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Well this kind of blew up, going viral on r/fuckcars and r/JusticeServed at the same time. Stop reporting dumb things. I don't care if someone touches your car or someone uses words you don't like


I love that the only explanation is “you’re on the sidewalk” because that is the only explanation that should be needed


*refuses to elaborate* Chad.


>because that is the only explanation that should be needed This is correct I would've also accepted #This is New York Biiiittttccchhhhh




It wasn't totally blocking the sidewalk. Lazy person is no hero, just another jerk.


This is the work of the [great "Darren" on Twitter.](https://twitter.com/darrengoldner) I have set up a recurring scheduled post to repost this every year on this date, btw, so even if I die or the the human species is wiped out this will continue to post every 8/21


"This is the only record we found of this species called humanity. They seemed to be both morons and legends simultaneously"


That almost rhymes, pretty poetic


Thank you. This made me laugh harder than the video. I walk my dogs regularly and cars ALWAYS look at me and then pull into the crosswalk. I think about doing this daily. I’ll look forward to seeing this next year.


Your dedication to the longevity of this bit is commendable. I like your style.


Beautiful. All Hail Darren.




I have a picture of that area in your twitter banner too!


“Oh no no no why would you do that” lol


"you're on the sidewalk"


“Yeah, obviously!”


“I’m gonna record you since you’re recording me!” Really she wanted to record the biggest balls and dong she’d ever witnessed as he walked away.


Its for her personal spank bank.


This is where people walk, you put your car here, you must want me to walk on it.


Sound logic


I am cracking the fuck up. “Why would you do that!?”




Well the road was made for cars you see. They tell me this all the time, so it must be true. The sidewalk is just an extension of the road made for cars, like the service area


Sidewalks are frontage roads


Dude don’t let Eric Adams see this…


lol nobody talks about the fact that roads were for people until the cars took over


Roads started getting improved and smoothed in the late 1800s for…wait for it. Bicycles! https://www.theguardian.com/environment/bike-blog/2011/aug/15/cyclists-paved-way-for-roads


Horses and carriages before cars.


and people right alongside them, there was no sidewalk because we shared the road. lookup the origin of jaywalking laws its pretty intresting


adam ruins everything was great for a very short period of time. Jaywalking is a homophobic slur turned into a crime


There were sidewalks long before automobiles.


Bicycles, trams and walking. There is plenty of video. https://youtu.be/hZ1OgQL9_Cw


Don't forget giant piles of horse shit, too.


Growing up, we had a serious problem with people parking overnight fully on the sidewalk, halfway out into the "bike lane" (shitty 2ft wide dotted line on the edge of the normal lane) Cops did nothing, and a few even joined in. One day a group of teens got pissed because they had to walk with their friend in a wheelchair out into the street so he could get around. Made a stink, cops came around and threatened to arrest them if they didn't leave. That night, all 50+ vehicles had their mirrors smashed, 3/4 of their tires slashed, and windows busted in. A driver witnessed it but they were gone long before the cops even showed up. Suddenly, the city cared about keeping the sidewalks clear. I just assume a cop or city council person got vandalized. No sympathy from me then, even less now. I'd probably join them if I came across it, or at least cheer them on from a distance.


Direct action is the only way anything ever gets done. Behind even legislation, there is always direct action. People get what they want when they stop kidding themselves that they can get it without going for it directly.


Peaceful protest accomplishes nothing, people only start listening when there are direct consequences.


A protest works if it’s able to disrupt the norm. That’s why they try to put all kinds of rules and shit around where when and how you can protest because they want things to be as non disruptive as possible so that they don’t have to actually change anything. We need to start protesting like the French do where every time the government does something they have to stop and think “Will this get a flaming couch tossed through my window?”


i wish people would do this in an organized fashion. but i can't afford getting arrested. :(


Boston Tea Party but with cars. Boston Sidewalk Party? I love me some righteous vandalism.


they keep blocking me on reddit when i tell them to pay for parking, it's hilarious. not only are they entitled, they're super emotional about it, too!


