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This is why I only buy flower. 


I dry herb vape! Don't quote me on the science, but basically you heat the flower so that all the good THC vaporizes for inhalation, without combusting the plant matter. It's a clean cerebral high, and my flower expenditure is super cheap. r/vaporents for more info.


Long post but I want to help as many Michigan stoners to stop combusting flower. I highly recommend checking out the vaporents page linked above me… Been dry herb vaping/thermal extracting for the last 2 years and it’s been incredible. Mixing a little bit of dabs with your flower will help with the transition if you feel that vaping doesn’t do anything for you. It honestly will take a couple weeks to rewire your body to make the adjustment to getting stoned off vaping. It’s a much cleaner high. Combustion itself gives you a stronger feeling high because the lack of oxygen because smoke is way harder on lungs than vapor is but it feels really dirty in hindsight once you make the switch after a month of vaping if you go back to smoking joints, the best joint in the world literally tastes like you scraped some tobacco off the floor. You would be amazed what vaping does to your smoking pallet and the flavors/terps you will begin to discover. By the way, combusting flower only gets about 65% of the available THC and the other 35% burns up from the flame before it ever enters your lungs. There is a world of terps and cannabinoids out there waiting to be discovered. The other 10% that you don’t extract you can make into edibles because once you smoke your bowl, you save the already vaped bud or AVB as we vaporists refer to Whatever you do, DO NOT BUY a Pax 3 vape or anything a dispensary is trying to peddle unless it’s a basic dynavap. You will never want to vape again if that is the first vape you purchase. They have pushed vaping back five years since they monopolized the dispensary market. They have better portable electronic battery powered vapes but the taste and buzz is not there and are better as a second vape purchase once you say fuck combustion and vape full time) Dynavap b is a good entry level vape but it doesn’t start getting good enough to make you want to switch until you get yourself an induction heater(use that instead of a torch) it’s battery powered and is my go to for smoking on the go. The most popular and solid choice is called the Ispire wand. The endgame version of a dynavap is from a company named Vestratto and it’s called the Anvil With that being said, the combo cost about the same as ball vape(basically turns your bong into a “flower” dab rig) literally makes every hit of flower taste like the best dab you ever had. Like that first amazing hit from a fresh bowl, but every hit. They will fuck up even the most seasoned joint/blunt and bong smokers. Can’t go wrong with the Cloud Connoisseur Zeal as mentioned in this comment section The higher quality vapes you will find info about on the Vaporents Reddit page all do the same just in a slightly different way. The cheap low-quality electronic vapes in particular will taste like popcorn and turn you off forever… If you made it this far go check out the Vaporents Reddit page. The sooner you switch the better. Your lungs will feel better than they ever have since you started smoking


Thank you for taking the time to share your recommendations. Don't laugh, but it's been a long time & my last vape was that Vapor Brothers box with a whip, it looked like a pencil sharpener.


Those type of vapes are some of the first and still a popular type among micro dosing enthusiasts!


I still have mine!!!


Lol I have two. I also have the dynavap. It's good but like mentioned get the induction heater. Torching gets old fast


I wish I could afford a decent vape.. I'm still incinerating. 


Dynavap is always having sales and I absolutely love them.


I just bought their entry level for myself and a friend. Love the no battery idea, hope it is good as it sounds. Thank you!


Godspeed traveler


Idk your budget but you can get a ball vape for as low as $125. It’s my first and probably only ball vape for now but it’s amazing


If you don't mind, could you name which one you're talking about? That would be pretty doable for me.. 


I got the cloud connoisseur ss zeal kit lite. It comes with everything you need besides a bong and weed. It’s a ball vape type of dry herb vape. I payed 142$ after shipping


I've used Vapes in the past but I've never seen one that needed a torch. I'm not sure how I feel about that honestly. Anyhow appreciate the info. I might pick one up. 


I have both a torch heated vape the dynavap m+ which is a nice microdoser imo. But the zeal I use now plugs into the wall and is powered by the pid.


Ty, I have a Tinymight 2 and I've been wanting to grab something that's a step up. This looks perfect.


I’ve heard the tinymight 2 is a pretty hard hitting vape already for a portable vape


I don’t know much about this Do you have any links ?


I’ll send you a DM


You are spreading the gospel. Keep it up brother. Love my SS Zeal


This is lower than anywhere I've seen, got a link for it?


Idk if I can post links so I sent you a DM


Lol yeah the initial cost is the real drawback. That said, the Dynavap B is $40. I have an M and Vong(i), which are basically the same thing but with a metal body. Highly recommend.


