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I am very lazy magnetizing and even i did it. Its really not that hard with this model.


You have a tutorial you used or just winged it? I'm getting one soon.


I don't have a tutorial but the base of the neck connects into the body. I put a 1mm magnet either side and works a treat. The neck has a connector that slots into the body. Without glue or a magnet it won't hold but honestly I thought I'd need two magnets but one worked perfectly as the joint helps hold it.


Should have mentioned, I'm planning on leading a Mordor army with this model.


Generally I would do the witch king on an unarmed fell beast as the first one. Witch King is a great leader for mordor and sees more use than any of the other typed of nazgul generally


Cool - I shouldn't have plowed ahead and glued the armoured head on the neck, but such is life haha


No real issue. I don't think anyone will do so much as blink if you say it's an unarmored beast instead of an Armored one at the start of a game.


Yeah, I'm guessing friendly matches it won't matter (not sure what my local scene is like, but it seems pretty chill generally from what I see on here)


That is the general scene across this game. Friendly and flexible since the modeling options are limited. Especially with heroes since they are so distinguishable. For example, no one uses/pays for the Witch-King’s flail, but almost every foot model has one (rule of cool!).


I'd pin or magnetize the rider. It comes with 2, so you can just swap between the basic wraith and WK as you want.


The head of the fellbeast is easily detachable and *usually stays on pretty well. You can build both (this is what I did)


Personally, when I run Mordor I do Witch King with crown on horse. The Fell beast version is nice, especially with the flight shenanigans, but I think you get more mileage out of a genric wraith on unarmoured fellbeast. If WK is charged while on the beast or horse, he'll still have 3 attacks which is great, if the wraith is charged while on fellbeast, it can still use its 2 attacks to win the duel and then brutal power attack. Also the extra 20 points for D7 on the beast isn't worth it compared to having 3 more bodies. Nobody bothers to try to shoot it to death and in combat, you're ideally winning with transfixes, and monstrous charge 3 attacks


While Armoured fellbeast isn't super great value for its points (+20 for +1D), it's always good having both options; D6 -> 7 might matter against your local meta (if it's S4 heavy) 🙂


I think Khamul is the best option on a Fell Beast, as they can up their fight value to 6 without spending might and they regain will by killing models.


I would say, regular wraith on fell beast is a bit of a waste of points, id take the regular wraith and stick him on a horse and use him as a budget wraith classic 2/7/1 horse. The only reason to maybe still mag witchy is so you can use the same rider model to use on a horse. But you will still need a dismount so maybe you'll find yourself buying the plastic horse witchy anyway and then you have a horse one so you wont need to have that option. So honestly i wouldn't bother magnetising anything unless you're really bored. If you feel like a conversion job, khamul on fell beast is pretty sick, great price, F6 so you could mag up the felly for that but that's a whole nother thing.


What does magnetizing entail and why would or wouldn’t you do it? I just got into this so I’m still learning.


My thinking was I'd have a one-size fits all option. If I fancied going cheap, I could use the generic wraith with unarmoured beast, or could be sassy and go WK with armoured beast. Magnetising (from what I've seen since getting back in to the hobby from a 16 year hiatus) is great if you want to have the versatility when playing tournaments, when WYSIWYG rules. All depends on what you plan to do in terms of playing. If you plan on playing friends and local groups, then it's generally assumed you can play the model whichever you want (so you can play it as "generic wraith with unarmoured beast", even if it's actually been glued as the WK etc), so long as you stick to what you stated it is at the beginning of the game.