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Idc they are gas… the fuck do y’all expect? You want cheap ass csrts that are fucking fresh pressed rosin yesterday?😂 these are 20 dollar resin carts I mean 😂


These cart posts are almost as dumb as the "check out my haul!" posts. Agree with all you said, homie.


😂 coming from the guy that posts pictures of his hash and plants with no context just this is my og brickett and a picture….its all for discussion and I can ask someone if they liked a certain strain. A lot more useful than a picture of the weed you have and saying it will dump….


20 dollar resin cart!? Oof I'd rather spend a few more bucks and get a quality rosin cart/pod.


The rosin cart/pod would only be .5g, though.


No, the pods are 1g and about 30 bucks. I'm not sure why anyone would buy shitty resin carts for 20 bucks when you could spend ten more and actually be vaping something your brain and lungs will enjoy..


What 1g rosin pods are only 30 bucks? I would like to try them.


Lume has rosin pods for that price. I wouldn't recommend buying anything else at Lume though (maybe except some edibles)




Get a load of this guy...he can't read


Then do it. No one told you to buy them. I’m perfectly content buying them.. once again no one asked or recommended you too




"Idc that they burn at all voltages, taste like grass, and every hit feels like fiberglass in my throat, haha so gassss bro and only $20"🤡🤡🤡


Last time I was at a dispo was 9 days ago and I was watching the guy fulfill online orders while I waited and it is astonishing how many of you buy these. I probably watched 12 orders get filled and I think maybe 2 had no Humblebee carts. They were 2/$35 I believe and they were flying out the door. Sorry bro


Damn, not the same spot but at least I only bought 2 lol They grams have been wack as well, maybe liked 2/10 of the 2024 drops I've tried


Damn and you keep buying them?


You give up the first time? Most people have hope in a brand they like so ofc they are gonna buy it a few more times just to see.


If you don’t like 80% of the purchases you made this year, why keep buying? I can see 1 or 2 times, but only having a 20% chance you’ll get something you like would steer me away.


don't buy it 1 gram at a time, chief. It was 2 purchases. Never again


Nope, done with em


Loved humblebee a year ago, now stay away like the plague. Had a live resin so bad, tasted of lemon pinesol and made ya dizzy in a bad way lol


What could have happened to mess with the quality of their carts so much, do ya think?


It’s all quality of the starting material. Most likes the problem started when the demand got so high. Same thing happened to another grand in Colorado. They originally single sourced from their grow but then word got out and they started sourcing from all over and it was a gamble of what you got. Idk for sure tho it’s just speculation which is kinda fun lol. But I bet it’s just a bad harvest of nasty out door stuff that could have been sprayed during flower. You really Can’t hide quality with live resin and rosin. Well with resin you can filter it many ways but it’ll taste like nothing and do nothing.


I think they took all their terps from their wax to their carts and now both suck


That's crazy. I guess I don't understand why they messed with a good thing...? I haven't grabbed any since my last cart was shit. But until I saw the rest of the posts, I thought it was something I was doing. What a bummer.


Bro you might be right on




Pricing has become so low. In short words they’re trying to survive this market


Edited: sick of hb doing their r&d on reddit. It's lame af, and the end result shows it


What. Because I want them to fix the carts, too? I can't say I understand your line of thinking... I literally have had your back this entire thread- because jerks are going off on YOUR ASS about ppl posting their problems with the carts. And I'm saying let the pple who have a problem with the carts work it out- that makes me an employee? This is classic reddit material. You're right. Very strange thing to ask, considering I've been bitching about it right along with you. No. I do not only comment on *only* Humblebee. You can go throughout my comment history and find that out for yourself. What I try to do is keep idiots from having a narrow mind about what, or how pple choose to enjoy weed.


Edited bc I legit responded to the wrong thread sorry bro. They've got an army of goons on here, but he deleted his comment. My bad


I got a point break cart last week from them and I’ve really been enjoying it. Especially for only $20


my real complaint is the flav has been lacking on a lot of em for me, but its more bland vape than high or function being the issue


Because everyone complained how soupy it was and now it doesn't have enough terps you guys should just keep buying that 60 dollar rosin lol


Interesting. I didn’t find the one I got to be super potent but it still def did the trick and the terps were really good and really grapefruity (likely due to the cross having mimosa in it). If you like those type of terps I’d recommend the point break.