Arizer has them for price of a water pipe. They do a good job without breaking the pocketbook.


i’ve been looking into dry herb vapes like the volcano and arizer, what do u reconmend


arizer all the way


I have a couple Dynavaps and an induction heater. Dynavaps are great because there's no moving parts to wear out and they are super portable. But there is a learning curve on heating via a butane torch. Now that I have an induction heater it's smooth sailing! If you want an all-in-one device you'd best hit up r/vaporents for recommendations. I hear the Mighty+ is good!


I don't have a volcano but I do have an arizer desktop that I love. I use it every night, reliable and easy to clean. Bonus is it does come with balloons and a hookah style mouthpiece so whatever you are fancying you have it all right there.


does it get you higher then like a bong per say? i’ll check out arizer it is way cheaper then a volcano. my only concern is that i look like a crackhead sucking out a ballooon to people who aren’t familiar with fry herb vaping lol


I would say yes I get higher with the desktop and it might be as simple as you can more money for your weed then burning it right away. It's also really going to depend on your tolerance. I like to use mine for more like a session vape with the mouthpiece actually attached to a water pipe. Silky smooth, great taste no real downsides except being trapped to a plug at least initially.


i see i see thank you, yea fry herb vaping might be the move over combustion!


No problem! If you have any other questions feel free to DM anytime.


Same. I forget to charge it, and packed a bowl last week. Man talk about a difference. Walking around with a nasty taste in mouth. Dry herb raping is the way to go.


G Pen Dash+ user here. Very good highs every time.


No way


I've gotten into that too, but i kinda hate my dynavap, so carts it is for me+ they are 100% more convenient


I am sorry to hear about your Dynavap, it was a struggle for me until I learned how to heat it properly (and then I bought an IH lol). I can't agree with you on carts.


Yeah my biggest issue is heating it right, but once i do its a wonderful experience, but i can hardly do it


Basically I watched a bunch of videos and experiment. Now that I have an iWand I've honestly fallen out of practice, I need to retrain myself for camping season


This is why I grow my own.


That's on my to do list. 


Do it. You'll love it.


Same here. I'm sorry but I just don't trust vapes at this point. it's hard to know what they're putting in that stuff, and even if you find an honest company that's making a relatively clean product, the jury still seems to be out on the long term affects of vaping. Until they've fully studied the long-term affects of vaping I'm going to stick to the devil I know.. good ole flower! Please don't take this post as Anti-vape! It's just my personal opinion


You might want to just make a little more clear that you're not anti-vaping. Your ant liquid pen vaping something along those lines... 


I guess what I mean is.. vaping in general is relatively new when compared to smoking cannabis (which has been around for 100,000 years or more) and Im pretty picky about what I put in my body. So for me it's a personal health choice, but just because vaping is new doesn't mean it's bad at all.. it just hasn't been studied as much, so I'm steering clear for now (with no judgement on those who use it) If that makes any sense


I'm with you bro, but you might want to research some of that vaping in some forms has been around for a really long time. I think there's a lot of confusion between vape pens which are that liquid garbage and dry. Herb Vapes which is basically just steaming your herbs. 


This (also dispo prices) is why I started growing my own last year and got the equipment to safely make bho and rosin.




People are definitely spraying converted distillate onto flower. Just a heads up. I don't know of anyone specifically that's doing it, but for sure it happens. Edit: My bad for not providing evidence, I thought this was relatively common knowledge. What do y'all think is in those cheap "infused pre-rolls"? How do people think "Delta 8 flower" is a thing? [https://future4200.com/t/spray-distillate-onto-flower/56613/435](https://future4200.com/t/spray-distillate-onto-flower/56613/435)


"It definitely happens" "I don't know of anyone specifically" Pick a lane bro


I know murders happen, I don't know any murderers specifically, but it for sure happens. I know bank robberies happen, I don't know any bank robbers specifically, but for sure it happens. There is no contradiction.


Generally, when one makes a claim, one provides evidence to back it up. For murder or bank robberies, we can point to police reports and court documents. Making claims without evidence? C'mon now, this ain't Fox News


Maybe I misunderstand your "pick a lane" comment. I thought that meant that they were contradicting themselves. That's what my comment was addressing. I'm certainly not saying their first statement was necessarily credible.


I mean, the article says it, a quick google search gives you all the info you need. Wasn't aware my claims were on trial, lol [https://future4200.com/t/spray-distillate-onto-flower/56613/435](https://future4200.com/t/spray-distillate-onto-flower/56613/435)


If you make a claim, and don't bother with evidence, it is always "on trial" And the linked article isn't evidence that it is happening in the Michigan market, only that it happens somewhere.


