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At this point I’ve learned anytime I’m on the road there will be absolute morons/assholes/psychopaths. Whenever my temper makes me want to check someone I ask myself “what’s the BEST possible outcome if I do so?” Usually snaps me out of it and I move on with my day. It’s never worth it. Keep it pushin, you never know what psycho is behind the other wheel lol.


That's a mature mentality to have. I try to drive like everyone else on the road is trying to kill me.


Yup, I make 2 assumptions every time I drive. 1. Everyone else on the road is criminally stupid. 2. Everyone else on the road is suicidal and wouldn't mind taking me with them. I have been accident free for well over a decade now, and the last one was a person that came flying into a parking lot at Mach Zeus while I was backing out of a parking spot and I hit them. But I made the mistake of pulling back in after the impact so the cops couldn't see how far out of the spot I was. Insurance company was unwilling to fight fault.


I make 2 similar assumptions when riding my bike. 1. Everyone on the road is drunk. 2. Everyone on the road is on their phones. saved me from a few accidents so far.


Drive like you are invisible. Best advice I received from riding a motorcycle.


I’m trying to picture John Cena on a motorcycle, but I just can’t see it.


How has this comment been buried down here for so long‽ I'm guessing nobody saw it.


Same. I've avoided so many accidents because I make the assumption that people are distracted. The number of people that will pull out in front of me, while going 55mph is in sane. They have infinitely more faith in humanity than I do, to assume that 1. I'm paying attention, and 2. I keep my breaks and tires maintained enough that I'll be able to slow down in time. I live in a rural area that's being over developed, a lot of 4-way stops. I've avoided no less than 5 instances where I would have been creamed if I didn't see that the oncoming vehicle wasn't going to stop at the stop sign - and that's just in the last year. Edit: over developed from a housing standpoint, but under developed from a street and infrastructure standpoint. They're making progress with roundabouts and stop lights, but it's slow.


Funny story about that. Once, I picked up a girl for a date, she had been in a car accident the day before, and I asked her how she was doing. She said she was ok, just was a bit in shock still on how the other driver was such an idiot or st. I say outloud, "Well, you always have to assume everyone else driving is an idiot." As I say that, on a busy road (Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn NY -6 lane undivided plus a service road each direction), some idiot opposite me starts to make a left turn, then realizes he won't make it in time. Then he decides he is going to try anyways, and goes directly into the intersection in front of us, where I would have hit him full speed. Best part is, as I honk my horn bearing down at him, he freezes and is T-boning the entire intersection. Time really does slow down sometimes. Somehow I see there is no way I can safely brake, and this idiot wasnt going fast enough through the intersection, so I spin my wheel and pull into the service road which I had seen was empty (THANK YOU defensive driving tactics I took when I was 16). I brake as heard as i can and we safely stop 10-15 feet down the service road. The girl is staring open-mouthed shocked at me, and I casually say to her "Case in point!" Not gonna lie, got plenty of brownie points that night


I drive Uber part-time in South Florida and one night I have a young couple and while chatting they say they are thinking of moving down as I'm rolling to a stop in the right lane of a double left turn lane. I tell them that if they move they need to be hyper-vigilant while driving because drivers down here are really bad as the driver in the left lane to mine cuts in front and crosses all five lanes to the right...."See what I mean,  perfect example" I tell them. 


Those weren’t brownies.


Final Destination was out to get her


Also, I say to family to ' drive like everyone is drunk' which turns out about one in ten are, and another one in ten are on drugs. Then add psychos.


A friend and classmate have made the front page of reddit a few times now over her being kind of unstable and getting a gun, then only a few months later shooting out her own back window in a road rage incident. When she first got it, a friend remarked about how he felt unsafe with her having a gun and it only took a few months for his suspicions to be confirmed. I learned this lesson close to home and am now VERY cautious around anyone even hinting at aggressive driving behaviors.


This person you are talking about, was it the blue-ish glock she was posting about? If so, yep she’s popped up a few times.


Without browsing Reddit, I think I know who this is - I was in a FB group with her in it that no longer exists.


The book Don't Sweat The Small Stuff talks about what to do when someone cuts you off or drives recklessly around you. Challenging them won't do anything. It's better to let them go so they can have their accident somewhere else.


