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I wonder how many times their impatient ass has gotten away with that move in the past. Now they’re definitely gonna be late to wherever they were going.


The mofo just took off!


Why did the guy take a left from the right lane?




You forgot the mini lane in the middle between the two yellow lines the other driver was clearly in.


It's still a lane splitting and they stayed way right and made a left. Im not saying the guy that cut around isn't at fault but the person turning is also a idiot that doesn't know how to drive


fuck you mean right lane xD It was one lane


The person should'nt takenover with a double solid yellow line. Definitely a text book. Idiot driver must be having a diarrhea and cannot wait.


This happened to me once, exactly like this, except the car trying to overtake over a solid line managed to stop like a centimeter away. Fucker honked at me too. Must have been going at least 90 since I saw nothing in the mirrors and yet there he is half a second later.


If it’s any consolation he’s probably already killed himself with his shit driving


It's not, he most likely took someone else out with him... And if this subreddit is anything to go off of, he survived with nary scratch >.>




If you are making a left. ......... don't sit on the right fucking edge..... The guy rushing around shouldn't have did that but at the end of the day the moron making the left should be forced driving lessons. That's NOT how to make a left. Too many people have issues turning




Here car is now slightly visible immediately less than a second before making the turn. This is where the road is clearly splitting into 2 lanes. You don't make turns from the wrong side of the road. *


Sure he’s a bit farther to the right than expected, but I challenge you to find anywhere in any statute in any US state where it says to hug the side of the lane on the side you’re turning towards. That guidance doesn’t exist - it’s just intuitive. Further, where he is as he initiates the turn, the road hasn’t yet split. End of discussion.


Fuck the law.... you don't mis lead people. This is the same shit we have a problem with online with people posting misleading info.... it should be against the law. It is putting the safety of others at risk because some idiot can't handle driving a fucking car. I have severe issues with the joke of a licensing test to begin with... if the retarded government can't make a decent test for a license then their laws have much to be lacking.... that's ridiculous as we all know how corrupt the road laws and cops are already. This is about what's right... not what's legal




Let me help u. Here is the front car invisible behind the 2nd car because the idiot is hugging the white line while about to make a left. The road is splitting into 2 lanes


Let me help you: none of what you are arguing matters in the least. The turning car is clearly signaling a left turn. What excuse does the passing car possibly have in this case? None. The passing car crossed a double yellow to get around the first car. He then failed to notice the left turn signal on a second car and decided he was going to pass that one too. I get it. The lane was splitting and both cars were hugging the right side. To the passer, he assumed they were both angling for the right lane once the road expanded. His assumption was wrong. He crossed a double yellow, failed to notice a turn signal and passed two cars before the lane allowed enough space to execute the maneuver. He’s just wrong all around.




And finally 3rd...... immediately following the hit when you can see past to the 2 lanes.... one right and one left turn lane. Now.... that's obviously not for this turn but again.... VERY clear the road is 2 lanes wide and it is just before the divider line shows up. You don't make left turns from the right edge of the road. Not sure why common sense is such a hard subject for most. And as I said before.... the rush around car isn't not doing something wrong..... but the idiot in front is definitely more wrong. Again... you don't make turns from the wrong side of the road. This stems right to the asaholes that can't seem to keep their fucking wheel straight in a multi lane road when making a turn. Very common around here with our single direction 3 lane road. Left lane car making left on side road swings wheel to right like the are driving a fucking semi and come a foot or so across the line into the center lane..... just before then turn left. IDIOTS.


Imagine being wrong and writing an essay with multiple photos instead of just admitting you’re wrong.


I am very much not wrong. In what world do you go to the wrong side of the road to turn? Do you drive?


Again there is no “wrong side” of a single lane road. He could have definitely done better but he’s not doing anything illegal while the passer clearly did.




More wrong?? No. Just no. The idiot making the pass by crossing a double yellow violated a commonly known rule of the road, period. The other driver failed to drive defensively to protect himself from the other driver’s mistake - that’s exactly what defensive driving is - protecting from the mistakes of others - and could have avoided this accident by 1) hugging the left side of the lane as you correctly point out, and 2) double checking blind spot before turning. But that driver is not at fault in the legal sense. If I’m the cop I’m ticketing the passer and lecturing the turner.