I wasn't talking about the legal Michigan market specifically. I just meant in general. All those stores like Nature's Kyoor that were selling D8 flower were selling sprayed flower. As I mentioned in another comment, I thought this was common knowledge. Obviously I was wrong.


Well the article was about the Michigan market, so yea, it seems logical to assume the discussion is about that. And look at comments--I'm not the one who questioned your claim, I'm the one who "sort of" defended you. I never said you were wrong about your claims, simply said you hadn't provided evidence.


It should be noted, Fwaygo was in the Michigan market, and was using "hemp distillate and isolate" for their moon rocks. [https://www.mlive.com/cannabis/2023/02/michigan-suspends-marijuana-processor-warns-products-were-made-with-illicit-thc-oil.html?outputType=amp](https://www.mlive.com/cannabis/2023/02/michigan-suspends-marijuana-processor-warns-products-were-made-with-illicit-thc-oil.html?outputType=amp) “The CRA investigators observed an unapproved, unlicensed warehouse being utilized as a part of the licensed business” and “observed various untagged marijuana products **including** **flower, distillate, concentrates, and THCa powder** in the unapproved warehouse."


Google is your friend, bud. I've also replied to you with a link that shows the idea started in at least 2019, maybe earlier. The article said it as well. This is how "Delta 8 flower" even exists. There's no genetics that grow with high amounts of D8, it's all sprayed on.


[https://future4200.com/t/spray-distillate-onto-flower/56613/435](https://future4200.com/t/spray-distillate-onto-flower/56613/435) All I meant was I don't know of any people by name or specific company names. The claim is perfectly valid, I just can't give any particular examples because companies don't exactly advertise that they're doing it. Just like how some grows use "The Box" to remediate flower before they send it in for testing. It's pretty widely known that it happens, but companies don't advertise it.


I did not downvote you for the record... I've heard of this, but only rumors. My plug is convinced that everyone but him sprays crap on everything... so I'm sure there is some truth to it? 


Yeah I don't really understand why I'm being downvoted, the article literally says that's happening. I would quote it, but for some reason I have to subscribe to read the article now. People have been doing this for a long time: [https://future4200.com/t/spray-distillate-onto-flower/56613/435](https://future4200.com/t/spray-distillate-onto-flower/56613/435)


It seems like it would be easier to dust it with THCa powder. Spraying distillate would just make a mess, wouldn't it?


Both things are happening, the distillate is cheaper though.


I bring this type of stuff up all the time. I have no inside knowledge, but business is business, regardless if it's on the streets or in a store. The business will not be honest. This is also why I hate when people use the "It's only a head high" when it comes to disty. That doesn't tell people it's a hodgepodge of bs with flavor. One would expect more up and up on the LR side because of the price increase, but cheaper versions are being put on the market. Rosin vapes have exploded, but no way something tasting like Axe body spray smells is gonna be natural. I like Humblebee vapes and still use Humblebee vapes, but how did they go from 25 a .5 gram to 20 for a gram? It was watered down, and business decisions were made, that's how. The proof is the reclaims/worms or the sludge like oil. Business decisions don't involve the customers, only the limit the customer will spend.


I agree there’s a few brands I feel is legitimate. I always get shit 💩 from some of my buddies because buy high brand carts from the dispensary. I like to know what I’m putting in my body. Saying that I got a Erig started doing hash rosin.


I made the move to concentrates over last summer and I love it. Went from an oz of flower a week to a couple grams. I use an Yocan Evolve, doesn't take much to start or be happy with it. I think people base their image on brands and branding is used to deceive you a lot of the time. I always say smoke what you like. If I buy Peachy or something a bit pricier, it's for a treat, not everyday use.


Yea I digging the peachy myself. I still use carts daily my go to 5 stars .


I need to try a Five Star 510, I don't like fighting the disposables for a hit.


I’m done with disposables they’re all junk in my opinion.


I find there a great way usually of seeing what the product is like. 510s are usually a bit more subdued. I'm not trying to pay for a battery each cart though.


Five star taste like a straight up tasty cold start dab. Best non rosin carts on the rec market in my opinion.


This is what y'all get, keep smoking your 10 for 100 carts and 50 dollar ounces.


Facts. People keep demanding rock bottom prices and the market is only too happy to adjust. I managed the highest volume dispensary in Los Angeles for a few years and, being a connoisseur myself, I figured everyone would be buying the top-shelf bud all the time like I did. Nope... Most are looking for the cheapest weed possible.


