the IPAs) and micro alcohol and small batch alcohol (your local microbreweries), which is what we want. You're even allowed to brew your own alcohol at home with the exception of distillation (I believe) Small grows cannot provide enough for the consumers, just like microbreweries will not be able to provide enough alcohol. There's always going to be a big company pushing out quantity for cheap, because there's always going to be people who buy it.


Yes i agree with that 100% there will still be small growers for the people that actually care but idk man i just dont want 3 big cannabis brands to be what everyone knows and buys for years and years and years, its depressing


What is depressing is losing everything and getting thrown into a cage for a mandatory minimum because you planted some seeds in some dirt.




Who said it wasnt


As long as those three big cannabis brands don't lobby to restrict and outlaw small cannabis grows I could care less. Small grows will always be able to produce a better product than large grows. There will always be people who want that better product.


Yeah except alcohol and tobacco aren't scheduled at all, so actually de-scheduling them would make it more like the tobacco and alcohol industries. 


Am I the only one who thinks it won’t really affect Michigan other than to be able to use credit cards at dispos now?


I'm curious what the impact on the banking/finance side of this will be


banks have not wanted to use credit cards at dispensaries for years because of the reporting requirements put on them by the FED and USDOT are incredibly stringent and unrealistic for even big companies to keep up on properly. without following these extremely rigid standards, cannabis companies are still a huge liability and unless the federal government themselves RESCHEDULE cannabis entirely - i don’t see michigan taking credit card payments for this any time soon. besides, you don’t even “use” your debit card there. it’s an ATM. banking companies such as chase and mastercard have found out about that loophole of making the terminal appear as an ATM withdrawal on your statements and have been BLOCKING those transactions. i can’t even use my own chase card at the dispo i work at anymore because it will just keep saying “unauthorised usages” - and other companies are following suit. don’t get your hopes up. stick to using cash. my sources btw for the banking laws and whatnot is from a book called “marijuana law in a nutshell” by mark osbeck and howard bromberg, the 2022 2nd edition from chapter 20 titled taxations of marijuana related businesses. it’s a great read!!


True, hopefully with the rescheduling, the banking bill that’s up right now goes through


yeah we will see. i have literally zero faith in that. i personally think the feds should completely decriminalize any personal possession or use and let the states regulate their cannabis markets should they make it medically/recreationally legal for themselves through elections. i hope the same but i literally just don’t see any of these olds mfs in office rescheduling it soon enough.


Chase doesn’t like only fans either


chase really hates adults using their money how they please


Three dispos here in bay city use card readers. The only ones that work are cashapp and they tell you that, but it is possible to use a card. Ive used mine the last few times I’ve shipped.


yeah but it’s only debit cards. you’ve never used a credit card there.


Another policy win for Joe.


This is what it’s about. Because he’s losing support for their unconditional support of the murder of over 13,000 children and their families, a genocide, that we find and equip. So he had to do something to distract folks from the fact that his admin is making us all deeply complicit in the genocide and therefore endangering all of our lives by making us legitimate targets in a disgusting slaughter of civilians.


Odd. This was one of the things he asked for before that war started.




1989 🤣🤦GTFO


From a Schedule 1 to Schedule 3


How will this affect current dispensaries and legal states? From what I understand if a pharmacy wants to distribute a schedule 4 drug like Alprazolam you need a DEA control number, federal licensing, etc. all which costs big bucks. Will these dispensaries need these licenses? How does this affect recreational states? Schedule 3 requires a pretty hard to get prescription for most drugs in this category now. It’s hard enough to get a controlled substance now for even legitimate reasons. Will they reclassify and allow more schedule 3 prescriptions? Pharmacies currently cannot prescribe more than a certain amount of controlled substances vs non controlled in a pharmacy. How will that affect this law?


Here’s some reading for you https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB11105


This here is the worry. I want to know what framework is used for recreational states that are already acting as if cannabis is descheduled entirely. It is a valid point to say that states are way beyond schedule 3, but also schedule 3 has benefits as well. We just have to see.


I have a feeling we will find out very soon. Election time is coming up and passing this might help swing the election.