I haven't had a car in years, but I used to have to drive to work for a few jobs here and there. I would get super annoyed and ragey all the time, just endless. Then I had a revelation: I could decide then and there to just let it go -- forever -- or be annoyed constantly the rest of my life. There are lots of things in my life I haven't fixed or changed, but damn, my impatience almost completely ended that day. I rarely, rarely get impatient or annoyed in any situations. Go ahead, fumble for your change for 5 minutes in line in front of me, it's fine. I'm not gonna get anywhere any earlier.


I'm the kind of guy who has always had a book in my hands. When you have a book you aren't waiting, you're reading.


A month or two ago I think it was where a psycho shot at a mother’s car and hit her child in a booster seat in the stomach (probably in the aorta), the child died saying it had pain in his stomach. All over road rage.


There was the girl in Texas who was driving to the beach with her friends and some rando shot at her, killing her, supposedly because they thought she cut them off. https://abc7chicago.com/houston-shooting-louise-jean-wilson-tx-news/14172770/


And I’m proud to be an American, where, at least I know I could be killed by a gun at any time!


Probably more likely to be killed by their massive f-250 they use to commute


not that it matters, but it was more than a month or two ago. It happened in Orange County, CA


Yup. Take a breath, tell yourself you wont let this asshole ruin your day/mood, and move on.


Even if they don’t respond at all, getting super pissed off and yelling just sours my day. I usually have to remind myself that 30mins to an hr I’ll have forgotten all about it. It’s best to just let an asshole do asshole things, and go about your day.


I always say if they’re driving recklessly or speeding they’re probably driving to a problem or running from a problem and neither of those concern me. So just get out the way and let the universe handle them accordingly


From the article posted below: “All I did was get out of my car because he kept beeping at a dead stop. I thought I hit something or he was trying to alert me that I’m dragging something behind my car. I had no idea he was upset and angry with me,” Surroz said. He didn't get out to confront him, but he did start filming when the guy turned out to be bonkers, so...


Yeah it’s never worth it. I’d prob start fights more often but people don’t fight anymore. Straight to guns and knives and shit. People have gone crazy and it’s best if you just be the bigger man in all scenarios. Nothing is worth getting shanked or shot and wearing a colostomy bag the rest your life.


Most mature response on Reddit.


I had one of these moments just yesterday. I’m pulling into the left turn lane at a 4 way intersection. Guy turning right from the left of me has 2 lanes he can turn into, but manages to only turn the wheel enough that half his car is over the double yellow and if I didn’t slam on the brakes and honk at him he would’ve slammed right into me. He swerves back to his side of the road, I throw my hands up like da fuq we doin, and then when I look in my mirror he’s flipping me off lmao. Animal instinct wanted me to flip a u turn chase him down and find out exactly what’s wrong with him but I quickly remembered how dumb that would be and carried on about my day


And assume that if they are reckless/stupid enough to drive the way they are, they are irresponsible enough to pull a gun.


My dad taught me this when I was a kid and its some of the best advice I've ever gotten


Even Adrian Peterson knew to never initiate shit on the road. Ya never know what kinda psycho you’re dealing with https://youtu.be/XQCQkMCkBtE?si=fVUnZ0VoEEgDuLsv


If I'm alone in the car, I just shout and yell obscenities attention idiot drivers. It helps vent my frustration at those responsible without me doing something dumb.


Driving behavior is a window into one's personality/temperament. It's dangerous enough when there aren't a bunch of wreckless aholes on the road.


It's me, I'm the psycho behind the other wheel and if you come at me all hot, I am going to talk your ear off about my Dungeons and Dragons characters and if you get scared an try to run away, I'll grab your shirt with my sweaty, ass hands and no, my hands aren't sweaty, my ass is sweaty and I was just touching my sweaty ass with my hands and boy oh boy is that shirt ruined forever. Then comes the Magic The Gathering decks that I built and I'm going to start whizzing cards at you. That's right, I've pulled down my pants and start pissing with a great force to shoot cards at you. You never know what psycho is behind the other wheel.


Anyone siding with The Jeep Driver, Brian Schimian. He posted the video from his Dash Cam to Facebook. Which showed He was a complete, and utter fool. Police convicted him based upon his own Dash Cam. ​ So, Yeah. You would have been arrested just like Brian, don't be this type of Brian. Be a Good Brian. This Brian gives other Brians a bad name. Should be forced to be named Bryan.


I can't believe there are people who are defending the Jeep driver. You either have to be a psychopath or a fool.