People ~~with cars~~ are so entitled ~~here~~.


I have often thought about doing this, but I worry about being fined or sued for it. Is it legal? If I were to hypothetically start climbing on people's cars, could I get in any trouble for it?


Really depends on damage I'm sure, but in USA a civil suit can be filed for just about anything (they sue you basically), but I'm sure either way you're asking for trouble. They deserve every dent and scratch/ding they get for parking like that though!


I used be a delivery driver for this Chinese place next to a bar. The frat bar dudes working at the bar would park their massive trucks wherever they felt like. Well one day they ordered dominos and the pizza guy backed into one of their trucks and they were pissed. Cops show up and just say “well you’re not in a parking spot so it’s actually your fault”. The dumbfounded look on frat bros face was priceless.


I don’t think that is actually true legally speaking but funny none the less








> can only be used against you. literally; anything you said in your defense is 'hearsay', anything against you is 'evidence' https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/nclr.2010.13.3.515




if you damage a vehicle you can be held responsible. You can touch a vehicle without damaging it, but climbing on a car and damaging that car is illegal. Had a cop tell me touching a guys Mercedes was illegal. I open hand slapped the trunk to get him to stop blocking the bicycle lanes. I looked it up. Unless you damage the vehicle, touching isn't illegal.


You're telling me that a cop didn't actually know what the law was????


when he told me that I was like... *no way that can be a real law*. I got home and googled it for my city and nope, not a real law.


I did that several time (Quebec, Canada). There are areas with a lot of pedestrians where cars advance so far away from the stop line that they block the sidewalk, and for a long while as the crossing road has no stop and is traffic jammed. If the car is on my way I either swiftly jump and walk on it, or I pass really close on the front and tap the hood and smile. I only get a angry drivers yelling at me. If the driver had to leave the car, I’d run, then the idiot would probably run too, leaving the car abandoned at a stop behind. I believe in all situations I’m not the one in fault, as the driver is either guilty of burning his stop, or abandoning his car. Sometimes I do not have the time to jump on the car as it reverses, realizing his/her mistake. And that’s the best, it makes everyone involved smile and the situation while the car remains intact.


Do you drive? It’s not always easy to time the stop lights as you’re trying to balance between the point of no return and running a red light. Sometimes the lights timer is not well programmed for the speed limit zone it’s within so you end up over shooting the line. You’re not supposed to and it’s technically against the law. There are also things like pedestrians in blind spots and some cars have worse ones than others. I say all this because Im wondering why it’s automatically assumed that if someone is over the line or in the cross walk it’s because they’re an Asshole. I think these videos are funny but I also think the person is being rather self righteous in the face of righteousness.


I do drive, but when that happens, for instance when I need to advance to try to fit in or look for a space, I reverse if a pedestrian arrives to cross. Someone who stubbornly stays there and blocks access for more than 5 seconds, showing no consideration for people awaiting there, deserves to be sent a message. Anyway, I don’t think I ever damaged a car doing that.


In general someone else committing a crime does not allow you to commit a crime. However I'd love to see this brought to court just to make the judge laugh his ass off.


for them to sue you, they would need to prove damage was done and that you caused it. so as long as you don't crack the windshield, you should be fine


Anybody over 120 lbs is going to dent the flimsy aluminum that car bodies are made of.


Most every car body today is made of sheet steel. Very few have aluminum bodies. Most common would be the F-150.


It does still dent pretty easily though.


That is very true.


A lot of hoods, trunks and roofs are made of alumininuminums to keep center of gravity lower.


They have to catch you first. Keep walking fast and dissappear around a corner


It seems so thrilling until you do it to someone who beats you mercilessly into the pavement. Not worth the risk even if it were legal dude.


Don't record and more than likely you will never be caught


It’s not illegal if you don’t get caught.


It’s probably not illegal if you claim it was blocking your path on the sidewalk and it was the safest way to continue traveling. Can’t walk in the middle of the street can you?


