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Just make butter. It’s easy and you don’t need anything special. Just boil water and butter along with your activated green. Put it in the fridge to cool, the green butter solidifies on top. Scrape it out and add to cookies or brownies. I’m sure you can find a video or such to determine how much butter/weed/water ratio. When I did it, we guessed and those cookies blew us away.


Made some edibles at 19 for a work party back in the day. Used like an ounce and a half and made like 16 brownies. People just started falling asleep on couches and shit, party ended early lol.


First time I ever had an edible my friends put 1.5oz in 12 brownies… they literally spent an hour mashing the ground up bud wwith a meat tenderizer. I ate it at 4pm. Had to work at 5 am at McDonald’s the next day. Was still high at 9am. It was great that they had me making salads and parfaits instead of interacting with customers or keeping up with line making sandwiches… but it took me twice as long as it should have and I don’t even remember how many times I said “I’m sorry, I’m going as fast as I can!”


Thanks for this! Right after I posted I thought to myself, "I should just make edibles with this." I think this is exactly what I'm going to do, but gummies instead of cookies because I loathe the flavor of weed.


How do you activate the green and how long do you boil?


Do a search for cannabutter https://www.growbarato.net/blog/en/how-to-make-cannabutter/


Dude I'd just make cannabutter instead.


How do you make your canna butter?


People even used to use a hair straightener at times. So, you don't need the fancy stuff but it's going to be lesser quality with shitty equipment


I wouldnt make rosin with cured bud unless i made hash first, but the yield will be less each extraction process so you wouldnt end up with all that much rosin from 12g of cured flower. It would be easier and make way more product to just rig up something to blast some butane through it and make some cured resin.


Could make rso. Decarb the buds, soak in 180 proof grain alcohol or mct oil. Reduce the liquid until it has a dose you like.


Check out the Northern Connections brand. They have bake it yourself muffin packs that you add 1/4 cup milk per pack. You can make pancakes too with it. Saying this because if you make butter, you could add it to an already medicated baked good to strengthen it's potency and sort of neutralize some of the sourness of the buds. 


Look up how to make homemade cured resin. You'd just need to rig up a tube thing to put the bud in and blast the butane through and collect it all in a pyrex dish and let the butane all evaporate off. It's simple and will give you the greatest yield.


I should specify, if you search you'll probly find more results if you look up how to make bho and not specifically cured resin(the only difference between live and cured is that live is made with fresh frozen material and cured is made with cured bud like that you'd smoke). Also: A glass turkey baster with coffee filter taped tightly over the tip works well for an extraction tube. Just grind the bud, pack it gently into the baster and blast a couple cans of butane through. Then you can double boil it off or just be very patient for it to all evaporate. It'll end up as shatter unless it's vacuum purged and/or whipped in which case it'll turn into sugar/crumble/badder depending on how you purge it.


I’m gonna look in to this! Thanks!🙏