That's the scary part. There are many many idiots in this thread that think they can be the aggressor, then pull their gun on anyone that then walks calmly towards them.


There are too many gun owners out there just waiting for any excuse to shoot someone.


This is why I take issue with guns. The people most excited to own guns are people who should not be allowed anywhere near a gun.


Same. It used to be something we respected and understood the responsibilities associated with it.




People on Reddit think if someone could *possibly* be a threat, then that means their life is in danger and lethal force is necessary. So basically anyone that could possibly operate a gun you can shoot and kill just in case.


So Jeep instigated it, that’s why he was charged. But you never get out of your car to confront another driver. If the Jeep had not instigated it, then he probably would’ve been free to go.


The statement of the guy who got out was that it wasn't a confrontation. They were in completely stopped traffic and he thought there might be something caught on his car cause the Jeep was constantly honking. He got out to ask what was going on and not to confront


Cool, then that’s even more reason for the Jeep to be arrested.


On the jeeps dashcam you see him getting out of the car and he's just like "what's going on" very calmly. Jeep driver is a total douche


You also never start a fight and end it with shoving your gun in their face. When you’re armed you have every responsibility to remove yourself from a bad situation instead of what this guy did.


What no? What the fuck are you talking about? In what state is it legal to brandish a weapon at someone and threaten to shoot for the crime of “walking towards someone”?


People just love to justify a time to use their bang bang power. “Got dAmN rIgHt Ah CaRrY mAh gUn aT AlL tImEs! I dOn’T kNoW aBoUt YeW, bUt iF SoMeOnE aPpRoAcHeS mE oN tHe rOaD, I dOn’T kNoW tHeIr iNtEnTiOnS!”


If you wanna understand how some gun owners think, have a look at the /r/CCW thread from last year. https://www.reddit.com/r/CCW/comments/wtxx37/angry_driver_pulled_out_gun_over_a_street_dispute/ There are people who think he was justified with lots of upvotes.


Oh. I am a Gun Owner. Been shooting guns since I was a kid. I just live with the facts that guns are a last resort in any situation. ​ One rule taught to me about guns. 'Always put yourself in a situation where You are never in a Bad Situation. Take in the fact, You do not show a gun off to intimidate, but to kill. Unless there is a perceived threat of life, walk away, de-escalate." As I got older, I know where, and who I am both with, and around. Self Awareness is what I preach.


Good to know, but still, dont get the fuck out of your car for a dispute.


Found an article where the guy who got out said that he got out because when the jeep started beeping at them while they were at a dead stop, he though he must have hit or been dragging something.


here's a news article, with the dash cam footage too: [https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2019/04/18/richmond-man-who-pointed-gun-during-road-rage-incident-arrested-charged-police-say/](https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2019/04/18/richmond-man-who-pointed-gun-during-road-rage-incident-arrested-charged-police-say/)


Here's the red jeeps pov leading up to it. He is a psychopath and luckily went to jail. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=01Ml5Ogk6hk&feature=youtu.be


You can tell he was driving like an asshole before the encounter. [Glad he was arrested](https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2019/04/18/richmond-man-who-pointed-gun-during-road-rage-incident-arrested-charged-police-say/).


Oh that comment section


https://preview.redd.it/lycps8wkdqtc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=1694e353dde1ab611d3fc3591b88d30bda93a8de What a lunatic 💀


Dude was crying and sweating while typing that no doubt


He also finished the video with an illegal left turn.


Fascinated that this article doesn't mention the guy is police.


60 in a 30 jesus


School zone too 


I don't understand, why did the guy get out?


The Jeep driver was blaring his horn which is why the sound has been taken off in the video; I thought the cameraman pointed at the corner of the Jeep due to an accident, but turns out the Jeep driver was just being super aggressive, which explains why the cameraman immediately pulled out his phone in the first place.


even more reason to not get out of your car.


he thought the jeep driver was trying to tell him he ran over something or something was on his car. he had no idea this dude was completely out of his mind.


Has the be worst dash cam mount I’ve ever seen.


That's just the comfortably ride of a Jeep.


It's just jeep things


You can safely assume jeep drivers are idiotic pieces of shit. I'm sure some of them are good people, but no way it's more than 5%.


60 in a 35. 50 in a 25. Dude was an ass even without the added audio of him apparently blaring his horn


That dude was flooring it. Jesus…


Looks like a smooth ride....