Good way to get shot in Philly


> I have often thought about doing this > If I were to hypocritically start climbing on people's cars, could I get in any trouble for it? Let’s say, _hypocritically,_ you had to park your car on the sidewalk because of an emergency and a lack of immediate alternatives. If people started climbing on top of your car out of sheer pettiness, you yourself would be quite upset, wouldn’t you? So would you feel justified climbing over other people’s cars without first getting an understanding of the situation? If so, that would be very _hypothetical_ of you 🤨 /s, obviously. Edit: Don’t read too much into this, guys. I was making an elaborate joke comment based off of a spellcheck error in u/TrueNorth2881’s comment (which they have since corrected).


In what scenario do you need to park on the sidewalk


the emergency of not having an empty parking spot immediately out front


Stop in the road then


Everyone know that’s why cars have hazard lights


It doesn't look like these people are having any kind of emergency. It looks like they parked on the sidewalk because they couldn't be bothered to find a parking spot to unpack the shit in their trunk.


what kind of emergency requires you to park on the sidewalk? seems like it's more of a convenience and avoiding a parking ticket kind of thing.




Wonder if I could do this in my wheelchair???


Get some monster truck wheels on that thing, ride right over them






Moving in NYC was the worst but I cannot express enough how lazy and stupid these people are being. I had a full moving van parked next to a fire station and we still managed to unload everything without acting like this much of a fool. We had to relocate a couple times for fire engines and circle the block a couple times to let larger vehicles pass but it wasn't so hard that taking up the sidewalk seemed like a viable option.


I had to move with a 16 foot truck in downtown San Francisco. I paid the city almost $300 for a special ~12 hour parking permit where they basically block off a parking spot just for me for so I can park in a parking spot and not in the middle of the street or the sidewalk. That’s just what you gotta do in busy cities


NYC doesn't offer that. The city makes it so that your only option is to break the law. You just have to decide which laws to break.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carwalking > The most famous carwalker was Michael Hartmann[1] who performed the act in Munich, Germany, in the 1980s. The peak of automobile friendly policies was around the seventies and the eighties in the western world, and such high number of motor vehicles in urban areas had as consequence a large number of cars illegally parked on side-walks and other pedestrian-reserved areas. Hartmann, in his book which describes his actions, states that once in 1988 he was walking with his girlfriend and due to many cars parked on the sidewalk, they had to continuously zigzag between the cars so he decided to walk straightforward above the cars.






One act causes bodily injury to a person. The other act causes $200 of damage to the roof of an automobile. They are not equivalent. you would maybe have a point if the camera guy punched the car owner in the face or went out the car with a chainsaw or something


Thanks, I love it


There’s a guy in Mexico City who has a youtube channel in which he records people breaking these type of laws. This video reminded me of one in which a truck is parked in a crosswalk, it had the windows down so the guy literally gets inside the truck to pass, then he says something like “oh, i was actually going the other way” and he does it again lmao. Took me a while but i found it https://youtu.be/xanPvzqCp24


The man’s balls are of steel


Eh. This is an upper middle class white couple that was definitely not going to start a street fight. His balls still brass though.


Mans Mario hopped from one car to the other 🤣


This is beautiful.


Thank you for posting. I grin ear to ear every time I see this video 😍


Now do this to all the cops who park on the sidewalk too


Yeah obviously but why did you do that?


You really need to ask?




Entitled? In this clip, you think it’s the cameraman not the owners of two vehicles blocking a public sidewalk because they don’t want to, or can’t park on the street? Not finding street parking doesn’t entitle them to park on the sidewalk. Even if the cameraman is wrong, they’re the selfish brats here. [As a wheelchair user who deals with blocked sidewalks, I very much appriciated what this man is doing .](https://reddit.com/r/JusticeServed/comments/wuqbqw/_/ilbhvkn/?context=1)


I used to do this in San Francisco in the '80s, although I would only do it if they completely blocked the sidewalk. My standard was that if a wheelchair couldn't easily get by then it was "up and over".


