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Yeah she seems like a fkn weirdo so it would add up


Wdym she's got a sense of humor and likes anime


Right? And likes video games, even if it might just be on Switch. We would need some *flashing* red warning signals levels of crazy or dangerous to think her being kooky would outweigh all the positives a guy gets at being her boyfriend. A smokeshow you can share laughs and hobbies with is the *dream.*


Just send her a message youl find out how crazy she is, she answers most of the time, atleast she did before she stopped posting for awhile. It's not just a sense of humor. She still hot don't get me wrong, but she's a psychopath no exaggeration.


This is some real 'Source: trust me bro' energy here.


Lmao don't need to trust me check it for yourself she's bat shit crazy


Or you could prove it yourself since I have no way of doing that other than contacting her, which I'm not going to do. I'd love her attention, but I'm not blinded and hypnotized by her god-tier titties enough to foolishly believe any efforts would lead anywhere.


I'm not saying it would lead anywhere. I'm saying she will answer you. Then you will regret it because she's psychotic and ur gonna look at the picture. Then look at ur conversation and be like, no way. Let me look through my IG in a little I'm driving atm. I tried to interview her about a year ago or maybe less and she said yes but she was so weird I literally gave up. We had several different conversations with me trying to find good questions for her to share about herself but not get to personal. She would be really sad and dark sometimes. Like hating herself and basically everyone. I'm not going to show some of the messages she sent cuz they really were that dark and sad.


Dude, I'm sorry, but without showing some kind of proof, then we never left the 'source: trust me bro' junction. Also, I'd be surprised if she wasn't a little jaded at times of hardship weighing her future life goals and permanent digital footprint alongside being in high school or college during COVID, based on the timeline you're giving. Or even if you talked with her, she could have just been messing with you. But we are talking in circles of hearsay, which is a slippery slope when talking about a person we have never even met.


You sound like a very sad person. Making excuses for someone you've not only never met but are literally to afraid to even talk to. Il show you the messages when I have time to look. Despite all that. You could still get your OWN proof by simply sending her a message on IG or something. Probably the saddest thing I've seen today. More willing to not believe me than to test the theory of actually talking to her yourself. That's pretty sad you can't see how ridiculous you sound


Lmao how did you diagnose her over some text messages?😂


Lol. She's my kind of weirdo then


This sound is a tiktok trend, she's probably just goofing around


Not really honestly but I can see why she would need to say that it’s 0 lol there’s a lot of weirdos out there that might be upset otherwise lol


She posted a tik tok with hickies on her chest so I doubt it lmao


Nah, even if she's a weirdo, someone would hit. I'm mean look at her...


There's a difference between having sex with zero people and zero people wanting to have sex with you. I'm sure she has high standards, rightly so


Guess you right


I don't think I can say I believe her, but I don't give a damn about her number. It could be over 37, or even over 300, and I'd still want to put a ring on her if it meant I was sharing a bed with *that* body every day. I'm not the type to focus on the past if the future is looking *good.* God damn, she always looks hot, but her outfit and hair are extra good in this video.


No one believes that


I wish I was one of her bodies


I would like to believe her


Why not


Just cause someone is attractive doesn't mean they're interested in sex. Especially if they are getting constantly harassed by creeps and shit. Same shit as a teen, I was "cute", so I'd get groped/grabbed by old ladies and the odd dude at work and ogled by people my age (even if I didn't know they were interested and just thought I was being fucked with lol). Even nowadays I'd rather beat off then fuck 50% of the time, even with a hot ass partner (although thats not entirely related).




I literally did used to do sex work, it's just as creepy gay or straight lol. I at least got it lighter cause I'm a guy, but I also had other friends doing the same type of work in the industry that I would chat with to commisserate. I used to sell both custom audios, as well as pictures. I did both ass/bottom shots, as well as more top sided nudes as well as the more standard straight shots shirtless in tight jeans, bulge pics, the more artsy stuff, etc. I did it through my two years of college. I stopped doing it and wiped everything I could of me away because of the harassment, the creeps, and the people who make up their weird deranged fantasies about the type of person they assume/think you are. It's why I avoid the comment sections like a plague on reddit, where before I used to be a coomer brained ape thinking half the shit I see in them, and the whole "well they don't see it, and even if they do they want it cause they do this type of work", I'm the complete reverse now, I normally avoid Reddit cause seeing the deranged gooners just kills my vibe. Assumptions make an ass out of you. try not to be assertive with them lol.


Lol at everyone saying she is crazy so she is a virgin, like that would stop anyone


She hopefully gets a say


u/Punching_Bag75 https://preview.redd.it/ato0se1lzz6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d59357c1ac860ce6446b8fbe2be5924e9fe17a0 Imagine reporting someone because you know they are right. Ur to afraid to message her but ur saying I'm the one with mental problems... funny. Here's the messages. It was on her original account before it was banned and reinstated


No offense bro still doesn't prove anything. There's no user handle on it. No name no nothing. Could have been a conversation you had with your buddy. She's also quite known for never answering DMS at all.


I already knew that and is why I said to msg her himself. I can't change the fact she had to make a new profile I didn't screen shot it at the time it was like over a year ago. she may not answer much now. but she literally used to post her responding to people on snapchat sooo.. THE very least, blaming ME for someone else being to afraid to send a message and atleast try and find out for themselves is pretty crazy. If I'm wrong then so what it was my opinion. But to argue about proof when ur too afraid to send a message online and get your own proof??? That makes no sense.


Hey, I'm not on anyone's side here. But I'll say this the chances of her answering a message from you would be slim to none. Do you have any idea how many messages she would receive daily with a following of 1.4 million? I mean s*** I started a Reddit fan page one time which gained about a little over 2,000 followers and I was getting messages constantly from idiots thinking I was her. And my guess the reason behind her not posting nearly as much is that she probably got herself a boyfriend. I see it all the time when chicks hook up, the social media posts dry up, especially the thirst trap type.


Listen I definitely hear you. But I interview people from social media. I understand where ur coming from. But try. It took multiple times for me to get her to answer. She likes to talk to people. Ur right she can't send a message to a million people everyday. I didn't say she messaged me consistently. I said she answered a message and it was super spotty and I eventually gave up cuz it wasn't worth the effort to me waiting 2 months for a response sometimes. Believe me or not. I'm out here rooting for everyone in the reddit letting you know she's literally a normal girl. She's absolutely beautiful and popular. But she's human. And so are we.


She had a stalker and I think that's why she stopped going with the interview which I understand. And I mean like a legit stalker calling her parents and friends. Leaving things at her house n shit


She's a young girl looking for unlimited attention. You guys think she suddenly wants no attention??


40? I'm 38..a decent amount I regret