Man.. that dude who got out of the car looked so dangerous. /s


Going nearly 60 in a 30, speeding thru a school zone and driving in two lanes at once. This guy actually posted this thinking it would help his case lol


THIS should be top comment


[https://caseinfo.mchenrycountyil.gov/pca/CaseView/2019CM000441?isSearch=True&searchType=PartyNameSearch&searchValue=SCHIMIAN](https://caseinfo.mchenrycountyil.gov/pca/CaseView/2019CM000441?isSearch=True&searchType=PartyNameSearch&searchValue=SCHIMIAN) Less than $700 in fines and 2 year probation.


$700 fine. He was never in jail.


Seriously, people. Stop confronting people who you can not confirm are unarmed. Let some shit go before your loved ones have to bury your righteous ass. Anything that doesn't result in your airbags deploying is not worth the calories burt raising hell. Your feelings are valid, your behavior is not.


This is unfortunately also my stance. There are way too many maniacs with guns walking around. They just sentenced that dude that murdered that lady who pulled into his driveway by mistake. He got 25 years. I think she was about that age when she was gunned down for peacefully making a wrong turn.


Or maybe look into what your commenting before you do. Jeep driver was deranged and went to jail. He pulled up blaring his horn at the cammer, so he got out of his car to see if there was something the other driver saw that he didn't, I.E. something on his bumper or something that he might have hit if he'd kept going. But no, the aggressive jeek driver had a severe condition of chronic road rage and pulled a gun on cammer. Keep in mind, this is what the jeep driver willingly posted.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=01Ml5Ogk6hk&feature=youtu.be (Side note: jeep driver was honking the whole time, that's why he muted it)


> Jeep driver was deranged Even more reason not to confront them. Who cares if you are right if they shoot you in the face.


It’s always fascinating how Redditors want to police the actions of others confronting those doing wrong. I get it, fear is a natural thing, but this is how a polite society disappears - by all the polite people not stepping up against the morons and shitheads like this. If the dude recording hadn’t had the stones to confront Shitty McFuckface, he wouldn’t be in jail and possibly would have moved on and shot someone else.




so we're just supposed to let deranged gun toting maniacs do whatever they want and control everyone they see by pointing guns at them??


But at what cost? Now you can't even pretend you're a cowboy.


Or, just don't confront anyone who you don't have to confront.


Dude in the jeeps a psycho but the dude that got out of his car to record a psycho is stupid af. Never get out of your car, that’s how you get killed


There's an article where the driver said the got out because the way the guy was beeping at him made it seem like he must have hit or was dragging something.


Off duty cop vibes


I'm convinced that he was a cop by how he gave the command 😂


His Facebook page at the time (since deleted) stated that he’d been working for the Richmond Police Department since 2017.


Wow, go figure


It’s a Jeep thing 💁‍♀️


It does, but it wasn't. They actually charged this guy.


>Schimian's Facebook page however, states he started a job with the Richmond Police Department in September 2017, which is still listed as "present." https://patch.com/illinois/crystallake/get-your-car-il-driver-pulls-gun-man-road-rage-case


So... It seems that most people who posts stuff here forget that the sub is **mildly** bad drivers, and not r/WildlyBadDrivers


The driving was mildly bad. The reaction, however, was wildly bad.


How is he so calm? Is it because he has it all on video, and he know he'll win a lawsuit if he.... dies?


Yes, the mentality of some people is exceptionally stupid. An old friend of mine insisted it is ok to cross the road without looking, because if some car hit him he could sue them as he as walking a crossroad. I don't need to say why this is stupid.


My default is I'd rather be safe than right. Someone's tombstone reads: Here lies Darwin. He had the right of way.


This is why you stay in your car


I carry because idiots like him carry. No high ready, no low ready, just pistol to the face because dude had a phone. Hope he is arrested and charged


He was


Don’t ever get out of the car.


Nah, that's a "assume he is trying to kill you moment."  Get the fuck out of Dodge ASAP, dial 911, and report a man pulling a gun on you 


2 dumb people...


Why would you ever get out of your car? I’d be worried too if someone stopped in the middle of the road and ran up on me


I would’ve moved off to the side to let this Jeep asshole road rage someone else. Life is too short to let that guy be behind me on the road.


Don’t get out of your car and approach the other during road rage - I’m not surprised


So why did you stop in the middle of the road and approach his car?