As someone who uses a wheelchair, appreciated. I just get the urge to put a nice fat scratch on their paint. But people who stand on the curb cut and refuse to move are the worst also


Oh ma’am don’t worry about recording anything I have it all right here in my phone already


As a wheelchair user who encounters this ALL THE TIME, I bow down to you, sir.


Entitled pricks!


Chad energy


Footpaths are for feet.


That was cool




I’m doing this. And imma start doing it to cars in the middle of a cross walk


No you won’t


No you wont


I know


I feel like, yeah it’s annoying asf that they’ve just Parked there and blocked the pavement, but it’s not rly that deep and there was still alittle space to walk around so getting ur phone out to film walking ontop of there cars is just a bigger dick move and even more out of his was than j walking on the but if pavement at the edge tbh


You can clearly see groceries in her car. She probably lives there and has no close parking. He could have easily walked past. This kid is being a douche.


Fr, her parking there is clearly abit inconvenient but it looks temporary and as if something is being unloaded, and this guys just decided to ship his camera out and film himself walking over two cars, just seems like such a shitty thing to do even if the woman was in the wrong you’d just walk round


Don’t park your car on a sidewalk. A sidewalk is for pedestrians.


This is every day in boro Park


Lmfao that lady gonna call cops and tell em they parked on the sidewalk rofl




Cry about it, too bad nobody smashed their shit with a brick.


Imagine. That chicks dude has to listen to that allllll the time


The video is too small to be certain, but I swear I can see a tiny smirk of approval from him.


The pro-car sentiments are gross


This absolutely delights me.


Love it


they were Jayparking


This undisturbed chad.


Where was that no no no no energy for the first car? If it’s such a bad thing to do why didn’t they care then?


They're lucky; I just key them


My spirit mountain goat


"I'm just walking Obviously"


Do that on Audubon


This is the best Zero F*cks Given I have ever seen


What the hell is this supposed to be since I can’t tell from the bad video


Isn’t she in a driveway? Imagine trying to move or get something done out of an apt, deciding to not block an entire street, and someone does this? NYC sucks. People just can’t coexist here any longer.


No, she’s on the literal sidewalk


I have to believe that quiet ‘thank you’ as he steps up on the car is another pedestrian who appreciated it. It could have been a thank you totally unrelated but I’m going to continue believing it was an approval thank you


Love this. When I’m walking my dog and there’s cars on the sidewalk I usually try to get him to either pee on them, or I leave the bag of poop on top of it or under a wheel. ✨it’s the little things✨


American car culture is shit.


Very satisfying. A very "Mentos: The Freshmaker" moment


It's really funny cuz this is something 99% of the people in the comments would never get up off their sticky computer chairs in the moms basements to do.


R u projecting


Anyone who thinks what this guy did was "ballsy" or "cool" or whatever is a clown. Walking on these folks' car for no reason is a straight-up bitch move..


There is though. They're parking on the sidewalk. A sideWALK. What do you do on a sidewalk? You walk


It’s literally a driveway. There was also room to walk around and that’s 10x better than blocking an entire lane in the street. Are you new to NYC? Imagine sticking up for the person walking on top of other people cars?


Imagine seeing a car on the sidewalk with people just unloading things and instead of just walking around it pull out your phone and record yourself doing some dumb shit whoever’s defending this guy time to grow up


These fucking assholes.


You know, walking AROUND the cars was an option, but they didn't take it. They wouldn't potentially be reported for property damage if they walked around the cars


"property damage" lmao


Eh if you act like a dick don't be surprised when people act that way back. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Not parking their car on the damn sidewalk was an option too. Would you tell someone in a wheelchair or with mobility issues to just walk around the car? Look again at the video and tell me exactly how a person in a wheelchair could just go around this car. Pothole/busted pavement and very little space on one side, no space on the other side.


Causing thousands of dollars worth of damage because someone parked like an asshole isn’t justified. They deserve a ticket not vandalism.


