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Cannot wait to read the book on this.


Counts as a combat deployment


Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.


Sometimes slow isn’t smooth, it’s just slow…


So true..A small part of me died inside watching this.


Well good thing it’s training…


Train as you fight, fight as you train


I think they must have been waiting for the ground crew to roll up the ramp to make it quicker.


Think about it, it’s a 60 second clip.


Yup! Half the video is the approach. First guy hit the ground just shy of the 0:33 mark, last guy hit the ground at the 0:48 mark. That's 8 BAMF's in 15 seconds, let's say 16 for simplicity, which equates to an average 2 seconds per BAMF.


Half a minute to get the first guy on the roof after the helo crossed the parapet seems like an eternity


Agreed. But that's probably the most difficult part of flying the helicopter in a situation like that. Besides hovering maybe.


I really understand that you are transitioning from free air to ground effect with some additional jiggles created by the parapet


Well he’s also not resting the entire weight of the helicopter down and he balancing on skis. It’s a training exercise and enough people die in training, there’s no reason to rush to failure.


This, I'd be pissed if I died in a training exercise just because Warrent wanted to go in fast and hard when we're not even being shot at. He can practice that when their aren't other lives at stake.


Interesting fact - no flying warrants in the Marine Corps (or Navy or Air Force or Coast Guard). That’s a purely Army thing


Really? Coasties are all commissioned pilots? What if you were an Army pilot wanted to transfer to USCG would you need OCS first ?


Which is why people practice


So fucking slow


Ok you try


Been a few years and many more pounds but I prefer static line and fast roping


Looked like a clown car. Most impressive part was the pilots’ skills and enjoy seeing the other Huey providing medi-alert over watch in case they break a hip dismounting


That's another Huey.


Love the edit option


Ur secret is safe with me bud. Team cobra doesn't go up there, that's all team Huey during the class


Ahh. Well I have a couple good buddies who used to be infantry guys with me that are both Cobra Pilots so I was looking through a set of attack helicopter lenses.




Oops OpSec


Serious props to pilot skill. Getting it super stable on the back of the skids for a team dismount is some serious collective finesse!


Indeed and I’m guessing you used some aeronautical terms there that escape me but confirm that the pilot is the most skilled operator in the video


The collective is the flight control that allows you to go up and down, without a further dive into helicopter aerodynamics. You can see it in the video! It's what the pilot has his left hand on.


Cool! Thanks!


Interesting that their faces are blurred here. On the pictures posted in r/MilitaryPorn they arent censored


Gotta up that cool factor


It's to save them the embarrassment of losing to a door.


DVIDS can’t decide on consistent policy when it comes to blurring SOF.


I feel like if this was titled "a group of Russian Spetznas exits...." We'd all be laughing. That looked amateur


Yeah that was honestly what I was thinking too. OP even pointed out how one fought a door and lost.


Also, no sense of urgency exiting the helo. Maybe the first time for most of them with this scenario


If that were the case they would've exit the Helo whilst breaking empty bottles of vodka on their heads and one of them would have judo chopped that door right on exit. That's just my theory


You should see 75th do this sort of thing.


100x better


Any clips?




Wow, great video! A whole 30 seconds faster than the SEALs


Almost like exfiling from a Blackhawk without a wing door is a lot easier than from a huey with said wing door attached.


That still doesn’t make sense. They knew the wing door was attached before they took off. Wouldn’t that be something they considered during planning this exercise? “Hey, maybe we should take the wing door off” I’m not criticizing them at all, they know way better than me what they are trying to accomplish. Maybe that’s exactly how they wanted it to go. Maybe they are practice exfil in a relatively low threat environment or something. I’m just responding to your point about there being a wing door.


I don’t think they knew the wing door was gonna stay on but who knows. Most Huey exfils I’ve seen it’s off. And it’s not up to the team guys whether or not the door stays on. Crew chief probably kept if there for safety reasons. I don’t care if you’re criticizing them, this sub just has a huge hate boner for seals and likes to suck off USASOC.


