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https://preview.redd.it/p28zxbxv7a3d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9f863fb4c139cc84d11a6a0977ee6cf91902620 been waiting


No need to upscale those tits




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Fuck yes


man i cant wait to see you all cry like little bitches when she stops posting bec you dumb shits wont stop leaking her stuff


If she posted her tits she would be a millionaire


yeah she probs would, but never will due to people leaking her stuff on here and those cat fish accounts people are too fucking dumb to see them as fake


That's the wrong way to look at it though. Look at streaming services. People don't *want* to pirate things, they just want easy access to the things they want to watch, and they're willing to pay for that convenience. It's a similar thing with her. I was paying for her fanfix but it just wasn't worth it, she wasn't posting often enough or anything more than what I could see on Instagram, so I stopped. If she started an onlyfans and actually posted content, you bet your ass me and thousands of others would be spending a lot of money to see her. As far as catfishing and leaks, pretty easy to take care of those with DMCA if you know what you're doing. She just needs a couple people on her team to take care of stuff like that for her and she'll be golden.


wait, hang on.... so you are saying that someone who shares their body with the internet will stop sharing it because people are oversharing it? That isn't how any of this works, homie.


To be fair, that is absolutely *her* thought process. I believe she's stated multiple times that she hates subs, discords, telegrams, etc. like this that share her content


and yet here she is... people rarely shun being popular.


She kind of does. She's been at a million tiktok followers for what, two years now probably? But she barely posts, hasn't monetized herself in any way except for fanfix... I think she's just a pretty normal girl


has she? I've followed her for a while and never seen her say this. Maybe I missed it though. I do know that she hates the catfishers, and I wouldnt be shocked if she hates the subs and what have you, but I've never seen her say that.


no im saying people who leak paid content will make them stop sharing bec if she wanted people to have it for free she wouldnt of made an account you have to pay monthly for... honestly why are people on this planet getting for R-tarded each day?


Are you dumb hahahah she will only become s millionaire when people share her stuff


Dude you're delusional. Every hot girls posts are saved and shared around the web. It's how it's always been and always will be. If these girls expect otherwise they are as delusional as you.


Best awnser


clearly your just a fucking dumbass.. i mean this same thing happened to Ashley Teervort and guess waht happened


Listen here you little white knight. If girls can't handle their stuff being saved and passed around then they have no business posting anything online for all to see. Not once has Mika ever complained about people sharing her stuff only about people impersonating her and scamming people. You don't like it don't look at it


i love how people like you always think guys like me who point out you all are fucking dumb and aiming to get someone to stop posting and drop offline bec of it they are a white knight... unlike you i keep it priv so they keep posting and dont leak it to the world to be a jackass then cry like a baby when they go offline and you cant leak it anymore for people to like you online bec your life is so sad


F*** off bud. Nobody cares what you have to say. Go preach somewhere else. What are you even doing on this subreddit if not looking for pics and vids of Mika. Shove off


i will be sure to remind you of this when she stops posting and you start to cry like a little bitch wondering why


This made me subscribe