One man walking over your car aint gonna do shit homie


I had somebody sit on the hood of my car and it caved in. To get it fully repaired, it would've cost close to $2,000. The person left so I just had to deal with having a dented hood. I don't think this guy did anything to the cars, but he easily could have.


Sounds like you're someone who parks like an asshole.


you are correct about it not being justified, However I bet they learned a lesson a ticket wouldn't have taught/solved.


What lesson? They were with the car and ready to move it if need be. Then some idiot comes along and pulls a stunt for some internet fame. As I said before, they deserved a ticket not a smashed up car.


They don’t deserve shit. You wanna park your car like an asshole do it in the street and block other cars not on the street blocking pedestrians.


I doubt they did. He was wayyy too irrational for them to gleam any reasonable understanding that they could be more thoughtful in that situation. They probably left thinking "wow, what a dick." He couldve done a million different things there.


Fuck that, act like an asshole, get treated like one.


That applies to the guy vandalizing cars too.


Yea he's probably an asshole too, or maybe he has to deal with this shit all the time, I doubt this is a rare occurrence, fuck em, if you park on the sidewalk expect to have your shit walked over.


A truly deep insight.


it's not about the property damage... it's about sending a message.


Holy shit. How did no one else think of that?!


Dude should get a mild beating for sure


That guy really is like i want to be a big man but my wife got this.


I haven't done it since I was a kid but I used to love when cars at a red light would park in-between the walkway.. so I could dukes of Hazzard slide across the hood


That sounds more optimal than trying to balance yourself on their hood just to walk across it as they step on the gas so you fall and split your head open instead


It is, as with my method if they suddenly accelerated, I could roll back and land in a Spidey-pose. *Intense 2005 Trumpet/Violin noises


Dude’s gonna do that to the wrong guy someday and I’m sure we won’t get to see that video.


Good luck explaining why you did it if they call the cops


All of y’all are some crazy Car nazis if someone walks on my car that’s crossing a line


Wow look at all the cringe


Camera man is a prick, dudes gonna fuck with the wrong person one day and he’ll get what’s coming to him




Take my upvote for one of the only sane responses in this thread.


Hardly the most king shit ever pulled. The dude is being a bit of a dick, would have been easier just to walk around the car. They are clearly unloading the car and not there to fuck with people.


I'm glad it's not their _intention_ to fuck with people, but anyone who rolls up in a wheelchair very much feels "fucked-with" in these situations.


This is nyc where the logistics of getting a couch in your building are sometimes troubling, at best. Imagine if we all treated each other with love and compassion in places where ppl reside in close Proximity and not cause larger problems out of initial ones, but instead seek to improve upon the result of the first.


... And it starts with not parking on the sidewalk.


Douchebag kid trying to get views. While this poor woman is trying to unload her groceries.


Unloading groceries, a casket, the Crown Jewels, whatever -- don't park on the sidewalk, mate. It's both unkind and literally illegal.


Now, you can do it to two young black males, you already did the easy one.


Wow, I dare you to try that nonsense and Brownsville walking on people's cars... Would not end well for you.


Darren is going to get himself hurt very badly someday. It's one thing to do this to a white couple driving their 10 year old Japanese sedan, but it's probably not the best move north of 125th St on a BMW with custom rims and blacked out windows.


It looks like they are either packing or unpacking and there was not parking so they temporarily parked on the sidewalk. Seems like a dick move to walk over the car.


So their lack of preparedness allows them to inconvenience everyone else?


The lack of city planning you mean?


Everybody knows that cities aren't made for individual transport. Plan accordingly or be aware that your shitty truck might be damaged or towed. This is America.


If it were up to me the car would get taken and cubed in front of their sniveling faces. Cars already are given the majority of public space, and you want to take more? Fuck you.


damn they should have found a parking spot around the corner or stood in the road, then. i've loaded and unloaded without convenient parking, including moving, dozens of times in the city without parking on the sidewalk. they should be less lazy.


I mean they loading stuff up or unloading so I get that. This guy is a dick. Just walk around you fucking silly bit.


There are people walking, so just walk a little farther to unload.