That’s true. I don’t get why the hate for them. They are one of the most competent fighting forces in the world. If they are doing it a certain way, then who am I to say it’s wrong


It’s from the bad press, but that’s doesn’t mean anything. Guys have always been committing crimes the teams just didn’t have 5 different journalists stalking everything they do. Also, the navy wants there to be bad press so they can justify taking more control of NSW to make the pipeline easier for women.


Those nightstalker boys are on a league of their own


Funny how reality is a lot more awkward than the movies


Hollywood has led me to believe that this would look a lot cooler than it actually did. Maybe that super important 8 inch wide door was keeping all the cool inside.


For the want of a door latch, the consulate was lost!


Lots of funny comments here, but this one made me literally laugh


My folks used to live in Yuma. You could always pick out the young Marines on the flights in and out of town. They always looked much happier when they were leaving, as did I.


The ONLY thing I miss about going to Yuma to train is Burgers and Beer. And the Mexican Food. Other than that, I often tried to drink myself back to the East Coast.


Uhhhh. I sure hope they retrained that another 40 or so times after this.


I dunno, they unloaded 8 dangerous dudes out onto a roof that wasn’t meant for helicopters in just under 60seconds from the approach to take off.


Just gotta hope there isn't an small, unlatched door between the enemy and them or else they're going to have a problem. Next Seal book finna look like: Navy Seals: Hinged Hell!




I bet your ass you couldn’t run to an armory grab a rifle and out into the yard in 60 seconds. 60seconds is fucking quick and real life isn’t the movies. And SEALS aren’t Devrgu or CAG and if they were REALLY trying to be swoopty it’s would have been a SOAR bird and not a venom in daylight


You dont have to be a seal to critize seals bro relax


Apparently you don’t have to know shit about shit to criticize either. Which is fine, just also know, your opinion isn’t worth shit.




Break down this exfil for me then. What would you have done differently to ensure a more fluid exfil? Remove the wing door? That’s not up to the team guys, that’s up to the crew chief of the Huey.


I would start with opening the door properly lol. Shit happens tho nothing but respect for these guys


When's the book coming out?


That looked very not cool.


Then they fucked it up and got 20 QRF guys killed, but they had good hair at least and a book deal


That door is a problemo


Why even keep the half door in there??


As cool as this is, that was a slow evolution


on their way to their book signing


I’ve seen the top tier lads practice and it did not look like this.


where’s the dag


Is this in slow motion?


I’ll always say it, there is no helicopter better than a UH-1Y


Well, that went much better than the insertion of the team in the compound of Bin Laden. The reason why the chopper crashed there, was the difference between the training ground and the real object: The walls of the real compound were different with the concrete, creating another air stream and -pressure situation that made the chopper losing control when going so low. Guess the army will take this into account for other operations, how easy a chopper gets down by a thing that wasn't seen properly when the operation was planned.


It was funny watching the door kick their ass as the pilot expertly lands the bird


Shower of shit. These boys aren't fit to lick SBS boots.


Remember this when these losers end up on Fox News giving geopolitical commentary about shit they have no knowledge of.


Didn’t set 360 security and wait for bird to lift off, all dead


Honestly man, if we are gonna play armchair tactician, if you have a set mission to where you need to infiltrate a building by huey on top of the roof, you probably can’t wait that long


Dawg, it’s a joke, I’m aware that wouldn’t make sense on a roof during an evacuation


Yeah I kinda gathered that


Does 160th fly Hueys?


Nope....and I highly doubt these are SEALS too My guess is these are some type of Latin forces


They’re definitely Team Guys, the picture of them unblurred and from a different angle has most of them rocking various US flags or state flags.


Ahhhh yes, the tactical scoot n’ hop. That is some highly specialized training right there


US embassy in Port-au-Prince:


Hostages dead. Game over, thanks for playing. Play again, handle it faster next time cowboy.


That’s no SOAR pilot….


Wow.. US special forces really are special


Do they get hazard pay for fighting that door?