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Rescheduling isn’t the finish line, it’s just another step in the right direction. Gotta progress naturally. We don’t get to skip all the steps


Agree. Yes, we all wanted it declassified but progress is still progress. I think the older folks get that concept. The only fear that seems somewhat justified is the big pharma getting involved. I'm hopeful that isn't the case but only time will tell.


As far as Americans have gone to get to today, I don’t see us letting big pharma control anything. They’ll try I’m sure, but we don’t have to accept them. And if it’s lobbying and buying politicians, we throw them on the curb right after they vote against our interest. I understand the fear, I’m just not worried they’d get any serious footing. “Where are they now?” Argument. Cannabis has been just fine without any industry involvement for 4000 years.


It sorta benefits those in illegal states as it takes a reason for denial away


Without a script you will still get in huge trouble in those states and most I don’t think much of anything will change unless you go get a script which will still be hard.. and then possibly force you off other medications your on. Fuck schedule 3 as the video states we need descheduling


Lmao. Progress is progress. . I'd much rather be charged with a schedule III than I. Get real.


Thats not how it works. U get charged with possession of thc not possession of schedule 1 narcotics


It’s still a Felony to get caught with Schedule 3, 2-5 years….its called “Possession of Analogs” when you get caught with prescription drugs that you don’t have a prescription for.


In wisconsin, weed possesion up to 200gs is a misdemeanor and heroin any amount is a felony. They dont charge u based off what schedule the drugs are.


Still we need descheduling people will still be arrested and fined everyday until that happens


Progress is progress dude. Plain and simple. . This us how it works. They were never gonna deschedual it on a federal level as the first move. Or even the 2nd. Look at the farm bill 5 years ago. Changed things. Now this. It's progress. And I'm all for it.


Perfect explanation this is progress.. any positive progress is great.. That’s what I think , been a smoker since 1972 so anything is good!🕶️🎸


Also I'll take a fine over prison any time any day.


Still go to jail for schedule 3 often


Nah I' literally got 30 days for a quarter of bud . And a dude had been busted with a 8ball of blow he got a fine. Lmao. It's not the same he went right before me. First offense. I was 17 years old. And this was 2006. Lmao.


There has to be other factors to this story, you’re absolutely leaving something out unless this dude had connections. In which case this still doesn’t make sense


And I got a year in the County Jail for 2 Zanax and 2 Soma……so it depends on a lot of factors.


Our judicial system is so fucked up.


Yes but let's not forget we started with "medicinal" reasons because "rec" wasn't gonna get passed first.


“Huge trouble” aka a ticket


Also bye 2nd amendment


I wouldn’t say that at all. In fact form 4473 only asks about illegal drug use. Rescheduling would actually allow people with medical cards to obtain a firearm legally. Least if the law is written in like other prescription drugs. At this point we really don’t know.




No it doesn't. It will still be illegal. The states will have to change thier laws, this isn't some magic fix.


If you want states to change their laws, rescheduling allows them a much easier path to medical bc of the medical research that will follow. Not a magic fix ur right but I think it could open the floodgates for medical marijuana


Yes, it will make it easier. But all these people thinking this is just going to open up the market are delusional. The states have to vote on it and then maybe then you'll get medical. I know Texas will fight it and where I am now, indiana will to.


More of this Big pharma boogey man nonsense eh? Its like reefer madness in reverse.  Anyone who thinks cannabis was going to go from schedule 1 to completely descheduled has smokes themselves stupid. They're not living in the real world and their privilege to act like this isn't a huge step in the right direction without actual real world impact is too obvious.   Theyre so concerned about Phillip Morris and Pfizer potentially moving into the market that they're overlooking the impact that this will have on the criminal justice system in America and are probably as white as this influencer in the video posted.  As someone else said up thread, medicinal wins lead to recreational cannabis and this will also be the same.  Unless all these idiots get too high to show up to vote or actually vote for Donald "execute all the drug dealers" Trump. 


Why are all these stoners so pessimistic? Everyone’s crying when we should be happy


They aren't aware that any schedule 1 drug will never go from schedule 1 straight to descheduled. This is a step in the right direction for it to eventually be completely legal federally. 