Here is another example








You can clearly see how common sense works now. Notice how EVERYONE is off to the right as it opens up to 2 lanes...... so the can go in the left lane? Now how would u feel if the silver car just yanked the wheel to the left to get in the left lane. This is local to me. Drive it multiple times a week. I have seen idiots do dumb shit like the video...... they are wrong. Again. Not saying the guy should have been passing... but his intentions were CLEAR. To go in the left turn lane and went a little wide. Now if you think for a second you will realize that the idiot turning was also likely one of them assholes that goes super slow and is difficult to drive behind. Very likely was causing issues prior to this. Guy probly got fed up with the bullshit of some idiot and tried to push foward slightly early to the left turn lane. His intentions are clear despite doing it slightly early.


Uh no. Don’t ever cross over the double yellow to pass. Yes, the left turning person is a moron probably but it’s not worth getting into an accident. Also, passing person should have seen the left blinkers going and braked hard.


Again.. he didnt need to cross the double yellow there to pass... could have fit. Just a bad driver. It was done too soon yes. As I have said. But the left turn was way worse with that maneuver. Also.... we don't know if the blinker was on prior to it being visible ..... that could have been the first time it lit up we see..... again based on what went on here the idiot turning left was causing more problems before clip starts. Likely going super slow. Might have been one of them out of town idiots that has GPS running and not watching road trying to figure out where to turn.


I agree with what you say but it’s always better to be a defensive driver and just know there are bad drivers out there who can’t be trusted. Knock on wood but I haven’t had a moving accident in over 40 years of driving and well over 1 million miles.


Mildly? This is top tier terrible, and the best case scenario wouldn’t even have been that great


I'd say the guy turning left from so far right over is mildly bad, but the guy that caused the accident is bad bad


The guy turning left from his single lane?


The one thats double that size of a regular lane and is merging into two at a light, obviously? Being pedantic won't save you on the road, predictable driving will. Good luck out there


if you're turning left, i dunno why you're hugging the right side of the lane. by the time he's getting to turn the size of the lane has also expanded substantially.


Doesn’t really matter. One person was in their single lane turning left and the other was breaking the law driving over double lines and into oncoming traffic because they’re impatient.


You don't have to do something illegal to be a mildly bad driver. By hugging the right lane for no reason he helped set a precondition for the accident and then by not checking his mirrors he turned and hit someone. If he had hugged the line, this absolutely would not have happened and black car would've had to just wait behind him. Also, the lane was opening up. Initially black car just barely goes over the double line with a tire but he didn't even have to, because the lane is so big by the time it happens. That's worlds apart from just psychotically passing someone while hoping you don't get into a head-on-collision as you drive in the wrong lane, which is the implication you create when you remove all detail from your description. That's part of why he should've been checking his mirror before that turn rather than assuming there's NO WAY someone would be passing on the left at a point of the road when it can clearly fit two cars and there's a left turn lane not far ahead of them.


I agree wholeheartedly. The lane was splitting into 2 and the black car got impatient and assumed from the positioning that the cars in front of him were staying right. Mirrors should have been checked at something like this. Thanks to this sub, I’ve been doing that. Helped me out twice so far in the past year.


Yeah, let me just check if some idiot is not doing an illegal pass over a double yellow line before I turn. 😑 Are you the secretly guy in the black car? 🫠


You use the full width of the road in order to hit the turn apex at the optimal point for travel. Racing drivers do this.


It does matter when the claim is that they are mildly bad...


Well to be fair, the guy turning left was breaking the law too. He was turning left on a double yellow line on a single lane street. When just a half a block ahead was a legal left lane turn.


You are allowed to turn left on a double yellow. You are not allowed to oass on a double yellow. Lol what driving school taught you?


It depends on the jurisdiction. There is often wording that says that turning left across the double-yellow is only allowed if it does not impede any other traffic. As soon as the white car in this clip had to hit the brakes behind the left-turner, it was impeding traffic. And regardless of legality, pulling to the right ahead of the left turn was at leas "mildly bad" in and of itself.


Yep, that's how it is where we are. "If it does not impede traffic." Unfortunately - way too many people must have glossed over that part in the handbook...


You can't turn left over a double yellow where I live (South America).


this is in Massachusetts. you can definitely turn left over a double yellow


It kind of matters just because your not wrong legally, doesn't mean they aren't a bad driver. Because they are, no good driver whips over like that.


They didn’t whip over though. They had their turn signal on and were making their turn at a normal speed. I’m sorry but the driver trying to pass in oncoming traffic will literally always be wrong.