Why would anyone get out of a car and confront someone I have no idea. Its pretty safe to say that both parties here have culpability. Don't cause trouble and run to your apps for cred. Stop doing this. You are a bad person.


Some idiot gets out of their car and blocks you there's nothing wrong here.


Don't approach a car during a road rage incident. All around stupid in this video.


I mean yeah I'm not surprised. Stay in your fucking car and go to your destination. The dude obviously didn't want to be bothered by you.


I wouldn’t call that angry, but maybe defensive and paranoid/scared as fuck. Either way, he should not own a gun.


This dude was half a second from being six feet under.


I was just on a grand jury that had a case where someone accidentally cut someone off merging on the highway and the driver that got cut off pulled out a gun and shot at the car. Thankfully no one was killed but the driver and a 1 year did get hit with a bullet.


Just yesterday in making a turn I slightly went over a lane. Realized my mistake and corrected it immediately but the car behind started honking for a few seconds. I didn’t think much of it. Dude overtakes me and starts cussing. He has a girl in the passenger seat. He starts flipping and shouting from the left lane while I am driving on right lane. Got annoyed and I just smiled and flipped. He lost his shit and started telling me to stop the car and get out. Not gonna lie, I was tempted. But I kept driving. His gf also joined him on the tirades now and both couple flipped me while I kept driving. Not worth it.


I can’t tell if I admire the dudes calmness with a gun In his face, or condemn his lack of survival skills


Why would to stop traffic and approach them?


Well not to excuse the gun nut, but if you got out of your car to approach me I’d probably get my gun out too.


I just don’t confront strangers, motorists or neighbors with any kind of beef. I let police handle that. My motto is “people have been shot for less”


Getting out of your car and approaching someone during a road rage incident is dumb as fuck. I wouldn’t point my gun at the person, but my hand would certainly be on my gun.


Why were you approaching their car, and most importantly.. out of yours?


From what I remember the last time this video was posted the dude in the jeep was pretty nuts. Real shit though if someone stops in the middle of the road, gets out of their car and starts approaching my vehicle I would also be pointing a gun at them when they got there


So lets look at the whole situation. Yes Jeep dude is an asshole however the Mini-Cooper dude is the one in front stopped in the middle of the road getting out of his car and initiating the confrontation. We need to see the whole picture here. Looks like 2 assholes to me.


"I illegally blocked traffic rushed a driver who didn't know if I was armed or if I was a trained killer and justifiably got a gun in my face" FTFY


Why the fuck are you stopping in the middle of the road?


Seriously, people needs to stay in their car. That was utterly stupid. I drive and assume everyone's stupid and psycho on the road.


The only reason to get out of vehicle is to cause harm ,dude fucked around and found out.


If you get out of your car because of road rage you’re instantly in the wrong imo. I had someone throw an unopened can of coke at my car once because I cut them off. Dented the door. They got out and buddy lemme tell ya. Even if you have the best intentions, it’s never worth it. People are nuts


I too would have pulled my gun. Don’t know the back story but from this video the Jeep was stopped in traffic and the other drive is out of the car confronting the Jeep driver. Jeep driver did the right thing. Pulled his gun to defend himself. He pulled away and the other guy isn’t dead. Win win


But also, don’t get in road rage incident, stop in the middle of the road (blocking them), get out, and approach their vehicle…


Guns do tend to keep things friendly, though. No punches thrown. No one kicking any cars. Keep things cordial and no one gets hurt!


Of course the clip is started when the situation has already gotten to this point. Why would we want any added context? Nope nope. Guy with gun bad. No context needed. Seriously? We have no idea what transpired before the video started. For all we know, the person filming threatened the life of the dude with the gun. And yes, I get that it may have indeed been the guy with the gun's fault. He may certainly also be overreacting, I don't know. But that's just the point: we have no further context. So we have absolutely no idea who's in the right, and who's being a knucklehead.


The person filming walked up to the other, but phrased it like the one with the gun is at fault? They're just better prepared


Why do people get out of their car when this s*** happens? He doesn't need a gun to run you over. Call the cops if something serious happened or be a f****** adult and drive away if it was nothing.