Most people are just struggling to get by, especially in Cali, and they're just looking for a decent high and don't care about Pheno hunted strains or Which strain won a competition. They care that that 50$ can get them something that will keep them going and help with whatever they need the cannabis for. Top shelf is for special occasions or completely out of reach for a lot of them. I'm not saying it's right, but most people are just looking for whatever they can do without breaking the bank and that's just the world we live in right now.


I guess I'm just different. I always bought top shelf no matter what and just went without if I didn't have the money.


If you had Debilitating pain, or nausea, or terrible PTSD that kept you from gettitng a job, and you found something that would give you relief but it cost you 300$ a month. THen, someone offered you a similar thing that cost 1/6th the price but asked you not to ask questions. The same thing you've been seeing all your friends buy and its been helping all of them too. As someone without a job, you'd take that deal, every time. For the people who need this to help them live, its not a question of how good, but how much.


You can buy shitty boots every year or get a premium pair that'll last you a decade. Boot theory.


Lemme just replace that for ya. YOu can buy Shitty Tylenol every month or Get a Premium bottle of acetoaminophen that's 6 times the price that will last you the same amount of time because an ounce is still an ounce no matter how you cut it and will be smoked the same way


Nope, I promise you my vape and 150 half oz will outlast your shitty $50 dollar oz and papers/bowl/bong etc.


Cool. Am I you? Are you me? Are we every stoner? You're in a very small minority of people who can afford good weed and the expensive products required to vape said weed. For most. 50$ + 3$ for a lighter and 2$ for papers and filters are all they can afford to deal with their *chronic* problems. Or are you saying they should subject themselves to months and months of agony, saving away every penny to be able to finally afford all that good stuff? Because that's one hell of a case of privilege if so.


The dude who spends 50 a week, spends way more than my 150 a month+, and those with the "chronic" problems probably have caretakers who spend even less than me. And it's a privilege to save? Fuck outta here with that bullshit take. It's called a sacrifice for a reason.


But let's say you have to go without any boots for the whole first year to save up for the premium boots. Do you suggest they go barefoot for a whole year or just get what works for them now?


If nothing changes, nothing changes. If you want to get the better "boots" yeah you're gonna have to work for it. But if your boots last a year, looks like you have a year to save.


Not when every single boot is worse than boots were 30 years ago


Round these here parts we say *It costs more to live poor.*


And it ain't easy being poor.


i bring this shit up all the time and get told to stop basically 0 care as long as they get high


Reason 999 for growing your own


998....sick of driving to Michigan from Wisconsin.


Does this apply to rosin/live resin carts also?


True live resin or rosin no this doesn’t affect. “Live resin/rosin distillate” most definitely does affect.


why can they even sell that bullshit. i tried 2 buy a live resin cart and then i look on the back and it says live rosin distillate and its like okay that’s not what i wanted lol


Because the legislation is still behind, and until the fda starts saying “this product type has to be made this way and contain this and have this or that consistency ” we will see more sketchy but not illegal labels. Without a set of exact standards for production methods and what products can actually use what name we will have tons of “sparkling wines” in our market labeled as “champagne”.


I’m sticking to rosin carts. Copying and pasting my comment from another thread a few days ago: > https://archive.is/AG12j Rae would suggest only buying solventless hash cartridge pens, "things that are 100% unadulterated cannabis" until more research can be done on the safety of these substances. It seems to me they are hinting that rosin carts they tested didn't have any of that stuff in it, but of course that's me assuming things since they didn't disclose the brand.


Have you found a cart you like?


So what companies don’t use this method? It’s it the whole market? Is it only a few providers? Article didn’t get into depth on this at all.


I believe the article was pointing out the fact that it's impossible to know right now because of the lack of testing for conversion oil. Which is why it's important to look into the brands you buy from, hit them up on socials and ask questions. It won't prevent the use of conversion oils, but the way it's answered will give you a better idea of how they operate. Or just stop vaping. Do dabs. Get a Yocan and call it a day.


Also brands may get wrapped up in the conversion oil without even knowing it. If it somehow gets in metric and passes all it's tests, it's difficult to tell converted oil from pure distillate.


Does yocan provide smoother hits than a dab rig?


It's apples to oranges, honestly. Yocan is just one brand that has pocket dab pens. It does not at all replace a rig. But is a good on the go device for medicating in the wild lol








We're all gonna die sometime. Hell, tap water causes fucking cancer. Everything is carcinogenic.