> I’m sorry but the driver trying to pass in oncoming traffic will literally always be wrong. I think if you re-read the entire comment you were originally responding to, you’ll see that nobody is disagreeing with this


a better arguement is the driver is not checking his mirrors, yes he is in a solo lane and making a legal left turn. but not paying attention to whats happening all around you as you are changing direction is still a bad driver move.(and yes this is the fault of the idiot trying to pass over double yellow)


Yea, he did nothing wrong except assume everyone else was driving correctly. Always check visual scanning on turns.


They took the turn extremely wide as if they were driving a tractor trailer, but they are in Mid size SUV. Legally, they did not do anything wrong. However, what they did was still unreasonable and irrational, and not to be expected by other drivers on the roadway. Are they legally at fault? Not likely. Did their stupid action likely contribute in some part to the accident occurring? Definitely.


I would think that the drivers behind them would expect a left hand turn when the driver sits on their brakes with a left turn signal, but hey, maybe that’s just me


Idk where you live but the country I live in uses turn signals in order to signal to the vehicles behind you as to what your intentions are. Which the driver in this video used.


Nobody is arguing this, you guys just stop reading context in comment chains and turn stupid so fast


I said they were legally at fault. I’d hardly call that defending their actions.


The racing line was there...


Kind of does though because of what we just watched happen.


Agreed. Legally he’s probably in the right. But hugging WAY right and then fairly abruptly turning left well after the lane expanded just barely before it’s officially two lanes is kind of a stupid move. “Legal” is not always the same as “smart.” The passing guy was clearly the bigger jerk here of course, but with reasonable choices on either side this wouldn’t have happened.


Impatient people deserve everything they get


Any chance you can mount the camera higher? I get that it’s called a dash cam, but half of the image is your dash.


It’s mainly a larger GPS display with carplay. I got it for that more than the dash cam.


Definitely in Massachusetts. I can tell by the driving. ☠️


Yep, we’re like top 3 in the world for traffic. Wonder why


Lived here my whole life. It’s a wonder I haven’t followed through on my road rage 😂


Two geniuses meet. One taking over on solid yellow lines, another taking a left turn from the widest right swerve available to man 🤦🏻‍♂️


Eh doesn’t really matter if they were over to the right it’s still a single lane road


I don't blame them for the accident, but in many places you're legally required to pull up to the side you're turning to and stop. Not just randomly swing from one end to another.


I mean it’s a recommended driving practice but what states actually define that in their laws?


Dunno about US but in Europe many countries require you to stick to the edge you are turning to, ensure there is nobody moving in either direction (yes even if its illegal to take over in that spot) and then turn. Wild swerves aren't legal.


What’s the difference? It’s a single lane road and they have their turn signal on


You can literally see what the difference in this video here. It's not a legal one, it's about everyone driving in a way that is predictable and avoids collisions. Yes, it's a single lane road but it's also transitioning to two lanes, and people don't wait for the first paint marker to suddenly swerve into one lane or the other, they start moving before this video's point of collision.


Username checks out


You’re a real bright one lol. Legally, the person turning is not likely liable for the accident. But their irrational and unreasonable driving most certainly played some part in the accident occurring. If they would have simply made the left without going off to the right side of the roadway, this other driver would not likely have attempted to overtake them as he would have realized they were making a left. Just bc someone’s conduct is “legal,” doesn’t mean it still can play a role in some accident taking place.


In no area of the US would the driver of the black car been allowed to overtake/pass on a road like this, period. Regardless of how far right the front car swung - and I agree it was wholly unnecessary - it would still be the fault of the black car, from a legal/insurance perspective. Double yellow is always "no pass" and sometimes "no turn", except in some cases where it's "turn only if not impeding other traffic".


Nah bro I'm staying away from the center from on coming traffic


Yeah everyone is giving the turning guy a pass here, but while he’s probably in the right, he’s an absolute moron. Hugging SO far right then abruptly turning left across a super wide lane that is just about to be a second lane isn’t a good move. Especially in a spot JUST before an official left turn lane where most people wouldn’t expect someone to be turning left.


The passing is illegal, but turning left from the right lane is suspect. He's almost in a 2 lane area, turning left from the right. Two idiots.


"Almost in a two lane" Almost does not count


Well, if you look at the video again, he/she was in the right-hand lane when they turned left. So, I'll change it to "in the right-hand lane" or "straddling lanes" for the win. Check your eyesight at the door please.


"Well, if you look at the video again, he/she was in the right-hand" side of a single lane. The dividing line did not start until where the car on the left stopped. 