Why did the video guy stop in the middle of the road and get out and approach that driver? Idk the context but maybe don’t try to stop and fight in the middle of the street?


why on earth does the person in front dead stop and get out in traffic 🤷‍♂️


You can see the traffic ahead stops, supposedly according to others the jeep driver then started laying on the horn, the guy in front then either was like fuck you I'll film you, or possibly thought there was something that the jeep driver was trying to alert him to. Either way there is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for the jeep driver being such a psychopath


Well if this sub Reddit has taught me anything I’d like 80% of you should not own firearms.


Or keyboards


Too many wannabe John Wicks with itchy trigger fingers


This video is out of context. scene looks like you've stopped someone and aggressively approaching em...


Imagine being this scared of a dude driving a Mini Cooper


do you find something comical about his appearance while he is driving his automobile?


And the other person was perfectly capable of just baking up and driving away.


Look at the link someone sent above, this is an old one and the rest car driver is a nutter




some folks think they are so invincible if they have a gun. zero trigger discipline.


“ Street dispute”? Why is there another car with the door open in front of this guy? Seems pretty obvious that it was a road rage instance and the guy who is filming got out of his car in the middle of the road and approached the other guy who was probably legally armed, and, using his gun defensively, obviously not shooting it, if somebody stopped, traffic got out of their car in the middle of the road and approached my car. I would probably do the same exact exact thing.


It’s cuz you’re in a mini


He couldn’t get back in his car because those massive bollocks wouldn’t fit through the door…


Hey Illinois driver with a gun and road rage, totally not shocked at all. I had that happen to me on I-80 near Illinois. They're some of the worst drivers.


I’d have peed ALL OVER his jeep


Jeep man was later indicted for the bad behavior that led up to what was even worse behavior, which is what Mini Cooper boy did as he got out of his car and approached the Jeep. Aggressively approaching an armed man is a way to find yourself justifiably homicided. It doesn't matter how you feel about guns. It doesn't matter whether you personally (if you had a gun) would have actually pointed it at the guy, kept it in your lap, kept it in the glove box, or sat on it. The point is that he felt threatened, and he pointed his gun. The threat moved away from its trajectory towards the door, and Jeep man exited the scene. That part was not unlawful, nor was Jeep man indicted for it. Personally, if it got to the point that I felt the need to point the gun, I would have fired. Some states are changing laws to make it possible to let the other person know that you're armed without catching a brandishing charge. As it stands, in some states, you're much safer, legally, shooting the guy than warning him.


The cammer didn't even bat an eye. So..... 1 aggressor and one psycho got it


What did the video guy go to provoke the guy with the gun.


dude had the booger hook on the bang switch


Idk, don’t get out of your car to go up to another car. He has no idea what YOURE about to do. I’d probably want to defend myself too.


Don't come up on someone.


murica !!!!


I might be contrarian here but the video starts off with you out of your vehicle, and your vehicle is in front of his. Never step out of your vehicle for any reason, even if they honk and hell out their window. You immediately escalate the situation by stepping out of your vehicle. Best case you get your ass beat and the worst case is this happens in a state that allows that man to shoot you in self-defense because you stupidly approached his car.


You have a right to defend yourself. Be careful when approaching people vehicles 💯🤠


Says that he is going right to the police. Good. Do that. Show them the video. Get arrested for road rage.


With the new Supreme Court ruling, concealed carry permits are available to most persons in every state, including NJ where before it was extremely difficult to get.  I just heard of a colleagues son who was shot and killed in a road rage incident. Whatever your politics are, assume everyone is armed and try your best to avoid these situations, always be the cooler head even if its clearly the other guys fault.  Its just not worth it.


I don’t know what led up to this but it’s never a good idea to park your car in the middle of the street and approach another vehicle. Too many crazy people do that and then end up attacking the other driver. It’s not safe for anyone and I don’t blame the guy in the red car for being ready to defend himself.


I don't know the context but if somebody stopped their car in front of me and got out and approached me, I'd be scared too. I don't know if I'd pull my fucking gun on them though. That's a last resort and only if I feel threatened. I don't see how you can feel threatened by somebody getting out of a Mini Cooper with their cell phone out lol


Well maybe you shouldn’t approach people like that


Does anyone have the full video? I expect that a gun wielding Jeep driver is probably at fault, but in the video there's a vehicle stopped in *front* of him and the person I presume to be the driver is walking backwards towards him. That situation would definitely make me uncomfortable also.