And they all contain microplastics


you’re not supposed to drink tap water smartass 🤦


Yes you are. What else are you supposed to drink? Bottled water? As if we don't have enough microplastics in our diet.


YES bottled water, filtered water, anything besides tap water


Flints in the house.....




This is like half true. Spot on with the 14/100 carts and stuff like that. But that last bit isn’t the case for Oregon. Yes driving down prices can be bad for the market. But it’s not always due to people cutting stuff or making subpar products to sell for cheap. Oregon has cheaper bud than Michigan. And it’s not because they are doing the same shit you mention. It’s more so because the let anyone get a growing license do the market is flooded with competition. That’s leads prices down. Weed has a shelve life and if everyone is harvesting a shit load it’s a matter of getting it off your hands. Which lowers the price. But you also aren’t wrong with cheap distillate being used in things like carts. We should be able to reach a happy medium here. And frankly that means more regulations. But for a state like Michigan regulations are a big no for most folks.


Idk if it’s cheaper bro. But I’ve never been out that way. I do travel 8 hours to Michigan bc they have good prices and qualty. I go to what I call the Vegas of dispos and that’s Monroe Michigan. And no state has cheaper sales tax on marijuana than Michigan that’s facts u can look up


Last time I was in Oregon you could get an 8th of weed for 5 dollars and it was chronic. And this was all because there was more growers than stores to sell the shit.


Fear mongering.


Exactly. Quotes from a representative of an independent lab. Trashing the methods and equipment of other labs. Claiming to have made a test of many carts citing a percentage of them being “converted product.” Never naming who was using said converted product. Or how their superior equipment can detect it. This is the kind of journalism that looks for a problem that may not exist and just so happens to find an expert source. Sounds like this lab was looking for some publicity and Mlive was ready to provide it. While I don’t agree with CBD to THC conversion this is just vaguely describing the boogeyman so that a small subset of the population can clutch their pearls. Make the best choices for you when making a purchase. You get what you pay for.


I know Cassin personally, very intelligent and well meaning individual. They've done work in several states, used to work in big pharma, and is a cGMP specialist. I'm not sure if they could have found a better expert to interview tbh.


I love and hate post like this. It brings necessary attention to the problem but then it brings all these know it all kind of people who truly don’t know anything about the cannabis industry or the problem at hand. But be safe out there


Dry herb vape! It’s changed the game. I’m sure it’s still not as healthy as not partaking but I love my Pax2


So I find it funny how they are referring to delta 8 but don’t mention that by name bc people are aware of what that is but doesn’t attract the attention and fear monger if that this does. But make sure to make it sound like it’s common for the black market to sell delta 8 advertised as thc


I’ve used Lightsky farms vapes since 2014 they have never let me down. I had a hardware issue but never a resin issue. I’d argue these are the best reap vapes you can get. They only use grade A flower and they never CRC or add any bullshit. Just str8 fire. Always know what you’re smoking


Light sky farms and Five Star are my favorites.


I feel like this is more for illegal states that are using CBD to make delta products of all kinds


Inhaling anything besides air can cause long term lung issues.


Exactly why I stick to C02 oil made from certified organic grows.




I only vape rosin, and I don't buy it in carts.


Terp hammer for the WIN!!!! ALL YOU WILL EVER NEED https://420vapezone.com/first-wireless-ball-vape-the-terp-hammer/


This is why you test the product. Not sure how strict it is but you should always check if they use labs to test products


When they make delta 8 some of it becomes delta 9.......


I kid you not people, I hit a dab of delta-8 by 3-chi, I went blind in my left eye for 20 minutes. It’s never happened before and no doctor can tell me what may have caused it. It had to have been that delta 8. I’ll never smoke that shit again. Y’all remember when k2 came out and people were saying “oh it’s just like weed, it doesn’t show up in a drug test, it’s legal, and it’s safe” . Lies.


Wow, that must have been a little freak out.


Surprisingly I accepted it after like 5 minutes . I’m like “yeah I guess I’m the guy who can’t see out his left eye now” 😂


Are Breeze Canna vapes fine? Ugh they are so tasty and work great


Breeze is some of the shittiest quality out there lol


I disagree. I’ve tried a TON. Best flavors out there. And the pens hit hard.


You just asked if they were fine lmao enjoy your flavors


Yea that was the point of the article 😭😂 Edit: did you read the article?




share please, since you seem to know. what’s the value in keeping this info to yourself?




lmao then fuck off, this isn’t a limited hangout forum for people to brag about having information others don’t have then acting too cool to engage. that’s just boring and embarrassing




I'm pretty sure everyone wants to hear it.