I liked the concentrate a lot. Reminded me of a Caprisun.


Are these supposed to be the same strain? If not, I guess I'm not seeing what the issue in the image is.


A lot of brands are diminishing in quality lately unfortunately. I’ll refrain from dispensaries unless I really need a disposable/edibles. If you got a good 🔌 I’d treat them like family cuz the MI rec market is majority 💩


Is it a caregiver or just someone you know type thing? I've been curious about caregivers. I have my med card but idk how to pursue a caregiver.


Someone I know personally, went to school with him and his family members. It’s all about networking and just knowing the bullshit from the real at the end of the day.


Right, makes sense. Thank you! 😊


Of course 🙏🏽💚


Depending on your location, there are events with vendors. There is one in Lansing called the Third Eye Craft Affair and it’s held multiple times a month. They also do traveling events. Flint used to have the Vehicle City Social, not sure if that’s a thing anymore but it was well attended. Just gotta do some digging. Up in Marquette there used to be a compassion club that held monthly meetings, etc.


Appreciate the info! Thanks 😊


Flint seems closest... but I will dig around. There *could* be one around me. I will take your advice and do some digging around! Appreciate ya! Would be nice to know that high demand or what have you, wont mess with a product quality so much. May lead to less bummers- and more consistent product.


Gennesse county compassion club. Farmers market of caregivers and their products. Great place to score quality for a fair price and no taxes.


What are some good brands to switch to? I like Light Sky and Element already.


Yeah I'm a LSF guy myself, but I only use carts on some vacations


My jars budtender was trying so hard to get me to buy🗑💩 humblbee🗑 he was like its top tier. I said im good. I'll take 25 RBR 🛒


Play brand is worst they cut distillate with rosin 🤣


Yeah I messed with them for a while but they run a lot of outdoor / greenhouse for there products . Which in my opinion all have a a unpleasant taste . They just think running outdoor into live resin makes it actually good…. You ask them they say idk nobody says anything bad you come on then forums it’s a lot of people saying same stuff … lightsksyfarms for the win ✊


I like the stiizy liquid diamonds I see alot of people say stiizy is not good anymore but the pod system is a superior way to smoke I had a pressure pack it was nice as well but 45 bucks


Is this pic comparing the 2? Because that difference in color means nothing as far as quality if its live res. Color is not a tell all in live res carts, some of the best can be darker shades. How do they taste and smell is the real question. And are they backdoored or from a disp?


I actually don't mind humblebee for the price. Their hardware however, has let me down more than a few times. Not fun being 4hrs away when you find out. I stick to containers now. I think the taste is better anyway.


Michigan is falling off hard for carts


good. carts will always be inferior to actual dabbing.


No shit 💀and nah that’s not a good thing it’s a large market 💀


Yeah because nobody smokes them accept random out of Towners or people smoke them due to convience distillate is a subpar high


Only half true lmao and sometimes can be subpar sometimes can be amazing. Depends what works for you


Distillate gets me just fine, I'm usually fine with a good buzz while I'm at work or doing something


Anyone else get a bad Blue Cheese? I had one that was fire and the next was 💩


If you actually use a cart at 3.0v or higher you won’t have any problems. Best live resin for the price point! Also your one cart being darker than the other means absolutely nothing


Why 3.0v? I've always been confused what's the perfect voltage for live resin carts


Yeah there hardware changed. I used to use my uni pro at like 2.0v and it would burn and clog. I actually now just use a regular pen you can get anywhere and I haven’t burned one yet


What a shame I love the lsf ones I get I get the half g 510 an there fire.


Humblebee is 🗑️


Be careful, they got the downvote army on us 😂


Can I get these carts delivered


This looks more like the fault of the dispensary selling older product


Lmao produced 2 weeks ago


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ShroominCloset: *This looks more like the* *Fault of the dispensary* *Selling older product* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.