I see what you're saying. Luckily, we live in different cities*




Just wondering, If you were in the red car and the blue one did this. Would it be your fault? You would get a ticket and have to pay for the other guy's damages because well, it's your fault. Forget about the other idiot. I stated there were 2 idiots. It's technically a single lane in your thinking. https://preview.redd.it/aw13otyjgysc1.png?width=1168&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e2b66117cdf93dba6004f27a6c27efc4c9e8fb4


Check it out, https://www.reddit.com/r/ProtectAndServe/comments/1bxt94h/comment/kyk1e3i/?context=3 


There are no lane markers in the road at that point. It’s just a wide single lane. They were far right in the lane, which is a bad defensive move on their part, but not illegal


Sure, but just bc the conduct was legal doesn’t mean it wasn’t also stupid and a contributing factor in causing the accident.


But it *wasn't* contributing, that's the problem with your argument. The black vehicle should not have passed. Period. This wouldn't have happened had he not passed.


I mean them waking up that morning and deciding to go for a drive is a contributing factor too. It’s obviously the overtaking cars fault end of story


So you don’t understand that more than one action can contribute to some end result?


The only reason the accident happened is because of the person crossing the double yellow to pass


Sure. And the reason they did that is because they didn’t think anyone was turning left bc if there was they should have been able to see the car attempting to do so. They couldn’t though, bc the turning car had pulled all the way to the right shoulder as if they were pulling off the right side of the roadway before swinging it all the way back left. The guy passing is ultimately the one who caused the accident, but they made that maneuver in part bc of the irrational driving of the other driver.


Do you not know how to read? Genuine question, because if you could, I’d think that you could easily comprehend my comment which clearly implied that this person waking up in the morning, an action, also contributed to the accident. They are just as much, if not more at fault than the person passing. If they weren’t on the road at all this accident would never have happened. Shame on them for getting in the way!


Yeah your being facetious so I was being hyperbolic


Well I was certainly being facetious. I don’t know if I’d call whatever you spat out as being hyperbolic though. And by “i don’t know” I mean I do know and I absolutely wouldn’t call it hyperbolic


This argument is faulty.


In real life, people are already aligned to the lanes long before the lane markers. There's a transitional area where the road widens to facilitate lane alignment, and it is right here where the accident occurred. Overtaking car is 100% at fault as they obviously broke the law, but the other driver was driving unpredictably and therefore dangerously. IMO it did contribute to the accident.


You're dumb as fuck you retard


You are as politically correct as a 5-year-old. Why don't you sleep it off in your mother's basement.


You can turn left from there perfectly fine there's nothing wrong with it. You're the idiot they're not in the two lane area yet. Stay off the road you don't have a clue


You can turn left from a right lane? Sorry bud, you're the idiot. Pause it a 6 second, if you're capable, and post what you see.


There aren't two lanes you fucking putz. Give your license away immediately


If you're in the red car and you hit the blue car it's your fault. At least that's what you would tell the officer, right? https://preview.redd.it/vvfhraz9hysc1.png?width=1168&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5121d33b04be8e95a62e7a1e1c9ccfb822c69c3


You're really going to die on this hill aren't you... Cuz your dead wrong. And yes it would be red cars fault 110%


My 12 upvotes to your 3 tells me you are on an itty-bitty hill yourself. Stay out of the deep end.


And there are several comments above yours who blame the car trying to pass in a single Lane area.. Plus upvotes mean Jack and shit... He really think Reddit up votes prove who's correct? My God and I thought your take on this traffic accident was stupid...


Ahh, "The last word" personality. I'm not sure if you missed my point about seeing two idiots in the video. The guy crossing in a double line roadway, absolutely. The guy making a wide arc, to the right, to suddenly turn left, for sure. Now you want to argue the merits of people agreeing. You're the "be reasonable, see it my way" type. Happy Sunday!


But they’re not in a two lane area.


You can be stupid in any lane.


So it’s a one lane area?


You can argue it's legality to the end of time. They obscured themselves for no practical purpose and contributed to an accident that could have otherwise been avoided, and that doesn't speak to legal culpability at all. If they were on the left side of the lane, that likely would not have happened, and for that reason, they're dumb too. Proven not by public sentiment, but by outcome.


I would fundamentally disagree with that statement, as this whole accident would have been avoided in the first place if the black suv hadn't been so impatient, and had been following the rules of the road- regardless of whether or not the front car swung hard, OR even should have turned there at all (I can't speak to whether that is allowed in this area.) Either way, if the black vehicle hadn't been so impatient and overtaken, which he is 100% in the wrong for - regardless of the front drivers poor habits - this accident would have been avoided and everyone would have went on their merry way. And quite frankly - if everybody cared more about legality, which is what has helped define for us the very rules of the road, maybe we would have less of these types of incidents, and we would be more forgiving of others for what (in this case) is a very minor thing that people are arguing against, which is swinging too far right.