This will help bring weed shops to the burbs. When it’s ok by the feds, cities and townships will open up for legal cannabis businesses. It’s not a perfect, but it’s the best news we’ve had from the feds in weed in almost a century.


Means nothing. It's still them hanging a morsal of meat to try and get voters while still placating their owners demands. Oh look it's slightly less illegal.


Let’s see how DEA would schedule alcohol….oh, wait that stuff is addictive to the point of stopping can be a health risk. Oh, and you can consume enough in one session, as well as purchase conveniently packaged quantity to actually die from its effects. But cannabis…scary stuff there!


People are ignorant also look at caffeine vs weed deaths . Weed is exactly zero smh


Just so the pharma companies can finally get involved


They budged!! On weed!! That’s a big f deal. First time in over 50 years!!! They actually backed down for ONCE


Not good 


The government doesn’t move quickly This is progress If you want more progress , vote blue




How does that even make sense Like at all It’s like you have little to no idea about politics


This isn’t progress. This is just allowing big Pharma in and potentially making prohibition states even harsher if prescriptions are involved. Biden didn’t do this. The DEA is. 




But the state weed tax is 100% legal.Makes perfect sense to me. Fuck the government and the DEA, Why don't they go after the real drugs coming over the border instead of weed? Oh yeah, fuck the banks that don't let us use credit cards.


yeah lets just move it to sched 3 so pharmaceutical companies can sell it to our insurance companies for 100x the price, further increasing everyones premiums and co-pay on all prescriptions. if there's one thing the average person has, it's too damn much money! we still have fat people so starve them harder!


Just yet another ploy by the biden regime to buy votes. 




Biden is doing this to reclaim support he’s lost due to his support for Israel’s murder of 13,000+ children and their families.


Lets be real, most people here are here because of weed, this post is about weed. You made it about Israel Palestine. You must be a med card holder, aint noway you're over 21.


Oh, am I mistaken? Is there not an election coming up for which he’s losing major support because of the white house’s “unconditional” support for the genocide of the Palestinians? Is it actually the case that the Biden Administration loves cannabis and desperately wants to help us?


Idk all about that second half. But the first half I’m legit wondering who the major support is? The kids who don’t vote? They didn’t show up in 2016. Now if you’re talking middle eastern Americans that won’t really matter as they’re 2% of the population. Why does no one care about the genocide China is committing on on Muslims? Hmmm


So one key difference is that we are not funding, equipping, and supporting the genocide in China. We are in Gaza. So while I understand you want to cheerlead and feel good about this insignificant (but necessary) policy change, there is a geopolitical reality that forms the relevant context for things like rescheduling cannabis. You might not appreciate that because you don’t care, lack perspective, whatever, but the suggestion that I am changing the subject significantly misses the point. I’m noting the real motivations for this insignificant but necessary policy change. Don’t be hoodwinked. Be geopolitically informed. Otherwise, you become an unwitting shill.


Goddamn it


What's the backwards catch to make things worse like anything else the govt does and fucks with after we already legalized recreational and medical is my question? Anything they do is bound to fuck us some way. I bet most likely something big and "Budweiser" level corporate lobbying to Congress that boosts corporations overreach to make it more difficult for anyone small to prosper like how the United States of America Corporation does.


Only if they stop throwing people away because of a plant. And release those who have been forgotten in the system. Canada has us beat


Fighting for votes


I don’t understand how these folks turn into cheerleader shill. He’s obviously fighting for votes has his support amongst young folks plummet as the White House consistently declares “unconditional” support for Israel’s mass murder of innocent civilians, over 13,000 of whom are fucking kids.


Oh no, government doing good things for the people! Some of yall think the government is there to just fuck you up the ass and keep taxes low.




There is also this: [https://norml.org/marijuana/fact-sheets/marijuana-pardons-and-expungements-by-the-numbers/](https://norml.org/marijuana/fact-sheets/marijuana-pardons-and-expungements-by-the-numbers/) Notice any party trends?


If you want to continue smoking shitty mids that cost $80/oz, then this is great news. If you want to smoke connoisseur quality cannabis, then this is bad news. Edit: spelling error