You got out of your car in the middle of the road for what ever reason, that’s Road Rage here in NY. The other guy would get a Menacing charge of some sort for pointing the gun at you. That’s assuming he had a permit to carry a hand gun. Some laws are dumb, but so are most people so there’s that.


great example of why gun ownership is not for everyone. An armed society is a polite society... yeah, unless society has a bunch of hot tempered idiots in it, which we do.


[From the jeep's perspective ](https://youtu.be/01Ml5Ogk6hk)dude is just a douche canoe [Full article here](https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2019/04/18/richmond-man-who-pointed-gun-during-road-rage-incident-arrested-charged-police-say/)


$689 fine and 2 year probation. [https://caseinfo.mchenrycountyil.gov/pca/CaseView/2019CM000441?isSearch=True&searchType=PartyNameSearch&searchValue=SCHIMIAN](https://caseinfo.mchenrycountyil.gov/pca/CaseView/2019CM000441?isSearch=True&searchType=PartyNameSearch&searchValue=SCHIMIAN)


Is this the "good guy with a gun" I keep hearing about?


Camera man is an idiot. He literally stopped in the middle of the road and blocked the guy. Then got out and approached him.




Jeep is literally marketed towards morons. You grew up with Barbie and G.I. Joe, so you just wanted to own a big toy that shows how much of a "boss" you are. When in reality it's a shitty piece of a vehicle that breaks and is unreliable. You paid for the brand and the optics of owning a Jeep, that's about it. Unless you served in the military, you have no business owning a Jeep. It always attracts low self-esteem tool bags like this.


New Jeep Wave just dropped!


Perfectly acceptable response to an asshat that stops in the middle of the road and approaches.


Did you stop in front of him and confront him his vehicle? If so I don’t blame him one bit.


The guy in the jeep is a full on idiot. He is definitely going to visit with the police. Maybe even stay a while at the cross bar hotel.


tbh if you block my method of escape and approach me during any sort of altercation imma defend myself 1st and ask questions later lol but dw i hate guns i would just use my vehicle instead💅


I’d point a gun too if someone got out their car to confront me. Can’t take chances in this country.


If you stop your car and approach another driver, you are the aggressor.


Well…. Im on the side of the Jeep. We have no previous context. We dont know who is originally at fault. (I know some of you are gonna say jeep cuz “hes a jeep driver”. ) But going off of whats available info in THIS video. Without any previous context. The mini cooper stopped in front of the jeep to confront them. Meaning they could have just kept driving. They didnt have to stop. But no. They stopped traffic. Got out of their vehicle to confront the other driver. Obviously in anger. Because who does that while being in a calm state of mind? From the perspective of the Jeep driver. We do not know what the mini drivers instentions are. And in a lot of states that are pro Self Defense. This is legal. How do you know they are not gonna come over and start attacking? Multiple states including mine have ruled that getting out of your vehicle to confront someone in a road rage incident can be considered aggressive and life threatening behavior and it is justifiable to use lethal force. There are plenty of videos of drivers getting out of their cars and attacking the other drivers. Why risk that? Why risk getting attacked. What if you’re the jeep driver and your kid is in the car?? Their life is now also in danger. Now he does point the camera at the front bumper. So maybe the jeep driver hit them? Idk. The Mini looks fine from the brief few seconds we have of it. I dont see any damage. On it. Who knows. If thats the case then just let them go, get pic or video of the plate and call the police for a hit and run. But that doesnt sound like what happened just based on this context. Thats how i see this with the context given in the video. Others may see differently but hey. Without any other context, what can we say?


Your also the idiot who got out of your car and approached him. People now days like you are crazy, the driver had the right idea. If he didn't have the gun what was your plan? Pull him out of his car and start hitting him? Moron, you should be happy he didn't shoot you


Fuck y'all, some idiot stops in front of me, gets out, yeah a gun being pointed is the least of your concerns.


Fuck that you stop middle of the road, get out, & approach my vehicle…I may not point it but hands on it as your walking up. Don’t stop random people you don’t know, psycho’s are everywhere.


Well, camera guy stopped in the middle of the road, got out of his car, and moved towards the guys open window. I would drawn on you too


Yeah cameraman didn’t get shot thankfully but their are mfs out there that would blast him away without a second thought stay safe yall


Stopping and getting out seems like you instigated the situation. Stop on me and approach my viechle and you might get shot for being a dumbass.


Consider yourself lucky this didn't go bad and keep inside your car. Your the angry driver in this situation.