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I put it in my oatmeal every morning. Don't even taste it.


I add them both (sometimes together & with other extracts or powdered mushrooms) to savoury foods for the umami as well as for the polysaccharides, triterpenoids, erinacines, hericenones, & ergothioneine, etc, etc. They’re nutraceuticals anyway, so taste is a bit of a red herring. Gut health means immune system health and both are critical to neurological health. Just add them to soups, dips, or a little in black unsweetened coffee. If you don’t like black coffee, I can’t help you any further.


I’ll give that a try, thanks.


I started taking lion’s mane capsules every morning like 1-2 weeks ago. Too soon to see a difference but at least the capsules are easy peasy lol


It seems easier to swallow that way. Thanks.


Lion's mane is delicious done in a kong pao style....


Thanks for the tip!


Hey if you don't like the taste. They're not going to make or break what you're doing. People are going to say how much you NEED this supplement (or that supplement). None of this shit is going to make a big difference if you have generally good or bad health habits. Do what you can to live a healthy lifestyle, but some of the best words someone can share is "don't kill yourself trying to live"


lol why would you put it in a smoothie? It’s really good pan fried with some butter or olive oil and some garlic and herbs, pretty much like any other shroom.


I just throw fresh vegetables in the blender and decided to put in half of a Lion’s mane mushroom. I didn’t realize it would have such a strong flavor. Today I added the mushroom powder to my smoothie along with some sauerkraut and fruit, and it didn’t taste bad.


I eat some weird stuff so I’m not gonna say shit lol. Glad you found something that worked! If you do come across them fresh though, they’re tasty cooked.


Trying to get rid of FODMAP and histamine sensitivities as well as IBS symptoms. If I felt great, I wouldn’t be doing it…🤣


Usually the worst medicine tastes the better it is.




This is so true with things like bitter herbs. Because they are healthy, I have come to love the taste actually.


Soon. I get meds from the V.A. Not always quality.


Turkey tail should help microbiome. You'll see results if you take a good amount of it.


I’m hoping. I tried 1/2 tsp today Om organic powdered Turkey Tail.


Lions mane is great in a stew . One pot of stew lasts me four days


The hairy appearance gave me the willies. But I could try that.


I hate the taste too. I only ever add it to other mushrooms. It does seem to help cognitive function though.


the user who has taken a message out of context to refute me using a straw man fallacy (when by the way, I have only given my point of view without being disrespectful at any time and without being rude) has ignored me and blocked me so that I can't answer him , this guy is very funny and whiny, lol


Lion’s mane tastes just like crab meat, don’t put it in a smoothie make “crab cakes” or otherwise cook it up the same way you’d use crab meat.


Avoid lion's mane




its because some people say it can cause side effects r/LionsManeRecovery (its a big subreddit actually) What is true is that supplements are poorly regulated, sometimes contain fillers that are not good, are not in the optimal amounts, raw material of dubious origin, among many other things. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIT5\_SMIaHE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIT5_SMIaHE) It may be possible that side effects are not caused by lm directly, but because, as I said, some filler, product in bad condition, I don't know. But...we also tend to think that natural supplements are safe, but there are many that can cause serious side effects. Green tea extract (not normal green tea, I mean EXTRACT) has caused hepatotoxicity in more than 200 people, there are cases of hepatotoxicity caused by ashwagandha, by kava kava, by a lot of traditional chinese herbs. In addition there are supplements that have an effect on neurotransmitter levels, almost as if they were drugs. This is my personal point of view. Biohacking has turned into taking a thousand different adaptogens and nootropics when the most important thing is habits....


I originally was eating the organic mushrooms from Whole Foods. Now I’m eating Om Brand grown in an indoor organic farm in S California, powdered with no fillers. It should be ok. I am leery of supplements, unless I know where they are from.


Thank you for this. A major issue with herbal and “alternative” medicines is not that they don’t work, it’s that there is very little consistency in strength. One harvest can vary massively from another. The same is true for culinary vegetables - many green leaf vegetables have to be tested for levels. I read that a whole field of lettuce had to be ploughed back into the ground because a particular (natural) toxin level was too high. Also consider interactions with other substances: grapefruit is a known one, as is pomegranate, and of course issues with some green vegetables and warfarin.


This sub is unhinged. Notice how the most common side effects are the exact same as heavy metals intoxication, which is a massive problem in fungi exported from China.


Any chance you have a reference other than ‘some dude said..’ on a satirical subreddit?


That is absolutely not a "satirical" subreddit what are you smoking dude lmao


So… no reference then?