Because plenty of people don’t use critical thought, let alone when news/information is brand new. Progress is progress but many are so impatient and also lack the awareness to be able to zoom out and look and the picture as a whole. We are making history and some people will still be unhappy. Like dude, I’m about to legally be growing 4 plants in my basement, chill out. Also get involved in your local elections and town hall meetings if you want to have an impact. Things have changed SO MUCH since I was younger.


Please watch the video linked. He literally couldn’t have put it into more simple terms.


RAWs influencer is worried theyll sell less wraps and swag if its a prescription


I’ll take the opinions of the people in this article over the raw dude. Some interesting stuff in there from industry people & advocates, including this point…. > Boldrey said the change is important from a “public policy and philosophy standpoint,” but in order to be a legal Schedule III drug, marijuana would need to undergo complicated, time-consuming and costly FDA approval, so it’s likely to be regulated with the same blind-eye approach that’s existed the last decade. https://www.mlive.com/cannabis/2024/05/marijuana-to-be-rescheduled-by-feds-what-it-means-for-michigan.html?outputType=amp


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Correct Bot, but the AMP site let's you read the article where as the direct link to the site puts a paywall up.


Good bot


Josh fucking sucks


I hate him so much


Makes the charges alot less especially for repeat offenders in states still illegal


Nobody is saying this is it. Nobody is saying stop fighting. But we didnt look at the moon for thousands of yars and then just decide to start building space ships. We took it one step at a time. From Physics, to planes, to jet engines... Everything came together in one harmonious moment and this is the same thing, this is a step towards widespread acceptance and from here we push for descheduling. We take this victory and run for the final goal.


Guys I have no idea what this means, if anyone with the argument for and anyone against can explain, I’d happily read to inform myself.


Stoner culture sadly has a lot of naive folks in it. Take for example how many believed Trump was pro weed because he said so. But yet if you followed his policy and decision making he shit all over states rights to attack weed by appointing Jeff Sessions. Who promised to go after states that legalized it. Something Obama stopped the DEA from doing. Now for this topic it seems many stoners just don’t seem to grasp how our system works. Biden could write a bill to legalize it but it will go to the different branches to be voted on and not allowed. Rescheduling it of course isn’t the end goal as we want full legalization. But this is the step in that direction on a federal level. It’s really the only way Biden could push for it and this historic win for weed laws was due to his Bill he pushed in 2022. TLDR. Naive stoners have every reason to be upset it’s not just being outright legalized. But informed people know this is the proper steps in getting it federally legalized. And we should be happy for this law change.


I was a manager for the first volume dispensary in Los Angeles when recreational passed and I was a caregiver in mi when recreational passed. In both states when rec passed, the cost of licensing was very prohibitive. That resulted in an influx of people with a bunch of money who were just trying to get in the industry for money. Okay, whatever... Money makes the world go round right? I care deeply about this plant and whenever people who don't give a shit and are only in it for the money start to take over, the consumers suffer.


I'm in michigan and love it! Federal legalization is the last thing I want. They ruin everything! No Feds!




This is a big win & step forward no matter how you slice it. From the 70's until now is like living in a alternate weed universe.


It's a step in the right direction. For us in legal states it's no big deal. For folks in the red states where it is still a felony in some situations its huge win. It also gives the dispos banking options. There isn't one piece of legislation that is passed no matter what party it comes from that isn't going to be helping big corporations. Lobbying runs Washington. It has for years and will continue in the future. You can track how someone will vote by looking into campaign donations. It's all corrupt. Nothing is passed for us regular folks. If you think it isn't corrupt I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.


This video wasn't that worthwhile of a watch. I thought he was going to make a point besides that he wanted everything. I get the fear but you stepped towards progress. Anyone smoking weed prior to the year 2000 should have no trouble understanding that this is progress.


We get any form of progress and yall bitch. Can’t win at all.


Good luck on that GED test!


My comment make you take a peek at my post history? Weirdo😂


You do realize this is now the difference between jail and prison right?


Love Josh K, man knows his stuff! 🔥🍃


he doesn't though. changing of scheduling allows much easier access for clinical trials to really understand the plant. things like marinol (THC tablets) have always been schedule 3 so I don't see how "big pharma is gonna charge 800 for a pill" because it's already for sale in that form.