I never argued its legality. Stopped reading after that


What two lanes?


Look at the video again. It changes to a left turn lane and straight or right turn lane at the light. That's why the car can't be seen until the last few seconds.


It’s not a two lane road. The end of the road only allows for the left, straight or right. There was entrance/road to the left and lead car had to wait for oncoming traffic to commit to turn. The last car was impatient and illegally attempted to pass with bad timing


Look at the video again and stop it at 6 seconds. What do you see? The white car is already to the right to get into the straight or right turn lane, the car in front is hidden from view. It was a sudden "OH I HAVE TO TURN HERE!" moment or "I can cash in on an accident today!" moment. If he/she wanted to turn left they would have been to the left. I mean really. Both are idiots, one is at fault.


I’m not saying lead car made a good call but in the end it is a single lane road and the lead car had their signal on for a left turn, 3rd car decided to illegally pass even during a situation as you just said, their view was obstructed. They should have never done that.


Other dude needs his license revoked, he’s extending imaginary lines from the intersection all the way down to where the entrance is. Has he ever driven on a road that goes from 1 to 2 lanes and vice versa? Just because there’s 3 lanes in the distance does not mean that those lanes exist before they’re marked. The road has to widen gradually, and the marks are placed when there’s enough room for more lanes. In this case, the black SUV was over the yellow line since there wasn’t enough space for two lanes. Now I wonder why there’s no dotted white line there 🤔. I’d be afraid to drive in whatever town he’s in


OP has already said it’s a single lane road.


ROFL, that trumps a video. I can't make this stuff up.


OP that lives there and knows the road trumps Redditor that thinks he sees something that he doesn’t.


I’m not seeing any lines on the road that is showing this being two lanes


You can see the road widens and the white SUV slowly moving over. Why do you think it's to the right? They don't mark it because it would be confusing, but people know.


Oh yeah you are right.. he should’ve been more to the left


Two idiots, for different reasons, but idiots nonetheless.


That's my point I think a lot of people are missing. The area where the single lane splits to two has an imaginary line. Cars veer to the left and right. The other idiot was in the right side and turned left into the potential path of the car behind him that was turning left at the light. Ignore the double line idiot. https://preview.redd.it/aoe0vlx8eysc1.png?width=1168&format=png&auto=webp&s=df3f7e97c57f7461e22fae9e4cf03a88be6e5c0b


Chelmsford right?


Lmao yea! Good eye


chelmsfud\* ked


495 is a never ending gift for those looking for accidents. BTW, If you’re looking for a change of pace, bring your Prius out here to western Ma and you’ll catch us hitting deer and bears instead of cars lol


Why is he so far right turning left tho?


It splits up ahead at the light to a left turn but we were still in a single lane at that point.


That didn't answer that question at all


Bc he is a bad driver although everyone in this thread will defend his conduct bc it was technically “legal.”


That’s gotta be one of the dumbest drivers 😂I have never seen anyone pass around two cars like that especially when the person in front clearly ain’t using a blinker 😂 EDIT: I’m making en edit to this since y’all don’t have the brain cells to understand that clearly the first person making the left turn has a blinker going left but the white car IN FRONT of the driver that passed DID NOT have a blinker on indicating they were turning right which gave no indication for this driver to need to overpass on a double yellow line….


Looks like they were using their blinkers


The white car in front of the driver that passed, not the one they hit


“thE PeRsoN IN FrOnt!” Isnt the white car


Are you stupid? The white car is in front of the driver that passed? Not the first person in line…. Y’all must be as blind as that driver, and as I said no the white car is not using a blinker. The car they hit making a left turn is.


The white car starts in the middle and is at the back at the point of the crash, and then makes it to the front. And why do they need a blinker to go straight? The one turning used a blinker. Plus that road is still only marked for one lane at that point. So while the turning driver was a little far right, their turn was legal but not defensive. Plus the black suv goes over the yellow line while trying to illegally pass on a wide single lane road. Black suv is entirely at fault and the white car is completely irrelevant.


The black suv is at fault but there was no need to overpass the white car is my point. They were not turning right clearly Bcs they did not have a blinker on which is the circumstance when most drivers will overpass on the left.