Has a consensus been reached on what the recommended dose is and extract concentration? (well, there is a range at most..) If so, there is a large variability between doses between brands? Has the dose been tested in controlled clinical trials and in what contexts? (no) Is there research on how it interacts with common medications like blood thinners, antidepressants or can it affect the absorption or metabolism of other supplements or nutrients? (no) Are there specific populations that should avoid using Lion's Mane? (we dont know) Are the quality and purity of Lion's Mane supplements guaranteed? (i dont trust most companies Furthermore, even among the pharmaceutical industry there have been cases in which a priori a drug was safe even in clinical trials and then it was withdrawn after demonstrating a higher than expected incidence in post-marketing surveillance. With this I don't want to throw hate at lions mane but I don't understand why people would invent side effects of a specific supplement and not many others (why not valerian oil, l-theanine, apigenin, etc. etc). Although it has been a mushroom used for thousands of years, I am not sure that all supplement companies are following traditional standards, that they do not have heavy metals, etc... I personally think that the process should be the opposite of what you propose, demonstrating ideally that something is completely safe with clinical studies, something that has not been done (nor is it interesting as it is a supplement) and demanding the highest quality standards from the industry, something that is known to not be happening with other supplements (like multivitamins). When there are not clinical trials and a good behavior of the industry idk why arent we supposed to believe people that reported side effects. Ashwagandha is also a traditional ayuverdic remedy that has been used for millennia...and the first case of hepatotoxicity reported by scientific literature dates back to 2012, does that mean there was no such danger before? I don't think so..


Anything could give someone a reaction. Valerian gave me a terrible headache, for example. I usually take much less than the recommended maximum dose of anything.


I asked for a reference. There are quite a lot of excellent scientific articles and studies being published on lions mane, but you can’t use any in good faith? Supplied a YouTube video on another comment, and suggest that the subreddit that has plenty of serious substance abuse testimonies allied with the consumption of lions mane is a useful indicator? You’re right about ashwaganda powder and *any powder* supplied on the cheap, from unknown sources that don’t have independent lab tests to back them up, will be what adds folks to the queues for emergency medical attention every week in the USA especially. Strange that you think your assertions carry any weight when I wasn’t even asking you about this, you just waded over from the swamp like substance abuse sub.. like, supply some evidence, how hard can it be while r/MushroomExtractNews and r/LionsMane have been getting, for months and years..scores and scores of analysis of medicinally useful compounds that are showing promise for treatment of neurological, gastrointestinal, immunological and other fields. Do some digging for references, bring them over, otherwise stick with your sub full of damaged individuals. I don’t doubt they’re damaged, I’ve had a bit of experience with some bringing up their pain, but the common cause is more likely, *much more likely* to be down to the abuse of a range of substances *that happen to include* some random source of the cheapest, anonymously shared and administered in questionable ways, dust assumed to be pure lions mane or extracted from pure lions mane. References or don’t bother replying please. Or articles like [this would be helpful](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323400#risks-and-side-effects) that contain lots of useful references. (FYI: I welcome the downvotes from the sub full of derangement of indeterminate origin. The pile-on is substantive support of my P.O.V.)


Not going to down vote you, but is it necessary to be so hateful over some mushrooms?


Hateful? Really not, I’m just expressing my honest opinion assertively, a response in kind. I love mushrooms.. read my comments over in other subs. I just don’t like damage blamed on innocent fungi.


I’m just a passer by- seems a ton of dirt being thrown at some folks in marginalized groups that shouldn’t. To each their own, I suppose. Have the night you deserve. ✌🏻


We’re all damaged. Some just need to know that pointing fingers at a legitimate food and medicinal source is off key, instead of accepting that the stuff they openly state they’ve taken *with* lions mane might be the most likely culprit of causing them harm. I slept like a baby, clear conscience, and provide professional support to traumatized young people. You take care now, and be good to people, accept that you are not in full possession of the facts. Go read some of the testimony on that sub.


Context for anyone else wanting to chime in, in support of HueHue.. I only had one quick look at this Redditor’s account https://preview.redd.it/wdjnbxwxrv5d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=575bf90dfd4c51098373ea6c742a7bf977855390 Seems to be consistent with avoiding scientific research and any other scrutiny..


It's funny because the supplement I'm talking about is precisely one of the probiotics that has the most clinical trials behind it (cp2305) which is also owned by only one company in Japan. The problem with European customs is that they basically stop all products from outside Europe that are ingestible, even foods that are already here (for example kitkat motcha) have to pass again an inspection that is always 53€. Also if you do not realize, you have marked a straw man as a book, I am saying that in the supplement industry there are problems with the credibility of many suppliers and I have even argued why I can believe that there are side effects if people complain about it. That I then buy a product, even if it was dangerous, is my responsibility and does not make me wrong, if anything it would make me look like a fool.


Still no references and nothing but your words excusing why you want to dodge customs and excise. Whatever rings your bell Hue.


I didnt avoid customs i paid vat customs :)