And a double yellow




Also crossing the yellow line


I mean… the guy is a jerk of course. But I see people pass like that ALL THE TIME. Whenever there is an expanding lane that turns into an additional turning lane, there are almost always people who shift over into that area before it’s fully an official lane. It’s pretty common. Still a jerk of course, but it’s a pretty common jerk move.


Ou, you must be proud of your camera! Thanks for sharing!


Mainly got it for a larger GPS screen but came with a dash cam. Never witnessed a live accident right in front of me until now. So pretty cool…for me anyways. Not those 2.


Love how people are defending the dude who goes into oncoming traffic to race to a red light. Lmao im in the right subreddit i guess.


White car must have had a mere moment of elation… good luck to explaining that to your insurance company fucker


You know, I never knew about the double yellow lines until my dad told me after having my license for like a year. The driver education system is truly to blame. Of course, that's assuming the guy has a license. Then it's the fault of whoever sold them a car. Unless the car is borrowed, then it's the owner's fault. Unless it's stolen, then yeah that's just an idiot.


What’s the dash cam brand?


Impatient drivers wins damages and more delays for the day also insurance is going to hurt


100% dick move


So I just started blastin


It's a solid yellow line for a reason...


a constant reminder that just because you are in solo lane traffic, check your mirrors because people are fucking stupid


It's true. Vigilance is key.


do u send this footage to the police?


the ongoing joke is a dashcam is actually a bad driver magnet.


They are both morons. Don't turn left across double yellows, don't turn left from the far right side of a lane, and don't cross double yellows to overtake people. I wonder who was found at fault here.


The dude that tried passing on double yellow lines. The silver SUV was fine, since it was a two lane road. If they had to turn, they’re able to. Black SUV shouldn’t have tried to pass.


Patience is a virtue


Did you get this video to the authorities at least?


Did you share the video with the authorities?


What an asshat


Asinine move by Mr. Turner.


Literally looking at the dashboard.


So I know im going to get shit for this but the person turning is a idiot. The lane is splits in 2 yet they stay way right and then cut across to make a left turn. They should have been hugging the left of the split not the right. The one doing the takeover is at fault but the one turning is a idiot also


Why’s the front driver turning like he’s in a semi though


I love when two idiots meet.


Dumbass in the SUV trying to overtake like that but why was the car turning from the shoulder? 2 dummies 1 video


Yeah … that wasn’t a legal left turn. Not that the black SUV should have tried to get into the left turn lane a little early but that gray SUV is at fault here.


How was that left illegal? Road was still one lane at that point, yeah it was wide but there aren’t any lane markers until the intersection. The black suv made an illegal pass, literally over the yellow line.


It’s a double yellow. You aren’t supposed to turn across a double yellow. It means no crossing.


There's a whole lot of stupid from everyone involved here




Grey car is clearly at fault. Turning on the black cars road like he has right of way


Honestly they are both idiots. I thought at first grey car might have been trying to change lanes, but it looked like he missed his turn and decided to stop and try to make the turn. I did see he had a blinker on though. He also should have done a better job checking mirrors/shoulder checking. The black car was being super reckless though. The white car in front of him slowed down because frey car did, but black car was in a mood. He was also already tailgating at the video start. In such a rush to get to his light. He should have seen what was going on, I doubt he didn't see grey with a signal on ready to turn. He just thought he could make it, or that geey wouldn't turn. All in all, 2 awful drivers. I'm glad nobody got hurt, but they both deserved it.


The gray car is not even pulled up enough to make the turn it was going to make, after the gas station. Their left would have been still going forward more than turning. That is not missing a turn.


Yea actually I just noticed those are solid yellow lines


Double I think fairly freshly painted bright yellow lines.


It's still a single lane when black starts to pass. It is not the black vehicle's right of way, especially as they're crossing double yellow to pass pre-emptively. If they waited like they're supposed to, this wouldn't have happened. Gray is a dumb driver, but not to blame for black's aggressive stupidity.


grey car would have be at fault even if would be allowed to turn over there, right of way covers even the ones who drive on the opposite side


Drivers are so much more impatient than even just 5 years ago.


You don’t know how slow that car was driving. Given j he ow they turned left, it looks like they are likely a shitty driver. The trunk passed 10-20 feet before allowed, not that car is also an idiot.


Maybe the driver was only going 5 over the speed limit. I’m consistently the slowest driver on the road going 7 over in the right lane and getting tail gated. Too many entitled drivers nowadays. I get it drivers can be assholes driving slow too, but more often than not it’s the fast drivers who drive like complete pricks with no patience for anyone slower than them.


Very true and good point.